I wanted to share some goodies from followers who were kind enough to share the information with me.
After my post last week about Cabinets of Curiosities, G at Doves Today wrote to me and told me about a Cabinet of Curiosities near her in L.A. If you are interested in reading more and seeing more, visit the Museum of Jurassic Technology. It looks fascinating! And be sure to visit G - she always has the best photos - and her tours around L.A. are fun, fun, fun!
Then, Karen Harvey Cox of A Scrapbook of Inspiration forwarded on a blog to me that she thought I would enjoy. Indeed I did! (The fabulous coffee cup sign with C'est si Bon! at the top of this post is from the blog.) I think a lot of you would enjoy it too, so I'm sharing it with the rest of you. It's called Lisa Golightly - Vintage Finds Real and Imagined. She has some terrific stuff - check it out! Oh! And if you're not familiar already, you must visit Karen's site to see her paintings and her digital images and her .... it's a wonderful, warm and welcoming blog!
And, finally, yesterday, after my post about Pink Not Being Just for Girls!, Chrisy of Art Decadence left these very interesting quotes from yesteryear. How times change!
"At one point pink was considered more of a boy's color, (as a watered-down red, which is a fierce color) and blue was more for girls. The associate of pink with bold, dramatic red clearly affected its use for boys. An American newspaper in 1914 advised mothers, "If you like the color note on the little one's garments, use pink for the boy and blue for the girl, if you are a follower of convention." [The Sunday Sentinal, March 29, 1914.]
"There has been a great diversity of opinion on the subject, but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The reason is that pink being a more decided and stronger color is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl." [Ladies Home Journal, June, 1918]
"There has been a great diversity of opinion on the subject, but the generally accepted rule is pink for the boy and blue for the girl. The reason is that pink being a more decided and stronger color is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl." [Ladies Home Journal, June, 1918]
So, now we know! (...and Lustre Creme was dead wrong!) Be sure to visit Art Decadence for lots of interesting and fun photos from fashion to art to (yes, I'm going to say it) a baby doll with a full body suit tattoo!
Tell the truth, now. Don't you just want to stick a pipe in his mouth and plant him in the front yard?
And, finally, one more piece of updating. Everybody who guessed correctly that the Who-Is-She photograph was Audrey Hepburn as a child (which was almost everyone!) was spot on! You all are soooo darned good! I have the cleverest followers ever! It's a good thing I didn't offer a prize - I'd be spending two days just addressing mailing labels! Speaking of prizes, however ...

Tell the truth, now. Don't you just want to stick a pipe in his mouth and plant him in the front yard?

Let's draw us a winner here!
So many people entered ... and left such wonderful and kind comments - thank you! I went to the Random Generator, and it chose number 2. How unusual is that for such a small number to come up?! I guess it was meant to be that I was
Marsha of Sassy Mini Dolls!

to crown as the winner of the Marie Antoinette Mini Theatre, none other than

Congratulations Marsha, Marsha, Marsha! If you will email me with your address, I'll package this prize up and get it into the mail for you this week.
Everybody else - thanks so much for entering. I wish I could award everybody the prize. But, then, it wouldn't be a prize would it? Please visit Marsha's site if you haven't already - there's always something fun or pretty there!
Hmmmmm. Now just what will we have for breakfast. We already decided last night to play hookey from church...so I can make a big 'ol mess! I'm thinking walnut pancakes with warm CT maple syrup. Sound good to you? Me, too!
Hope you have a lovely Sunday - but don't spend the whole day lounging around ...
Go make something beautiful!
Everybody else - thanks so much for entering. I wish I could award everybody the prize. But, then, it wouldn't be a prize would it? Please visit Marsha's site if you haven't already - there's always something fun or pretty there!

Hope you have a lovely Sunday - but don't spend the whole day lounging around ...

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
We got MORE SNOW last night!! DH & I went to the grocery this morning & believe me when I tell you the only vehiles out were 4x4's!! So glad we got our new SUV!! We estimate we have over 24" on the ground now!! UNREAL!!
Have a Wonderful Day my Friend!!
LOVE...Love....Love Ya'!!
Marsha, Marsha, Marsha....you crack me up all the time. Thanks for the mention and for the links to other interesting places. You continue to make The Land of Blog a more interesting place. Congratulations to Marsha. She will adore your theater. mmmm walnut pancakes, that sounds delicious. Happy Sunday, the sun is coming out here. Yay!
Hey Tristan. Thanks for another wonderful post. Congrats to Marsha too. Hope your Sunday is full of happy laughter. Geeee just knowing you a little bit I can't see it any other way.
Interesting stuff, Tristan! I will have to check out those blogs that you mentioned.
Congratulations Marsha on winning Tristan's fabulous prize!! You must be very excited and happy to have such a wonderful work of art made by Tristan.
♥ audrey
Congratulations to Marsha - what a lucky gal!!! :) I'm sure she will enjoy this beautiful creation. Walnut pancakes sound divine...enjoy! And have a lovely Sunday. :) Theresa
Oh Tristan Good Morning My Friend...
I am so thrilled for Marsha, Congratulations sweetie. She will be so tickled as she so adored my stage. You do the most beautiful work Tristan. Your detail is magnificent. I visit mine at least 4 times a day. Each time I have seen something small I missed the time before.
I will visit your new friends, and thank you for posting about them. Love your post as always. Have a beautiful Sunday my friend.
Country hugs...Sherry
Hi Tristan,
Another over the top fabulous post! I am coming over for breakfast, yum!!! Thanks for the links and a big huge congrats to Marsha, she is a lucky girl!
Lucky Marsha!
I loved Lisa Golightly- Vintage! Thanks for recommending her site!
I have always wanted to have a little shop full of finds like hers. I've been collecting things... just in case! LOL!
Oh, and I thought of you when I went to Lowes to get some paint!
I wandered over to the Garden Center and found myself looking at all the pretty seeds! Don't worry, I didn't buy any!
NO WAY??!?!!!? My heart DROPPED when I scrolled down and saw my name!!! I had to read and reread!! Tristan, you have MADE my day!! Thank you so much!!! I will treasure it always!!!
Okay, now that I've calmed down a bit, I will email you my addy and then go on to visit the blogs you have mentioned!
I am going to have a glorious day today!!
Marsha Marsha Marsha
Happy Sunday Tristan...I didn't win your giveaway, or Powerball this weekend....but I guess I will go on. Have a fabulous weekend.
xxoo Valarie
It's MOI again! Ah, I missed that it was walnut pancakes, well, choc chips would go good with them!!
I just went to Lisa Golightly's blog and she lives up the street from me! Well, not up the street, but about a 40 minute drive, close to my dad's house!!
What a fabulous creation Tristan! Love it, what a lucky recipient!
And your comment about men in pink? I worked for "Nordy's" for years, partially in Men's furnishing's and I absolutely love pink on most men! Especially a crisp linen or cotton!
I'd forego the tankini though,,just a thought! Although I saw stranger when I frequented the Huntington beach area!
Enjoy your Sunday too! Great posts~
Oh my gosh, "Stick a pipe in his mouth....!!!" I was laughing till I had tears in my eyes!!! You are so fun!! I love your blog and all of your fabulous pictures.
Congratulations Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!!!!
Thanks for the goodies. I will be busy today checking out the new links!
Congrats to Marsha Marsha Marsha!!! (wow we are telling our age here!) She's a lucky gal.
So you hooked church today Tristan? Naughty boy!
(but the pancakes did sound very tempting instead!)
Hope you are enjoying your devilish Sunday!!!!
I love the story about pink and blue. I wonder when it all changed?
If Brad can pull it off why not anyone else:))
I'm off to buy my husband a pink shirt...oh right he already has one!
Hey darlin boy, thanks for the mention and going now to chase up the other links.
ps polite me: congrats to the lucky winner
real me: buggar! reallly wanted that theatre!
Evening Kiddo!!
Small break then back to bending and stringing, with a bit of rusting added on.:) Thanks for the encouragement. I needed it.
I have to tell you I'm still having technical difficulty with your blog (and only yours) Now I don't have any of your background. Nothing on the sidebars either.All that info is at the bottom of the page all lined up nice and pretty. Talk about curiouser and curiouser!! :( What's up with that???
Take care try to stay warm and turn the dad burn snow machine off!! I'm off to deflate my water wings now that the tsunami warning is canceled :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Tristan, Hi Congratulations to the winner, lucky girl!.I never knew about the pink color I dont know why most guys dont like it, but Brad looks great in it, beautiful.Best wishes Jonny
Congrats to the Winner!
and I didn't know that about the color pink, very interesting...in the early nineties we went to a wedding and I shopped for Ron's clothes, pale gray slacks and sports jacket with a pale pink shirt and a nice tie!
Falsh forward to 2005, we go to my nephews wedding which is out doors in the summer no jacket required so I bought him a salmony/coral colored short sleeved dress shirt to wear with black dress slacks. out now-grown kids were like there is no way dad is going to wear a PINK shirt...I told them it wasn't pink, and that he did actually have a pink dress shirt. They were shocked! Then again, i need to tell you that Rom is a total Piney (lumberjack) tee shirts, flannel and jeans...so a dress shirt to begin with is quite the task and a tie?? well let's just say that'll cost me, LOL!! How is weather up there by you guys? we are still dealing with lots of snow here in south Jersey.
Be Well & Be Warm!
Congratulations to Marsha! Even though it wasn't me who won, the Random thing obviously knew that the theater is designed to be with someone who loves pink :-).
Hopefully you enjoyed your walnut pancakes!
Have a great week!
Hail to the winner! Yeah! As always dearest, AWESOME PHOTOS! And that blog that Karen turned us both on to, cool, n'est-ce pas? Have a lovely week,Anita
Wow Tristan, thanks for the links - looking forward to checking them out.
Congrats to Marsha on being Lucky #2!
Love the photos - esp. the three
"groovy" hipsters!
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