Monday, May 5, 2014

Bring Out the Gypsy in Me

Today I'm exploring the colorful world of Boho Chic interiors. (Boho for 'Bohemian:' a person who has unconventional social habits, esp. an artist or writer. From mid-19th century French bohéhien Gypsy, because Gypsies were thought to come from Bohemia, or because they entered the West through Bohemia.) (Chic for 'elegantly and stylishly fashionable).

The laid back easy going design style focuses on the use of unconventional arrangements to create whimsical settings that are stylish, eye-catching, and somewhat offbeat. It's a trend that's becoming exceedingly popular in both fashion and interior redesigns.

Take a look - can you see yourself lounging about in of these beautiful bohemian schemes?

There are many different ways to create boho chic - though I tend to prefer unique blends of Gypsy-esque and totally elegant refinement, you could also combine ...

Boho Chic with Hollywood Regency

Boho Chic with warm, cozy and inviting comfort.
Here a boho chic fan has incorporated some Southwestern Americana
You can even add boho chic to your kitchen!
 So what are some of the key elements that define a bohemian chic interior? Collectively it’s a design style not focused on perfection, rather it’s developed by forging together a beautiful mix of unique pieces that, in the end, create a scheme reflective of being bold, creative, and carefree. The most important elements are the incorporation of textiles through rugs, curtains, blankets, and pillows. In the end, more fabric is always better! 
 For me, boho chic requires a certain nod to the near east - French bohemian meets Marrakesh fantasy. I particularly like it when authentic Moroccan design like this gorgeous tiled hallway
or this elaborately designed and executed ceiling
inspire a person to invent their own version of this colorful, fanciful, enchanting style

Elaborate vintage and antique lighting in mindblowing 20th century colors are perfect to make your boho chic design glimmer and gleam with mystery and beauty...

detail of elaborate handwork done on silk lampshade of late Victorian electric lamp
Unconventional furniture design working with fanciful and elaborately hued upholstery is part of what makes boho chic so recognizable ... these are some of my favorite pieces

 Baroque chairs, handpainted, and upholstered in original Kaffe Fasset needlepoint upholstery fabric.
...even the pampered dog can get his own boho chic bed!
 The style reflects a scheme that’s filled with the unexpected and is created through the elaborate use of decorative accessories, paintings, and artwork. When designing your own space, pick pieces that tell a story! Throwing in an indoor hammock or swing and creating a cozy space incased with fabric is sure to bring in that bohemian flair that you’re aspiring for. 
There are so many delicious fabrics to use when designing a boho chic space, I could do a month of postings! These are just a few to get you started on your own search for draperies, pillows (lots and lots of pillows!) and fabrics!

Don't forget to add some knock-your-socks-off architectural details - they add elegance, whimsey and the kind of flair that plain ol' painted drywall just isn't going to give you!

I hope you enjoyed our little stroll through Gypsy inspired boho chic interiors today! I hope you found something to delight your eye and soul! - and maybe see colors and furniture in interior design in a new and intriguing way!

Thank you for stopping by - be sure to leave a comment so I know you visited!
One last parting shot ...
Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


Cynthia said...

Love the opulence and the colors! Can't decide which image is my favorite, but those lamps. . .oh my! I think I could even persuade the man that we need one of those. Tell me, can one have a "little" Boho love? I could totally see myself in any of those settings, the problem would be convincing the rest of the family on this. . .Thank you for gathering these images to share with us. I'll probably look at these several times throughout the next few days

Tammy van Erp said...

Tristan they are gorgeous rooms. Agree with Cynthia can one have a little Boho love? There are elements in all the rooms that I would love to be surrounded by. Thank you so much for sharing and love the update!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said... is so darn great to visit you again, Tristan! You have sparked an idea in me now. I can see myself in that room with the huge chandelier with all the lush pillow around me! My main room has a large chandy, but the pillows are always thrown off by my husband who can't tolerate pillows! Love the song, and to feel your GYPSY spirit again! Anita

trisha too said...

Tristan, you always have the best posts--beautiful and inspiring!


Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

For me "Boho Chic" is about individualism. Mixing elements to create a cozy space that says "sure, put your feet up and relax". Color is essential and finding or creating elements that come together in a way you may not think would work. But is true to the asthetic of thos who live there. It's funny because I am so drawn to white.....YET, I have color everywhere. I think white walls lends itself to making all the other elements POP. As much as I love the look of some really inspiring rooms I, myself, couldn't live with dark painted walls and lots of thick heavy window treatments. I think the idea of Boho Chic comes down to each persons interpretation so when people walk in they know "ah yes, this is SO you". Some of the examples you've shown here are on a couple of my Pinterest boards.
You have nailed it in showing and talking about all the various ways it can come together.
Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog btw!

Boho Queen said...

Love the article, and before I actually listened to the clip 'gypsy' by Stevie Nicks would have been my choice of sing, but I'm so glad I saw this, it's hilarious, what play is it from ❤️
PS I Love Boho everything