Friday, May 7, 2010

Is It Friday Already?

I totally feel like a king for the day!

Look what I received from Nicole at Beadwright! I won her gorgeous beaded gourd giveaway. Am I the lucky lucky boy, or what?! Please take a look at her website ... such interesting and clever work - and so meticulously created. I couldn't be more pleased with my prize! Thank you, Nicole!

Speaking of gourds...take a look at this sparkling and wondrous gourd creation by Marilyn of As Seen Through My Eyes. Be sure to visit her and read the process by which this offering bowl was created.

Out of curiosity, how do you even manage to find a shirt that covers absolutely nothing? That's like buying a pair of pants that start at the knees and go down.
Oh. Never mind. That's been done...
Back in my day, clothes that started at the knee and when down were called socks.

"Someday, I'm going to have a daughter, and I'm going to name her Jon-Benet and she's going to be a slave to beauty and fashion, too!"

♫♫♪♪♫♫ Sisters. Sisters. There were never more devoted sisters. ♫♫♪♪♫♫♪♫♫

um, I'll just have some water. Thanks.
I forgot where I found this ... but I really like it!

I think you'll have to click on the image to get a larger and more clear version that you can read.

Just another Casual Friday for the gals in the typing pool.

I simply cannot take it...

When the radioactive glow of your skin from your tanning salon sessions causes your hair to literally try to run away, it is really really really time to stop.

Apropos of nothing - as if anything here is apropos of anything - I need all these vintage pieces of bling to use in art. Well, maybe I'll wear one of the tiaras for awhile. But, then, it goes right into an assemblage, I swear!

The person serving this was wise. It's clear they understood that I was going to eat ALL of these delights by myself...and they only provided two spoons so that I could eat with both hands.

Oh! I want to live in this living room!!! From the LaCienega Design Quarter site:

Legends of La Cienega: Celebrate Hollywood is a 2-day event honoring design on the silver screen, television, and the creative talents that have made Hollywood the capital of the entertainment industry. A collaboration between ELLE DÉCOR and LCDQ, Legends of La Cienega: Celebrate Hollywood will feature a lineup of distinctive panels with leaders in design and entertainment, as well as window displays and vignettes decorated by today’s top designers and set decorators, honoring design in iconic films.

This room, by Woodson and Rummerfield celebrates the classic film, Auntie Mame. And I just love it. Check out the awesome mural! Click on the photo to see all the awesome detail!
For photos of more rooms designed, honoring iconic films, check out Maison 21.

This pretty tag was created by Ingvild at My Paper Art. She has generously provided a very good tutorial with instructions for creating these textured and all-but-transparent wings using rubber stamps and Liquid Applique. I thought of a lot of cool things that could be done using this technique. I always check out her blog ... though she's primarily a scrapbooker, and I don't do scrapbooking, she always has some beautiful designs and useful tips and ideas for techniques.
This is another one of her tags ... I love that peeling wallpaper look.

Okay, ladies. This is the story. See what happens? One day you're letting your butt hang out from beneath your skirt ... and the next day it thinks it can pop out wherever it wants. Slippery slope, people, slippery slope.

Am I the only one who is confused by the phrase "back in the days when men were men?"
Some things are just too perfect for words ...
My circus mini-theatre is now living with my friend, Peg of Peggy's Mixed Up Art. Doesn't it look nice sitting there with some of Peg's other enchanted toys and creations?!

Well, I must be off to so a little finish work on some wall hanging collages - I would like to get started on a new project, but have to finish up my obligations first!

Thanks so much for stopping by and spending some time with me today! ...

Don't forget!
If you haven't already entered, scroll down and enter the
First Ever Enchanted Revelry Caption That Image Contest!

Then, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Slippery slope indeed. Unfortunately, my butt seems to be doing more sliding than popping lately.

  2. What a brilliant post Tristan!!

    Those poor women looking for husbands LOL! I love that little girl hooked up to that hair machine with her tongue hanging out.

    I was lucky enough to take two classes with Marilyn and Gail Lackey on Hawaii... For a week we got to indulge ourselves... best retreat I've ever been to!!!

    Please treat yourself like a king today!

  3. To the Tristr...King for MORE than a DAY;

    You truly leave me speechless.....and you know how damn hard THAT is! LOL!!!
    I can add no more!


  4. You are hysterical.I don't think I will ever drink another glass of milk in my life. You really make my weekend:)
    Hugs and thanks for the nice comment on my blog.

  5. Tristan you are the best!!!! I cannot stop laughing. You are just too too funny. Have a great weekend.

  6. OMG--where do you find all the photos of people in horrible clothes--they just crack me up!! I just purchased one of your DOD shrines!! Can't wait to get it!!

  7. Dear Mr. T....

    First...Thanks for the Mother's Day nod. Being a mom has brought me the greatest joy...and deepest sorry (I'm smiling but I'm serious!). :) Thanks for the well wishes.

    Now...I want you to know that I belly-laughed OUT LOUD over the butt-back gal. I was screaming/laughing so loud my husby came running in from the other room. I showed him your post and then we ROLLED together.

    I needed the humongous SMILE you gave me today...

    Also...the comment you left about your Mother was a hoot. This is how I see it... Just remember moms with SOMETHING...something SWEET and choco is good and flowers are great... Truthfully, I'd be happy with hand written note that said "Mom...thank you for standing by me until I got out of the 'I'm full of myself stage'..." :) :) :)

    Hugs to you Mr. T...Rebecca

  8. Great links! I have to say that the Husbands Wanted on closer inspection made me throw up a little in my mouth, as did the butt/back? You make me laugh all the time! Your comment on my blog post about the tray I found made me snort out loud. If I'm not careful I may be one of the crazy people you find in your photos.

  9. Wow! Such amazing lovelies! Congratulations on winning that amazing gourd bowl from truly is astounding. I also really like that piece from Marilyn. How creative! Those tags from Ingvild are gorgeous as well. And again, I must thank you for placing visions of loveliness next to the world's best oddities. LOL Have a wonderful and creative weekend! Theresa

  10. I have heard of "back fat" but I had NO IDEA!!! OMGosh. Love the radioactive running away. Only you! Happy Friday. **blows kisses** Deb

  11. I feel like I have not read one of your post for so long I am sure that dadhboard I rely on tolet me know when my fav blogs post is cheating on me. I just feel so cheered up after reading this post :-) so much to comment on I don't know where to start :-D There is a stall in Greenwich craft market (UK)you would just love, so much vintage bling.
    I wonder if she's saying does my bum look big in this? My hubby loves the Beer tap photo.
    I think I'll go and have a look at any post I may have missed.

  12. Tristan -

    Thanks for putting the smile in my day! I get such enjoyment from looking at your blog.

    Elaine Allen

  13. O.K. Tristan..... I kinda' got stuck on the radioactive pic!! Ahem.....Betcha' can't guess what part of me could glow in the dark!!??!!?? ROFLMAO!!
    Wish your Mom a Happy Mother's Day!!

  14. I would go make something beautiful, but I'd rather go work on my radioactive tan...

    ...or find some "pants" (as you guys call them) to wear unbearably low.

    Fabulous collection of images as usual my friend.

  15. You're terrible Muriel...just terrible. Please keep it up!

  16. I had to stop by for a chuckle, before I got on the road. Tristan you are soooo funny! Your treasure is amazing, who knew you could 'make something beautiful form a gourd?' I hope you have a wonderful Pink Saturday, and tell you mom Happy Mother's Day for me! She sure made someone beautiful!


  17. Thanks for the giggles, always a good time when I stop by! Now I double dog dare you to come to Brimfield - it will be fun - tuesday - be there or be square!

    xo H

  18. slippery slope indeed. Are you sure that is just not her butt propped up high and tight? I roll with laughter when I see some of these pictures you post as well as the ones I see on shoppers at walmart websites...don't these people have a mirror in their homes or trailers or whatever the hell they live? Really, people look at yourself before you leave the house. gonna check out your caption contest right now. Have a lovely weekend. Sea Witch

  19. Congrats on your win, Tristan!

    OMG, fat back, EEEK!!!!


  20. first...Congrats on winning Nicole's lovely gourd, i won the one she made for OWOH and it is lined and everything, sooo pretty!

    Next, I HATE those pants under the ass thing, if they only knew how stupid they really look.

    Lastly, I am a BIG gal, and I would never, EVER wear a strapless anything.

    I see fat gals all the time that dress very inappropriately for someone their size. DISGUSTING!! When I lived in Philly for 2 years I saw it a LOT, mostly on African-American gal had on spandex Capris with a matching top (using the term loosely) it was like a handkerchief halter with lots of criss-crossing stringy straps wrapped around her torso, which just totally made her look like a bunch of skin pillows. REALLY DISGUSTING!!

    That is the one compliment I get, even from my kids friends (other than than I am a cool mom, LOL) is "for a woman my size I know how to dress, not like a lot of people they see"

    Now off to look at the image and come up with a caption!
    Thanks as always for the smiles :)

  21. Oh, I'm reeling! Really. I can't take it. Too much. My mind. Has exploded. I will. Return. When I am put back. Together.

  22. Hi there Tristan
    very entertaining post hehe -I had capuchino splurting out through my nose for most of it-thanks for that !


  23. This is brilliance chez Tristan, par excellence. YOU ARE KING!!!! I love every single photo, and you really know how to find the bizzare, the beautiful and the BOLD!!! LOVE YA'! Anita

  24. Thanks for my weekend chuckle! It's all good!

  25. Another great post! Congrats on your win, it is awesome. EEK!!!! Those slippery slopes are the worst..
    Have a great weekend.

  26. O.K. fab post as usual, but really, I can't get just one image from my mind!........slippery slope.....

    Thank you : )

    I love your mini circus! Lucky girl Peggy!

  27. Hello Mr. Tristan,

    OMG!!! I am still in pain from laughing so hard...Thanks so was really needed...

    I love your mini-theater!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  28. Tristan
    Great mix of beauty and humor!
    Thanks for the laugh

  29. OMG those Walmart pics...don't these people have mirrors and if so, what's the weather like on their planet???

    Again, thanks for the newsy and entertaining blog. Have a wonderful weekend.


  30. Hilarious~!
    I forgot what the link was but there is a website devoted to outfits people wear to Walmart :) Unfortunately most of the photos are sent in from my neck of the woods :) Ha

  31. Tristan, thank you again for such a delightful smorgasbord of giggles and groans. "Slippery slope", "When men were men..", etc., etc. Brilliant commentary and pics!


  32. Oye Kiddo,

    Every time I stop by for a visit I have to immediately check out my chosen outfit for the day. God forbid one of your secret cameras catch me in a serious fashion crisis!!!

    Well I never... No wonder that whole generation of women were living the good life through valium. Can you imagine what kind of psychological damage those poor little girls sustained??? Sitting on towers of shop towels hooked up to a machine that Dr Frankenstein would be proud to own??!! Hmmm wonder how many of them had lingering nightmares of being Medusa????

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  33. Your posts always make me smile. I love stopping by now and again to see all your wonderful arwork and I do love your sense of humour. I know why my dear friend Gypsy loves your blog.

  34. Cool post, such fun things and uhm, people.:)

    Those old ads are a bit drastic arent they?! Well i suppose its the same today just different subjects..

    Love those two men, wud be nice if men were still a bit more like this, they look kinda sweet.

  35. Hey Stranger! How have you been? Haven't seen you for ages. Thanks for the eye candy and for the laughs as well. I always have enjoyed your posts. Have a fabulous day! xoxo Rhonda...

  36. I'm thinking I need to needlepoint a prissy little pillow with
    Stressed is Desserts Spelled
    Backwards !


  37. I wonder how the lady with a butt for a back carries her backpack. she would say "Hmmm where did my backpack go?"

    I love the kid with hair machine reminds me of the Matrix movie. :-) and finally, yes I think I'll just have water also.
