Monday, June 7, 2010

Does He Hurt and Have a Temperature?

... and the answer is a resounding, YES.

Late last week I decided to go to the doctor to have a persistent rash checked out. It seemed to be getting worse, and my self-medication of Cortisone 10 just wasn't doing the trick. Not only was the rash growing, but it actually hurt (as opposed to itching), and seemed to be blistering, rather like poison ivy.

Turns out I have Shingles (isn't that a disgusting name for something that is growing on your body?! UGH). Apparently, it's rather an adult version of Chicken Pox.

So they gave me shots of something-or-other, pills to take four times a day, and orders to wear long sleeves because it's highly contact contagious.

By Saturday the rash and blisters had almost covered by hands (my arms seem to be getting the worst of it all. It's so nice that Mother Nature chose to put them somewhere that is highly visible - not on my chest or abdomen that can be hidden. Grrr. Grrr.

So, it's fairly painful to type, and I've spent little time on line - mostly just to check email. I haven't visited any of your blogs since last week ... sorry! I will get around to them when my poor pathetic fingers are in better condition. Thanks for sticking with me during my "down" period!

I'll leave you with this Betsy Johnson chair to cheer your day. See you soon!

Now go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Oh Tristan I feel for you!!!!!!

    I've known people that have had them and you don not want them where they can't be seen!!! It's worse in those places if you know what I mean. I know at 60 you can get a shot for shingles... I'll be waiting in line when that day comes!

    I have Parvo B19 or Fifths Disease and it to is realted to chicken pox. It's no fun...

    I hope that you rest and recover soon and be back to all the wonderful things you do...

    We all will be here waiting. : )

  2. So sorry to hear you've not been well! I hope you are better soon. My husband suffered that awhile ago, and it was not fun at all. Here's hoping that the medicine works quickly so we can have you back at full speed! Theresa

  3. OMG!!! Tristan, you poor thing!
    Rest, try and relax (yeah, I know that's not possible) and we'll see you when you're well.
    After this is gone, can you get the shingles vacc to try and avoid it again?

    (((hugs...from a distance!)))


  4. Oh, Tristan, I hope you're feeling better soon. My dad has had the shingles. They HURT and are not pleasant at all. You need to RELAX and DESTRESS my friend!!!

    OHHHH, I so WANT that CHAIR!!!

    Take care of yourself!!!

  5. Bless your heart! (That's my Texan side coming out!) You have shingles? I hope they aren't cedar shingles because I hear those are a fire hazard! (That's the blonde side coming out!) So sorry because I know that is painful...all those men climbing on you with tar paper and nail guns! (That's the absurd side coming out!)

    I got a wonderful package in the mail!!! I will be blogging about it soon! Thank you so much! Hope you get your roof finished soon and watch out for nails in your driveway! :)

  6. Poor Tristan, how awful for you, I do hope the medication works soon, Hugs but glad they are cyber ones :-D

  7. I am so sorry to hear that you have the shingles. They say if you have had chicken pox you are more likely to get them!

    There is a vaccine - but, when I asked my doctor she told me it is close to $200. to get it - and most insurance companies are not covering it.

    That makes a hell of a lot of sense doesn't it?

    Please take care - and am thinking of you...

  8. Oh, Tristan! I have had the shingles. I think you are in for the long haul.

    To anyone who hasn't had them, get the vaccine. The pain of shingles is something you don't want to know about or experience. The rash is the easy part...the healing is no fun at all.

    I could write a book about shingles...

    Right now I have poison ivy on both arms..UGH.

    Sending you healing thoughts.

  9. I am so sorry you are suffering with this! I have had friends with it and they say it is very painful. Only they had it around their rib cage, I have never heard of it on the arms and hands.
    I hope that your time with it is very short, and that you are feeling more comfortable very very soon.
    Gentle hugs to you,

  10. OUCH! I know from others who have had it, very painful. So so sorry.
    **blows gentle kisses** Deb

  11. I hope you have a swift recovery from this buzz-kill of an ailment!

    *winks* ...But if you don't, can I use you for my Halloween display this year? ;o)

  12. Feel better! Shingles is not fun and I hope it clears up in no time.

  13. Oh sugar I hope you feel better real soon! Ooh Thanks for sharing the chair I ♥ it :)!

  14. How truely horrible for you, Tristan. I know it's really painful as a good friend had it and afterwards she suffered a lack of B12 vitamin and now has to have regular injections. So keep an eye out for that. If you feel persistently tired afterwards that might be the problem.
    Fingers crossed yours won't last long and you'll soon be back to normal (or what goes for normal in your case, LOL!!)

  15. Oye Kiddo,

    Leave it to you to answer the adds for the community college's trade class "Learn to carry shingles"!!! They tend to follow a nerve pathway so once they latch on they follow that metro line to end station!! Could be a good time to practice those yoga pathways you learn in your Bohemian Period. Just a thought.

    Get to feeling better kiddo we'll keep your little spot in Bloglandia until your fingers can do their own strutting!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  16. Oh noooo !
    You must be miserable .. . I've heard Shingles are VeryPainful.

    So sad to think of you being so miserable -
    You REALLY don't deserve this, my dear!


  17. Oh, how I feel your pain! I had a very mild case a few years ago. It wasn't too bad until all the obvious symptems went away that the real pain set in. My joints and bones felt like I had been hit by a truck. Just thought I'ld lighten your day. Here's to a speedy recovery!

  18. Dear Mr. T...

    Been there. :( I'm sooooooo sorry you have this. I am immune repressed and so I got those darn things really bad. I was worried they would scar my face. But...guess what? They alllllll went away and you can't see a thing now.

    Thinking of you and missing your sweet comments. The are always so fun and make me SMILE!

    Now...get well! Prayers for YOU today!


  19. feel better soon, will think happy thoughts and blow magic faerie dust in your direction
    Look into natural healing the Japanese do wonders with that awful disease. I have had this experience
    too, bummer
    take care

  20. Oh, you poor thing! I hope the meds do their job, and you're back to your ol' self quickly!

  21. poor you, most uncomfortable! I think shingles is better than it's medical name of herpes zoster though LOL

  22. Sorry to hear about this Tristan. You take care and get well quick. Have I heard that you can't get this a second time? That would be a good thought.

  23. poor thing! I hope you will feel very well very soon.

  24. I certainly hope you recover soon! Rest and take care of yourself. I have heard that shingles are miserable!

  25. For Pete's Sake SirT...I sure hope you didn't Touch Anything in Texas...while here for the B-DayBash! I double checked and NoBodies but you got Rashy! Whew! Guess YaGotIt in NewYorkCity!

    Ditto on Fellow Texan Malisa's Comment...except I'm not Blonde.

    Seriously...get well...get the shot...get back to work and bloggin.

    Also...I checked out your WebSite...You're MultiTalented in MultiMedias. I'm a Quilter and admired your Quilts tremendously!

  26. Hope you are feeling better soon. My husband & father have both had Shingles so I know how painful it can be! The medications does seem to work fairly quickly so hopefully you will be back to yourself soon!

  27. That must be so painful. Hope it clears up soon.

  28. OMG...I did not even have to read very many words to KNOW it was shingles...why??? because I have had them...several times...yes, several times. The first time 13 days in I thought I was having a heart attack from the constant pain of the PHN...Lyrica, my friend is the Rx for that.......and then...well, get the vaccine they say even AFTER having them to prevent them from coming again.....because they do.
    So sorry, Pet......they are awful...the damage done to nerves is hard to describe. Rest...take good meds.

    xox Rella

  29. Oh precious one...I had this blasted thing years ago when both my parents died; I had stress galore. I had it on my rib area and it felt like a knife was stabbing me. Then Ruben got it when he got his first teaching job at the University and when we relocated here to Minneapolis. What a hellish thing. We will wait patiently for you to get better! BISOUS mon cher, Anita

  30. Poor you! I've heard that they are awful. Hope you're feeling better really really soon!

  31. Oh - NOT nice!! Take care of you and get better soon.

  32. OMG glad they're on your arms and visible as opposed to south of the Mason Dixon line and intolerable!!! Hope you're feeling better soon Tristan - big hugs from Canada!!
    Deb xoxo

  33. OH, I am so sorry for you! Hopefully your anti-viral meds will kick in right away. This is not a fun thing to have, having been there a time or four myself. Rest, get better.

  34. YIKES!!!! I hope you are feeling better soon. I have known people that has had them and they are awful. Get well soon my friend. I was wondering where the heck you were.

  35. Oh Tristan.....that stinks. I am crossing my fingers that you feel better soon.
    xxoo Valarie

  36. HI,Tristan.......
    So sad :( so sorry :(
    You are ill. Get well soon.

  37. Yikes, not very pleasant at all! Speedy recovery!!!

  38. Dear Tristan,
    I am so sorry to hear this. I hope my package will arrive (winning my give-away!) and that it will cheer you. Don't worry if you are not up to writing now -let me know you received it when you are better! xo lenna

  39. Oh Tristan! Shingles are a bitch! I've never had them but my hubby came home from a business trip from Turkey with them. He was sure that some weird bugs had gotten to him, but no, it was shingles. He was not a happy camper for several weeks. I hope you start feeling better soon!

    My wrist has been bothering me a lot and I also have not been on the computer much the past 5 days. We make a great pair.

    Feel better soon!


  40. Dearest Tristan....So sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I follow your blog every day but this is my first comment. I mentioned you on my blog when you cleaned up your work area. I could not do the same in mine because the cat was asleep on my work table. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  41. I hope you are feeling better soon, Tristan! I hear those shingles can be painful. Sending my prayers your way.

  42. Poor baby! Where do these things come from? I got the German measles when I was 25 just out of the blue. Weird. I hope you'll be back in the swing of things soon. Rest well.

  43. oh sorry to hear this. shingles are a form of herpes. once we have had chicken pox (which is really a worse name than shingles) the virus does not leave us. it hides in the base of our spine. when your immune system is compromised, sometimes the virus reappears as shingles. if you are interested, i have a holistic doctor that is a genius and does consults by phone. he works with traditional dr's but sets up a holistic program and he is fabulous and not too expensive.let me know if you want his info. take care dear friend and feel better. and there are MUCH worse places to ge them than your arms!!!!

  44. Well, I hope you get well soon! I did have chicken pox as a child but never have I had shingles. Yuck! You are right about the name being awful. But if they gave it a cute name like, daisies or cupcake, then everyone would want it. That is, until they got it and found out how horrible it is. Anyway, I hope you are feeling better really soon. Just try to relax and enjoy the unavoidable 'vacation' from blogging. We'll all be here when you return!

    Big hug,

  45. I knew it was shingles before I finished reading your first paragraph. And, I know just how painful it can be.

    It is unusual that it is only on your arms and hands. I sure hope it doesn't get on your face or the trunk of your body. Those pains can feel like a knife is stabbing through you.

    Be a good boy, and do what the doctor says.

    I'll be sending good vibes to you.

  46. Sending you big hugs for a super speedy recovery.I received the night light and loved it so much I was inspired to create a mermaid square.Check it out when your feeling better.

  47. Hi Tristan,

    So sorry to hear you have what it seems everyone in the world has had. My mom had it last year, and it was extremely painful for her, I'm approaching 50 this year and I'm not too excited that every year comes closer to my opportunity to have this dreaded sickness. You're in my prayers that your pain will be minimal and your recovery time quick. God Bless, and take it easy.


  48. Shingles are horrid, I hope that you feel a little better soon.


  49. Poor Tristan, how awful! Shingles are truly a bitch. Take your medication and keep your hands away from other parts of your body. I think it's time for a glamorous glove posting from you. Sending you healing thoughts.

  50. Having had shingles myself, all I can say is "I'M SO SORRY, Tristan!"


  51. We are all feeling for you! Buck up chappy and hopefully all will be well soon!

  52. Oh, ow!! My mom got shingles when she was in her early '70s, and it was really tough. I hope your meds help it and I hope you recover quickly. What a yucky thing to happen!!!

    Mmm, that chair is divine!

  53. I have been behind with my blog reader. I do hope you are on the road to recovery, Tristan.

  54. Tristan,

    I am so sorry, my mom had that years ago, and it is so painful. I was just watching a Dr. Oz the other day and he was talking about it. Evidently we can have it for years and it lies dormant, but can strike us all of a sudden. I hope that you feel better soon. I'll be saying a prayer that you recover quickly.

  55. Tristan,
    I'm so, so sorry you are suffering like this. I know shingles can be very painful. I'll be thinking of you, and hope this passes for you quickly!

  56. Yippeeee its arrived at last. I was beginning to wonder and its took nearly two weeks!!!
    Sorry to hear you have shingles,Ive heard its quite painful.Hope you are soon feeling better.
    Hope you manage to make an easel card.
    debbie xxxx

  57. Dear Mr. T...

    We are fine...and so it my SHOPETTE (love that!)....thank you for asking.

    NOW...I hope and pray you are doing well and not suffering too terribly much with those nasty shingles.

    Love to you~


  58. Ohhh darlin -- you make my heart hurt for you. I have had several friends and family have this NASTY virus, so i can only imagine your pain. Please know you are now in my prayers and hope you get better real soon and come join in with us again!


  59. TRISTAN DEAREST!!!! How are you feeling, love? We all have missed you so, thinking of you. But the pain has to be gone by now....and thank you for coming by for a little blue heaven....ahhhhh...for sure. Just lay down on that settee and hug a pillow dear one; we shall bring you your drink of choice!!!

    HAIL KING TRISTAN! See you soon with a new, fresh post I hope! Bisous, Anita

  60. Oh no, I had a very mild case of shingles and they hurt! I was very lucky as mine did not spread too much. It was at my waist, not seen but hurt when touched by clothing...yikes. Hope you are better soon.

  61. Thank you dearest for coming on over to my teaching ballet! Whew....what a year, but saying goodbye is always a tear-jerker! But I am lovin' sleeping!!!

    Enjoy the weekend! Anita

  62. Oh hun, I'm so sorry! My daughter's mother-in-law got them when she was in Tahiti and they had to come home early! Take care of yourself, Marcia

  63. Hello Mr. Tristan,

    So sorry to hear that you are in pain and in so much discomfort...

    Sending you a huge hug.

    Get better soon, we miss you!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  64. Sweetie, I'm in an airport catching up on the blogs I have missed this week and I read you are down and out and with shingles. YUK1 My mom got them once and it was horrible. Painful, messy and just nasty. This too shall pass and you will be back to creating beauty joy and laughter. take care of yourself and keep dusty handy. He loves you. Sea Witch

  65. Oh Tristan, I am so sorry to read that you have shingles. I think I just a report about it on Dr.Oz show. Sending you healing prayers my friend. Ron might be coming home Saturday. Going on six weeks, can you believe that! I'll be happy when he is back with me.
    Get well!!

  66. Oh Tristan you poor thing. My aunt had shingles last year and it was ever so painful.
    Hope you are soon doing better

  67. I do hope that the shingles go away without leaving you with residual pain. That is what happened to me over 4 years ago. I was only 60 when I got them - never heard of shingles. You can get them once you have had chickenpox - I now have posthepatic neuropathy. Fancy word for lingering pain. Hopefully you will recover fully. My thoughts are with you.

  68. I have not visited for quite some time (my bad!!) and was most upset to learn of your malady! Shingles! I have never heard a good word about them. I remember my grandmother had them and was not in good humor the whole time!

    I hope by now you are well on the way to recovery.

    Blessings, Tristan!!

    Judy B.
