That’s what happened when 5 friends got together and pulled the Pink Apartment Project on their friend Jacob while he was in New York for a week. Wrapped every single object in his apartment in pink wrapping paper: 271 items, 203 yards of paper. Hell, they even wrapped his posters.
It might have actually been a good thing for Jacob. His apartment has never looked so clean! While he unwraps his possessions he gets the chance to consider where everything goes, get organized. Those are good friends you have, Jacob.
I am totally awed by the blind devotion to the project these five people had! I mean, have you ever even attempted to gift wrap an adjustable, spring jointed study lamp?

Okay. I warned you that today's Pink Saturday was going to be short and sweet. I was working on another post when I discovered this - and just couldn't resist sharing. And, since there doesn't seem to be any way to link this to another pink post, my original will have to wait for next week! Until then, be sure to visit Beverly's Pink Saturday and see all the participants for this week's postings.
Then after you've gotten a lot of inspiration ... and you realize just what too much pink can do to a person' head...
Go and make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
So amazingly funny!!! I have to go and read this in it's entirety. Brings a whole new meaning to TP'ing. I'm trying desperately to think of someone I could do this to!! LOL!! Thank you so much for this hilariously fun post!!!
Happy Pink Saturday
♥ Teresa
I can't even imagine how much time that took, even in the week, how'd they do it? The best! Happy PS!
Thats what I thought at first, it had to have taken them a while to wrap all that, but it was 5 of them. But still wow!! and to even think of doing such a thing!! Its soo funny!!
What a great prank! It's amazing; thanks for sharing it with us!
I can't even find words to describe this........other than those people were totally CRAZY!!!
I think I'll stick with my multi-colored, peacocks nightmare decor. ;)
Tristan~ That is just WAY too funny!
Happy PS :-)
OMG! They need to go to the North Pole and get a job in the wrapping department chez Santa! Happy Pink Saturday!
TOO funny!! I can't even imagine the time this must have taken...
~ Carolee
I sure hope they helped him unwrap everything too! LOL Great post! HPS!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Simpley awesome!
~ Gabriela ~
Bonjour mon cher! Your pink post is contagious...I am really lovin' this array of pink lovelies to look at! Thanks for coming to sip a cup of tea with me. We must frequent Ladurée more often! Cheers, Anita
Oh my.....
your post my have been short, but not disappointing. This is so fun.......and so inspiring. ;-)
I want to go run out and buy 200 rolls of pink wrapping paper. I can think of over a dozen people I would love to wrap up, if not their belongings. ;-)
I hope your weekend is beautiful.
You find the best stuff on the net. I love to wrap, so I think it would be so much fun to do this to/for someone else. I just love spending a little bit of my Saturday with you. Thanks.
Oh, c'est vraiment étonnant, ce monde tout rose ! Vraiment étonnant !
So pink !
From France,
Gad-Zooks... A pink Blizzard!!
Have a Great Day!
wow, Jacob must really hate pink for his friends to do that to his place, Too Funny. Great video. Have sweet pink weekend!
Tracy M.
He had the nerve to UNwrap it!!??
You'd have thought he'd have a bit
more appreciation for this incredible gift!
*giggle* I love PINK! Lucky him!
=o) *Lori
Can you imagine that.........what a project. Who would think of something like that. Great friends, soooo funny.......I love it.
Happy Pink Saturday,
I hope if any of these 5 are out of work, they use their pink project in their resume - talk about being thorough and attention to detail! Totally awesome.
Haha! I've never seen that video before - loved his
"cell phone", too funny.
Amazing! What patience and persistence it took to pull that off! Happy Pink Saturday!
I am blown away by the amazing determination these folks had to cover EVERYTHING! I saw where some folks did this to someone only it was all entirely foil wrap. Pink wrap is so much better.
I like the white walls and all the pink, it almost resembles an art installation and not someones actual apartment.
I'm so glad you shared this!
Oh! That is so funny! My son is leaving for Kansas on Friday and leaving his apartment keys with me....Hmmmmm
You can never be too rich, too blonde, too thin and in this case too pink!
How are you feeling today Tristan?
Hope your weekend is off to a darling start :)
That is hilarious!! How much paper do you think it took? Were they drinking pink champagne at the time? Or pink Zinfandel?
I knew of one guy whose staff papered his entire office in post-it-notes awaiting his return from a business trip, but this is even better!
Happy Pink Saturday. I love the video with all the pink and the song is so retro. Jacob is a good sport. If I had to unwrap my whole apartment, I think I never want to see pink wrapping paper again!
Oh my gosh, this cracks me up, I love it! Great pink post, I want someone to wrap my house up in pink : ) I hope you are feeling better.
Achingly hilarious!!!! Can you imagine?????? You share the bestest stuff on the planet!!
Pink paper, pink saturday, pink bliss!!
Fabulous--funny--fantastic post! Thanks for sharing...that was just TOO good! That pink wrapping puts Cristo to shame...excellent!
No way! I sound like a kid! That is amazing. Happy Pink Saturday!
That is pretty wild!
I love all the pink, someone can come and do that to my house, any time!
Kaerie Faerie
Wonderful! I know I can always count on something amazing from you!
This is the best prank! I know a few people that definitely need to be "pinked!" Love it!
Heck, his food is probably pink too now!
Brilliant idea for getting the man organised, but I think his friends have already done that for him, it looks pretty well organised compared with my errr shambles. Maybe I should get someone to pink over my house LOL.
BIG WOW on wrapping everything in pink...golly gee!!! :) The video is an absolute hoot as well!
That's a lot of love and work.Would love to see the reaction when he came home and saw all the pinkness! He must feel like a child opening presents :-)
That is amazing. It must have taken them all day!
Would you unwrap it all when you got home? I think I'd leave somethings wrapped. It looks so cool.
Tristan, I still can't believe it! I would love to meet the person that came up with that idea and actually did it all! What a brain and the workings of it would be great entertainment, Happy Pink Saturday and thankyou for a great post, just amazing to say the least, Char
These people have way too much time on their hands, but truly fantastic all the same!
Love Debs xxx
Hi Tristan.....
I'm just popping in to ask you to please check out my blog. I've left an award for you there.
Have a great day....well, what is left of it anyway. :-)
Amazing! Too funny and TOO pink!
Okay, that is too fun! I love it!!!
Happy Pink Saturday, Tristan.
Tristan, I have had such a good time checking out your blog, you are so funny. I love all of your Marie art.
Running late this week visiting blogs....Hope you had a Happy Pink Saturday ~ Susan
I'm still swooning over this pink post!
What a fabulous post ~ where do you find this stuff?
I usually have my volume off, but I turned it on to watch that crazy funny video and had the NICEST surprise ~ yummy Adam.
I don't know where you find this all the pink things either but Tey are highly entertaining. That apartment is a riot!!! Strangely beautiful too. Now I have to go purchase fuzzy dice for my bicycle! Thanks Tristan, and thanks for the visit to my blog.
holy crap that is really something. I wonder what happened to all that pink paper afterward! I HATE wrapping things I am more of a gift bag person.
I am late looking at the posts, but I always enjoy yours! This one was wild! My daughter hates pink...she lives with three housemates who might help me out with her room...!!!!
Have a great week!
Thank you for stopping by today... How have you been feeling?
this is nearly too good to be it!
so sad to unwrap though...
Hope you and Dusty are having a great week!
That is just so darn funny! Where on earth did you find that Pink Apartment Project? I thought it was something from an art show or something at first glance! That is a lot of work.
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Oh that is gloriously fun and wicked! Thanks for sharing. I'm smiling now.
Crumbs, how did I miss this one?
[frantically searches up comments to see if I did in fact visit, but the blur of Saturday has wiped my memory...]
This is the best!!! I love it!
m ^..^
You are missed... How have you been?
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