Sunday, April 5, 2009

100th Post and 5000th Hit Thank You Give Away


I would never have believed when I decided that I would begin a blog this year, that in three months I would have written 100 posts, gathered almost 100 followers, and had 5000 hits to my site!

I also would never have believed that in such a short time, I've met so very many remarkable people who are passionate about their art, their vintage and antique treasures, their desire to create a home of beauty and grace, and their support and encouragement of others.

It would be impossible to name all the people who I have started to look forward to reading about their days, or about their latest good read, or about the terrific finds they've made either in brick and mortar shops or online boutiques. I must admit, my favorite thing has been to see the plethora of photos of artists' work...I've been entranced, amused, humbled, and awed by so much of what I feel lucky to have not only seen, but privileged to have met the creators... for a somewhat-of-a-social-butterfly like me, that's a really important part of art - knowing the person who is responsible for it.

So, to thank all of you who have helped to make my blogging experience so exciting, I would like to offer a giveaway contest. The winner will receive this fabulous and inspirational book by Lisa Kettell, Altered Art Circus.

It's one of the most enchanting and clever books dealing with altered art that I've seen. I love my well-worn copy - and know that the winner will love it, too! Well, they'll love their new copy - they can't have my well-worn copy! Lisa also is the proprietress of Faery Enchantment and The Carnival Soiree - be sure to visit her delightful sites - lots of ideas, inspiration, and art!

All you have to do is leave a comment on this post and you're entered! You don't have to have a blog, but if you don't, be sure to let me know how to contact you if you win! If you are a blogger and you choose to post on your blog about my giveaway with the above button linking back here, I will enter your name three times into the generator.

I will announce the winner on Wednesday, April 15. I'm not going to make a specific time, as I get the time zones mixed up - and I don't want to make myself feel pressured LOL. So at some point that day, I'll announce the winner.

Again, thanks for all who have welcomed me so warmly into Bloglandia!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


Judy C said...

Congrats on your success.

Sabrina Vourvoulias said...

Yes, congrats!

Anonymous said...

Aaawww, I was dropping by to congratulate you:

Congratulations on winning Marie Antoinette's crown and mask from Gabriela :-)

and then I found out it's your 100th post so Congratulations again for the 100 posts you've shared to everyone. :-)

Eclectic Chic Style said...

Congratulations! I am so glad I found your blog through the Pink Saturday fun!!! Enjoy a relaxing Sunday.
♥ T.

Enchanted Productions by Joyce Stahl said...

Congratulations Tristan!

Isn't blogland amazing! I know I always look forward to visiting you and seeing your wonderful art! Such a delight!

Now I'm off to post about your giveaway!

Enchanted Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog!! It is not hard to see why you have achieved this. You are delight & I always look forward to reading your blog & the posts you put on mine!! You are truly a blessing!!

Oops! Desperate Blogger~ said...

Congrats on your blog. I am a new follower and had no idea that you just started this year. That's an accomplishment!

HiHo said...

morning! put your button on my side bar....something I should have done weeks ago, I so enjoy your blog.I should be sharing this treasure.
Running off to open the shop. I'll be sure to mention more about the give away in a post during the week.
Go create something wonderful! HA, don't you hate it when your kids use your own words back on you?LOL

Sue said...

Ah Tristan, your success is so well deserved. You have one of the most delightful blogs I have found and I look forward to all your posts. One can tell by reading your posts that you have such a joie de vivre.

Well done you.

blessings said...

Congratulations!! Isn't this blogland a most wonderful place? After years of blogging, I still get up everyday and look forward to it.

I'm off to read a few more of your posts and get caught up. Have a beautiful Sunday.

Blessings.. Polly

The Rustic Victorian said...

100 !!! A hearty Congratulations, now party time!! I am way behind on reading your are very creative.

Anonymous said...

(Dancing feet, blowing horns and whistles) Congratulations Tristan!!! YEAH fellow blogging buddy.

This book looks to be an enchanting one just like your artwork so it must be good.

I have really enjoyed reading your blog. I have laughed at your post,learned from them and always amazed at the wealth of information that accompany them.

Your date to reveal the winner is the same as mine.


Diane said...

although i've just recently found your blog, i can honestly say i was thrilled when i did! congrats!

Cheryl Prater said...

pick me! pick me! pick me!

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Congratulations on your very successful blog. What a great book you've chosen for your celebration prizE.


Heather Leavers said...

yay! I'm in :-) I'd love to post your button, but I've no idea what you mean, I must be having a senior moment. My giveaway ends same day as yours though, so we're probably long lost cousins. or something.

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Congrats Tristan!!! I'm not at all surprised you have the gathering you do; you're entertaining and charming and dang it---don't let that go to your head!!!!
Here's to the next 100 and 5000 more!!!! XXXOOO!!!!!!

The Renaissance Chick said...

You know that if you have that first vintage photo in your possession, I will hunt you down and wrestle it from your hands! Is that fantastic or what???

Congratulations on your 100th post! I notice that you have picked up 6 or 7 followers since yesterday! You go! I am going to post about your contest and place your button on my blog right now! If I put it on both blogs, do I get 6 entries? Can't blame a girl for trying!


peggy gatto said...

I always like to see what you have "in store" for your visitors.
Thanks for all the info you post here re links and fun and interesting places to visit.
You are responsible for ALOT of my smiles!

vintagepaletteart said...

Hi Tristan! Congratulations on your 100th post and 5000th hit! Please enter me in your drawing for this gorgeous book! I will post it on my blog too!


Kathy said...

Wow! I just fell down the rabbit hole from the Fanciful Twist site and lookee where I ended up. Love the music, LOVE Alice's white rabbit, and your art is truly amazing. A fine, fine way to spend a dreary Sunday morning in Chicago. Oh, my email addy (in case I win...heheheh)

Kathy in Chicago

Georgina said...

Hi Tristan,

Read about you through Barton Originals. Sue had some very wonderful things to say about you, so I had to take a peak. Love it!! Your blog is wonderful and shall now be a follower to your world.

Congrats on your 100th post. Hmm, need to see how many I've written on mine...don't know, but I doubt it's 100!!

Look forward to your next post and musings.


Shell said...

Happy, Happy 100th post, Tristan! Your blog is always a place of beauty, fun and sparkle which is why you have many dedicated followers.

Pam @ Frippery said...

Woo Hoo Tristan, congrats on your 100th post! I always love to drop in and see what you are up to. Always something fanciful. I was so getting ready to buy that book on Amazon, think I'll wait a bit now and see if I get lucky. I found that drain guard in the big box hardware store around all the downspout junk. (very technical terms) I think it keeps leaves out of down spouts but who cares, they are so cute!

LiLi M. said...

Hi! I came here through Gabriela's blog. Now I have to congrat you not only on winning the beautiful crown, but also on your 100th post and 5000th hit and still counting! I love the pink house and the pink couches and the fact that you stimulate your audience to go and make something. I will, thanks for inspiration!

Kathy said...

Congratulations on your blog. I look forward to every update. You make me laugh - A LOT. Congrats to the winner of the book and if it's me, YEAH ME!

Deborah said...

Congratulations! Well deserved...your blog is ever so cleverly delightful...I am going to have to PIN your quilt on my daughter's chest! She hung it above her dressing table, but has not dumped Bad Boy yet! **blows kisses** Deborah

The Joy of Nesting said...

What you a social butterfly??? I'd have never guessed ((G)) :) I will post your button on my side bar. But first I have to find my lucky faux rabbit foot key chain :)

Side note, THANK YOU!! My Somerset magazines arrived via "mule" yesterday, Woo Hoo. They will make the waiting for my MA mag. to get here a little easier. I sure hope it didn't accidently fall into a custom agent's tote bag :(

Congratulation kiddo I look forward to reading the next 100!!

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.

Anonymous said...

wow, you blog is so much fun! I would love to enter your contest. I can't remember my blogger password so I'll leave my info below.

Congrats and glad you joined blog world. It's the best!

joanna Moss Hill Studio

Anonymous said...

Standing ovation, kisses and hugs!
Congrats on your 100th post!!!!
And yes, I'd love to enter your contest <3

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Hi Tristan! Thanks for stopping by and voting! I feel very honored that you came. I love your site and OH that book, "The ALtered Circus; I just saw it the other day and was so intrigued! You are a professional artist and I am a wannabe, but thanks for being a part of my blog world! Carry on! Anita

BoneyLittleFingers said...

Just wanted to add my congratulations! Your blog is a must-see for me... and I see that I am just one of hundreds!
No one can have too much Enchanted Revelry!

JANN said...

Halo Tristan
I am so delighted that I found your blog a short time ago. Your blog has become one of my favorites, You convey such fun and interesting words and images, just the juicest stuff!! You never bore me like so many bloggers and you're truly a nice person. I admire your creative spirit and sparkle. Even if I don't win the book I am still glad I follow your blog. Very many congrats on all the hits and your 100th postings. LOVE your pink saturday postings - they always make me laugh or at the very least smile and inspire me.
Much success with your art !

sage said...

Congrats on all the Blog Success!!

I'm posting about your contest on my Hocus Pocus Blog right now..

Have an Enchanted Evening~

Viv said...

Congrats tristan.. but it is well desreved for a beautifully entertaining blog crammed with fun,humour, beauty and (occasionally -LOL) wisdom!

Here's to your next 5,000!!

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

Congrats to you and your continued success.May you have many more.Lisa is a very sweet lady and I would love to try and win her book.Please count me in.
Thank you Marie Antionetee

KrisMrsBBradley said...

Congrats!! Just found your blog, but I will be back to read more!

Ingrid Mida said...

It is your enchanting posts and your generous and delightful manner that brings people back. I am not surprised at all that you have developed such a loyal and devoted following! Congratulations. I expect to see you on the Google Blogs of Note sometime soon.

carylsrealm said...

Oh HOW cool!!!!! Please count moi! (And no need to be embarrassed! Few people know I draw.) :)

Anonymous said...


What a cool book - thanks for the chance to win.


Carolee said...

Congrats on the bloglandia milestone! Such fun, isn't it?!

LOVE Lisa K's work, and she's just the sweetest person! I had the pleasure of chatting with her several years ago when we had side by side spaces at the Halloween Opera show. Her work is just amazing. Love her children's books too....

Please do enter me in your giveaway, and if you have a minute, drop by and enter mine as well!

Artful Blessings,
~ Carolee

paperbatty said...

Tristan, You're as wonderful as your blog. Congratulations on the milestone.

Ever since I discovered your blog I've been wondering about those bunnyboys. It will be nice to put the button on my own blog (later today).


Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Tristan: I just found your blog today and I love it! I have officially become yet another "follower". Keep up the good work and CONGRATS on 100 posts!! Amazing!

Lou Cinda :)

Mermaids of the Lake said...

Tristan, congrats on such great success with your wonderful blog. I would love to win such a beautiful book.

Mermaid Debbie

Anonymous said... are the best! Always inspiring and funny!

The Blogland Diaries said...

Congratulations on your 100h post blogaversary and for winning Gabriela's giveaway for Marie Antoinette!!! Thank you for entering me into your giveaway.


Recycled Rita said...

Count me in! I would love to win this book and congratulations on your accomplishment!!!

Anonymous said...

If I posted twice, sorry. Yahoo was had a hiccup!
If I didn't, please sign me up!

A Fanciful Twist said...

OH Gooooodnesss, what delicious details!! You have written 100 posts already??? YOU ROCK!!! I think we all need to send you a giveaway ;) ;) not the other way around ;)

Your blog is a joy and delightment (as are you)!!! ;), V

Unknown said...

Happy 100th post Tristan! xoxoSandy

paperbatty said...

paperbatty said...


I plugged you in my blog.

Lisa Kettell said...

I've fainted and gone to Enchanted Revelry Heaven, Tristan you are the best, no brilliant, I mean beyond words.

You made my day with this giveaway, and you know I love winning things, but this one I can't, I'll just send wishes to the winner.

I'm sending my swaps today, I'll put in an extra goodie for the winner of this giveaway and something extra special for you!


Cheryl said...

Congratualtions What a beautiful blog
Peace and Blessings
Cheryl..Snatch JOY~

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Congratulations on your anniversary and your 100 posts!!

Nelly said...

Hi Tristan. Congrats and much success this year! Thank you for visiting my blog and for all the inspiration you provide.

creativelenna said...

Dear Tristan,
Your blog, your attitude and your art are all charming! I am happy to know you, trade art with you, and I want to say congratulations on such a marvelous accomplishment in such a short amount of time. You rock!

xo Lenna

Nicola said...

WOW - what a fabulous blog I found you via Joyce Stahl and have just started following!
Superb postings :)
Nic x

bernadette ostrozovich said...

ol long lost bernadette here! honestly tris, i feel like i've been in some kind of fugue state for weeks! thank you so very much for remaining my faithful blog friend! delighted for you dear at your HUGE blogging acumen and success! i fell head over heels with YOU and YOUR WONDER FILLED WORLD about one zillionth of a second into my first visit!

omg! the house! how in the world do folks make the decision to remuddle such a gem! as much as i can easily envision you and yours deservedly ensconced in that space in the beauty part, my spidey sense tells me it would have been a nightmare had it really materialized. take that for what it's worth, but i feel it strongly.

will make more effort to be a better blogger. my world is not nearly as juicy without daily visits to you and anne! go forth and knock 'em out!

Diane Duda said...

It's my first time here, and I'm already hooked.
The give-away is just icing on the cake. :)
Congratulations on your instant success.

Monkey-Cats Studio said...

Congratulations Tristan! What a great way to celebrate your 100th blog post!

Great giveaway!!!


Irma's Rose Cottage said...

Tristan, congrats on your 100th post! What a lovely prize. I will be posting about your giveaway on my sidebar.

Hugs :)


studioJudith said...

Have you really only been doing this for THREE months ??
And already the most popular boy
at the ... . Bunny Hop!

Your BunnyBoys are just priceless :-)))


Susie Jefferson said...

Congratulations Tristan. Very well deserved, and thanks for such interesting posts - I've learned so much! BTW congrats on winning a Marie Antoinette award/giftie - again, well deserved.

I've been pointing so many people to your blog!

Nicola said...

Just to let you know I've blogged about you now too :)

HowlingMoonDesigns said...

What an Utterly delightful Blog!
I have throughly enjoyed reading and looking at your Art!


Nancy Malay said...

A visit to your classy blog is always a fun trip, Tristan.... there's always so much to see and read about!

I'd love to win the wonderful book you're giving away for your 100th post!!

The Pink Door said...

That's great congrats!! I just recently got turned on to your page, so there you go another new follower! :)
Please enter me in the giveaway!


Rose Garden Romantic said...

I just found your enchanting blog!! Love the music, too! Is it too late for me to enter the drawing for the book?? I have been wanting a copy so badly!

Betzie said...

Congrats on your blog anniversary and that looks like a fabulous book to win!!! Count me in and I'll be hoping I might get lucky!
Keep up the great posts!

lorhen82 said...

Congrats on #100, Tristan! I hope you have a wonderful Easter! ~Lori

Tracy M. said...

Congrats Tristan!!
Love your blog.
Tracy M.

Robin said... doesn't surprise me in the least. You post in your blog just about every day. If not, it sure seams like it. ....and always wonderful stuff for the eye, mind and soul. Because of that, we are all winners.

Thank you....

Take care....and I wish you a most beautiful Easter.

Linda said...

Congrats on your 100th post!


Bonnie said...

Whooooohooooo 100 post that's great. I'm just a baby in this blogging world but I enjoy reading your blog and I love your work. I wish I had the money to buy you Marilyn I love it!!!!!

Deanna said...

Tristan. congratulations on your Anniversary and on your 100th post on Enchanted Revelry! You are a wonderful person and very inspiring as well.

I enjoy visiting your blog and having you at Pink Saturday makes it even more special!

Nancy said that you have a classy blog and it's true. It also has heart. I look forward to many but many more posts from you.
Deanna :D