Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Relaxing After the Holiday Weekend ...

I love a gang of kids who really know how to have a good time ...

From Princess Margaret's estate auction at Christies is this 1900 3 tier chandelier. I won't even say I want it ... but, I do!
This is the fabulous Moroccan home of Yves St. Laurent which was used in the new Sex and the City 2 film. I love the color surprises - the teal and white checkerboard floor - the aqua and white living room (so spare for a YSL residence!) - the blue chandlier. So beautiful and soothingly cool.

Wyntoon, the summer retreat of William Randolph Hearst, Northern California. The murals are by Willy Pogany, an artist fashionable in the 20s. What I'm most curious about is the "grown-up Hansel and Gretel village" that apparently exists on the same site, according to the book from which these scans were taken. Said village was built by Julia Morgan and commissioned by Hearst after the original Rhenish castle his mother had built burned to the ground. This house is beautiful, but a grown up Hansel and Gretel village??? Seriously??
... just look at these exterior murals! Fantastic!

Let's spin the Wheel of Fashion and see what we come up with today!

Barbara Streisand, Marlene Dietrich, Elsa Martinelli, at a Chanel show, 1967. What a juxtaposition!
"I like my own taste, good or bad!" stated Helena Rubenstein ... and Helena Rubenstein had so much good taste, I'm pretty sure it was oozing from her perfectly refined, scrubbed, and polished pores.

Not only did her wildly successful beauty empire employ 30,000 people, making her one of the richest women in America at the time, but she was also an extremely stylish, fiercely saucy taste maker.

It was said that her style was a cross between "Byzantium and the flea market." I rather like that mix.

This photo of chopines is just for my friend Ingrid ...
Somebody get me a bowl, a spoon and some milk ... I'm ready for breakfast! Apple Jacks on the house!

This is a fashion shot ... but what I love is the apartment! Look at the mouldings and the trims - and doesn't everybody need a secret door to escape once in a while to a world better than this?! And not just any door - a curved door!
As I've mentioned before, until a couple of my blogger friends posted photos of their dollhouses, I was never really interested in them. But, now that I know how much time, skill, and care goes into creating one, I've become fascinated with them. Now, when I see photos of dollhouses that I find especially grand, I feel the urge to share them!

In 1743, Sara Ploos van Amstel-Rothé, a Dutch merchant's wife, employed a different craftsman each for the ivory work, copper and brass, earthenware, and ironwork in her two dollhouses and Below, then commissioned another artisan to build a cabinet to encase it.

What I find especially interesting is that when I take both photos, and blow them up side by side, it is clear that after the dollhouse above was completed, there was some redecoration and reorganization of a few of the rooms before they were permanently installed in the cabinet. And I though the originals were pretty awesome!Check out this stack of drawers from hand-painted chests, desks, and cupboards. Be sure to click the image so you can get a really good look at the detail work - and don't miss the wall murals!

From Indecorous Taste - an astounding blog of beauty and surprise - comes this magical combination of dignified toile cotton print, and candy-colored hues. Click on the link to get her directions (and links to supplies) for this - what she calls - easy DIY. What a statement in a room, right?!

It's one thing to adopt a culture - and something else to totally f**k it up. Looks like a winter white out.

The bedroom was part of the New York city residence of Marie Hélène de Rothchild (1927-1996). The bed, walls, and curtains were all designed by the late (and very great) Geoffrey Bennison. It's a bit fussy, even for me with my love of over the top exuberance. But, it's certainly beautiful, that can't be denied.

A handpainted French pianoforte circa 1860. I'm sure even MY playing would sound good coming from this rare treasure!

I'm sharing two images with you from Ulla's collection of fairytale style and inspiration, Moth Tales.

First, this marvelous mermaid brooch, created by Kelly of Beadfuddled. I'm thinking it would make a pretty fabulous belt buckle!

...and then, for all of who love books and enchanted places as much as I do, this magical image. It comes from perhaps one of the most inventive website titles yet: Bookshelf Porn. It's for those who are excited by bookcases! Wouldn't you love to spend a day (or week!) reading in this fantastic library?! If you super ♥ bookcases, you owe it to yourself to take a little time perusing this site!

It takes a lot of work to put together a dinner party hosted by Mrs. Post of Hillwood. Be sure to click on each image so you can read the attention to detail required!

In the Making Do With What You Have section today, we have the prison cell in Eastern State Penitentiary of gangster Al Capone (1899-1947), where he served nine months on a gun charge. Not even Martha Stewart's cell was this put together!

A hidden grotto at the 14th century Villa La Pietra, in Italy. Look closely, the decor is composed entirely of pebbles and seashells. I wonder how long this feat of magnificence took to complete...

Now that summer has arrived here in gorgeous New England, we can look forward to witnessing more gems like this.

This decadently bejeweled and dripping glam rock orgasm of a $32,500 chandelier by jeweler Erickson Beamon is still available at Vivre. WHY?

Yo. What are you lookin' at?

The café entrance to Brassi Place d'Italie in Paris, 1943. Don't you want to stop in for an espresso? - or an absinthe?! It's so romantic looking!

...an excellent example of walking the fine line between beautiful and questionable with conviction...

Good, better, best...
This marvelous assemblage is by the mass market grunge-and-distress king of the mixed media universe, Tim Holtz. I find his curio 'cabinet' intriguing and whimsical and mysterious. Apparently he gives workshops on making this jewel - but I don't think he ever comes to CT. I would very much have fun making one of these and using a lot of my what-am-I-ever-going-to-do-with-this-fabulous-thing junk!

Well, I'm off to start playing with fabric and working on a new quilt. While I'm away, here is something I thought you might get a kick out of playing with ...Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. First photo, obviously med students.....!!!! :D
    As to the curiosity box, I can tell you how to do those....
    Fab post, as always. What would we do without POWM for those drop dead (and I do mean just drop dead from shock!) pics of America at large???


  2. I hope to achieve Helena Rubenstein's Byzantium-flea look when I become her age... lol! Then again, I'm not far from PTown and one can pretty much dress any way they like over there, at any stage in their life, and not have to worry!

  3. Wonderful post, love the doll houses, along with everything else, hope you had a glorious holiday, I'll be back to check out more of the post later, suffering brain fry from playing weather bunny all weekend.
    1st day of hurricane season and my eyes have already had enough radar
    from weather bunny central

  4. Looks like you got a hold of some Walmart people. I say they need to return those full length mirrors they bought there, 'cuz they is lyin'!!

    I love the library photo...how I would just love to get lost in that place and of course, the bull dog!!

    Great photos all!!


  5. Sigh. Once again there is food for thought for the whole day! Love the colors in YSL spread. Love the bookshelves...the murals. Wonderful stuff.

    Sorry to say, we encountered some of that W-M fashion sensibility over the weekend in CT. By now you would think we wouldn't raise an eyebrow...but they always seem to come up with new variations on the same themes.

    Have a great day, Tristan. Do not melt from the humidity!

  6. I used to make doll houses when I was little. My mother wouldn't buy me one, so I made my own. I even had 'electricity' in one. I cut a hole in the box at outlet level and used a night light. I thought I was quite clever at the time. What I wouldn't give for pictures of those houses now!

    I've always loved Bennison fabrics. The shop I sewed for in Chicago used them a lot for pillows and even for whole slipcovers, which was far from inexpensive! The fabric was always so nice to work with.

    And as for paper dolls, well, I made those, too. I still have them and have thought of photographing them and doing a post. I, of course, think they should be in a museum, although they are pretty ugly and I was not very good at drawing. Still, I had extensive wardrobes and back stories for each of the girls. I spent hours and hours working on them.

    Have fun with your new quilt!


  7. a wonderfully entertaining, eclectic mix of photos apart from "those two." I'm surprised Mrs Post could bear anyone to sit at her tables after all that precision. The garden bookshelves look like something from the Singing Ringing Tree. I really enjoyed reading this!

  8. I was a huge "katey Keane (sp) collector, It took a lot of time to cut out the doll clothes. I think it was fro a comic book!
    Maybe that was the beginning to my love of cut and paste!
    I wore helena's make up, very high fashion !!!
    thanks for the fun morning!!!

  9. Beautiful post as ever Tristan. I particularly love the clever interjection of those scurrilous photos. It is like a shock to the system after the perusal of so much beauty. I love the pictures of YSLs Moroccan home. I have not seen Sex and the City yet. Have you or is not to your taste? I am going to have to force my SO to take me soon...

  10. My God Tristan!, so much fabulousness in one spot! As always when I'm done with your post's it's usually hours later from clicking all your marvelous links! But I am creatively refreshed and inspired for the day. Your blog is like the Red Bull of blogs!

  11. HA! You make it SO hard to keep a straight face here at work while I'm NOT surfing my Fav Blogs!
    If anyone ever wondered where the term "Ugly American" would apply, you have given a few fine examples!
    LOVE the murals, actually loved it all! I WANT a secret door!
    Hey! Today I hit my 100th post on my blog and I'm having my first ever giveaway! It's nothing to grand but if you have a moment, stop by!

  12. I think this is the coolest blog post I've ever seen! I loved the beauty, embraced the humor...and was temporarily blinded by the tighty whities (and it was totally worth it!).

  13. Oh the library! ♥♥♥ I must go check out that website. I have decided to take up residence in the Moroccan home of Yves St. Laurent. Yes indeedy it suits me well. Happy sewing! **kisses** Deb

  14. you would love my library. i am enthralled with the library porn site. that cement with seashells is called tabby. i once designed a house in south carolina and i used tabby for the foundation and all the walkways. love your post. hope you had a great BD!!!

  15. Good grief, those shoes I mean chopines are incredible. As is the piano, a bit like mine I might add, only very different. I sort of imagine that the floors in your house are chequered. Am I right?

  16. Tristan, where on earth do you always find all those photos?! Your posts are entertaining and amusing and inspiring -- couldn't be better! I added you to my list of blogs I love to visit on my blog. Oh, what a sentence... ;)

    Seriously, is there a website where people can post the most, err, unique photos they took at supermarkets?

    Happy creating,

  17. OMGoodness....... You just won't let us enjoy the better-things-in-life...Ya' just gotta' throw in the barf-factor & you know what I mean!!
    Love you anyway!!

  18. A long line of swoons in today's romp through Tristan's World of the Ultimate/Sublime & OMG Ridiculous:
    Yves Teal Tiles! Hearst' Murals!
    Helena's Byzantium Flea Market Mix!
    the original Life magazine article on dear Mommy Da's Pure Perfection for a small dinner at Hillwood . Where does one find eight footmen in these times ... . they were rare even then! Have we talked about Mrs. Posts advice to her niece, Babs Hutton, on how to keep a man??
    (my addled brain can't remember )

    Back to Helena: love the taffeta skirt / blouse look, so very casual formal.


  19. As always....enchanting, hilarious, witty and irreverant. PERFECT! Love ya man....Anita

  20. Well you certainly packed a lot into this entertaining post! I loved the cute dog but seriously, who would do that to their pet?

  21. The fabulous Tim H. Does indeed come to New England. I have taken his classes at Ink About It in Westford ,Ma. He's also taught in Topsfield, Ma. Totally worth the trip. If I find out he's going to be in the area I will be sure to let you know. His classes are insane.

  22. I really like Al Capone's cell. That worries me.

  23. Thanks for the fabulous post! I loved seeing the doll houses. I have made two, and yes, they are a great deal of work (and mine are not anywhere near as elaborate as the ones you showed).
    After seeing Versailles, I so want to at least do a room for Marie. I have been dreaming about gold trims, painted wall panels and mini print fabric for days!

  24. I love your post, as usual you have put a smile in my heart. I have always loved Doll Houses but never had any as grand as you picture.

    Doesn't that young man know you wear BOXERS when you let you pants fly at half mast? hehe

  25. The tree in the library photo reminds me of the book Mythago Wood. Very satisfactory post as usual but I must admit hurrying past those crack shots. ~shudder~

  26. Lots of good stuff...apple jacks in the house, heeeeey!

  27. Another fabulous and hugely entertaining post with delicious pictures. Should you ever find yourself in Amsterday there is a fantastic collection of dollhouses in the Rijks Museum. After seeing them you will be in love with them forever!

  28. Your blog makes my day! Only recently discovered it and had no idea I could be so amazed, surprised, amused and inspired. Thank you so much.

  29. Another great post Tristan, hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  30. Love the dollhouses - another greta post!

  31. Oh, boy that Vivre chandelier is to die for! Thanks for showing it, now I'm so depressed. lol.

  32. I will say, you are truly one of a kind... Great post.. My favorite is the Villa La Pietra. Now I am curious. How long did it take.

  33. Hello Tristan~I was delighted you were able to use the crumbs to find me.
    I adore Babs in her leopard ensemble. The years have been very kind to her, she looks just as gorgeous as this timely photo.

    Do you suppose it's just a coincidence that our Sex and the City diva was sporting a lovely pair of
    Yves St.Laurent chandy earnings under that Moroccan chandy.

    Come by anytime the kettle is always on....
    Sweet wishes,

  34. Helena Rubinstein is one of my idols! She had such style, that really set her apart from anyone else! YSL's Moroocan villa, ummm to die for! The white and turquoise just brilliant!

  35. Tristan! Help! I can't figure out how to do email via blogland. You won on my blog and I need your snail mail address. Can you contact me (I have FAITH that you know how unlike myself; ahem!)! Talk soon, Norma

  36. Alrighty Tristan...
    I'm all snuggled here with my laptop in bed reading your post and every two minutes I pop out laughing because your throw in monstrous photos of hideous tasteless humans (?) in the midst of fabulous places!
    (dang that was a long sentence!)
    Please don't make me wake up The Man! ;)
    Anyway...beautiful stuff here as always and I adore your humor.
    Have fun with your quilt...make a masterpiece!

  37. What an absolutely fabulous blog!

    Love it!

    Best wishes!

  38. Just when I thought I couldn't possibly have time to get addicted to one more blog or website, you throw these out there. I will have to visit every one now! As always, beauty, fun and a bit of WTF? thrown in for good measure. Thanks for sharing Tristan!

  39. Hope you're "up and at'em" now, Tristan!

    Thank you for your nice note on my blog... giving them my mug shot was definitely coming out of my comfort zone! lol

  40. Oh my gosh. So hilarious, such AWESOME photograhs and then you're killing me with those people of Walmart photos!
    I just had to post on that a few days ago cause of an outfit my daughter wore to that awful store.

    That book case photo with the tree... that gave me chills.
