Today, my edition of
Beverly's Pink Saturday is in honor of the upcoming Mad Hatter Tea Party hosted by Vanessa at
A Fanciful Twist. The tea party is only one month away, so I thought you really needed to start thinking about your mad chapeau for the day!
If you click on the button to the left, it will take you to the post where Vanessa gives the insider information on what sounds like a charming and enchanted tea party!
So. If you choose to attend, what kind of hat is
your kind of hat? What speaks to you and lets the world know the kind of person you are?
I know that I'll be wearing my pink velvet (collapsible!) top hat that matches my pink tuxedo and pink shirt and pink tie and pink vest and pink cumberbund and pink patent leather shoes and pink socks and pink walking stick! Don't make fun of my silly ruffled shirt and over-sized bow tie - remember, I went to the prom in the 1970's, when that stuff was the cat's proverbial!

Now...on to some hats! Thombeau at Planet Fabulon posted this hat, which may be one of the most fantastic hats that is actually wearable ever.

Knowing that many of you are crafty, I thought that perhaps you might be thinking about putting together something mad and extravagant and eye-catching ...

Now, if you choose this hat, I'm not going to say that it's fuddy duddy and not all that interesting. But be forewarned: you're going to have to sit with my Aunt Shirley and my Aunt Dorothea - you can exchange milliner recommendations...

If you're feeling a tad retro and movie star-ish, perhaps you want to remind everybody that love mean never having to take off your pink crocheted cap ...

So, I know that some of you just aren't hat people ... hat hair is something to take in consideration. So, maybe you'll just opt for a hat which is appliqued onto your jeans ...

Tell the truth - you want to wear a crown sometimes - just to prove to the world that you are entitled to act like a princess once in awhile ... and nothing says "do what I say" more than a tiara...

..except for a full crown, that is ...

This "hat" is really a brooch - so if you don't want to wear your crown on your head - or your butt - you can wear it on your jacket ...

I've met so many Texas bloggers in the past six months, so perhaps you need to wear this chíc pink cowboy hat to feel right at home ... be yourself, if this will keep you sane at a mad tea party ...

Tell the truth - you're a sweat suit kinda person - and nothing says casual good time like a ball cap advertising booze! But, please don't wear it backwards. I hate when I see people wearing their ball cap backwards, and then shading their eyes with their hands...I believe that people should be smarter than their clothing.

Tell the truth - this is you. You're a funky steampunk artist who can hip hop with the best of them! When you wear this you're telling the world that you intend to be the life of the party - which is only apropos as it's a mad party!

I know. The party is in June. So if you have to come to the tea party after the wedding, I hope Vanessa admit you late! If you insist to the bride that the bridemaids need to wear pink hats, you won't even have to change clothes! ...

Do you feel that romance and vintage elegance is required for a tea party - mad or not?! Perhaps this will inspire you to go for the most lavish picture hat you can find!

But, whatever kind of hat you choose to attend the Mad Hatter's tea party - remember it's a PaRtY - and your hat should be fun! And does anything scream fun like streamers, feathers, and sparkles?!

So, now that you've been inspired to find the perfect hat, check out the other participants in
Beverly's Pink Saturday today - it's her one year anniversary!
Then go make something beautiful - maybe a hat! - or maybe something pink! - or maybe just make a beautiful moment for a precious loved one!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥