Sunday, February 21, 2010

First a Rant, then a Give-Away!

First the Rant

Shame, shame, shame!
No, no. It's not because you didn't wear a belt in your hair. It's because some of you still use that dreaded and damnable embedded comment feature that disallows many of us on Macs from leaving comments on your blog.

Does your comment feature look like this?:
Please change it! It's such a simple remedy! Here we go with my first ever tutorial!

1. From your Dashboard, click on Settings.2. From there, click on Comments3. Change your settings to "anyone" can comment - and click either "pop up window" or "full page" to get rid of that devilish "embedded" choice!Then, after clicking "save," you have completely fixed this software glitch that has been happening to many with Macs for almost a year now! Easy Peasy!

So, now, when you invite me to your blog, and think I've ignored you, I will be able to leave a comment so you know that I did, indeed, respond to the invitation!

Oh, Joy! Oh, Rapture!
The rant has come to its completion!
Now it's time for fun!
(Seriously, does anything say 'sexy' like the world's largest
string bean sticking out of your butt?)

500th Follower Give-Away!

Okay, I'm a little late - it's 505. Welcome to all the new followers! I'm so glad that you've decided to join us here for a little fun, a little beauty, a little Hollywood, a little funky trash, and lots of art!

Trust me, when I started rambling and posting my absurd photos and internet finds a little over a year ago, I had no idea that there would be people who would appreciate this stuff as much as I do!

In honor of my 500th Follower, I'm offering this Marie Antoinette mini theatre, created by moi! I took a bazillion photos, and none of them turned out very well. So this is it. I decided it would have to do. If you need a closer look, just click on the image, and a ginormous version will miraculously appear, courtesy of

So, if you would like to enter to win this little scene of 'Toinette walking through her rose garden, leave a comment on this post only.
Then, if you are a follower, leave another comment on this post to tell me. (If you are not a follower, why not?!)
Then, if you blog this giveaway on your site, leave ANOTHER comment with the link on this post.
That's three chances to win! Good luck!

Did all the italics indicate that I can't go through all the posts on my blog (again) and pick out the giveaway comments, then add them to final tally? I love you. But, really, now!

I'll announce the winner - via random number generator - next Sunday!

Okay, enough with the rants and the giveaways ... I have to go jump in the shower and then get to church.Go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


LuLu Kellogg said...

I am totally guilty on not restoring my comment thing to allowing everyone to comment. When I changed from a two column to a three column Blog, I forgot to enable it again. It's fixed now so please do come by :)

This creation is marvelous! You do the most beautiful work.

Have a lovely Sunday,

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Ohhhhh, pick me pick me! I am in awe of your mini theaters and I LOVE them and your blog of course!

I changed my comment function! Thank you for reminding me! I know you had posted this before!


Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

But of course I am a follower!!?!? Who wouldn't be, luv your blog dahling!


Heavens2Betsy said...

Fab blog! Fab Antoinette Theatre.
Please count me in!

spindelmaker said...

Well, I could be a follower, but that wouldn´t mean I knew what was going on, as my blogger-address or google-account or whatever it is, is only a mock, so I can leave comments on blogs like the ones you mentioned above. No. I´ve got a better solution! I´ve got an RSS-feed on you, and I am enjoying you blog so much! I get your posts the minute they´re out, so I follow you, even though I´m not a follower. You follow?
Anyway, your theatre looks great! Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

O.K. if you pick me I will worship you from "afire"....ah..errr...I mean from "a far"!!
Love the Giveaway Prize!!
Love Ya',
???String Beans???ROFLMBO!!

Deborah said...

Excellent tutorial. You could probably talk us through any situation. Another splendid creation, Tristan. De-Lovely!!! Enter me, and I shall try my best to not whine when I lose.
**blows kisses** Deb


Oh Tristan, I love your rant. You rant in style.

Please add my name to your chic chapeaux. ;o)


p.s. I'm a follower

Unknown said...

I've had that trouble too, when trying to leave comments.Although sometimes they go through the second time when I hit , congrats on your followers!

Carolee said...

Great rant, but (as usual) I'm confused, lol! I already allow all comments and already have the settings set to "full page" - yet I know you've said you can't comment - eek! What's up with that?! Is it because I moderate comments? Have to do that - spam several times a day, unfortunately....

Anyway, WONDERFUL giveaway, and please count me in!!

♥ Carolee

Carolee said...

Oh, and I'm already a follower! :)

♥ Carolee

Anonymous said...

Here's my first entry! Whee! *fingers crossed*

Anonymous said...

"(If you are not a follower, why not?!)" <--lol
I'm now officially a follower as well. I actually thought I already was...oops!

Anonymous said...

My third and final entry! I've added this post to my left sidebar. Hopefully you'll get some more followers out of this too! :)

Anonymous said...

I am new to your blog and I love all the vintage/quirky photos =^~^=!

I will certainly have to go through and read all previous posts!!

Anonymous said...

I am a follower, been here for a few weeks now I believe.

Anonymous said...

And because I really want to win your lovely little theatrical piece, I added your giveaway on my sidebar:

Theresa MacNaughton said...

I am happy to be among your happy troupe of followers! :) Theresa

Theresa MacNaughton said...

I love this piece, Tristan. It is quite beautiful, and I welcome the opportunity to own another one of your awesome creations! :) Theresa

DesertChildAZ said...

Marie Antoinette....thanks to the movie, she reminds me a cupcakes, gardens and masquerade balls. Great piece of art!

DesertChildAZ said...

Of course, I'm a follower! Your blog is one of the first I ever followed!

Kaerie Faerie said...

I'm your fairiest follower LOL
and wouldn't miss any blog post rant and all LOL
you made my day with the string bean pic "toooo funny"
oh, and thanks for the computer lesson, although I can't imagine why anyone would block everyone from checking out a blog????
my age is showing, but the give-away is tooo fabulous for words
your fairy friend

Cindi Myers said...

Well....I thought I left a comment but now I don't see it...maybe it's being moderated? but if not, it just goes to show you how completely computer-illiterate I am! I THINK I've fixed the setting/comment thing so that if you ever want to leave me a comment, you can.....but then again, maybe I messed that up too!
sigh... someday maybe I'll get all this figured out, but I kinda doubt it, I think I burned out all the brain cells years ago!

Nelly said...

Hi Tristan!! Congrats on all those followers. Your posts are always so terrific and enjoyable. Thanks for the giveaway. Your mini theater is exquisite!! I'd love to have one your art pieces.

Nelly said...

Hi again. I'm one of your followers too. Lucky me!

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Oh Tristan, how you always manage to brighten my every day and keep me smiling. Your posts are always such a treat. Thank you..for being you. Quite the first tutorial you've presented. When can we expect another? Congrats on all of the followers. It's not so surprising that you have so many.

Thanks for celebrating with such a lovely treasure for your giveaway.


Debby said...

Tristan, Are you kidding me I would love to be entered in your giveaway. 500+ followers congrats to you, who knew how famous you were going to become. I am so with you on that "stoopid" comment deal, doesn't make one happy at all. Happy Sunday!!!

Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Well of COURSE I follow you.....
(pout, stomp)
Enter me in the give away dear Tristan! :)


Anne Huskey-Lockard said...

Oh, your rants are glorious, and no, I have no idea why ANYONE would want the worlds largest string bean sticking out of their butt!!!!
Some warped version of Jack and the Beanstalk......


mermaiden said...

Man, I had it all set right 'cept one thing- fixed now! Shame on me, we have Macs in the house ;]
Oh please enter Moi!

mermaiden said...

oh and indeed, i am a Follower ;P

Frieda Oxenham said...

How could I possibly resist a chance to win one of your delectable theatres! Needless to say I'm a dedicated follower and simply can't wait to see what you will come up next. Just hope you put some clothes on before you left for church!!!!!! If not, I want the pictures (LOL!)

mary helen said...

Love, Love, Love your blog! It's Wondrous, Marvelous, and down right Fabulous! I am also LOVING that Splendiferous theatre! Do throw my name in the "giveaway hat"!

mary helen said...

Became a follower the first day I visited! Thank you Lisa, A Whimsical Bohemian, for the OWOH event that brought me here!

mary helen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mary helen said...

Oh goodness, I think I need a tutorial on posting a link...I'm going to try...wish me luck! (I really want those 3 chances!)

Unknown said...

Hi Tristan,

I didn't know this about leaving comment problem from my Mac. I have only come across problems leaving comments when people have those pop menus.

I had to change my "anyone can leave a comment" because I have this Japanese lunatic who was leaving me comments daily, a paragraph long with only one English word. At Christmas he left me thirty creepy messages on one back post. It took me days to delete the comments. The only word I could make out in the comments was one English word...Which told me his intentions were not good ones. So, now I am having to publish comments after approval and no longer have anonymous comments.

Well, I am glad that you can leave comments on my posts, because I totally enjoy your words. I love your new comment signature too. Hope you have a great Sunday.


Kathy-Catnip Studio said...

Hi, Tristan,

I am a follower! I so enjoy your commentary and illustrative vintage photos.

Kathy-Catnip Studio said...

I'd love to win your gorgeous Antointette!

Sherry Goodloe said...

I don't allow anonymous comments as I've had too many that were not even related to whatever the post was about . . . you know, spam sort of anonymous comments.

However, you are able to leave comments, because you have before *smiles* thank you by the way.

Now on to the giveaway part of your post. Yes yes YES! please enter me in this fab-u-lous giveaway!!

Sherry Goodloe said...

And yes, I've been a follower for quite some time now *smiles*

Sue said...

Oh my...that string bean comment just about did me in! Too funny.

Love your Marie mini theatre Tristan and would LOVE to win it!

Will definitely blog about it and will be back to let you know.


BellaRosa said...

Tristan amor, I personally thank you for showing me how to change this on my blog :) I have more comments from people that couldn't do so before :) I would love a chance to win one of your gorgeous creations! hmmm is there a way to delete everyone elses entries??? ha! just kidding :) I know everyone would love a beautiful piece you created. Besos, Rose have a very elegant way to rant :)

Susan said...

I love it! both the giveaway and the RANT...i am very new to are on my blog roll...but how do you want me to link the giveaway....I am such a NEWB!! and I do not have a MAC I'm a PC...should I change my comment thing also? here's the link to my blog. Susan

BellaRosa said...

I am already a happy follower, thanks to all your great posts and beautiful pictures :) Besos, Rose

BellaRosa said...

Tristan amor, I will try to add your giveaway button to my sidebar tonight...maybe you can do a tutorial on that :) I personally would be ever sooo thankful :) If I can't figure it out, I will post about it instead :) Besos, Rose

julie campbell said...

Oh my dream giveaway !
its so beautiful tristan, fingers crossed here !
julie xxx

julie campbell said...

I'm a follower so heres knees and toes crossed too for a second chance :0)
julie xxx

Sue said...

No blog post yet Tristan, that will be tonight - but yes, I am a very happy follower!


Vic said...

Oh. My. God.

That is a magnificant piece of art & I would be beyond honoured to have it in my house...! We are days away (squeeeeee!) from moving to a house where I will have my very own upstairs loft - away from sticky fingers & clumsy types!

Beautiful, beautiful, BEAUTIFUL!

Vic said...

Of course I follow your blog. Like... duh. ;)

DVArtist said...

Hey Tristan, I am one of your new followers. I also changed my settings for my comments. I had no idea of the problem. Sooooo now I expect a comment or two from you. :)


Bill said...

I know everyone, including me, would love to win a theatre created by you!

Bill said...

And yes, I am one of your followers. :O)


Craftymoose Crafts said...

I would love to be entered to win a piece of your beautiful art and yes, I am guilty (as we both know) of this comment problem!

Craftymoose Crafts said...

I am a follower, too!

audrey said...

OHHHHH, Tristan, this mini-theater would look mighty fine displayed in my studio....
I hope lady luck is on my side.
♥ audrey

audrey said...

I am a happy follower!
♥ audrey

audrey said...

I've posted a link on my side bar showing your fabulous give-away!!
♥ audrey

Paula said...

Love your Antoinette mini theatre .... when are you going to do these bigger? Come on, extend your boundaries I say, add more characters and let us create our stories from them. he he.

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Hello Tristan,

Happy Day!! 500+, my..
Yes, I have conformed sir (months ago I might add..hehe :0), ONLY a pop-up window for comments. :0)

Now....a big YES, I want to win, win, win!!!!! :0)

♥ Love & Faerie Dust ♥

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...

Of course, I'm a follower...who wouldn't want to follow you down the shiny, sparkling, shimmering path?! :0)

♥ Love & Faerie Dust ♥

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

YO TRISTAN! Here I am!!! Thanks for the tutorial, although I know you visited with me yesterday so I should be O.K.! Great post as usual! Anita

Stephanie Suzanne Designs said...


I just added your giveaway to my sidebar....

ENTER me AGAIN.....three times is the charm, right!? :0)

♥ Love & Faerie Dust ♥

Tamerie Shriver Halliday said...

Me! Me! Pick me!

Now if you could only tell me how to make the porn site from appearing when you click on my name when I comment on a lot of the typepad blogs. I accidently spelled my blog name wrong (nad instead of and) and I do NOT know how to fix it.


Anonymous said...

Not guilty ;)
haha but what delight I found in the pictures of the bunny man and woman. Or are they kangaroos?

Susan said...

Ok Tristan, I changed my comment thingie...but now I have to moderate cause selecting anyone allows "anons" and I have been a follower for a bit now.

I also posted about your giveaway with a link back to your post and the picture of your M. A. Theater.


Carole said...

Congrats on your 500 followers! You do amazing work but I mostly came by to find out about your rant. I love rants...haha! It's good to let it out!
Anyways I didn't know that setting would make a difference in Mac's though I have mac commenters!??!
I'll post your giveaway on my sidebar and have been a follower for some time now...just haven't been by in a long time!

x......Carole pet peeve is word verification!lol

Unknown said...

I'll have to check to make sure I've enabled everyone to comment, but before I go off to do this I have to say the your little theatre is amazing! (& I have to follow you, but more about that later...)

Unknown said...

Ok, so now I've also followed!

jen said...

LOve the rant since you are the one who set me straight and I adore you for it!!! Oh what a giveaway! Congratulations! that is some amazing blogging!

luvs and glitter

jen said...

I am your faithful follower my lord :)
luvs and glitter

jen said...

I have placed a lovely side bar button to share the generosity of your giveaway... be good you sweet boy and draw my name:)

The Joy of Nesting said...

Pick me Pick me!!!!

That way I'll be the only person in all of Mexico with a Tristan Original!!! Just think your work would be spreading your incredible one of a kind art theaters to foreign lands!!! How am I doing???? Have I won you over yet??? If not I can always work a bit harder!! :)

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.

DVArtist said...

Hi Tristan thank you for commenting on my blog. I am so sorry about you not being able to comment on my Beaded Gourd for OWOH. I wish you had ranted earlier. :0
P.S don't forget to follow me as well.

Have a great evening

Valarie said...

Tristan....Amazing...I am crossing my fingers that this beauty could be mine. Have a fabulous day.
xxoo Valari

Valarie said...

Tristan dear, of coarse I am a follower, and I will blog about this beauty tomorrow, and leave yet another comment.
xxoo Valarie

Sue said...

Blog post done Tristan. After posting it though, I thought - this is rather stupid, now I'm decreasing my chances at winning even more.



Joyce said...

I also had problems leaving comments with my Mac. I always think that I'm doing something wrong so when it said that my post was rejected I hit it again and it goes through.Sometimes even dim bulbs have breakthroughs!

Chrisy said...

Well I've fixed the embedded comments thingo...I had no idea! And please enter me in the draw for your theatre...I know I'm over the other side of the globe, so if I win I'm happy to pay postages!
ps stringbeans and butts...sounds quite painless...

Chrisy said...

Of course I'm a follower...even tho you never come by my house and comment!!!

Unknown said...

I'd love a chance to win !
I just checked both of my blogs and I had the comment thing set right on one of them but not the other , so thanks for the reminder !

Unknown said...

I am following your blog too , love it ♥

Sea Witch said...

Fan DAMN tastic! I had no idea I was keeping away macs. With your informative little tutorial, you have just opened my world up a little bit more. Thanks for the info. Sea Witch

mo.stoneskin said...

"damnable embedded comment feature"

Well said, my friend, I'll have to go check my settings for you...

That mini-theatre is phenomenal.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comments and visits gives me hope to blog although it kills my back and neck any tutorials on that?
I loved the mac in 90's but now?!
Your photos crack me up and your wit
good to laugh ouch! LOL Denise

eleni [a pink dreamer] said...

hi! i'm eleni from greece! what a wonderful blog!

eleni [a pink dreamer] said...

i became a follower so i deserve a 2nd chance!!!!!
please visit me anytime you want!

eleni [a pink dreamer] said...

i deserve a third chance too because i put your blog among my favorites in my list with your givaway too!
the theatre is so fantastic ...

Unknown said...

OMG, thanks for the tip (disguised as a rant), I had not idea the embedded comment thingy was an issue. And I love your blog, who wouldn't want to follow!

apinkdreamer said...

well i'm eleni again! i wonder if i deserve a 4th chance too because i post the givaway on face book too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please tell me!

Anonymous said...

ok Tristan I had to come back and gulp down more coffee to try and wake up my dopey brain..ok
1. I am a follower
2.My blog link
What was 3? I post pic of Marie on my blog?

Tumbleweed Trails said...

Follower? Need you ask? Of course I'm a follower who wouldn't be? I wouldn't miis your posts, art and photos for anything.


Grace said...

I am a "new" follower! I love your rants. lol Your blog is so wonderful so full of inspiration! Grace xoxox

KeKe said...

I beleive I make the 96th person to leave a comment...My goodness Tristan...You are well on your way to becoming royalty here in Bloglandia~ :)


Jingle said...

Congratulations on your 500 followers!!! That's wicked exciting! I am on my way, but not quite there yet. Your theater is gorgeous! AB. SO. LUTE. LY stunning! Thanks for a great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness I am so glad I found this blog. Please, please, please enter me in this giveaway so I can add some fabulousness to my boudoir!

Unknown said...

PS You can most certainly leave comments on my blog if you chose to visit (hint hint)

PSS I am now a follower :)

Creations by Marie Antoinette and Edie Marie said...

LOL...I'm laughinh so hard Tristan!!! I got tears rolling down my cheeks.I'm trying to figure out what creature would have such a string bean tail.I see no sexyness in that at all...OMG!!! I just can't get over that picture...LOL.
Yep .I've had problems with those comment thingies too.
And who would not want to try and win the Toinette.
I've been called Toinette a many of times and other things too.
PS.I can't wait till you see my new Marie doll.It should be done in about 3 days.
XXOO Marie Antionette

Kris Dickinson said...

Hi Tristan,

I fixed my comment selector (thank you for the help)and I am now a follower as well. Over 500 followers, that quite an achievement! Congratulations! I found your via the MAMA site. I sure hope we get to swap in the future as I love your work. Thank you for this opportunity to win your stunning mini theatre.


Tumbleweed Trails said...

Fun, fun, fun! Got ya linked up and spreading the word on my blog.


Ineke Original said...

Hallo Tristan,
Of course I love to win this. It's from YOU!
I'am a follower already.
greetings from Holland,
Ineke van den Akker

Paula said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win your fabulous Marie art piece! Love your blog!


Tobi said...

Contest or no contest how could I not comment on the green bean butt photo? Greatness!

Terri Gordon said...

Hi Tristan, what a wonderful giveaway. It is beautiful.

Terri Gordon said...

Hi Tristan, I am a follower now too.

Nelly said...

Its me again to let you know I blogged about your giveaway at Bella Nella's. Thanks again for this amazing giveaway

jen said...

Shame on me!!!!
I can't believe this is my first time on your blog...tre fabu my friend!

So much fun...and you have fantastic tastes in movies...


Cia of Briarwood Studio said...

Tristan, I didn't read through every single comment (there's over 100!) but I wanted to mention that it's not just you MAC users that can't leave comments. It's that way for us Firefox browser users, too. I have to switch to IE to leave some comments, and I don't like having to use IE! Thanks for pointing this out to people.


Cia of Briarwood Studio said...

Oh, and I'm already a follower. :)


Jonny J Petros said...

Tristan, Hi great giveaway would love to win Beautiful!

Jonny J Petros said...

Yes I am most definite a follower your site is wonderful, exciting Thank you, Jonny

Jonny J Petros said...

I put your lovely giveaway on my sidebar. Thank you, Jonny

Pink Princess said...

LOL I agree with your rant, had it changed a LOOONG time ago.

LOVE the giveaway! Please enter me too, adore roses, Marie Antoinette etc. WHAT's not to love about that combo ;)

Pink Princess said...

I just became a follower, after lurking for a while duh

Pink Princess said...

AND will put the giveaway on my side bar too.

Hugs from Marian

Unknown said...

How fabulous is that! She would look great on my bookshelf!

Unknown said...

p.s. I am a follower!

Unknown said...

p.p.s. I blogged about this!

ImagiMeri said...

Dear Tristan,

I would consider it an honor to have one of your pieces of artwork. I am a huge fan of the fantastical and of fantasy in general. This would be the piece de la resistance' Thank you for having such a magnificent giveaway. Please come visit me at my blog, as I also have giveaways seasonally. My next one is for summer and will be starting in May.


ImagiMeri said...

P.S. Tristan,

I am a follower and I will have a button for you in my sidebar.

More Hugs,

Yvonne said...

I am already a follower :)

Yvonne said...

Congrats on your 500th follower! Such a GORGEOUS give away!

Claudia said...

Well, I have been a lurker for a long time - I love your creations and would be thrilled to win this (especially since I work in the theater!) Congratulations on all your followers -


Claudia said...

I just became a follower.


CWPoppets said...

Oh damn, 127 comments. Not much chance of getting this nice give away. And I'm not even a follower. Well, I'm an optimist and will try my luck.

Pattyjo said...

What a Beautiful project for your giveaway. Please put my name in for a chance!

Anonymous said...

500 followers? Well I have 10 - I'm quite pleased with that! ;-( LOL

WOw - fab theatre - use to work at a theatre myuself so love anything dramatic like this! - please enter me into the draw ;-)

Many thanks - houdini

Createology said...

I am a brand new follower and I changed my comment status so you can visit and mac me. Your Marie stage is absolutely Rosey Fabulous. Keep creating...

Nancy D. said...

YAY! Congrats on reaching over 500!...great giveaway!

Nancy D. said...

I've been a follower for a good while now

Nancy D. said...

I posted it to my blog & facebook

Deborah said...

I have crossed everything so much I now resemble a pretzel. Now I must kneel and pray ...

Deborah said...

I am also a follower.

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

Hi Tristan, This gorgeous theatre has definitely to go to someone who loves pink. That would be me then ;-). I've changed my comment settings, so it would be wonderful if you would come over to say "hi".
Congrats on your 500th follower and thanks for the chance to win!
Julia said...

Thanks for the tip, I'm going to go and double check my comment set up.

Anonymous said...

What a delicious blog - I'm so glad I was pointed your way.Off to become a follower (devoted from now on).

Anonymous said...

Managed to be a follower - huzzah!

Karen said...

YAY! I'm a Mac user . . . but I'm always able to leave a message . . . Hmmmmmm. I was just persistent and always pressed it twice and then it allows me leave a word verification and then goes to the comment!

Your giveaway is delicious and I would love to be entered.

Great post!
Karen @ Some days are diamonds

Karen said...

OI, I'm follower No 525! WOW! Good for you!
Thanks again . . . Karen
Some days are diamonds

Jean Tuthill said...

I love it and I want it. It's a beautiful creation. Going to my settings...I had no idea. Thanks.

Jean Tuthill said...

Ok, now I'm a follower, please enter me again. Thanks!

A'isha said...

How gorgeous.. count me in pls

Valarie said...

Tristan....I just blogged about this amazing giveaway. PICK ME, PICK ME!!
Have a fabulous Pink Saturday.
xxoo Valarie

Anonymous said...

It's simple! I want it ~~ :)

Anonymous said...

And I am a follower and also going to check my settings to make sure Mac can come visit. Who is Mac anyway?? xoxo

Sherri@lavenderfields said...

Thanks for your rant. Being a Mac user I can't tell you how many times I would have loved to leave a comment on someones site yet were shut out from doing so : ( I joined as a follower but I have a Mac site instead of Blog Spot so I don't have that option for people to follow me. Love popping over to check out your site. Your pics always give me a good laugh and I love your creativity! Have a great weekend! Sherri : )

Anonymous said...

Oh my gooooodness, I had no wonder I can't leave comments on some blogs! I thought it had something to do with me using Typepad but thanks for the info ;) Aaaand, that Marie theater of yours is wonderful...please count me in! Thanks bunches,
Jamie :)

jeanne said...

Triston, your giveaway is awesome. Love your talent for everything you do. Count me in please.
Hugs. Jeanne

Deirdre said...

Usually I try and read all the comments that your followers have posted. I'll have to come back with a cup of tea - WOW 150 comments and 132 followers!

Just goes to show you what determination and hard will get you!
:-D eirdre

Deirdre said...

I meant 532 Followers, but this gives me another chance to enter!

Wink! Wink!

:-D eirdre

{oc cottage} said...

Oh! For the love of Mike! Where do you find all those pictures! And, dude, if I want to wear a belt in my hear AND have a string bean protruding from my bahookie...I shall!
One happy chick! ;} Thx!

m ^..^

Viki Banaszak said...

Your blog is so awsome! I don't know where you come up with all of these great pictures. Thanks so much for sharing.

Viki Banaszak said...

Oh yes, I am a huge follower. LOL