Friday, May 7, 2010

Provide the Caption Contest!

A different kind of contest for Enchanted Relveries! We're going to have a Pin the Caption on the Photo contest! There will be two opportunities to win.

1. To win Martha Stewart's Encyclopedia of Crafts ...
...provide the best caption for this photo...

2. To win all four of the novels in the Twilight series in hardbacked editions ...
...provide the best caption to this image ....

The guest judge for this contest is Mo "Mad Dog" Stoneskin. If you aren't familiar with his blog, be sure to check it out! A terrific writer with a singular - and warped! - sense of humor, he is the perfect adjudicator to choose our two winners.

All you have to do is leave a comment for one or both images ... be sure to use 1. or 2. - so we know which image it's for! Please feel free to spread the word to your friends and followers, but, because of the nature of the contest, there aren't any "extra" chances available. Sorry!

Good luck! ... and after you've entered the contest ...

Go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Caption for #1:

    "Oh that Tiger! How like him to buy all of us the same dress!!

  2. Caption for #1
    "Oh Marion, where ever did you get your dress?"

    Love your ideas Mr. Tristan!!!!

  3. #1:

    I'm sorry, Myrtle, you're just not "Feather in the Headband" material.

  4. Caption for #1:
    Out of the box, finally!

    Caption for #2:
    Spilling anything always leads to trouble.

    Any rudeness is entirely intentional and I apologize if I upset anyone but then if you're easily shocked you probably wouldn't read this blog, LOL!

  5. #2:

    This is what happens when bars have smoking bans.

  6. #1
    how are you going to alter your dress?

  7. #2.

    "The Schlitz family realized early in life the bonding potential of daily 'Evening Family Beer Time'. It also helped to distract them from Father, who had most untoward desires and fantasies about the family pet parrot, Caligula.
    Father frequently tried to get Caligula drunk and coax him away from his perch, but thankfully, the parrot was the smart one of the bunch."'s from ME...what would one expect??? LOL!!!


    OH! my vert word is--I kid you not--*tristr*!!!! LOL!!!

  8. #1 He said it was an original, one of a kind. Did he mean the tissue?
    # 2 Things spill when babies fart!

  9. 1. Have they found enough men to be groomsmen yet. I heard they were just going to toss in a couple of the guests to be sure there were enough. I sure hope mine's a dapper fellow!

  10. Oh dear, I have to do this, but I am at school and the kids are here for indoor recess because we are supposed to get SNOW!!!! I'll be back! Anita

  11. 1. "Casting call for the new Desperate Housewives"

    2. "Well, the counselor had suggested more family time..."

    2. "No one ever suspected the parrot."

    2. "The Family that drinks together stays together."

  12. #2 first signs of altzheimers in an alcoholic family

  13. #1 of course i am not wearing underwear, need you ask?

  14. #1 -- Wonder which one of us hasn't slept with the groom?!

  15. No.1

    "Wendy thought she would punch Martha in the head, if she bragged about that damned seashell planter one more time tonight!"

  16. #1 The Stepford Debutantes~class of'53

    #2.... "& whiskey for the horses"

  17. OOOOOooo I vote for Anne!!! Wait, I don't get to vote. I have nothing clever to say. I am still just too sad from "winning" my friend's give away, THIRD place. I get what's left after the other two choose! I KNOW! Geesh I run with a tough crowd.
    **kisses** Deb

  18. No2 If another condom bursts I won't be able to afford the beer, thought Dad.

  19. Sharon in ChicagoMay 7, 2010 at 4:32 PM

    1. The first Filene's Run of the Brides featured only one style...

  20. #1
    "Remember, Our mission on this planet is to capture one good male specimen for reproduction and then we're outta here!

  21. #2
    "Let's all get wasted and pinch the baby"

  22. #1"The clerk swore this dress was an original!"

    #2 "Yipee...another girl."

  23. #2 Imagine, if you will, a quintessential normal American family, seemingly spending a happy afternoon together until Dad opens a beer and they all descend into....The Twilight Zone.

  24. #1. The Stepford Cotillion is such a redudant affair. Perhaps I shall just wear the paper and box isntead.

  25. #2. "We love our little alcohol-syndrome baby. Yes, we do! Kootchie hootchie koo!"

  26. #1. The initiation ceremony into the popular Greek sorority, I AteA Theata, was a private affair.

    Sorry! :)

  27. #1...Sorority RUSH gone waaay wrong!

    #2...Yes, we are the family that invented incest...(I know this is off-color-but I couldn't help myself)

    You are always so uplifting Tristan :)
    Thanks for the fun,

    PS...I love William's caption for #1..I was originally thinking something along the lines of Aliens until I read everyone else's posts.

  28. #2
    Sober House With Dr. Drew - The Reunion
