Be sure to click on the button to see all the rarefied delicacies and splendiferous outfits! ... even the Mad Hatter is there - and shares his hat! Don't miss the fun.
Now I have to go put the final touches on our tea party ... and to dig out my maddest hat!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
Lovely revelry! Enjoy your tea! Blessings.
Oh, your party looks to be most beautiful!!
xo Debbie
Happy Mad Tea Party Tristan!!
Happy Mad Tea Party My Friend!!
Hi Tristan, I miss your wonderful posts-hope the kitchen is soon in the pink :)
Hop over to my place for a southern tea party-but yummm love your spread too!
I love the natural wood you have! Everything looks delicious!
I hope you'll visit my Tea Party and see what I'm decking out the party-goers in!
Hello Tristan,
Could I join you for lunch?
These goodies look amazing and love the atmosphere...
~ Gabriela ~
Your tea table looks splendid!!!
You're madly invited to my tea party, I do hope you'll stop by (if you haven't already of course)! :)
I hope you get to drop by my party too! Yummy treats! ~Theresa
YUM! I shall be right over. Do stop by for a spot of tea, but watch out for Alice...she's in a bbbbbaddddd mood! **blows kisses** Deborah
i'm here at last..i am following you now...the table is so sumptuous...i am having my tea by the sea...with flowers in my hair...come join me...hugs, rebecca/cre8tiva
Have a Happy Tea Party, now that is the Dandy of a Rabbit, and he looks tall enough for me, I'll be back to see your hat, got my wings all warmed up
This sneak peek makes me anxious to see more! ~Lori
Wish I could be there! Have fun for me!
Thanks for coming by! I still have more work to do but boy o boy is this fun!!!!!
Can't wait to come to your party!!!
Looks like the party will be great, and can't wait to see your hat! Martha
Oh Tristan! So good to see you back in the saddle! I hope you got your water situation fixed! I will hop on over to this wonderful tea party...I can't say no to a soirée! Anita
Ooooh the table looks fantasmagorical! Come on over to my party - if you haven't quietly crept in already....
What a wonderfully set table.
Renee xoxo
Very welcoming and enticing looking setting Tristan! What a wonderful
tea party!
That pic of the dandy rabbit and hedgehog is one of my favorites. Soooo cool!
your spread looks delish! Happy Tea Party.
You’re invited to please visit stop by and visit my party where we’re having a tea of a time!!
Happy Day....a Tea Party!! I hope everything is well in the land of Tristan. XXOO Valarie
I am getting on my broom and heading your way!!! You are a delight Mist Fabuloso!! Thank you so much for being a party of my Mad Event ;) Warmly, V
(I have been so sick all day, sorry I didn't get here sooner, sparkles!)
I love that old photo, where do you come up with these amazing images. I enjoyed my visit as always.
Today was my daughter's High School graduation party. So, just like White Rabbit, I am late for this very important date to visit everyone's tea! I had a wonderful time visiting your blog.
Happy Mad Tea Party, Karen
Hi Tristan! thanks so much for having me to your party! just lovely. love you name! hugs and best wishes, robin
What a fun blog. What a mad time was had. Thanks for the flowers and thanks for the tea.
There are many more parties and cups of tea. My friends are all waiting to share some with me.
Good bye my sweet friend. Please take a moment to visit me too. I do so enjoy sipping tea with you!
Love LaLa
Oh my!!What a lovely party indeed!!
You have so many yummy goodies to munch on and I am going to stay awhile and sip my tea:)
Thank you!
I hope your kitchen situation isn't completely stressing you out! Your party looks like it will be wonderful!
very nice pic at the top. thank you for posting
I'm off to check out the Tea Party, Tristan! (Love the background for your blog.) Hopefully that nasty leak in your kitchen won't damper your fun.
I love that photo! And is that steak at your tea party?? :)
I should have joined the party but was too busy! Hope it was fun!
Hey Tristan - how are the pipes?
Lovely spread!
A very Merry Unbirthday!
Erin :)
I'd love to see those two dashing guys at the party!Your feast is making me salivate..see you around at the party :)
I want to see your maddest hat! :) I am hungry and that feast is fabulous looking. There is still a wee bit of cake left and a smidgen of tea. Come for a visit.
Oh my! Your party is richly colorful. Happy MaD PiNk TeA PaRtY SatUrDaY!!
Cheers! =D
~Kitty Kellie
The Artful Paper Doll
Hey there Tristan, hope you are over your flood! Don't you just love Depp? He is the best! I even liked Sweeny Todd and I am not a horror show person.... Di you go to the movie link? If not, check it out, there is a xool pic of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum in there too!!! Have a fun Sunday! BEcs
just beautiful!
you´re invited to my party, too!
I hope you!!
The party looks fabulous!! Like the White Rabiit, I'm a wee bit late visiting all the blogs, but I'm thinking this is one party that will continue for DAYS! Hope so anyway - absolutely magical!!
~ Carolee
Very nice! And I love your signature! Very pretty!
How wonderful to find you...and you live in New Haven.....i live in Westbrook but work in Old Saybrook. Your blog is wonderful and so is your work. Loved learning that Mickey Rourke lives in THAT house....crazy! can't wait to show my hubby....he loves him!!!
What a lovely spread! I'm afraid though i couldn't eat another bite- although I suppoose a nibble and a spot of tea would do no harm before hopping on.
Thanks so much!
Happy Mad Tea Party Tristan!!
The food looks wonderful
Have a Magical Day
You know, I've always wanted to have an Alice in W.land themed party complete with Mad Hatter's galore! How fun!
I'm so sorry to be so late.....so many tea parties to attend. Along the way I fell down the rabbit hole and somehow got lost at the bend. But if I may, I would love a cup of tea. All that running around has left me so very thirsty.
Gee those cakes look tasty......is that steak over there? You don't suppose I might have one of those as well? Thank you.....
Well, it has been splendid but I must be going. I have many more tea parties to go to still.
May the day ahead be a beautiful one for you.
Is the Mad Hatter offering Lady Gray by any chance?
What a beautiful party you have had!! Everything looks so delicious! I don't know what to sample first!!
Hop by my party if you have a chance.
Ah, tout l'univers de Lewis & Alice qui nous enchantent, j'aime beaucoup !
Kisses from France,
that table is set soooo chock full of goodness!!
thank you for your hospitality. wishing you wonderFULL wanderings!
It is so curious that these Mad Tea Parties are still going strong! I've yet to clean mine up, so please feel free to follow me back down the rabbit hole before life goes back to mundane!
Sure wish I could attend one of these fandangos.. Wonderful!
Hi Tristan, So so sorry that I am unfashionably late. What a lovely display. And your vintage photo is great! Thanks for inviting me....you'll have to drop on over for tea sometime! ~Nan
Bonjour Tristan! Thanks for visiting me! I want to get my thesis done so I can join you all again for all the fun things that I love. I have been naughty however; on occasion, I slip away from my computer to make altered art projects as a sort of diversion! Thanks to you and your inspiring art! Anita
Can't wait to see your hat and have a marvelous party!
tristan..i LOVE the design of your blog...can you share who did it or how it is done...i love cre8tivity...thank you for following my blog...wasn't the tea party fun...i look forward to connecting with you more....hugs and blessings, rebecca
I know I'm Late-for a very important date-working all weekend put a kink in my party hopping:)
What a gorgeous spread!
Thanks for the hospitality
What a wonderfully mad party! I've had a lovely time! Thank you for having me! ^-^
Aren't tea parties wonderful?! You have such a great space! :)
Hi, the food looks incredible. I hope you found your hat.8-) You are invited to stop by my party.
Everything looks great, so sorry I'm running late!
Cheers my friend!
This is the first time that I visit your Blog Tristan and I just want to let you know how enjoyed looking here !
Kind greetings From the Netherlands.
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