Helllllloooooooooooo ..... !

I know I've been really neglecting Enchanted Revelries ... but things have been a little crazy (somewhat literally) around these parts. As many of you realize, I was in the hospital for five weeks ... including a 2 1/2 week drug-induced coma. I contracted spinal meningitis (my fifth-count-them-fifth time!), and they gave me a new drug to get rid of it. My brain had a drastic reaction to the new drug, and it gave me, what is called, a complete psychotic breakdown. It was scary to say the least! The strangest thing is I remember the entire time I was in the coma - but, as it turns out, none of it was real. It was all some bizarre alternate reality my mind had taken me to ... and it was quite a creepy place to be!

The only thing that is kinda fun to know about is my G.P. and his nurses all say that they are still talking about me at St. Raphael Hospital. I'm the first patient in memory that managed to break the leather restraints LOL - and it took three security guards and two nurses to hold me down. I didn't know how powerful I was when agitated!

Okay. Enough of all that - and on to some enchanted revelries!

Construction of The Elms was completed in 1901 at a cost reported at approximately $1.4 million. The interiors and furnishings were designed by Allard and Sons of Paris and were the setting for the Berwinds' collection of Renaissance ceramics, 18th century French and Venetian paintings, and Oriental jades.
The elaborate Classical Revival gardens on the grounds were developed between 1907 and 1914. They include terraces displaying marble and bronze sculpture, a park of fine specimen trees and a lavish lower garden featuring marble pavilions, fountains, a sunken garden and carriage house and garage. These gardens were recently restored.
Mrs. Berwind died in 1922, and Mr. Berwind invited his sister, Julia, to become his hostess at his New York and Newport houses. Mr. Berwind died in 1936 and Miss Julia continued to summer at The Elms until her death in 1961, at which time the house and most of its contents were sold at public auction. The Preservation Society of Newport County purchased The Elms in 1962 and opened the house to the public. In 1996, The Elms was designated a National Historic Landmark.
Spinning the wheel of fashion ... and the winners are! ...

This is a quilt I finished up not long ago...I still haven't got around to getting it listed on Etsy or eBay ... but I thought you might like to see it. It's based on a design by Kaffee Fassett - though not a slavish copy. I love the way the eight different size squares all fit together evenly!
I do believe this is one of the most fanciful beds and wall murals I've seen in a while! It's from Shabby Fufu as well as some other lovely romantic French furniture. Check it out if you're in the mood for a little shabby chic fufu!

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥
ugh. I just realized that the text I found and loved - and overlayed on some of the photos - is impossible to read! So sorry - I'll never use it again - cross my heart!

Dear Tristan,
I had no idea you'd been ill! I'm so glad to hear you're doing better. My god, what a nightmare for you...and yours. Well the quilt is absolutely amazing!!! Your special presence has been missed and I've been hoping for a return. Just in time for the merriest of seasons. I hope it's a glorious one, my friend.
Best wishes and good health to you -
Catherine xx
OMG, Tristan, I had no idea you were so ill. How horrible and worse yet, having some alternate life during your coma...might add the pic you chose is reeeeaaaaly creepy!! Just so glad you're doing lots better and on the road to health.
I had something similar many years ago, what the docs called, "meningma" (sp.) of the brain. I had contracted a flu and it took a wrong turn to Albaqouicie!!! I had a four month old baby and two other kids, who after eating grilled cheese sandwiches (not the baby) since that's all their father fed them during my hospital stay, I got home from the hospital and made them a decent meal!! LOL My physician advised me to get a flu shot every year...this could happen again. Well, it's been 26 years since that happened and haven't missed a flu shot since!!
Just so glad to see your lovely pics up again...you've been missed, dear man. Take care.
OMG, Tristan, I had no idea you were so ill. I am so happy to hear that you are on the mend!!
I do have to chuckle though, you have such a vivid imagination and apparently those drugs let it really run wild.
Seriously, I am very happy to hear that all is well now. How scarey that must have been!
It is wonderful to see you back! I've missed your funny, informative posts!
Here's to a wonderful Holiday Season AND a bright and healthy 2012!!
fab to see you back. not going to repeat previous posts except to say glad you came through - scary!
missed your eclectic posts and this is no less than usual! wonderful quilt definitely shades of Kaffe but quite a twist.
hope you have a very happy and healthy Christmas!
I especially love the fashion pics, your quilt and the clasping hands...oh, and the "Alice" announcing rabbit-one of the first rubber stamps I bought! Glad to know you're on the mend :)Linda
I am so sorry to hear you have been very sick...for the 5TH time. Do not worry about me...just rest and please let your body regain your delightful spirit. You are so loved! Blessings, Mary helen
So glad you are better!!! Wow straight out of a Steven King novel. I also wanted to say I loved your eye candy photos in today's post(except the text how right you are) and your quilt is just wonderful. I love Kaffe Fasset and his color pallet and designs. Have a great day I am off to the studio to do some creating myself.
Dear Tristan,
It sounds like you've been to hell and back. I hope you stay well and recover your full strength soon. You seem to have retained your zany sense of humour and I look forward to more posts. Best wishes from your old friend.
OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM SO HAPPY YOU ARE BACK WITH US!!! Tristan dearest, I was so worried about you and I knew that you were busy with your art but WAIT A MINUTE.....you went through a HORRIBLE THING HERE???????
I THINK OF YOU CONSTANTLY because about two Christmases ago, you were so generous to send me a TDF tag that I have tied to a cloche in my living room. When I see it, I think of your beauty, humor, talents and OMG, I was SO HAPPY to see your comment today! Are you staying in blogging dearest? Oh, you are so BLESSED TO HAVE COME OUT OF THIS !!! I love your photos and your humor is still intact and the BEST!
Wow. You are something else. And you like my 11:59 piece? teeeheee
AND I MUST CHECK OUT what you did with that darling vintage fairy. Off to see it now!! BISES! Anita
WEEEEEEEEE!!! She is just darling Tristan, just MAGICAL!! We can never get enough of the magic, can we?
So Glad you are back with your bad self!!!!!!!!!! Always love to visit your thought provoking blog!!!!!! Stay well
Hullo (as instructed LOL).... broke the restraints eh? That's a Mav! Hugs and welcome back, Sarah
Hey Tristan...it's so nice to see you back in blogland again and to read that you're doing well! I bet you'll be the talk of St. Raphael Hospital for quite awhile!! Love, love, love your new quilt too!
Welcome back!
Hopefully, I'll find my way back to my blog again one of these days. Fingers crossed!
Dear Tristan,
I was being nostalgic tonight, reading through my posts last December and your delightful comments sent me here...to such news!
Tho' you only touched upon it, it seems to have been a dreadful experience for you. I hope you heal and move beyond it all as soon as possible. Your wit and kindness and ability to see the beauty and humor everywhere will see in good stead, I know.
With warm wishes for a very peaceful December,
I knew that there had to be a reason you'd been so quiet. So sorry you were ill and so very glad that you are healthy at last.
I found the Berwind house bit very interesting. Why? Because the coal mine that the family owned is just down the highway from me. My family were miners. Here is a link to pics of the mine. http://www.steelworks.us/index.php?option=com_phocagallery&view=category&id=1:berwindgallery&Itemid=99
Seriously dude...get well! We crazies will all be here when you can come back for good.
Prayers going up!
Love to you~Rebecca
Dear Tristan...I often pop in here to your place for a bit of 'glamour' and very sorry to hear that you haven't been well....what a nightmare...except for breaking the restraints of course...what a hoot...did you tell them you'd had lots of practice! Love your quilt...and that darling little bed. Take care...be gentle with yourself...
Hope your better soon, love the images, such a treat. From Engagement Rings
Oh Tristan you're back! It only goes to show you that I haven't kept up with my favorites since the holidays, it's only been a month since you wrote...I kept coming back and wondering where you were...and finally here you are. Then to read your mind numbing story!! Holy cow!
I'm just so glad to see you back and hope that you are still doing well...or better at least...the coma thing...I've never heard anything like it. Maybe you've watched Alice in Wonderland one too many times?
Mucho mucho love to you sweetie..yay! xox june
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