Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I have to share my surprise!

The doorbell rang ... and was waiting for me?!

a gorgeous array of roses ... yellow (my favorites!), red, peach, and some gorgeous two-toned pink-and-red ...
Why did I receive this plethora of beauties? They were a get-well gift from Daniel, le petit Américain! Daniel is the delightful son of Julio and Dan, who enchanted us with "his" stories of his first ever trip to Paris this year. Click here to read them yourself. You will fall in love with le petit Américain!

Also, if you aren't familiar with Daniel's dad, Julio's blog, Beaux Mondes Designs, you owe yourself a visit. His tablescape photos are always spectacular!
Thank you Daniel - and Julio and Dan! You have brightened my day so much!

Also, thanks to everybody who has sent good wishes and cards and emails - I appreciate each and every one. It's astounding what caring and generous and thoughtful people are residents here in Bloglandia!

I'm back to my sick bed ... but you ...

Go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Tristan, those flowers are BEAUTIFUL! What a lovely gift you received! The colors are just fabulous!

    I think it's about time you get better now... don't you think?! ;) Honestly though... take care and get all the rest you need. Hope you are feeling all better soon!

  2. Fabulous!!! That must have lifted your spirits for oh say the entire week! I was thinking about you yesterday. Bad me for not stopping by. Wishing you well soon soon soon.
    **kisses** Deb

  3. What a gorgeous arrangements, and I just love all those hot colours together. Another idea for a quilt perhaps! Hope you're not feeling too miserable but shingles are such a stinker!! Thinking of you! Hugs!

  4. How wonderful! The roses are beautiful in every way.

    Thinking of you--and hoping the pain is not too bad.

  5. Wow. What a beautiful bouquet !!

  6. Beautiful flowers, they would lift anyone's spirit.

  7. I absolutely LOVE those roses!!! They are so beautiful; much more interesting than the usual long stems!
    Take care of yourself and hope this passes soon! WE MISS YOU!♥♥♥


  8. I'm so sorry you've been feeling unwell! Get well soon! Such beautiful flowers will surely help!

  9. oh you poor baby...still suffering? are thy better or worse now? when you feel better i would like to hear about your experience and hear if there is any new treatment for shingles. hang in there and feel better!!! the roses are gorgeous!

  10. how pretty, a least you had a smile for awhile, wishing you a speedy recovery, miss your posts, you are in my thoughts and prayers
    your fairy friend

  11. Ah, those are lovely. Get well soon!!


  12. I have been thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. I hope that you have found something that helps and that you are more comfortable.
    I hope that soon you are totally feeling better.
    Hugs to you,

  13. What an absolutely beautiful bouquet and Daniel is just the CUTEST little guy ever!!!!

    I hope you're feeling 100 percent better soon!!!

    Thinking of you!!


  14. Oh, the dreaded Shingles!! UGH!!! With a name like that you know it isn't good!!! Do take care and try all those 'old wives tales' - they do work - along with the real meds! Take care!

  15. Miss you here in blogsphere! Hope you are feeling better soon...and the pain diminishes soon!

  16. They are beautiful, you deserve them. Hope you are back to your old self soon. Creating wonderful things.

  17. Beautiful roses for your beautiful soul. Thoughtful friends and get well wishes are amazing in healing powers. Speedy recovery to you.

  18. You deserve roses every day, or at least every other day!

  19. Hi Tristan!!!

    I'm so glad you love the roses. It's the least I could do for someone who always puts a smile on my Dads faces whenever they visit your blog. Thank you for the plug on my vacation to Paris. That was very thoughtful of you. Please get well soon.

    The Little American & Family

  20. Hi Robin,

    I hope you're starting to feel better. I feel so bad that you're suffering with that stuff. I keep getting told that with my age and all my medical conditions, and all the stress I'm under that I'll probably get it too....yeah so nice to be given high hopes.....LOL

    I'm sending you happy, soothing thoughts in hopes that it's over sooner rather than later. God Bless.


  21. What a beautiful way to start the day! It's always fun to receive flowers.

    I can't believe you're STILL sick! Yuk! Take care of yourself. I hope you're feeling better SOON!

  22. The flowers are beautiful! I am so sorry that you are still not well - Keeping you in my thoughts.

  23. HI Tristan, the flowers are gorgeous, must have made you feel a bit better. I have been thinking about you and wondering what the heck was going on, didn't realize you were still sick. I hope you get feeling better soon and get back to feeling yourself soon.
    Miss yah,

  24. What GORGEOUS flowers from such a sweet and thoughtful young man! It's good to hear from you - I hope you are fully recovered soon. Theresa :)

  25. Oh Tristan, I am SO sorry. I did not know you were sick with shingles. I would have never bothered you with that email yesterday. From all I have ever heard, shingles are awful. I hope you are getting better quickly.
    I was off blog for some time myself sick for over a month with some kind of virus ~ tonsilitis and bronchitis. Yuck! It was bad.
    I am all better now and back to blogging.
    You must get better, too!!! I will keep you in my thoughts and send healing vibes your way.
    The roses are gorgeous, Tristan!!! I went to the blog and read all about the Little American's first trip to Paris. What a fun and interesting read!!
    I guess I should have sent an email. This is getting too long.
    Be well, Tristan!!!!
    ♥ audrey

  26. How magnificent. Your roses are gorgeous, and what a lovely thing to do. You must have squealed with delight when they arrived. I hope that you are feeling better soon.


  27. How lovely and if those roses don't help you to feel better.....I don't know what will.

    I hope they worked.

  28. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! Those are GORGEOUS!!!! Get well soon! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  29. I have been perusing your wonderful blog, and had some much needed chuckles, as well as inspiration!

    I am so sorry to hear you have shingles. My mom had them once, a later spin off version of chicken pox. You can ask your Dr. for lidocaine patches, which you put on your skin and it numbs them up!!
    They aren't narcotic, so you can still enjoy a nice martini or toddy!

  30. Dearest....
    I hope you are feeling better....I think those beauties would make anyone feel good! The are so unusual & WOW!!
    Take Care Sweet Friend!

  31. Hi Tristan! I was just at Marilyn's blog and saw your comment. I am sorry you haven't been well - I hope you feel much better soon. Those roses are sure to help (well, that and the pain meds)! xo Pam

  32. Lucky you ! Such pretty flowers!

  33. The roses are just lovely! Anything to help you on your road to recovery is a good thing. Please get well soon!!!

    Hugs from California,

  34. The roses are lovely Tristan! Sending you healing wishes and hope you are back up and out of pain soon!


  35. If I were you, I would stay in bed and enjoy the roses until all the petals have fallen. Hope you are feeling better, Tristan.

  36. Tristan what a beautiful bunch of flowers.
    Take care, rest up and get well

  37. hope you are feeling better....i have missed you.

  38. Poor you! I know your pain. I had Shingles about 15 years ago. No fun. I hope they caught it early enough that it doesn't cause you any nerve damage. Sounds like you are slowing down which is really the best thing until you make a full recovery. Mine was was on my ribs and wrapped around to my back. Like you said at least the whole world didn't have to see it there! Beautiful flowers...Get well Sherri : )

  39. Lovely roses. I hope you are beginning to feel better.Take it easy. We will be waiting for you when you are up to returning and sharing more of your positive and inspiring spirit. Until then, rest my friend, Pam

  40. What stunning roses, and what an adorable child! I'm so sorry to hear you've been sick, and worse, in pain. Sending up prayers and positive healing vibes...

    ~ Carolee

  41. I stopped by to let you know since we are moving to the left coast, I am selling off trims, appliques and tassels for $1 each! Either a trip to Stowe or a list from my website with part numbers. Phone is listed there if you are interested and have questions.

    So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Also, I confess, I spent too much time following the travels of the delightful little boy in Paris!

  42. Hi Tristen.....this is my first visit. I'm so sorry you have the shingles. I do hear they are incredibly painful.

    please take good care of yourself....it looks as if your friends are helping to do just that.


  43. Aww that was so thoughtful of him! I hope you recover form the shingles soon! My sister had it all through University due to enormous stress.

    Big Hugs!

  44. Hi Tristin,
    I miss your posts--hope you are feeling better! My husband just got over shingles. Not fun!

  45. Tristan, I do hope you are feeling better . . . I miss your posts! Thanks for having my 700 post giveaway button up on your blog this week -I've drawn 2 winners now, so you can take it down anytime. thanks again!!

  46. We're missing you. Are you better????
