Obviously, this shop clerk's outlook on winter is improved with fashion. Does anything sing "Spring" like a bird feeding its young on your head? That, and the cheeriest of smiles, will get you through the last days of a grey winter!

Maybe all it takes for you is to throw on an old rag of a dress - pull your hair back out of your face carelessly, and have a casual, no-fuss, no frills, chatty bit of gossip over a beer.

Whatever you do, don't forget to have a chat with your daughter before you leave the house! You don't want to be to blame for her social fiasco. (Click on image to get a larger, more legible one.)

Who is this little charmer? Hint: every single one of you know her name!

Usually, I'm not a huge fan of cowboy/western style design. But the designs of Paris artist and designer Michel Haillard have opened my eyes to the possibilities. I find this work imaginative, humorous - and downright beautiful!

Who was the Queen of the Mist? And why is she posing with that barrel?

The Queen of the Mist was Annie Edson Taylor - the first person to go over Niagra Falls in a barrel - and a forgotten American heroine. A 63 year-old teacher facing unemployment and povery in 1901, Taylor decided to take up the P.T.Barnum challenge and send herself over the Falls as her one hope to reverse her fortunes. Had Taylor been a man or a young beauty, she might have found the fame and fortune she hope for. Instead, she was ignored and derided, robbed and abandoned by her managers, impersonated by an actress, and eclipsed by Bobby Leach - who was the first man to go over Niagara Falls (ten years after her feat). She died in poverty at the age of 83.

She spent her final years posing for photographs with tourists at her souvenir stand, attempting to earn money from the New York Stock Exchange, briefly talking about taking a second plunge
over the falls in 1906, attempting to write a novel, re-constructing her 1901 plunge on film (which was never seen), working as a clairvoyant, and providing magnetic therapeutic treatments to local residents.
Annie told the press, after her journey over the Falls, "If it was with my dying breath, I would caution anyone against attempting the feat... I would sooner walk up to the mouth of a cannon, knowing it was going to blow me to pieces than make another trip over the Fall."
Seriously, now. Could Dolly Parton rock a hair do in high school or what?! A true example of "the higher the hair, the closer to heaven."

And, just because they're fabulous ...

I don't know about you ...

but I'm completely convinced these 18th century French litho prints ...

Were you lying away nights, worrying about what the perfect birthday gift for me would be? Please, let me put your mind at rest. I hate the idea of you suffering that way. Just pick up one of these for me, and it will be most warming received.

So, what is it, you ask? It's a 19th century French breeding cage. This handsome cage of carved wood and zinc roof, in the form of a grand public building is 4' high 2' deep and 4' wide. I would so promise to get a pair of Lovebirds if I had this!
Here we have the stylish and radiant couple from the 1960 Kalisher-Simpson wedding. Don't they look happy beyond words?! They are both totally styling in those hats!

Well, now I'm off to watch Duel in the Sun on Turner Classic Movies. Nothing like a little lust in the dust on a gloomy, grey, rainy, sleety, wintery afternoon! (Is 'sleety' a word?)

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
I am indeed looking forward to springtime so I can enjoy all the flowers and bright sunshine. This weather we're experiencing now is dreadful. Don't know which is worse - blankets of snow or buckets of rain!!!
Have a lovely rest of the day...
I have been looking for signs of spring for weeks now. I think I would like winter better, if it was much shorter.
Hey Tristan, those spring pics, what can I say. I think that's Audrey Hepburn?? Anyway the furniture, why can't Room's to Go get it together. That chest looks like it's about to scurry away.
A great way to take a late afternoon break is to read your blog posts Tristan! I miss them when they aren't here.
That is my fave actress, the legendary, beautiful and beguiling
Audrey Hepburn.
Hee - figures that is an ad for Listerine! At least it isn't for listerine to be used as a feminine hygiene product like some of the ads I have clipped from 30s mags. Ewwwwwwwwwwwww
Will have to go and check out Michel Haillard's site - I really like his work, and like you I'm not into cowboy decor. This is more like rancho-deco *grin*
Am I looking forward to Spring???
Sorry.....I'll go back to my groundhog hole now.
The only way to survive is to get the heck outta hear!!! I use to head for my brother's in Southern California for a few weeks. That darned economy. Maybe next year........
Here in the south of England it is wet and grey. Its been like it for days and I can't wait for the sunshine.
In spring when I was a child, my parents used to stick lollipops in our garden and say that the fairies seeds had grown! It was so exciting. I can still taste those lovely sugary sweets. Its amazing that I still have all my own teeth!! Lucyxx
I so love reading your blog, Tristan. Funny as all get out, informative and OH! That darling little girl is Audrey H.!
Love ALL THE PHOTOS and Dolly Parton, wow...I could never wear my hair like that; it was to heavy!
Have a great evening with your fab movie!
Thanks for making my afternoon with your fabulous post! Been sitting at the car Doctor all day with my Mini, she hates the cold, wishing for Spring even here in FL it is cold and rainy!
Good nite for a hot cowboy movie YeeHaa
your fairy friend
Another interesting, funny and informative post. I'm sorry you aren't giving out prizes anymore since I am sure the young girl is me.
Your posts are so much fun and informative! Poor Annie . . . . Annie get your barrell . .
Egaads, that is an UPDO if I ever so one!!
I get out my flip-flops, paint my tootsies bright PINK . . . nope still too cold . . . SOON I hope SOON!!
Marsha Marsha Marsha
SAW one not so one . . . can't type . . .
I want a birdie hat complete with worm! And one of those delicious vanities. And....
I want to thank you for offering me some help on my sewing skills :)
I'm not passing up that offer!
Now that is a hair piece.
When I want Spring to start I stop drinking dark ales.
OMG....Spring?????? I would dance naked in the public fountain if I thought it would bring spring tomorrow!! ((Good bet for me as I know it won't happen!!!! HA! HA!))
Hey, no one wants to see a nearly 60 year old Diva do that!!!! ROFLMBO!!
We are going to get over a foot tomorrow.....crud..... So sick of it all!!
Don't really know the girl other than there seems to be a similarity to Audrey Hepburn in the eyes?????
Enjoy your movie & have a warm & snuggy evening...Give Dusty a squeeze from Me!!
yep, audrey hepburn it is!!!!
Although I didn't have quite the "do" of Dolly's I did wear a "bubble" a la Sandra dee which required 32 rollers and a bad nights sleep!
thanks for the pre spring break today!!
My Spring Ritual is to buy garden seeds that I won't plant.
It's Audrey Hepburn
It's ALWAYS the mothers fault.
I LOVE that movie.
Oh My! You are the freshness we need before Spring. Your whimsy, knowledge and informative blogging is just the perfect respite from winter and it's dreariness. I think we should all be getting our degree in culture from your university. Thank you for sharing.
DANG! I guess I'll have to remove the turtleneck and hot pants from my spring wardrobe line-up...thanks a lot Trissy.
I am so looking forward to Spring, I made my own and posted all the photos I took of our church garden on FB so other may share...
Great photos, BTW Without fail, and I totally agree those lithos are the origins of the Steampunk genre..
Oh my!! Those chairs and chaise longue is fabulous.
I happen to live about 2 miles from Dolly Parton's childhood home place. She has really invested a lot of her wealth in this these mountains. :0)
I think I knew the girl with the hot pants and turtle neck. :0)
ok...I've updated my fabric room....bring your hankie to weep into. :0) I've got the full picture of the cutting table/mat.
I love your posts..I always laugh for a while over the great images and your lovely wit.
♥ Love & Faerie Dust ♥
Fascinating about the Queen of the Mist!
As for Spring, well, I had a nice taste of it today, but a better taste of winter yesterday. We don't get snow often in Texas but it snowed all day yesterday! Today the sun came out and melted the snow and I weeded (easy to do when the ground is wet and then only green things in your yards are the weeds themself, newly sprouting up with still shallow roots!)
Spring, what is that? We're supposed to get snow tomorrow, ugh! Wonderful post, as always. I always have a good giggle when I visit you and learn a great deal as well. Thanks! Rhonda...
That first image psyched me out because I've been going through a ton of vintage magazines and found that exact image and I scanned it and posted it on my Flickr page. (Longest. sentence. ever.)
It's an ad for Modess from about 1951. :o)
p.s. don't know who that little cutie is.
Definitely the lovely Audrey H. the eyes have it :0)
Loved this post,from the horrific hat ( worm phobia,say no more)to the tragedy of Queen of the mist.
Love those lithographs best though, now they would make fab miniature dolls, I can feel the creativity welling up now , I may have togive in to it !
julie xxx
Tristan, you are in trouble. You made me laugh so hard that it hurt. OMG! And, Dolly's hair. It reminds me of some pictures of my mother during that era, but Dolly's beat my mother in height.
I am just back to work this week. It had been quite a while since I felt like visiting anyone, and I missed everyone.
OH Tristan, I love this post and I am so looking forward to spring. Just sitting here watching the snow come down fast and furious, we are suppose to be in for a big snow day today here in southern Ontario. BLAH!!!
Hey Tristan, I will tell you this right off. When I need a jolt for the day, a smile for my face, strange and wonderful information, I come to your blog!!!!
Spring never seems to make it's way to Florence. We have winter then one day it is summer. I certainly wish, hope, pray, and do the summer dance in my living room for it to arrive early this year.
Tristan ~ it is another glorious day in Paradise here in Sunny CT. Have I confused you yet? I have noticed a few crocuses started to peep thru the mud. That will have to do for now. I guess magazine flipping through pages photographed last year is an uplifter as well. Also, dreaming of a week, lounging by the shore in St. Lucia with something delicious in my hand....oh, and a drink too;)
I always love to come by and check out your amazing photos. Love those hair doos I think I had one in the early 60's lots of teased hair. Yes we are all waiting for spring air. Have a great day.
There is just so much fun in this wonderful post! Love that Listerine ad! And those French litho prints are amazing, as is that incredible bird cage!!!
I tried leaving you a comment the other day on one of your posts, but the page was acting strange. Not sure if you were in editing mode or not?
I cic check our your website~I didn't know you made an appearnace on HGTV? Wow!! I feeli like I know a celebrity now~lol!
I can't believe how "BIG" Dolly's hair was. Wow!!
Intriguing furniture....
I REALLY need to do a spell check before I post...jeez...Sorry about the typo-s
OMGosh, Tristan, so much here, where do I even begin??? Okay, at the end. I will get you the breeding cage if you PROMISE it will only be lovebirds breeding in there. Now, when is your birthday? **blows kisses** Deb
I'm definitely looking forward to spring now, specially as we're once again surrounded by snow. But I feel a lot warmer already seeing all the beauty on your blog and also wanted to say thank you for featuring the Ferranti Imperato print on your previous blogpost. It's such a favourite of mine!
Ummm...my guess is Gloria Vanderbilt? Trove Antiques in Laguna Beach has a Victorian horn shaving mirror that would fit right in with Michel Haillard's cache! Love that little vanity table. Trish
Aloha, really fun post, glad I stopped in to visit.
sending Hawaii sunshine
"Breakfast at Tiffanys' girl...?
William would be a site behold in those hot pant and turtle neck!!!
Great Post!!
I'm ready for Spring..even me who loves snow..enough already.
Audrey looks adorable as a little girl, doesn't she?
I do believe Sleety is word, if not we can just say it is and enough people can join in to make it real.
Stay dry. I'm slowly getting
better. Thank Goodness.
Love the info on Miss Annie going over the falls. Figures, that a man would get the credit. ouch , sorry!
"Whoever is wishing for snow.....stop it!!'
You have the best blog ever Tristan. You are so talented in every thing!!
Well, it did feel like spring here today. Daffodils are blooming already and some trees too. Nights are still cold and rain tomorrow, but I enjoyed a bit of sunshine today.
Oh, and I did get an OTT lamp and love it!!!!!
xo joanna
What do you mean, waiting for Spring? It's here, in Oregon!
I guessed Audrey Hepburn before I read your commentors. Wahoo! I believe I'm a winner!
Entertaining as ever, thanks.
I believe that spring is very near, if it has not yet arrived. I saw blooming daffodils & hyacinths just yesterday.
I remain convinced that spring is here, even if we have ice on early morning windshields & our fingers need gloves.
Thanks for all the fun & pretty pictures! My fave is the woman with the bird on her head or maybe Dolly Parton.
That is some hair!Oh my! I am hoping to make something pretty today,wanted to tell you , your the winner for the little storage box!Send me your addy!
great Blog, love the photos!
Hi Tristan, great photos and hair dos!! We have add an odd glimmer of sun today but a really wicked cold wind, cutting right through you. Many thanks for visiting my shop, loving your blog, hope to visit again soon. Elaine x
I long for Spring, especially now. Everything looks so in need of the color green. I don't think it's too late to join Karla's swap. The tags are due March 10th. She just wants us to e-mail her that we are participating. I love everything Alice too. I love all of your images of course. Audrey Hepburn obviously got better hair as she matured!
P.S. I am seriously thinking of starting a new book of word verification words. They really crack me up. Is there a little man in Blogger land that makes these words up? I wonder.
Hi Tristan, great post. I feel sad for the Queen Of The Mist...
Whoo Hoo Too! I'm so glad you're happy with your Altaira & Robby The Robot OWOH postcard gift.
I think Anne Francis is still a beauty & I also loved her in Honey West. Her Ocelot seen on the detective drama was named Bruce Biteabit... I've never run across a Honey West postcard. They must be very rare if they exist anywhere.
Have a great weekend with XOs,
hey...i was just on will's blog and saw your comment and realized that i have lost track of you. so i am putting you on my sidebar so i can see when you post. i LOVED this post!!! hope all is well!!!
Yep! That little girl is Audrey H! My little g-daughter looks sooo much like her. Hope that doesn't change when she grows up.
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