Sunday, March 28, 2010

Things You Need to See, Things You Hoped to Never See...

I completely missed Pink Saturday yesterday - the day simply got away from me. But, if I had got the chance to post, this was my first image for the post...

Being a parent can be so difficult today...

Thank goodness, Debbie Reynold's here to help us out with those tough answers!

Oh, is the teeshirt over gold spiderman tights with space alien sunglasses back in? I missed the memo!

Woo hoo! I'm just jumping for joy ...
I won the prizes for the giveaway at October Farm! The ever-gorgeous Teddy chose my name for this teapot, jam pot and sterling serving spoon. Aren't I the lucky boy?!

As Lester says...
Don't you want to spend hours shopping here?! Heck, I want to spend the night!
This is the exquisite Mrs. Daury's, 6 rue du Dr Nancel Pénard in Bordeaux, France. I want absolutely everything in this photo. Just look at the silver overlay on that glassware!...and that slipper-on-a-pillow display!
Darn it. It looks like we accidentally dropped grandma off at the dog groomer’s instead of the salon. Again. Somebody go check on Rex and tell me if he has a blue perm and all the neighborhood gossip

I think this is such a delightful makes me want to write marvelous tales of enchantment - just like the magical stories of Anita at Castles, Crowns and Cottages, or the wondrous stories of Vanessa at A Fanciful Twist.
These fantastic pieces - and many more - can be found at Les Carnets de Miss Clara.

Poor Janelle. She seems to have misread the invitation to the Toys for Tots charity ball.What do you say we join Ann Margaret and her darling pet turtle for a little window shopping?!

This lovely late 19th century demi lune (why can't they just say half-moon?) commode has an amazing neoclassic painted finish. This would look lovely under the chandelier in the entrance hall. That is, if I had a chandelier or an entrance hall.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to sit writing letters of wit and wisdom at this Italian 18th century painted and parcel gilt console table? I know that whatever I might write would have much more import if written at this magnificent table!I love this French garden set from the early 20th century. The marble top means I can drink many Compari and Sodas without fear of getting rings on the table!
This handsome Bohemian glass casket almost slipped by me. It looked like just another pretty box, until I examined it more closely and realized that it's transparent, with red glass engraving and ormolu mounts. It is decorated with foliate and linear motifs, as well as images and names of various German towns, such as Winterberg, Schandau and Haidmuhle. And it's only 7" x 9" x 6" high! I could enjoy looking at this early twentieth century beauty everyday!
Wouldn't this five-foot length of voided silk velvet look wonderful framed and hit with a spotlight? It is circa 1890 French silk voided velvet on a red satin ground in an 18th century style patterned with a pair of birds perched inside a floral wreath and a floral bouquet all surrounded by swags of flowers and tassels, and a lattice-work design of flowers. Amazing.

Want to light up your life? From France, this early 19th century pair of Restoration candelabras are gilt and patinated bronze. I want to design my entire dining room around these!
In the last window of the day, we see an 1820 British Regency rosewood parcel gilt and bronze inlaid center table. Now that's the way to fold the laundry in style!
Can't you just hear her thinking? "Oh man, I really want this nacho-cheese flavored pizza roll, but if my coworkers see me eating it at my desk, I might look stupid."

Look at all the details on this fashion rendering! Can you imagine what it would cost today for all that ruching and ruffling and tasseling and swagging and bowing and smocking - not to mention the yards and yards of fabric!

Tell the truth. When giving directions to your home, wouldn't you just love to be able to use this sign as a landmark!

You know that guy who’s been emailing you about how you’ll be handsomely rewarded for allowing him to temporarily transfer money into your bank account, which he needs to do for extremely complicated and convincing reasons? This is him.
Enough rambling for one day ... thanks so much for spending part of your day with me. I hope you found something to amuse you - to delight you - and a link or two to further your journey through Bloglandia today! I'm going to take the entire rest of the day off ... maybe even take a nap!

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. OMG!!! I am in tears from this one!!! Grandma needs to be kept on a leash, I am thinking!
    Tristan, you are tooo funny. Nothing I can add to top this post...although you really got a good one on the Toys for Tots....
    I'm going to go sit and laugh a while, and never blog again! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!


  2. i just can't get enough of your posts! teddy and i are so thrilled that you won her giveaway. keep entering. i have so much to get rid of!

  3. I'm going to have this post seared on my brain for the rest of the evening! Too funny!!!!
    (And I SO WANT that slipper on the velvet pillow!)

  4. My head hurts from laughing. I have to read this again...


  5. Oh Tristan,

    You don't need a fancy Italian writing table to embellish your writing, although, that is A GORGEOUS PIECE and who wouldn't want that!!! And the French artist with the table laid out with all those goodies and that shoe under glass....I WANT IT! And...I am honored to be mentioned dear one!! YOU ARE TOO, TOO KIND....and I happened to mentioned on the same breath as my absolutely favorite fantasy artist....LE JARDIN DE MISS CLARA! Oh, her Carnet blog is fab, but her Jardin is extremely enchanting....Merci mon ami, you made my day, and of course, your pictures are a riot, as always!

    SPARKLE ON! Anita

  6. I love love love visiting you!!!You always brighten my day and tease me with treasures like that writing console's heavenly..I want one!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  7. As always, your blog leaves me speachless and laughing! Great one this week...I especially like TOYS FOR TOTS......what was she thinking?
    Have a great week and can't wait to see what you come up with for next week. I'll have a kleenex handy to wipe my eyes!

  8. Oh Lordy, Lordy, how to choose a favorite! Ooooo, I'm going with poor Janelle at the Toys for Tots charity ball. Two pointers though, shorten the neck strings and change the hand to cupping UNDER to lift and separate the boobies. So glad I learned to sip my wine AFTER reading you. **blows kisses** Deb

  9. My apologies to grandma...I know she was expecting to win. Please keep the doggie biscuts away from her.

  10. What a hoot! A great way to wrap a weekend visiting your blog. Come by for avisit if you can before midnite and entwer my giveaway! Pink SAturdays are so much fun... even if you don't read them until Sundays!


  11. Take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning!!!!!
    : )
    on second thought, I'll take 2 aspirin and call you in the am!
    I hurt from laughing!

  12. OMG.......My ribs!!
    Hey, I just had an idea..... I have more surgery on April 6th. Maybe I could wear that "hands-on" bra!! WOO HOO!! Can you inagine???
    Nope...I guess I am too dignified....ROFLMBO!! Just at the thought!! WOO HOO!!
    Love Ya' Tristan!!

  13. So much amusement packed into
    just one post .. . priceless
    as always.

    Spent part of my weekend with
    Children of Paradise (per your
    Truly enchanted revelry!

    Merci dear Tristan -


  14. Thanks for the belated Pink Sat. I always look forward to your wonderful finds!!!! and I'm sure you know the Victorian dress picture will end up as doll clothing in the future, runching and all LOL, if anything for the challenge to copy, how fun
    thanks again for the share
    your fairy friend

  15. You silly, I am cracking up over poor Grandma. So many great things in this post, I love the slipper. Let's go shopping!
    Thanks for sharing,

  16. Oh Tristan, you are indeed very fortunate, finding all these neat pics and pepping them up with your wit, winning fab goodies from October Farm and...
    WINNING my contest!!!
    Congrats Tristan :) I'll send your trinkets out to you soon!
    ps I love the unicorn in the magical cloche...

  17. Hello Kiddo,

    Actually it's not a Toy for Tots party it's just a day at the beach in Mazatlan. No kidding, I'm not sure what people are thinking... well actually they can't be thinking!! But they really do look like that on the beaches here. Especially now during Spring Break, Easter week, and then the huge motorcycle rally the week after. It's enough to permanently scar this girl's eyes!! :) Speaking of being blinded I do belive that is a 6foot "Rainbow Bright" in all her glory doing a bit of snacky poo shopping!!!! Gads I haven't seen her for heck 25 years or so...I wonder why??....

    Take care have a lovely Samana Santa (Easter Week) see ya at the easter egg hunt ;)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  18. Soooooooooo in love with this post! You could have just posted that first fabulous pink picture and I would have been satisfied but no, there was more and more and more! So fun and I certainly needed a smile tonight. Thank you! :D

  19. Tristan, where DO you find these? I am laughing so hard over poor Grandma and the Toys for Tots mama - LOL!!!! You are too funny. Thank you for being you. :) Pam

  20. Giggle Snort...what a wonderful post...hee hee...I can't choose one cause I am busy mopping up the coffee I just blew through my nose laughing! Wonderful delightful post!

  21. So much to much to say. Well...I figure you've already got the nutella in you little jam pot! Great's like those Baci candies without the French bon mots. I just can't keep a straight face before I get to the 1/2 way mark of each post. Merci.And yes..demi lune sounds so much better and less of a college prank. Trish

  22. Oh, my. How is it that you can have the most exquisite things followed by the most hideous???? The minute I think of something to say, I scroll down and am faced with something that simply blows my mind! You are a genius of...well, I don't know what, but you are!

  23. Oh dear Tristan...not sure I should have read this so close to going to bed! Along with the beauty, there is much here that could create some rather disturbing dreams. I'm hoping I don't see poodle-fluff grandma
    or toys for tots ta-tas in the wee hours of the morning! LOL



  24. Tristan amor, I swear you share the most beautiful, inspiring, breathtaking, funny, hilarious and witty and though provoking images with us :) Thank you! Hope you had a wonderful weekend! Besos, Rose

    ps....Congrats on your win at Glittery Daze & Nights...I swear your power of pout is awsome :) Please share your secret..I would love to try that on my hubby when I find new treasures he insists we have NO room for :)

  25. After I saw Judith's post about Kensington Palace, I am dreaming of seeing it in person. It seems like much of it could have come from your studio!

  26. What do you mean you missed the memo? I got the memo you sent, Spidey.

  27. Tristan,
    I always start my weekdays reading your blog. It puts everything in perspective, since Mondays are my office days. After perusing through your wonderful ramblings I can tackle the mundane with a twisted sense of wonder. Thank you for that. BTW isn't that a very young Anne Margaret with the turtle?

  28. Hi Tristan!

    You always put a big smile on my face. I forwarded this post to friends to put a smile on their faces as well.

    P.S. Dana is making great progress. I hope to post an update on it soon. Thank you for your positive thoughts for her recovery.

  29. I think the hands-on bra is a winner!!! lol I could think of a few places I could wear it to. ;)

    Your posts always crack me up!!

  30. i mailed your box today. let me know when it arrives!!!

  31. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! You made me scream with laughter, fabulous commentary Tristan. ROTF! heh heh. I have to go get my mom and have her read this (after I'm done wiping my eyes). (TY for visiting me btw.)

    ♥ Jennifer

  32. Hi Tristan,

    You are soooo baaaad, and I love it! My husband would just love to see the tit's for tot's ooops, I mean toys for tots piccy. The artwork of Les Carnets de Miss Clara is stunning......that unicorn under the dome is to die for! You have definately found some wonderful eye candy for us and I thank you profusly for this treat!


  33. hi tristan! i am sure you can buy vanilla sugar but i bet it is expensive. if you just put a couple of vanilla beans in a jar and fill it with sugar, i like a week you have vanilla sugar! it is great stuff!

  34. Tristan, Tristan!!! Another fab post to make me laugh and wonder!!

    A trip to visit Mrs. Daury's is in order! Pure eye candy! Loved the shoe on the pillow, too!!

    Demi luna!! By calling it that, it automatically gets provenance, class and salability (is that right?)! The French weren't dummies! LOL!!!!!

    First dibs on that garden set!!!

    That colorful Martian is probably already back in the mother ship. Do you suppose the dred locks were antennae??? Do you suppose on the mother ship the outfit is really shades of gray???

    That scary guy in the last picture is also sending me the prescription drug emails that end up in my spam folder! Has to be!!! Think he has been taking too much of his own medicine!! LOL!!!

    Thanks for the great read and good laughs today!!

    Love you, Tristan!! Judy

  35. This may be one of your finest collections of random yet! SO FUNNY! I can't even begin to imagine where you find all of these things! I posted my White Rabbit on my blog might like may not. Either way...can't hurt to check him out!

  36. I loved your ramblings and as for amusing and delighting me. Hon, you made my day. What a riot. I am still laughing as I head upstairs to see who gets knocked off Dancing with the Stars tonight. :)

  37. Tristan...hello out there from your girl with the curl. Better known as Auntie Jacqueline or Gretta from Gothere on the Nowhere blog. Stopping by tonight for a wild adventure with you. You make me are living life to it's fullest and I feel like you are driving Miss Daisy on a tour.
    Thanks for the fun! Ha...loved your tea pot you won...lucky fella for sure!

  38. Thanks for the giggles! Congratulations on winning the contest for the teapot and cup! Enjoy your week.

  39. Hi Tristan, You always show such beautiful furniture !!! What was that lady thinking with the poodle haircut! Loved your post-- they always entertain. Have a great day! Jonny

  40. i am so glad you liked your win!!! keep entering. there are many more coming! yay kristan!!!!

  41. Wonderful, hilarious and frightening all in one! The unicorn princess under glass....I covet it.

  42. Tristan, you made me laugh with the picture and comment about dropping Ganny off at the dog groomers. I was just quietly reading and looking at the pictures when I came to that point in your post and BAM!....I started laughing out loud.
    Thank you SO MUCH for starting my Saturday with a smile. I know I will giggle about it all day.
    Lois :)

  43. More fun and fabulous photos. That Nylons leg sign reminds me of the lamp in The Christmas Story. You made me smile today. - Kris

  44. You do look very pleased and sly. Also, a lot younger than I imagined. And far too young to be goggling at the the low-pants girl.
