Saturday, March 6, 2010

I Hope The Dogs Bit 'Em!

Tell the truth. Doesn't this dog not look both bewildered and ticked off? Those are not the eyes of a happy pink dog. Trust me on this.
And what woman thought that dying the dog fuschia wasn't enough, but that Dame Fashion demanded the poor thing must have highlights?
I give up on this one. Pink - AND a rhinestone collar. Sex reassignment surgery is only option left for this tough guy.
Does anything say "I love my dog" as much as dying it to look like a Sesame Street character?
Please notice, in addition to the dye job, the ponytails. Either this dog belongs to Cyndi Lauper, or the owner should be required to wear glasses - and step five feet away from the vodka gimlet - when grooming her/his dog.
Oh, no. Look into those eyes! This poor God's creature is totally traumatized by the event. Call in Stabler and Benson - it's her only hope! If anything qualifies a pooch as a Special Victim, it's this look.
Don't young hawt chicks have any feelings for their pets? Not only is this dog pink, but it's mottled dye job makes the poor fella appear to have mange or some other awful dog skin disease. I hope all the necklaces he has on his neck gets tangled around those girls' ankles and he drags them up the street on their butts. See how THEY like having pink skin!
If we would just listen to our pets, they probably say it better than we can ourselves ...
Okay. Enough with the animal cruelty. For far prettier and more romantic pinkness, be sure to check out Beverly's Pink Saturday and visit all the other participants!

And, then, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan

... just discovered ... shame on you Doris!!!


  1. Oh,these poor pups!!!

    My hubby ran into Doris many years ago at a Longs drugstore down in Carmel.

    Have a fab Pink Saturday!!!


  2. It's a shame what some people do to their pets! What are they thinking? They have to go get checked their state of mind!
    Have a great weekend, Tristan!

  3. Happy Pink Saturday Tristan...
    What is it with people and wanting their dogs to be in color like an Easter egg? I don't get it.

    Even Doris, what is this world coming to. I thought surely we could trust Doris.

    Tristan my friend, you are such a card. I love this post. Thanks for sharing it with me, and for making me smile. Have a beautiful Saturday my friend.

    Country hugs...Sherry

  4. Poor pooches...if they're not dyeing they'll be dying.

  5. Tristan, I discovered your blog several hours ago and I must say that I have enjoyed my visit(s) immensely! Not that I've been stalking your blog for hours but I have been back and forth a few times. Thanks for the chuckles.

    Lord have mercy. Those poor pups...

  6. Enjoyed your pink post here Tristan. Wow some of those dogs are intensely PINK. Poor things, oh well it probably comes out in the wash. Cheers

  7. OMG!!!!OMG,omg, people have NO SENSE????
    Of course, I'm sitting here laughing like the fool I am, and ONLY because of your straight on target commentary, but those poor dogs!
    Why, I ask, WHY...does anyone feel the need to tint an animal's fur?
    Me bleaching my hair? That's different. I have a choice (and the choice is I don't like it the other way! HA!)
    But the poor dogs---they have to know how they look from the expressions!
    Perfect always have the best posts!


  8. i'd like to see someone try to do that to teddy. i am betting teddy would never end up being pink but i am sure there would be red involved!!!

  9. Tristan dearest! This was not only a reminder of what people put these poor canines through, but your narrative is always so funny and entertaining. I can always count on you for my Saturday morning pick-me-up. Have a splendid Pink Saturday! Anita

  10. well...maybe they are in a Easter Parade and trying to win the Easter Egg grand prize and um, maybe they used kool-aid, because that's not toxic and it washes out and maybe the little dog loved everyone ooohhing and ahhing over her? and maybe she had a special Easter bonnet on, completely with plastic eggs and well...maybe they were just doing something fun together and not trying to humilate the poor dog, but just trying to win her a years supply of kibble... But this is all hypothetical of course, it's not like I know anyone that ever did that....

  11. Oh those poor dogs, I love pink, but even I think it is overboard to dye a dog!!!! Although I must say the Doris photo is pretty spectacular!
    Happy pink!

  12. Pastel dogs aside, let's talk about Doris' costume. Did the designer say "okay lets start with a bra and accesorize the hell out of it"?

  13. Good Morning Tristan!! Now this is not the dogs....but me looking at this before my 2nd cup of coffee!! Gad-Zooks.....People can be idiots. I don't even put collars on My Boyz because it isn't natural let alone dying them pink!!
    ......Doris Day obviously has no pride!! But then again who in Hollywood does?????
    Great Post.....

  14. Oh lord, I am always amazed that people do this kind of thing to animals. Obviously it's all about them, not the animals.

    Isn't Doris Day a big animal lover? I will forgive her because this was earlier in her career and I'm sure she has evolved a great deal since then! (Those pesky Studios and their publicity stills!)


  15. Those poor sweet pups...some people are just plain CRAZY! I mean, there's "good" crazy and then there's just "nuts." I wanted to bring home all those cuties and give them a good scrubbing (and a kiss)! LOL

  16. Wow! Can you imagine waking up one day and thinking...."I wonder what my dog would look like pink?"
    Wouldn't it be nice if animals had a voice and could say "I'd rather not!"?
    Our animal friends are so forgiving of us.

    Oh, I do love Doris's outfit!

  17. Maybe the dogs aren't really dyed but someone got a hold of their pictures and Photoshopped them? Some dogs love baths and water, but I can't believe that dogs would allow dye (the smell alone is horrible) anywhere near them. I hope they bit them, too!


  18. Well if I tried to do that to my cat she'd beat me by digging her claws straight into my _______

  19. Love that Doris Day photo! Some poor stylist spent mucho time getting those poodles perfectly colored! And that was in the days before bizarre hair color was available on every store shelf! You will be proud that I just spent way too much money on getting Sweetie all bathed, fluffed and perfectly white! :)

  20. Oh,all those poor wee souls! Dogs look so much better as nature intended them!!

  21. I love pink, but all I can say is "Poor Pups!" Hope you have a Happy Pink Saturday!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  22. Me Again Tristan!!!
    WOO HOO.....
    Tell everyone I am having a 2 part Spring Giveaway with embroidery & crochet & a shoe!! LOL!!
    Love Ya'!

  23. I concur, the owners should be dog biscuits. I saw an interview the other day and this woman loves pink...her entire house and accessories are pink, including her little terrier...and she bragged about it too!!! What's with these hoomans!!! I have 2 Chihuahuas and they have never even seen a sweater on them, let alone a dye job. They are indoor doggies, so they don't need to cover up, but they love their "bankies" that they cuddle under...right in the middle of our couch...oey vey.

    Have a great weekend and do some misbehavin'!


  24. People wouldn't dare do this to cats.

  25. I can't get over Doris with the colorful dogs. :)

    -- Birgit

  26. Too funny!

    In Shoes We Trust,
    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  27. I hope the dogs bit them too. Pink is such a lovely color but not on an animal. That is just cruel.

  28. Awwwwwwwww Those dog owners should be . . . well, let's just say that that is just Wrong! But this DID make a great Pink Saturday post *smiles*

    Have an art-filled weekend Tristan

  29. Until today I don't think I'd ever seen a pink dog.

    Now where's that spray paint?

  30. I only want to say two words: Maldita gentuza

    Poor little dogs ¡_¡

  31. I never saw Doris look so thin!?

    Nevermind the dogs....:):)

    Thanks for the fun Tristan!

  32. I hope for the dogs' sake, these are Photoshopped . . . if not . . . that is just WRONG.

    Poor, poor pooches :(

    Love your commentary though . . . LOL!

  33. Love your post! Happy Pink Saturday!

  34. Happy PiNk, Tristan...

    I can only imagine the look on Dusty's face if you came near him with PINK DYE...LOL Miss Morgan loves to wear PiNk but that's where it stops.

    Doris with all the poodles is a scream. :0)

    Have a great day..

    ♥ Love & Faerie Dust ♥

  35. OMG I just snarfed wine up my nose. I should know better than to be indulding in the spirits when I visit're like a spirit overload. Tristan, you light up my life...**sings loudly and out of key** Ashamedly, I must admit that I once colored my recently departed Bear's tail pink, when it had been trimmed into a lion tail. She looked like a poofalumpin from Horton Hears a Who. But I was eco-friendly and colored it with food dye. Man, I miss that dog. I would blow kisses, but my nasal cavities are burned out from the wine and I am having difficulty breathing.
    **kisskiss** Deb

  36. Grretings Blogling,

    I find myself speechless especially after seeing Doris with those poor poor creatures!!! What some people will do for the glamor of Hollywood :(

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  37. OMFG... I can't believe people do that to their pets... now, I suddenly want a white fuzzy-mop lap dog... ^-^

  38. The expression in that first dog's eyes says it all.

    Animals are so much smarter than humans sometimes - and this proves it.

    Love your commentary Tristan, especially about the girls being dragged by their butts....hahahaha!


  39. Tristan! You came to my anniversary party! Thank you for visiting us both. We had such a great outing yesterday; Ruben took me out to my absolute favorite shops and treated me to what I really wanted; supplies for creating!!! I have all the jewels and clothing I would ever want....and him. Thanks love, for being such a kind and awesome blogger pal!!! Anita

  40. I can't beleive people do that to their aninals...but the Cindi Lauper dog is kind of cute~ ;)

  41. Poor Puppies!*she says while laughing*
    and to think I was reamed just for buying my Lady a pink collar!

  42. Hi Tristan, I have never seen this before,Its crazy makes me feel sorry for the little dogs. Have a great day!Jonny

  43. Oh, Tristan, NOOOOO!! I just read Anne's blog ~ did you say MORE snow? Enough already! Maybe we should just LOOK at the beautiful little snowdrops and not say their name out loud!!
    Have a great Sunday!
    ♥ audrey

  44. Colorado it is illegal to dye your pets...well at least in parts it is. I guess that is a good thing. Poor pooches. Hey, I'm glad you love my toile...yes, they are hot air balloons. My cousin is a designer and ordered it for me. Amazing, isn't it!! xxoo Valarie

  45. i think the person that designed this GD rack was drinking martinis at the time!!!

  46. Just found your blog ... I LOVE IT X

  47. Poor little guys and girls - Happy late Pink Saturday!

  48. Oh dearie me! The husky and the last pic with the dotted bow (shaved Yorkshire terrier?) look ready to go for the throat any second. The only dog who seems to be enjoying it is the one who is channelling Cyndi Lauper. And Doris - I'm shocked!

    Happy Pink Saturday, Tristan. As always, your posts are a total delight.

  49. Doris pulls it off, though....right?
    She looks so fabulous and sparkly. *Sigh*
    great eye candy for a Sunday afternoon!

  50. Hi Tristan!

    my baby chow chow Cocco would probably bite my hand off if she saw me coming toward her bath water with any other bottle other than her shampoo. LOL at the boxer's gender reassignment alternative. Thanks for the great post and laugh. It was a very busy month of February which left me with no time to sit down and create a post for the blog. However, I'm hoping to get back on it soon. Take care friend.


  51. I think we should also require owners to dye their own hair the same color as 'man's best friend' AND make them keep it for 2 weeks! OK, so I do put bows in my dog's ears but it's only because she goes to Hospice (therapy dog) and patients like it....ouch, I just got stuck by lightening..YES I like the bows too! But not dyeing her fur!!! I'll stop there.

  52. This is wrong on so many levels that I don't even know where to begin...except, you are SOOOO correct, I hope the doggies bit them all who did this to them. Sea Witch

  53. I love pink but that is soooo dog~gone wrong. ;o)
    Hugz, Z

  54. I had hoped these were photoshopped! So traumatic that they are real!

  55. Love the post! Your right there is something so wrong with giving your pet a dye job.


  56. You have got to be fricking kidding me !!!!

  57. Thank you for the morning IS my favorite color, but somehow I do not think my male Keeshond would appreciate being "dyed". Seriously, where do your find this stuff?!? LOL...I used to have a neighbor who put nail polish on her poodles claws...scary! Have a great day Tristan!

  58. Tristan! Wake up. I am waiting for my giggles.....

  59. LOL! I didnt even realize dog dying was in... they do look like muppet or something from fraggle rock, tee hee! Not my cup of tea either!
    Thank you so much for sharing our give-away on your blog!

  60. Oooh Thank you for introducing me to the Etsy shop $5 French Market! Loved it!
    This post reminds me of Bubble Gum Vodka!
    (I once had a lilac pup, guilty as charged!)

  61. I must say that dyeing dogs is just dumb. What a horrid way to treat a pet!

  62. If a person dyes a pet pink, they should, for good measure, dye their own hair the same color! Fair is fair!

    Always love your posts Tristan.


  63. Hi Tristan
    Anita's husband here. So good to meet you at last. Anita just raves about you, sometimes in between hysterics about something you did/said on your blog, or a comment you left on hers.

    I love your blog. Poor doggies. The movie Starting Over is one of my favorite comedies, and once in a while I break out and sing to Anita "Better than ever" (with guttural drama) "you'll never go lookin' for anyone else; I needed some time til I found myself, and now I'm better than ever..." The first time I saw this I almost died from laughter.

    Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words on our anniversary.



  65. i know...the plate shame is almost too much to bear. glad you like my cage. i am about to decorate it for spring.

  66. I kind a like them in different colors. They look pretty!
