Monday, March 22, 2010

Monday, Monday ...Can't trust that day ...

First thing this Monday is announcing some really generous giveaways. The drawing for prizes is getting pretty exciting!

To enter a chance to win, go to my left sidebar and click on the image.

From the Retro Café Art Galllery ...

From Nicole Campanella at Beadwright...

From Patricia Chapman at Assemblosity...

and, from Teasured Heirlooms and Elegance & Whimsy ...

Go win yourselves some really cool stuff!

I received this photo from a friend who purchased a banner/wallhanging a few months ago. It shows how it was used as a backdrop for a ritual ceremony ... doesn't it look wonderful here?!

Yippie Yi Yay! Announcing the winners!
The winners of the last contest, who first posted that the nasty wreckage shown was the car responsible for the death of James Dean ...
were Ann Shaver and Jorge de Rojas! Why two winners? They posted within seconds of each other, so I declared they were both winners. I'm getting their prizes out to them just as soon as it's not pouring rain. Thanks everybody for entering!

Now, I have only one statement to make in reference to the following wedding photos. And that is ...

... don't you wish your wedding looked like a Rent-the-Bride-by-the-Hour event?! My only suggestion would be to rent one that had shampooed her hair this week.
her grandmother is beaming with pride...

"No, honey, you don't have to do anything special for the wedding, like showering or..."

...because the bride's toast should always include the entire party

..."I paid for those suckers, and you're damn well going to show 'em!"

I don't think anything speaks of romance and love like two kissin' mallards.

..."you think a simple thing like death is going to part us?!"

A bride in formal dress (albeit with her titled airbrushed on her ass), the groom and best man in tee-shirts, the matron of honor (as she's pregnant, I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt) in a jean skirt, and the flower girl trying to get away from the scene. I want to see photos of the reception!
I know, I know, I know. It's all about love and commitment. But, come on! Really?!

It's no secret that I love crowns. So how cool is this one - it's made of paper! You can get one of your very own - as well as a host of other fab paper goodies at A Plus R Global Design. There are also a lot of other categories besides paper, but I haven't even begun to browse through it all!

hmmm. Might be a slim Easter basket this year ...

Alright. I guess I've been playing around here long enough. I need to start getting serious and get into the studio and do a lot of work. You...?
Go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Ohhh that goth wedding photo actually made my stomach do a flip! lol Poor bunny... someone's got a great hunting dog! ;)

  2. haha - my word verfication just now was "boxanima" ~ sounds like a 1940's cross between a foxtrot and bossanova!

  3. Look at those mallards. Phenomenal. And some more mallards! The thing about mallards though is that the male's act very bullish when they chase the dames around, i'll bet they do care.

  4. ROFLMAO!!!!
    I knew you'd have a ball with those wedding pics! Words do NOT quite describe the *WHY* of it all...
    I'm celebrating; just finished the Easter banners and waiting for a day/time to deliver them!!!!
    Do I get a good behaviour award? Just asking.......


  5. your wall hanging is perfect for the shrine!!!!

  6. The wedding photos???? All I can say is I bet there were some proud parents somewhere!!??!! ((I really hope they DON'T go forth & multiply))...We have enough idots in the world!!
    As for the "hunting dog"??? One less rabbit to eat a garden!! ((I hate bunnies as much as I hate Bambi's...They destroy my gardens))
    Loved The Mama's & The Papa's but don't you wonder how they made such pretty music totally stoned????
    Have a Wonderful Week!!

  7. Oh yikesy, so much for glorious beautiful and elegant brides!

  8. I'm laughing so hard I can't type ok too funny, thanks for the Monday share
    Your fairy friend

  9. Ah Tristan, you never fail to disappoint! I'm still agonizing over draping my bust and thought I would take a! You have a new post up! Maybe those brides will inspire me to just slap on the first bit of lace I put my hands on? Gawd, hope not LOL

    Ha...word verification is "bimos" first glance I thought it was 'bimbos'


  10. Tristan - I became a follower of your blog because you always have the BEST pictures and you are such a hoot! Always get a laugh when I visit. Thanks for the entertainment! Today was the best!

  11. Ah Tristan? My first line in my response above SHOULD never fail to delight!

    .....back to draping.


  12. Oh my goodness. I can't believe what I am seeing. I wonder if there is a website for horrible wedding pictures. If not, there should be. Guaranteed laughs. This made my day after a very rough Monday.

    The last one is just mind boggling.

  13. ODG, what were some of those people thinking.

    Thanks for the links to some new art makers, wowser!

    You always find the kewlest stuff. Where do you find the time?

  14. You are too funny!!! Guess this is why I can live without weddings..hehehe.. love the crown.

  15. Gah, so much to comment on here and I can't get back the Boobarella in front of the limo. Yikes. LOL

    I hope your Monday was amazing!

  16. I'm sure your flowers will eventually come up!

    I got that e-mail with all those lovely wedding pictures. Pretty amazing what some people will do. Eeek!!

    And lastly, the poor bunny. :-(

  17. Oh my, my, my...You are not only uber talented and scrumptiously funny, but you iz the bestest for including my giveaway in your hilarious Monday posting! My blog list is on my OTHER blog, The Pat Studio, and so I have added a link to you there. Thanks for your generosity AND for making me laugh!

  18. Hey Kiddo,

    Oh gosh I know I haven't gotten over to visit as often as a good blglandian sister should but did you have to burn those wedding pictures on my corneas??? :)

    Your quilt is amazing in the shrine!! The colors go so well with the beautiful saffron of the the flowers and draperies!! WOW!!!

    Thanks for the advise the other day!! Can you tell I've never sold a piece of my art before??? yikes.

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  19. Hope your feeling well today Tristan.
    I really like that art piece of you
    SIR MARCH, she did a awesome job creating it.

  20. I just got this wedding forward email too with all these hilarious pics! I also love the pic and the ladies riding the bunny LOL gonna have to save the to my desktop

  21. What a beautiful work of art your wall hanging is. Good grief, those wedding photos are disturbing. Even more disturbing than the turtle video! What happened to goth girls hair line???
    **blows freaked out little kisses** Deb

  22. Tristan -

    I'd love to be a fly on the wall when the folks in those wedding photos look back on them twenty years from now (that's if they are still together)! Good Lord, there is different and then there is just plain strange! I have to admit, it did get a giggle, ok I laughed so hard my coffee went up my nose! Where do you get this stuff? As for the doggie - really sweet looking pooch, but no way I'm letting him give me doggie kisses - LOL!

    Elaine Allen

  23. Speechless! My eyes....! XO Trish

  24. Oh Tristan, Thanks for making me laugh out loud this morning. Those wedding shots and you commentary were priceless. I especially loved the goth wedding - death shouldn't seperate them. They are obviously in love!
    I replied to your comment on my blog and not being a tech savy soul don't know if that automatically sends you an email with it. Anyway, thanks for the fun post.

  25. just testing ... people have mentioned not being able to leave a comment, so I'm trying it out myself

  26. lmao!! OMg.. those wedding pics are a riot!! Thanks for adding the link Tristan!!
    The Vintage Moth

  27. that is my new spring background. as soon as my daughter saw it she said....oh are so not pink. you are more like moss, dirt and mushrooms. and you know what? she is right!!!

  28. Unbelievable! and we wonder why the divorce rate is so high No class, no dignity and no understanding of the sanctity of marriage.
    Your wall hanging looks great in the backdrop. Love the diamond pattern and the gold-colored border.

  29. Oh my gosh, I choked on my tea looking at those wedding photos. LOL!!!! My I.Q. feels much, much better now. Thank you so much for all the giggles. :) Pam

  30. Scrolling down to get to the comment section, butts and boobs still disturbing. Of course only because of the SETTING! Yes, the pool is maintained year round. We will be changing the water next week, so I would advise a visit then...the water will be warm enough to swim...Margaritas are served at the cantina at 4PM daily.
    **kisses** Deb

  31. O h my goodness gracious Lordy lordy!!

    I have tears in my eyes from Laughing SO HARD!!!

    So darn FUNNY!!!!
    this is my first visit to your Blog!!!
    I am a new fan!!!


  32. Well you like the gypsy wagon ??? I will let you know when its done... what else do you think I should put on it?? Rhinestones of coarse... but maybe someone inside looking out? Maybe YOU!!! LOLOL
    I have a whole basket of vintage finds to stick on it so it just needs to DRIP with More sparkles!

    p.s. Just gotta tell you! I have a harley with my license plate that says...Sprkl ...dont cha luv it???

    just got you on facebook too... do you really want the wagon???

  33. oh my goodness.. i had sore ribs before I popped over . now that are really hurting but worth it for the laugh... I wonder whether the bride with the big endowment had a church wedding... I think the minister might have been a tad dismayed.. .. so I popped over as I saw a comment of yours elsewhere that made me laugh ... thanks. brightened my day... Julie

  34. Whoa....those are some truly frightening wedding about Bridezillas...I think I need to go wash my eyes out....Have a great week Tristan!

  35. Monday, Monday...thanks for the song, brings back memories of high school. Yikes, I am old. I love all of your wedding photos, OMG. And that poor bunny. Thanks for all the links to the giveaways.


  36. Everyone loves a beautiful wedding.

    What I find interesting is seeing the Mamas and the Papas. Michelle looks positively anorexic and Mama Cass, who seemed huge back in the 60's only looks average these days. I see so many fat people any more. And then reading your comments, some one said "You never fail to disappoint" Ha ha, I see she corrected herself in a moment. You get good comments but not as good as your posts. always Delightful!!

  37. Yes, it's in my yard, right now blooming...nectarine tree. But it does get REALLY hot here in the summer :) Deb

  38. Oh Tristan you make me laugh...out loud...such a gift you have for entertaining!

  39. Where have I been? I almost missed your Monday post. I had to go searching for it and I am so glad I did. I needed a good laugh and all the better on this middle of the week Wednesday. Happy creating...

  40. These are hillarious Tristan. I laughed out loud seeing the bootie shot. I can't recall ever seeing such diverse wedding photos.

  41. I should send you a picture of my sister at my wedding giving the toast and passing out into my dad's arms because she was so drunk. That's the stuff memories are made of. :)
    Now be a dear and stop by my blog, I am hosting a contest :)

  42. I love the comic images you have posted. 1950s are in!!

  43. LOL the wedding pics were great!!In that, out of this world,really wacky sort of way.You always make me smile.Thanks for sending me balloons on my B-DAY!!!!Hugs-Cat

  44. What a great post. Thanks for the belly laugh!

  45. I have missed reading you posts so much lately..You always put a smile on my face and a giggle in my heart...You are probably the medicine I could have my friend...

    The weddings photos were fantastic...What did that one bride use, Super Glue? Lord if she did and ripes that dress off she will be like the Hindenburg flying backward from air escaping..Well that's the image that popped into my warped little mind...

    Okay go make you make your beautiful things...Have a great weekend...

  46. Tristan dear,

    Thank you for coming to the is never the same without you! Needless to say, I had fun staging this....paper dolls are easier to work with than FOURTH GRADE actors who don't listen or memorize their FRENCH!!!!!

