Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back to the Land of the Blogging ... Grab a Cuppa ... and a Contest!

The doc has given me the go-ahead to get back to life as usual. My hands have healed almost completely - though they still ache a bit, the sharp pain is gone. Hurrah!

It's so nice to have a thoughtful and compassionate dog. While I was not feeling so well, I decided to open up the sofa bed in the living room, put on my favorite embroidered sheets, and spend my day in there instead of living in the bedroom for days on end. Dusty couldn't have cared less about my plans. He rooted around and scratched until my lovely sheets were the perfect nest for him to sprawl out on. No doubt he was dreaming of being a

Just look at the gorgeous little get-well-and-good-wishes faery doll from Kaerie Faerie! What a delightful surprise the postman brought from Bloglandia.

Thanks so much Kaery ... and be sure to visit her site - not only does she make the most marvelous dolls, but she is having a splendid tea party in honor of Vanessa's A Fanciful Twist's 3rd Annual Mad Tea Party event!

Speaking of gorgeous. Look at this stunning miniature torso theatre from Amada at Over the Top Studios. Amada has also thrown a knock out Mad Tea Party, so be sure to visit and see the enchanting spread she has conjured up!

And, in the I-Could-Move-Right-In-This-Afternoon Department, we have ...

Has it been unseasonable (and unbearably) warm where you are, too? We've definitely been having some ruff weather.

Truthfully now, does anything say "I love you" like a boiled clean skull?

Stick puppets and romantic silhouette cutouts from someplace on the web...if I found these on your blog, please let me know so I can credit you! These are just terrific!

Update! I've been told that these are from Lotte Reinigers "The Adventures of Prince Achmed." - Thanks, Harry, of Toy Theatre Digest!

Mary and Maggie at The Decorative Paintbrush create such delightful little treasures with paint and creativity and a witty eye! Visit their site to see more of their work! I'm not sure I'm a fan of porridge. But I believe this 1938 sterling porringer from Savoir Faire: For the Chosen Few just might have me crying, "please, sir, can I have more?" Perhaps instead of porridge, I could have it filled with tiramisu! If you don't follow Savoir Faire, pay a visit - you'll find everything from fashion to - well - vintage porringers! - and all with savoir faire!

Speaking of savoir faire ... I know it's a little early - but I thought I should post this now so you have plenty of time to whip these up for this year's family sumptuous repast!

From the early silent film of Peter Pan ... does Wendy look just a tad narcissistic or is it me? I'm afraid Peter should never have gone to RuPaul for his make-up. But, still, a charming ... still!

Don't hate her because she's ... well ... don't hate her.

Do you think she's going to grab a brush to use as a microphone and start lipsynching to Cher's "The Shoop Shoop Song (It's in His Kiss)?"

So what are YOU staring at? How do you dress when you're hanging out swabbing the deck?

Shall we meet for lunch here at Agitato, in Barjac in the south of France?
Read more here about this fascinating restaurant, gallery, performing space and cultural center!

Now that it's summer, I finally got all the fabrics aired for spring cleaning ... and fall will be here before you know it!

If you've been following for any length of time, you'll remember last year I was busy with a commission for large miniature theatres with vintage circus themes. They were for a new ballroom being restored in The Banker's Suite (Astoria, Oregon). The ballroom was completed and had a grand opening recently - and these are photos of this breathtaking and opulent space. You can see two of my theatres installed! Please visit The Banker's Suite and see other spaces - the guest rooms are to die for! ... and the gift shop has been stocked with extravagant offerings!

Oh! What have I been working on? I started a postage stamp quilt. This is one block (26"x26") - I have three completed and there will be 16 blocks, and the final quilt will be 104" square - large enough for a king sized bed. Each block has approximately 450 patches. Except for the Irish Chain part (the orange and brown), none of it is strip pieced. It's all done individually. The quilt will only have 4 repeats of each patch fabric. This has a lot of fabric! Doesn't it look like a Depression-era blanket? I know I don't usually make traditional quilts ... but this seemed like a terrific way to use up some of my way-too-much-to-deal-with fabric stash!

Contest time!
Okay. Who is this? Still alive ... but this is a pretty old photo! First person to accurately identify the celebrity wins something fun from the Tristan Cupboard of Curiousities!

(6.28 update: We have a winner folks! Forever Jan guessed it! - 19 year old Harvey Fierstein!)
Enjoy your day - and weekend! I'm so glad to be back in the land of the blogging! It's been a long and lonely road! Thanks again for all the thoughtful emails and cards and treasures - both physical and written - that I've received!

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan

... got ants?


  1. Hi Tristan! Welcome back!!! I so hope you are feeling better. :) I am sorry that I don't know who this photo is of - I seem to do quite poorly at it. I do love the wonderful faerie doll that Karey made for you - I visited her Mad Tea Party and it was fabulous. I love all the gorgeous silhouette art you posted - it truly made me smile. I'm hosting a Mad Tea Party, too. Stop by for a bit of tea if you are up to it. :) Theresa

  2. Oh Tristan, I am so glad that you are back and not in as much pain. My friend Joyce and I were talking about you on Thursday. She brought her beautiful grandkids over to stage a mad tea party. She had shingles and she was telling me how painful it is.

    Your theaters look perfect in the Banker's Suite. Your quilt is amazing, such magnificent workmanship. I admire anyone who can quilt.

    That restaurant doesn't look real, it looks like Vanessa retouched the details in the room.

    I haven't a clue who that person is, sorry to say. I am usually good at this. As always your post is so filled with wonder that I will return and click away.

    So happy that you are feeling better.


  3. Well, the mouth looks like Mick Jagger!!!! LOL!!
    Welcome back baby!!!
    Missed ya---life ain't the same!


  4. Racking my brain....but can't guess that is...I thought I did....but not thinking I am! :):):):) Loveeeeeeeeeee those tables...and glad to hear that you are better!! :):):):):):) And I'm in it is ALWAYS hot! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. Glad you are feeling better and and back to blogging. Yours is one of my favs!

  6. Tristan....I am so glad that you are back in blogland. It just isn't the same without you. I have missed your fabulous posts. xxoo Valarie

  7. Hi Tristan
    So glad you are back blogging, and on the mend, I was starting to Jones for your fabulous posts LOL
    Thanks for the shout out, so happy you like your little fairy!
    Wonderful pictures of the theaters
    that is sooooo great!
    Have a wonderful weekend
    I'm dancing in my Butterfly Dress in the yard EEKKKK
    People in the neighborhood think I'm crazy

  8. Hi Tristan, I'm glad you're feeling better!
    Could this be Tim Curry?
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Welcome...Welcome....Welcome back!! So glad you are feeling some better.....
    Loved your post with so much to absorb!!
    Picture at the bottom???? Haven't a clue......
    Love Ya',
    p.s. Summer is mine as I am done with anything cancer. Am only on 6 month follow-ups!! WOO HOO!!!!

  10. Welcome Tristan!!
    Beautiful post!

  11. James

  12. WELCOME BACK!!!! i am so glad to hear you are doing better. we have all missed you! it was so nice to find your wonderful post on my sidebar this morning. what a faithful little pooch! teddy would have sat next to me pouting and wanting me to get up and take her outside.

  13. I too will will say WELCOME BACK!!!
    I always love your posts and the photo's you find crack me up or make me want to crawl into them!

    No clue as well to who that (guy) person is...
    : ) Pattee

  14. Happy you are back, love your quilt. I have no idea who that is LOL.

  15. Oh YAY and a YIPPEE!!! Oh how I have missed your wit. Dusty looks like a fluffy hamster!!! YOU GOT A FAERIE FROM KAERIE!?!?! Oh you lucky boy! **blows kisses** Deb

  16. Hurrah, it's great to have you back in blogland but I think it might prove difficult to persuade Dusty to give up the day bed!He looks amazingly comfortable there!
    Great quilt and what fun to play with all those gorgeous fabrics. Can't wait to see the finished product when it's all done!

  17. So glad that you are feeling up to blogging again Tristan! You have been missed!

    Love the pics - Dusty is soooooooo cute and the quilt you are working on is amazing! Your theatre installations look fabulous on those walls.

    hmmmmmm, my first thought on the mystery harlequin dress wearer was also Tim Curry, however there is something about the eyes that don't look quite right to me. There is also something very familiar about the eyes, but I can't place them. Looking forward to finding out who it is!



  18. Welcome back to the land of the blogging! So glad you're feeling better!

  19. Welcome back! Good news that you are feeling so much better.

  20. So glad to have you back in blogland - and to know that you are doing better...

    Have no clue who that person is - but, I am going to guess Robert Downey...

  21. so glad you are feelind better, Tristan!! xoxo

  22. Glad you are feeling better I enjoy your humor!! Such wonderful sites and creations too!! Someone else had your "We'll... don't hate her" pic on their blog. I believe it's actually a man. Look at what appears to be an Adam's apple above the collar. Drag and transgender sure ain't new!!

  23. I wondered where you were and hoping it was because you were busy with fun.
    Have a feel good weekend and carry it on into the next week!

  24. Tristan, I was dropping by from A Fanciful Feast, and I'm so sorry you've had surgery. Glad, though, that you are beginning to feel better. Sending you many get well wishes...


    Sheila :-)

    P.S. Is the celebrity Tim Curry from "Rocky Horror"? I think I'm remembering him being in that correctly.

  25. Oops! I mean A Fanciful Twist. Feast? You can see where my mind is after looking at all the food in the posts today! ;-)

  26. Your work in Astoria? That is where I do my shopping! I have walked past this place, never realizing what was in the upper story! I wonder if I can get in for a peek?

    Welcome back, Tristan! Glad you are mending, with help from your little dog, too.

    I have no idea who that person is, so I will be back to find out later.

  27. Hon! I didn't know you were down for the count. So sorry...and glad you are back on your way to feeling normal. Gee! Hugs to you! Well I am heartened to see that wee pooch of a darling that you can snuggle with. And dahling, you KNOW how to live. Embroidered sheets. Oh hello! Ciao, Norma

  28. Hi Tristan -

    So glad you are feeling better. Love your photo picks, just so much fun to visit you. And Dusty, well, he is only used to the best - LOL!
    And the mystery person - could it by chance be Paul Stanley of KISS?

    Elaine Allen

  29. So glad to hear you're feeling better!! You've been missed!!


  30. Hello Trist! So glad to hear that you are feeling better and ready to get back to your hands in your artwork. Where ever did you find that picture of me in my favorite flowing bedsheet? Sweet Dust looks so comfy in his nest. Haven't a clue who the harliquin is so my wild guess is Pat Sajak. Have a wonderful week. Sea Witch

  31. Hello Tristan, so good to have you back : )
    I am so glad to hear that your hands are better, and I hope they recover completely very soon!
    I enjoyed your amusing post as usual, and I think your quilt is stunning! Postage stamp size squares you say???? I can not even imagine the work!
    Big hug to you,

  32. WOW! What a comeback. So much to see and places to visit. I don't know where to begin. I just LOVE those silhouettes. Especially the one with the Witch. Glad to hear your feeling better!

  33. LOL! I had a fabulous time at your party!

  34. Welcome back to the land of the living! SO glad you're better! My best guess is Iggy Pop?

  35. Welcome back! So glad you are almost back to 'normal!' I've missed your posts, as I am sure all your followers have. I am also happy that you had Dusty to keep you company and entertained. That's what dogs are for, right? Anyway, he looked quite comfortable and that's what's important.

    The quilt is coming along nicely. If I ever decided to make a postage stamp quilt, I am certain it would take me 150 years to complete. Dang, that's a lot of squares! Hurry up and get it done because I want to see the finished product.

    As for the contest picture, I have no clue who it is.

    Again, welcome back!


  36. I know, I know!! (waving hand from the back row) It's

    No clue. none. nada...

    I just stumble across your blog after my Mad Tea Party stint. Love it!! I'm coming back to view more after I get off my keester for a bit. Mad Tea Partying is HARD work!! sheeshk.


  37. You're back, and now I'm happy.

    OMG. That quilt is going to be the most amazing thing ever. Wowzers!!!

    I'm guessing Tim Curry, too. But, then again, I think not. Ugh.

  38. oh gawd I like those little theatres ,althouh they're probably not that little since they've been hung in such a vast space...- and the chippy pink and MAUVE like saying 'mauve' and the torso too . I've been away from bloggyland too a touch of melancholia methinks..mmm 'mauve melancholia'.and you? glad that you're peachy again as your posts are a tonic! :) Pop over to my rather mad-late tea party for a cuppa steampunk if you're so inclined chappynoodle
    Rainey J

  39. Loved all of the silhouettes! and the skull is a must have! Loved the tea party....thanks for inviting me!

  40. Hey Tristan, so glad to hear you're feeling better!

    Is it Iggy Pop?

  41. TRISTAN,
    It's a nineteen-year-old Harvey Fierstein!

    GLAD your feeling much better.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I am so glad you are back up and running! Your quilt is looking absolutely amazing! Wow! The patience it must take to create something so intricate! I really love it!! Beautiful work!

  44. So happy to see you back in form. Your circus theaters are fabulous. Congratulations on having them in such an opulent room for all to enjoy. Even I feel better now that I have your post to savor. Happy creating...

  45. It's great to have you back and Ballroom is gorgeous, I love the colors they picked and your theaters look great (although I would have loved a closer view, guess I need to make a trip, lol). A postage stamp quilt in king size!! That will be a work of art and labor when you're finished. I have a stash of my grandmother's squares in a box, each cut with scissors around a cardboard template. A true labor of love.

  46. welcome, welcome, welcome have been missed. I always find the photos on your blog the most beautiful and the most interesting. You and I share a very wide area of interests....or we are both magpies distracted by what glitters.

  47. Hi Tristan, I am glad that you are back & feeling better! Your theaters look awesome on the wall. I just love the way your quilt is coming out, too!

  48. Dear Friend so glad to see you are finally feeling better. I know how much you must have hated to be down and not able to do what you love.

    Your postage stamp quilt is really quite something. I would never be able to attempt something like that.

    Stay well and be happy, now you say go create something wonderful for all of us to ooh and aah over.

  49. Oh Tristan! to say you've been missed is an understatement. Glad your feeling better and once again gracing us with you magical points of view. Mondays are not dull once again. Thank You.

  50. Hey Tris! Glad you are back in the land of the living! Thanks for the link to Savoir Faire!

  51. Still making my tea party rounds! I don't know if I will ever get through the list. If you haven't yet, come by and say hello. I am having a giveaway. The deadline to enter is tomorrow!

  52. helloooo Kiddo!!!

    So glad to hear those magic tapping talking fingers of yours again in Bloglandia!!! Oh and yes your new art quilt is very much like the old depression era quilts!!The colors and feel are perfect!!

    See you around Bloglandia, don't over do!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  53. Mr. Tristan,

    So glad to see you back in Blogland!


    ~ Gabriela ~

  54. Oh Tristan dearest...I have missed you and I was gone for 11 days on vacation. It is wonderful to see you are back on your feet..Dusty is a treasure as well as all of your photos and commentaries! Take care dear one, Anita

  55. So glad your hands are better and you have returned to enchanting and entertaining us all with your wonderful blog! My husband had shingles a while ago after unthinking parents bought chicken poxed children round not realizing not every adult had them as a child and I had to dab cream in some very interesting places! Hope you are completely better soon, Jane xx

  56. Hi Tristan! Glad the achey hands are becoming a thing of the past - your blog entry, as usual, is SO entertaining!! Don't you just love Poms? They are hedonistic little devils and certainly put us in our places. I have three - Rusty, Jessie & Tucker and honestly, I should have their lives!! They are definitely very pampered pooches!
    Deb xoxo

  57. Mr. T~

    Thinking of you this July 4th and hoping, praying you are continuing to do well.

    Blessings for a wonderful holiday. Hope you are out-a that bed (sofa sleeper?) and back into the swing of things very, very soon.

    Love to you~


  58. Happy July 4th Tristan!!!
    I hope you are shingle-less and are back to normal...I miss you.
    It's not the same out here without you. Maybe it's a good thing that I don't know your address...I'd have shown up on your doorstep and kept you company while you were down. hmmm. Although I probably wouldn't have been much better than your little furball! ;)
    Lots of hugs and kissies~

  59. Hi Tristan, So glad you are feeling better. My days were just not the same without you :)
    Thanks for posting a picture of my mannequin. Glad you like it so much. You are a sweetie.
    Love Dusty, aren't Pos fun?

  60. I am sympathetic, truly, I am...but when I think about "chingos" I just want to giggle! A friend's mom had them years ago...she was hispanic...and called them chingos. Really thogh...UGH...can't imagine! I've heard the pain is insanity making! Chin up...hang in...lots of martinis... SO glad you're on them mend!

    m ^..^

  61. Tristan - where are you?

    We need more fabulous things to look at!

  62. What a joy to have you back! You were missed!

  63. Hello Dear tristan,
    I'm so glad your on the road to recovery. Its not fun being ill, I know to well.
    As usual though ,you came up with a fantastic post.Love all the stills and the little tables are just darling. So sweet.I wish I could see your theaters in person.What I can see look very beautiful and they certainly grace the walls of the Banker's Suite. Please take care and your little Dusty too.He is just the cutest little thing.
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  64. Oh Tristan, how I've missed visiting you. I started a new blog when google was giving me fits and I could no longer get into my other one.
    I've been slowly searching for all my old blogger friends.

    Been busy, but the creative juices are beginning to flow once again and I can spend more time blogging now.

    (aka Arijonia-my "gypsy friend")

  65. Tristan - so glad you are better! I have been absent from blogland for a while - vacation and work - but as I get caught up with your blogging, I am again amazed at where you get these photos! They are such a delight - always so unique, as as a history buff I delight in looking at time periods. Good luck with the new quilt!

  66. I'm behind, but I hope you are feeling better! The cork/coaster Pilgrams... Where do you find these things? :) Love seeing this stuff!

  67. So happy you are back. I missed your wit and fabulous photos. Hope you are feeling much much better now! I think I am going to get some simple syrup and set my hair while having a Manhattan!

  68. So Glad you are back, and Congrats on having your work displayed in Astoria!!!!!!!!! How exciting is that!!!?
    As always, You are wonderful!!

  69. Hey Tristan
    Love the silhouettes, don't mind if I re-blog those on my blog?
    Also I liked the skull one, she may have been wanting a vanitas.
    Paula :)

  70. Hilarious photos and I especially love the sugared 'do'. I also wouldn't mind have more of that ruff modelled for me, but that could just be because I'm partial to Elizabethan regalia (yeah, we'll go with that...).

  71. Tristan? Where are you? Hope everything is all right and you are feeling better, enjoying summer.

  72. Tristan, I hope you are healing, i have heard shingles absolutely kick your butt hard!!!!!!!!! Get well!!!!!!!!


  73. Tristan -- this isn't like you not to blog for over a month now. I am worried about you. Hope you are doing better, but the silence speaks loudly.

    Take care, my friend!

    Judy B.

  74. Thinking of your Mr. T! Where are you? I hope you are getting well. Come back to us soon. We miss you!


  75. Cool snaps. Enjoyable blog.
    If you've got time, visit my life insurance blog.
    Cool blog and Keep it up.

  76. Bonjour, just to let you know how much I adore your blog, I have an award for you on mine. Please take a moment to stop by and pick it up!

  77. Hello Tristan.
    I am glad you are feeling better.
    Take care not to overdo until you are 100% though because that particular nasty strain of chicken pox will hit you harder than you think. ( I agree with you that the name Shingles is just so wrong!) So go slowly and be careful!
    Lois S.

  78. Hi Tristan, welcome back, glad you are feeling better, I have been following more on the artchix sister group. I know how painful shingles can be, both my parents had it at different time. but I was surprised to hear you had it on your hands, it is usually torso and upper, upper extremities. (from my Pathology classes)

    anyway...welcome back...congrats on the circuses in the ballroom! LOVE the quilt block! and yes I would love to sit in that cafe in France with you, sipping something fabulous and watching some wonderful entertainment.--A Girl can dream! LOL

    Also, seeing how much time has past, I am wondering if perhaps the pain has come back or something else has happened, I pray not!
    Anyway, I think you would be VERY interested in this post on my blog, as I discuss one of your quilts a bit, I lost the link, but I do tell them your blog is on my side bar. here is the link to the post.


  79. Dear Tristan,
    It's September and you're not feeling well- I can tell. There is not a new posting on your blog... See I am very bright. I am sorry you're not feeling well please hang in there, try apple cider vinegar baths and remember that we love you

  80. Made my way since you said you liked to blog (traveled from the Hive, to your webpage; but finally made it to your blog.

    Lots of eye candy with all the pictures you posted.

    Your quilts are truly fabulous.

  81. oophs forgot to say I don't know what happened with regard to your hands; but hope you're on the mend.

  82. Goodness just found your blog thru the hive.

    AMAZING blog and inspiring photo's. I'd love to just live in the pictures of Agitato (at least I'd have some food too!)

    nice to meet you and glad you're feeling better!


  83. Tristan, I pray all is well with you. I have been checking for posts often. If you are still feeling bad I hope your pain will pass soon. You are missed. Pam

  84. Okay, I've officially become horribly worried about you. This better not be for dramatic effect Blanche! Either you are off on some fabulous adventure or something is gravely wrong, in both cases I send you my best, and the world is just a bit more gray without you around.

  85. i'm with will's. i think about you often and wonder where you have gone. i really miss you not being around???? i hope you are ok????

  86. Trista, I miss you dearest....please come home! Anita

  87. Tristan, we miss you! Sending hugs.


  88. some serious laughter has gone out of my days with no new posts from you! hope you are alright and come back soon!

  89. Hi Tristan,

    Have you moved on to another blog and left me all alone here? I am certainly missing your fabulous posts!

    I hope all is well with you! :)

    Lots of greetings from Germany,

  90. Just popping in to say HELLO and hope all is well with you?! Just a bit worried....

    Sandra Evertson

  91. Oh, I luv your blog! How wonderful!
    Hope you are feeling ok.
    And, thank you for sharing!
