Sunday, May 2, 2010

Make a Wish Sunday ....

Well, I, for one, wish to be shopping in this exquisite place. I have no idea where it is. But it looks like I need to spend several hours here.
Have you heard the news?! Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist has announced the 2010 Mad Tea Party event! Click on image to get more information and to find out how to sign up to participate.

Elvis and his father, Vernon in 1956. Really, Elvis. We were all skinny in 1956. I wish I still was.
I had no idea that prostitutes were so fond of cupcakes..

Doesn't this look like a totally completely absolutely positively incredible place to shop for trash and flash and stocking stuffers?!

Well, I told you I had made ham salad ... so I was going to make a few Day-of-the-Dead-Ham-Can shrines. Here are the pics. I'll list them in my Etsy shop later today.
Isn't this beautiful fabric? It's called Evening in Paris, and is by Karen Harvey Cox of A Scrapbook of Inspiration. Click on the image to see this - and other fabrics available from Spoonflower by Karen.
Why? Who cares! It's a fabulous photograph!

Just a little bit of royalty for the day ...

Punctuation is so important. Dear, It's Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe. Not Paul Bunyan, the blue ox babe.

I have some favorite magazines. Some of them printed on lovely paper with lavish photo spreads. But, I wish just one of them arrived in a gilded, embossed leather cover!
I know that many of you do wedding artwork - and make wedding cards, etc. So, when I found this romantic and beautifully detailed painting, I thought it should be shared with you so you can use it in your pieces, if you would like. Just click on it to get a nice big clear image and save it to your computer.

Tell the truth. Does anything speak of Eastern gods and goddesses more than a trio of Ziegfeld girls?

La modes de la 19ème siècle ... from Godey's Lady's Book. Although these appear to be photos, they are actually marvelously detailed engravings. Godey's Lady's Book was THE magazine for the cultured woman. It was the avenue by which she learned about the latest fashions, home decorating trends, and literature from the continent.

I wish this lovely sculpture was sitting in my living room! I love the idea of the couple waltzing at the foot of that exquisitely graceful staircase. It absolutely captivates my imagination - and inspires me to make things! This (and many other delightful finds, including the shop at the top of this post!) can be found at E-Mag Deco. The blog is in French - but the photos are universal!

No matter how these boys' mother decked them out in velvet and ruffles and lacy collars, she couldn't really get rid of the slyness in their eyes, could she?

So much style, so little to say ...

From Habitually Chic, comes this charming coy statue peeking out around the corner of the hedges. It would be a marvelous surprise to come upon her on a morning walk.

Polka dot bikini - $29. Pitcher of beer to get her this drunk - $10. Watching your mom strut herself in a redneck bar - Priceless.

Wouldn't this make a wonderful border around a child's room?

Have you tried the lovely new shades from Stepford Cosmetics?
Okay, whoever came up with this brilliant idea for an international symbol for "drowning" really should have asked a few opinions before having the signs made up.

It would seem that joke post cards are hardly a new thing!

Well, I'm off to do a little work in the studio ... I wish I had more time! Thanks for stopping by and spending a few minutes. I hope you found some heavenly items - and some devilish ones, too! Be sure to stop by in the next day or two for a new contest and giveaway!
Now go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Tristan,

    The last illustration; how did you know I posed???? HAHAHAHA!!!!!
    I love those DOTD shrines! My gosh, it's almost enough to make me want to get a canned ham. know, that Southern thing..... <:[
    You always make me laugh; Grazie!!!


    Verification word: TATIZ, when one has their tits tattooed!!!!

  2. OMG ! Your captions for all of these pictures just kill me! I especially love the Babe Blue OX comment!!! ..... oh, and how did you get that picture of me in my tiara standing in front of my very own enchanted castle that I grew by just adding water?!?!? And don't let that smile fool ya .... I meant it when I said my castle, my rules!!!!!! AND nobody not nobody gets in unless I say so .... not no how, not no way !!!!

  3. The diversity of photos in your posts always has me in stitches! I studied Asian art in college and can honestly say I've never seen a Bodhisattva pose with flappers before! lol I didn't know Karen designed fabric - it's gorgeous! Thank you for the tip!
    Have a great evening, Tristan! =)

  4. Hi Tristan,

    Again you give great laughs......thank you! I love your shrines, they are magical and truly a piece of art.


    Okay my verification word is: whiness. Is that as in "yes you are a spoiled little whiness"?

  5. I love everything, but I have to say how taken I was with the photo of Shirley Temple. When I was a little girl, she had a tv series - I think it was called Shirley Temple's Storybook Theater or something like that. I was so entranced by her...I wanted to be her when I grew up!

    Since everyone is giving their word verification, mine is 'ingloopu' hmmm.


  6. Young or skinny...Mr. Elvin the Man surely needed to bulk up.

    You always make me SMILE BIG!


  7. Your blog posts always put a smile on my face! I love the images so much!

  8. Tristan I love your Dia de los Muertas shrines. Every November we have a festivel here in Oceanside CA and I love looking at all the trinkets and shrines that go along with this celebration.

    I am always amused with your images and stories.


  9. You are a riot! I am still laughing over the redneck bar and the drowning sign.....(and I never would have thought I would laugh at a drowning sign!).
    Thank you for spreading the joy again!

  10. Oh my gosh, that blue hair! I guess mine could have been much worse. I suspect, though, that she did hers on purpose. And, by the way, thanks so much for your suggestion for getting the ink out. If the hair spray had not worked, I would have tried the bleach. No telling what my hair would now look like though! Me and bleach are not really friends. As for the drowning sign, I thought it was LOL underlined, you know, as a joke. Until I read that it was a symbol and realized it was a head with arms sticking up on either side, I really didn't get it.

    As always, quite the collection of different and interesting pictures!


  11. A little bit of royalty was the "hit" this time!!!
    I just love the variety of over the top bits and pieces you share!!!
    Please keep it up!!!

  12. wonderfully perceptive and humerous. definitely a spirit lift and I really look forward to your posts.

  13. Oh dearest, you just gave me another source for some FRENCH FABULOUSNESS in photography! That e-mag deco is TDF! ANd how are you, you wonderful person, you?!!!


  14. Thank you for the smiles and giggles...the drowning one still has me going! Aryd'ell

  15. I like the shrines...very clever!

  16. What a ham! The shrines not you, silly. I love the picture of Elvis - he could use a little gym time, tho! Nancy

  17. I knew I needed something to perk me up! Now I know - all I needed was a big dose of Tristan!!! You are one amazing blogger, Tristan! The photos, your captions.... book worthy, Tristan!!!!!
    ♥ audrey

  18. First of all Tristan, thank you so much for showing my evening in paris fabrics. You made me chuckle when I saw a little bit of royalty. I love your new shrines. I can't wait for Vanessa's Party. I just adore her!!! I think I used to shop in that Oriental store when I was in Hong Kong...some of those shops sell everything. I am going to check out E-Mag Deco, thanks for the link.

    And thank you again for showing my fabric. I am so in love with designing fabrics. Now all I need to do is take some design classes. Where is Kaffee Fassett, when you need him. (my favorite designer in the whole world)


  19. Great post.. You are really something..

  20. Hi Tristan, thanks so much for brightening up a cold May Day Bank Holiday with one of your fantastic blog posts. I can feel an urgent need for the fabric coming over me and I just ADORE your altered tins!!

  21. Ham tin shrines : fab!

    Prostitutes and cupcakes: fab!

    Now go strut YOUR stuff in
    some redneck bar !!


  22. Tristan, I love your DOTD shrines! Without being told I would never have guessed they started out as ham tins - you defnitely worked your magic!

    Great post, pics and commentary! Off to check out the Art Deco e-mag link.


  23. just discovered your blog - but I am sure that I will be back to view many times if this is what I can expect. Lots of great stuff to view and I love your humour. - John

  24. Love the ham can shrines!

    I seriously laughed out loud (no pun intended) re: the symbol for drowning!

  25. Oh Tristan, thanks for coming by with such wonderful comments; I taught myself the harp about 12 years ago on a little celtic harp, and just last Christmas, my husband bought me this fabulous Lyon and Healy concert style lever harp. I HAVE SO MUCH FUN WITH IT and I play quite well!!! My goal: Clair de Lune. My father's most difficult by most beautiful song that he played on his piano.

    Looking at each of these photos again.....that bikini-clad gal.....whoah!!! LOVE THE E-MAG! Anita

  26. You must have made A LOT of ham salad! Love the shrines-- love the blog!

  27. I am constantly amazed at the images you find but more importantly I am always captivated by your commentary. I adore that wire sculpture!!
    I've been in an mojoless art doldrum...I need to come here a few times a day for inspiration.

  28. TRISTAN!!! **squeals with delight** The shrines are magnificent! WOW.
    I LoVe! How did I miss this post???
    It was just as enjoyable today, days late. I am off to visit your shop.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  29. I expect you are probably the greatest stocking-stuffer that the world has ever seen. Is that correct?

  30. Those shrines are marvelous! Can't wait for the tea party!!!!

  31. So much to love here! I've really missed your posts, Tristan. Crazy about the shop from e-mag, and the cake room...and love the canned ham shrines! It must take you hours to put together a post. Mine sometimes take me 8 hours straight. Crazy. So appreciate your work.

  32. Most fabulous photos yet, I laughed I cried yada yada...
    I will definitely check out the link to the Frech blog!

  33. Tristan--

    The second photo originates from this article here:

    And the shop itself is in France:

    Gorgeous, gorgeous stuff!

  34. Love your shrines I would never have guessed they were ham cans either See you at the Tea Party :-)

  35. Great picture, so funny.

    Especially like the little boys attitude.
    And the 'lol' sign. Ah, yeah and i always like pics of trashy people, they are a riot.
