Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Heading towards the end of the week...

Have you chosen YOUR Easter Parade frock yet?

I found these lovely ATC background being given away on another blog quite a while back - and now I can't remember whose it was! If it was you, please let me know so I can properly acknowledge the source!
Just click on the image to get a really big image and save it to your hard drive to print. It is sized for 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
I usually do my own backgrounds - but I thought these were really really nice. Enjoy!
Updated! The lovely background is courtesy of Blanca at Magic Moonlight Studio. Be sure to check out the other really special things she offers her visitors!

I used to say "if you got it, flaunt it." I take it back. Now I say, "if you've got it, put on a shirt and pull up your damn pants."

It is so hard to choose exactly the right meat for Easter dinner. And one does have to ensure that whatever the meal is, it matches the ensemble.
Wanna take a little bike ride around Paris?
In the nineteenth century, artists did renderings of the current vogues in European home decorating to send to the American public, who were starved for the latest styles. They also did this with fashion - which is where many of our nineteenth century fashion plates originated.

Here are three renderings of the same room decorated in three popular color combinations of Paris in the 1860's. If you notice, the furniture is all basically the same, with the only differences being in the upholstery and the finishes.

“You know what high school is like, man? It’s like a prison. A prison for YOUR SOUL. That’s what my hair symbolizes: the bars on the prison of my soul.”

I'm not sure which one is Fifi ... but they're both lovely, aren't they? The detail on both the costumes is wonderful!
Photographer Joanna Maclennan traveled around Paris and the surrounding countryside to see the studios and homes of artists. I find the photographs intriguing, beautiful, and evocative. How could one live and work in such provocative surroundings and not create?

I have never seen a receding hairline in reverse before.

Earlier this week I posted some drawings of nineteenth century fashion that got some attention, so I thought I would search out a drawing with some of the popular 19th century hair styles.

Jack Spratt could use no AquaNet.
His wife could use no pomade.
And so betwixt them both, you see,
They wiped their Rite Aid clean.

This is especially for Marilyn of Our Victorian Cottage ...

Get the point? ...
I'm not sure what I think about this hair. Mostly because I'm concerned that she's wearing three belts. If your pants are really that hard to keep up, perhaps she should consider different pants. Keeping your pants from falling down shouldn't be a full time job.
I was looking around for ideas for a festive cake ... and found these at various sites. I thought they were lots of fun ... though there is no way I would need anything this large or outrageous. Well, maybe this outrageous, but certainly not this large!

Is there anything creepier than a pervy-looking dude in a black mesh tank top?

As it turns out? Yes: a pervy-looking dude in a black mesh tank top with that hair. He couldn’t look creepier if he had a tattoo on his shoulder of JonBenét Ramsey chugging a bottle of Mike’s Hard Lemonade.

...just because...

... what are YOU looking at?
Okay, I'm off to dreamland. Thanks for spending time with me!

Go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. OMG! I picked the perfect day to come back to blogland...your post is too too cool. I am going back to look at all your wonderful pictures then come back with some smartass comments! It's good to be back. Thanks for your marvelous friendship!


  2. Once again, an assortment of wonders!!!! You are the best!

    I hope you are staying dry and warm! Reports of storms and rain are worrying.

  3. You always have the most interesting collection of pictures! If nothing else, they are very entertaining! What ever did we do before the internet?

    I hope your dreams were sweet!


  4. remind me to never again read your blog while brushing my teeth. I about lost it when I got the the 3 belts part;-)

  5. I just don't know where you get your amazing, wacky, beautiful, dreamy pictures or your zany narrative ability, but I always smile when reading your posts!
    thank you!!!!
    Re l'eggs
    I wish I would have save all the eggs my panty hose came in and then I could make a giant assemblage of a nest and 100's of plastic eggs!!!!

  6. Man, that reverse receding hairline is fantastic, I should get myself one of those. The chicks will come running.

  7. you are so funny! Love the photo's but your comments are priceless!
    Are you going to make a sugar-paste cake? (I have made one, once NEVER AGAIN lol) good luck!

    My word verification for this comment turned out to be dance. how wonderful that is what I am busy with at the moment! your blog is really a wonderland hehe

  8. Perfect. Hilarious as usual, and the best treasure of pictures and prose. You are my hero! :) Have a delightful and peaceful Easter weekend, Tristan!!!! Anita

  9. Love all your pics & commentary...
    I do remember Luster Creme Shampoo!!
    Have a Wonderful Easter Weekend my Friend.....You know what I will be preparing for, yet again. Ugh!!
    Love Ya',

  10. Okay, you MUST subscribe to a warped photo service for some of these pics you post!!! Not the glamorous ones, the OTHER ONES!!! How do you find them and how long does it take you to put a post together????
    I too remember Luster Creme shampoo (and prell and the pearl in the bottle.....such advertising!). Good lord....I'm older than dirt! ACK!


  11. Shouldn't a cake at least look appetizing?

  12. What I love more than the pictures (and those are amazing) are your words. You are one of the funniest people I know. :) You had me giggling with the belts. I choked on my tea when I read what you wrote about the creepy guy in the tank. And it was HOT TEA! LOL!! :) Pam

  13. It's amazing, I read your posts and it's like an emotional rollercoaster every time...I laugh, I cry, I dry heave, I scared. But of course, that's why I keep coming back. :D

    I've decided that I adore you!

  14. you put up the best posts!!!! i love your blog!!!!

  15. Tristan, you have the most unique posts and such a way with words! I love coming by. All your photos are fab to look at. Those cakes! Wow!

  16. The " lovely ATC background" is mine, Thank-you for Posting about this and your kind Comments , always enjoy my visit to your blog, You have the most amazing antique Pictures!

  17. Adore the "whole Infant of Prague" frock. I would so be wearing tht with the big, heavy crown on my head and the orb in my hands. Yes, I have that lovely book from Amazon that you mentioned. One day I hope to have a Victorian sailors valentine but for now I subside on those tacky shell covered boxes found in every souvineer shop across America. LOL Give Dusty an easter bonnet to wear and a kiss. Sea Witch

  18. Thanks as always, Tristan, for giving us such a gorgeous and glorious collection of images that have definitely brightened my day no end! Now all I need is one of those cakes to make it a fantastic Easter!!
    May your Easter be filled with lots of chocolate, cakes and Easter Bunnies!

  19. As if these pics weren't bizarre enough .. . your commentary takes them to a whole new level!

    I must admit to going through a stage of wearing multiple belts ..... . ..
    but, that was long ago-
    when I actually had a waist.


  20. Oh Tristan, you are just too your picture array!! I will not be wearing an Easter frock...probably just something comfortable with an elastic waistband!! LOL We're going to have a cook out at my brother's up the road in Las Cruces, NM so there's no necessity to dress up.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend too and watch yourself with those chocolate eggs!!


  21. enjoyed all the pics with tea this morning, you always amaze me with your fabulous finds, thanks for sharing
    Happy Bunny Day
    eat lots of chocolate
    your fairy friend

  22. She's Back for more!! ......
    I just want to carry your blog in my purse with me for the day!!
    And show every one all the cool stuff!! ...
    Awesome assortment!!

    ***Special request? Do you have anything on fantasy gardens?? I need some inspiration!!


  23. Tristan, I am always fascinated at how your mind works (perplexed perhaps, but totally enchanted and fascinated).

    Love all the pics that are used to illustrate your fabulous witty commentary.

    Reverse receding hairline? LOL Creepy balding guy in mesh tank top? LOL 3 belts pants? LOL......this would be way too long of a comment if I listed them all, but all were fabulous!

    Happy Easter to you my friend!


  24. Tristan, you've created a post about hair that scares me. I never realized hair could be so very frightening.

    And, I totally with you on the "pull up your pants" issue.

    By the way, the meat at our house for Easter will be beef brisket.

  25. Another fun, amazing post! The pics are funny and beautiful, the words, well what can I say, you are just the best. No Easter bonnet here as I am off to work for the entire weekend. Blah...somebody has to pay for my habit..hehehe..

    Happy Easter to you!

  26. A very entertaining post, as usual! Now I going off to bake a cake! Happy Easter!

  27. OMG! Where DO you find those pics?! I love coming here, I know I'll always enjoy a good chuckle.

  28. I *heart* you so much!
    And nothing makes my heart thump like art studio pictures!!!
    I want one!!!!!(studio, not a picture)

  29. I so love your style and photos and commentary. Thank you for sharing and lending a smile to my face. Happy Egg Hunting...

  30. Okay, I just stopped by to say thank you for such kind words about me!! You're too sweet and again, you made me smile, which I truly need today, there is much more on my plate, but I remember what Mom used to say "God doesn't give you more than you can handle", geez, sometimes I wonder though!

    I love this post, I especially like the picture of the blonde walking down the street, half dressed. I agree, if you got, just cover it up and really do pull those darned pants up!! Is there nothing left to the imagination anymore???

    Also, I just love the gorgeous dress cake with the roses!

    Hope the Easter Bunny brings you many hugs and an Easter basket filled with the best chocolate on earth, but it won't match your sweetness for sure!!

    Mimi (Debie)

  31. Tristan,

    I love every image, and I can't wait to visit that photographer who visited studios in France. You always create the most spectacular posts!!!!


  32. Tristan,
    Back to say, that not only did I peek into the links on your post, but I browsed the blogs that you follow. I stopped by JoAnnA's Art Journal, and saw the beautiful and thought gift that you gave to her.

    You are such a beautiful person, Tristan. Is it any wonder you are blessed with so much talent and so many friends?


  33. I don't even know where to begin. Those two men and their hair are frightening. I can't believe that girl went out in public like that with her clothes either drooping or missing. I love the decor of those rooms - magnificent especially the pink walled one.

  34. As always you crack me up. Love this post.


  35. Best post I've read in a while!
    (the verification word makes me laugh..."mentl")

  36. I have been MIA in Blogville. I see you are still posting fabulous eye candy! (and some creepy eye assault as well, yikes!) Thanks for making my day a bit cheerier! Your imagery never disappoints.

  37. Hi Tristn,
    Love your post, again I was laughing out loud - I had to show them to my husband and he laughed too. He said "you have to meet him" I do!
    We have similar personalities, a bit sarcastic, but always truthful :)

  38. How do you do it? I never know what to say by the time I reach the end of the post because I've forgotten what was at the beginning! I must have ADD. I'm just going to wish you a Happy Easter!

  39. Besides being Mister Fabuloso, you are so hilarious and, yes soooooo fabulossisimo that I could faint!! I am rolling on the floor at your fab sense of humor, and drooling at some of these images, for I'd like to live in some of them.... I will make sure to match my attire to my meal... ;) Warmest ~ V

  40. always a pleasure spending time in your crazy beautiful if pervy world!

  41. Hi Tristan You always show such a wonderful assortment of photos.Out of those 3 rooms I like the yellow because its the only one with a chandelier, another poodle haircut! Thanks for a great post have a great weekend and a Happy Easter! Sincerely, Jonny

  42. Hi Tristan@
    As always, your post is always so thought provoking. The pictures are beautiful, scarey, funny, sad and so much more. I think the best of all was the one showing all the bottles in the showcase. There is something about it that is peaceful.
    Thank you for sharing Tristan and have a wonderful Easter Weekend.

  43. You have a way of popping pictures into all of our minds that make our head spin. I put on my seat belt when I visit you and go for the wild ride. It's like a fun roller coaster ride to the land of dreamland. I love the way you live out loud Tristan and make me think and appreciate life.
    My blog guru as you call her has tried and tried to work the magic so you can post comments. We can't help it Sir Tristan if we are both a dumb as a door post when it comes to comment land but I appreciate the fact your taking the ride with me..Gnomes Ahoy...setting sail on Monday! Who the heck knows where the The Piccadilly ship will shipwreck!

  44. I thoroughly enjoyed this Tristan. Have a very Happy Easter! - Kris

  45. Be sure to come check out my latest blog post, and then email me your snail mail address!

  46. Good heavens! Who needs drugs? What a trip! Love your bloggie! Saw you over on Pattie's blog and just dropped by.

    Happy Easter!

  47. Tristan....I hope you have a wonderful Easter. Thanks for all the beautiful images that you shared. Love the cakes. Have a fabulous weekend.
    xxoo Valarie

  48. Oh wow, love this post, love your blog, have just 'discovered'you actually that is a lie, I didn't dicover you, I was directed by m from OC cottage....glad she did, it iw a wonderful blog!
    Happy Easter too!
    Kiss Noises Linda

  49. OK obviously had too much chocolate and lost my ability to spell...dicover should be discover, iw should be is and there should be spaces in between some of those words.
    I have always wondered why that preview button was I know but probably won't use it!
    KN again Linda

  50. Had a laugh, had a "I want that" and had antoher laugh. btw the "i want that" was not in reference to the guy in the mesh singlet. Just so you know ;0)

  51. You REALLY need to compile these posts of yours and put them into a book!!! I LOVE that aqua room... mmmm... such a beachy color, too!

    Have a joyous Easter!

  52. Happy Easter weekend, Tristan! I've missed you and your award-winning posts. Sending you a cyber trophy for this one!


  53. Too fun Tristan, your site is amazing, as is your talent!!

    Art by Karena

    you deserve much applause for this fabulously funny post. LOVE the high school image & verse but all is so
    creative. Thank you for always giving us your best.
    Have a GRAND day!

  55. Tristan...
    I want to soooo bad...but I'm just not going to ask you where you get all this "stuff" from! haha
    Joanna's photos are amazing. I'd just love to walk behind her and try to see what she sees through her camera...{sigh}
    And...most of all, if I looked like that hot lady walking down the sidewalk, my pants would probably be a little lower so that everyone would see my tramp stamp! (nah...I really don't have one)
    Happy Easter Sweetie!!!!

  56. Good morning dearest! HAPPY EASTER and thank you so much for coming by and leaving me the link to see one of the funnest movies around....oh how I love the fantasy of it all! Enjoy the day...we are having unusually mild and lovely weather here in Minneapolis!

    BISOUS! Anita

  57. Thanks Tristan...
    To lose her so quickly I'm still in shock not seeing her in the pen.

    Yes we have alleys and I love them! I walk them a lot... you can see into backyards and see a whole other side to the neighbor hood. Yes my hen was just pecking and scratching ~ so I just picked her up and claimed her to be mine...

    I love every single image you have on this blog post of yours~

  58. Too bad I am late for the Easter Frock advice, I didn't realize my gown should coordinate with my meal. Hmmm, what goes with grilled trout?

  59. oh, Tristan!
    I don't know how you continue to find all these photos! Some make me laugh, some make me cry, and some make me say ewwwwwww!! It is always fun to visit you. Thank you for sharing and blogging your sense of fun and style!
    xo lenna

  60. Greeting Tristen
    What a great post! I am still laughing.. I never know what I am going to find here.. Love your sense of humor.
    Warm regards,

  61. Hey there dearest! Thanks for coming to tour with me in my French dreams.....that is all I dream in is FRENCH!!! Ah....what do you prefer, Paris, or la Dordogne, were we could frolic in the boxwood gardens and eat the best strawberries, peaches and mushrooms on the planet? Then there is the peach wine...OH MON DIEU....I am so glad I have friends like you that go along for the ride with me!!!

    Have a happy week, Anita

  62. I hate bad hair. But how I do love the artists' rooms that were captured in those pics. I wish I could snoop around and see all their treasures!

  63. I have given myself a wee bit of a headache from laughing so hard. Oh, the wonder of your mind. "He couldn’t look creepier if he had a tattoo on his shoulder of JonBenét Ramsey chugging a bottle of Mike’s Hard Lemonade." Now that there is the quote of the year! **kisskiss** Deb
