Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hello! ... some updates, some news, some shopping, and ...

Hello! I've been so busy and crazy doing a bazillion different things at once, I haven't had a chance to write since Saturday. However could I allow real life to interfere with my blogging life? I really must learn to get my priorities straight!
To start today, I want to give you some news about some fab giveaways! I've entered - and I'm not sure why I'm telling you to enter, as it will lower my chances of winning. But, hey!, a nice newsy sort of guy is just the way I am!
First, a lovely giveaway - and more! Click the image to visit Tales from an OC Cottage (which I just learned stands for Orange County - I always thought it meant Obsessive Compulsive). She's another sparkly glittery fan of all things vintage and shiny - like me! Click on image to sign up.
Next, look at this fabulous giveaway - an Alice-in-Wonderland-inspired bracelet, offered by Sherry at Got Art? Isn't this fab?! I love it ... I want to put in on one of my angel statues as a gypsy headdress. Anyway. Click the image to enter!
And, finally, but hardly least, Marilyn at Our Victorian Cottage has a giveaway of several little treasures - including some of her enchanting embroidered pieces! I won a pair of pillowcases from Marilyn last December, and I just love them. They're so beautiful! Nothing speaks of elegant living like hand embroidered pillowcases and scarves! Click the image to enter this precious giveaway!

Well, 2009 is over, which means I really must put away my 2009 Dogs of Wooster Square calendar. It is a calendar sold as a benefit for our local historical society, and the photographer always gets the most interesting and fun photos of the "winners" ... not your usual dog portraiture! LOL
Here is Dusty, appearing as this year's Mr. December. Unfortunately, now that he's a winner, he is ineligible to enter again this year. I don't think the Dogs of Wooster Square should have a term limit, do you?
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about Cabinets of Curiosities - a subject I find very intriguing. What a surprise to visit one of my favorite blogs, Trouvais (thanks to the heads up from Anita at Castles, Crowns and Cottages), and see photographs of her own Cabinet of Curiosities! Click on the image below to see more of her lovely treasures and artifacts.

mmmm. I just discovered this new candy bar - at least, it's new to me. I found it waiting in line at the pharmacy. There were three flavors. I bought all three. They were all wonderful. I love standing in line at both the pharmacy and the grocer. It's the only way I have of learning about new candy and what kind of trashy behavior the Hollywood celebrities have been up to. I often will buy an extra something-or-other so I don't have to go to the express lane and I have time to peruse the most gossipy of the tabloid mags!

Isn't this a fab birdcage? It's from the 1920's and made in France. It's all tole painted and looks to be in wonderful condition. I have this urge to put a ferret in it. I don't know why. But it would look kinda cool and I like ferrets...though I don't believe Dusty would put up with such a roommate for even a moment. I think he's probably have an 'off with its head' moment. Maybe I should just hang it as is - empty and pretty.

Wouldn't this 19th century French marble topped pastry table be perfect in a gardening room for potting?! Or, of course, in a far-more-posh-than-my kitchen for rolling pastry. Frankly, I don't have room in my kitchen for a table with a single use: rolling pastry. Of course, I also have no intention of spending $9,700 for a potting room I'll just look at it here.

This 19th century carved and mirrored Italian buffet was originally built into a Genoa dining room wall. It has a unique gilded and painted finish - and I love the sconces on either side. It's a little large for my place ... but I would be perfectly happy to be buried in it someday! Of course, I would need some fairly sturdy pallbearers.
I always find and share the most beautiful French and Italian pieces - but it's nice once in a while to discover other countries that had their own fantastic (in all senses of the word!) creations. This pair of mid-18th century cut crystal chandeliers are Irish. This stately pair still have the original hurricane shades! Naturally, originally used with candles, somebody has kindly converted these beauties to electricity so that I only have need to have them wired into the dining room. So, so thoughtful of them.
This English (ca. 1800) Chinoiserie leather and gilt folding screen shows continuous painted panels of courtly ladies at various pursuits with pagodas, pavillions, and walled gardens within a border of birds and floral sprays.

This Venetian card and gilded double frame engraved mirror is circa 1730. Inspired by French Regénce design, the carved mouldings, creating double framing, contain etched period mirrors with stylized garlands. I would bet that I would always be a knockout when checking my tie in this marvel!

Is this amazing or what?! It's a Louis XV Oyster Walnut secretary with bronze pulls and wood escutcheons. Frankly, I've never heard of 'oyster walnut' before ... but, wow, it's just gorgeous.
Okay. Enough already with the tasteful elegant stuff. How about this fun and fanciful chandelier? I found this at an Etsy shop called Whimsical Collections. Check out her shop and see some of the other clever lamps she creates - including the designers' shopping bags Paris model! Very fun.

Did you watch the Oscars. We did our usual. Dressed in our finest, sipped champage and nibbled at canapés. Translated: wore our sweat pants, tee shirts, drank a gallon of Fanta Zero, and wiped out every cookie and potato chip in the house. I was pretty on target with most of my predictions. I had supporting actress wrong - but the rest of the "biggies" I had guessed. I wish I had entered a contest so I could have won something.

I found this delightful miniature theatre that is completely created from paper and is now housed at the Victoria and Albert Museum. Check out the floor - doesn't it look like wood?! Someday, I will create something as fantastical and perfect as this!I have such admiration for this chicken who thinks she is gonna hatch that puppy ... into what exactly, I'm not sure. But she does look determined, doesn't she?

Well, I feel as if I have guns pointed at me, forcing me to stop playing blog writer, grabbing my pick ax and shovel, and getting back to the art mines. I am beginning to have a problem visiting blogs. Over the course of time, I have met so many wonderful artists, kind and generous people, and funny, clever comics here in Bloglandia, it now takes me HOURS to visit all my favorite sites. Yesterday, my blog roll had 42 new posts! 42! It took so long to read them all, and respond to the ones I had something to comment on, I didn't even get chance to write. Anybody else have this problem? How do YOU deal with it? I can't miss my blogs - I'm afraid of missing out on some wonderful news, or art, or craft, or story, or photo. But, I really do have to pretend, once in awhile, that I have a real life!

And, finally, one last question: do you think these are drag queens, or just really homely women?

Now go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Such eye candy, Tristan!! I don't think there should be a term limit, Dusty is so darn cute!!

    OMG I need to go checkout Whimsical Collections. As much as I admire beautiful things, the whimsical always catch my attention!

    Me too, I don't want to miss out on anything! I have to admit that I read more blogs than I comment on (did that make sense?!?!) but I do have a few that I do comment on everytime :) I get too sucked into the depths of the internet and everything falls by the wayside . . . one reason I'm so behind in my doll orders . . . which I had all intentions of working on one today . . . at least I have a batch in the kiln for china painting!

    Have a grand day!


  2. You find the best furniture photos... might you be redecorating??? ;) Love the lamp ~ I'll have to check out her etsy shop. Dusty shouldn't have term limits; maybe pose Dusty as Zorro by wearing a little black mask and voila!

  3. How do I deal with blog reading and commenting?
    I am now getting up at 5:30 in the morning to do it.....
    And I don't know WHAT you're going to do!!! Not sleep???
    Trying to commit to a series of five days of posts wth everything going on here was pure madness, but then, that's my life.
    Now I have to get out of here...the glue I used on some of the fabric is getting to me and I am seeing drag queens on a ship! LOL!!!


  4. First Tristan....scoot your body (or eyes) over to Sherry's blog because you are the lucky winner of the bracelet!

    Look at Dusty ...definitely a very debonair Mr. December! The golden curlyhaired pooch licking his nose looks like my Finley. Ahhhhhhh - cute pics in that calendar.

    Fab furniture choices again and I'm definitely going to check out
    Whimsical Collections - love that chandelier.

    The blogging? I ended up picking up even more to follow during the OWOH event and it is impossible now to leave a comment on everyone's blog (which is what I was trying to do before). Even to visit them all is difficult. I am a highthauwk so I do a lot of my
    blog visiting in the wee hours of the morning.

    (and yes, it is Lillian Gish)


  5. I just don't know about the final pic - let's just say they are truly dolls and leave it at that!
    (and that Dusty is a Definite Doll .. . )


  6. Most certainly Dusty should be allowed to enter again. He is adorable and I see why he won. We had a ferret once. He was the cutest thing, like a permanent kitten. One day I caught him taking chocolates out of a bag I had put aside for Christmas and he was feeding them to the dog. Thanks for the giggles. **blows kisses** Deb

  7. Last Question.....Very ugly women?!?!?!! LOL!!
    Chandeliers??? OMG I love 'em!! BUT I would definitely have to reinforce the ceilings!!
    Dusty is a very handsome young lad....
    Warm here today!! Temps in the 60's WOO HOO....I did something daring today.....I hung out a load of towels for the sun to dry!! ((Scandalous))!! LOL!!
    Don't watch to Awards.... 'cause I don't watch movies much & the actors escape me!!
    Have a wonderful evening!!
    p.s. Thanks for the Giveaway plug!!

  8. Hello Tristan!
    I know what you mean about keeping up with all our fav bloggers. In fact, I just had to see your post before I rush off to live my "other" life.
    Thanks for the heads up about the giveaways.
    Thanks for all the gorgeous photos to look at and your witty commentary.
    "Oyster Walnut"? Never heard of it either, but your right, it is fab!

    Oh, and I'm guessing....drag Queen!

  9. Oh, I certainly have the same problem regarding blogs--especially after OWOH. I make a quick check in in the am--them get off the computer and don't visit again until late afternoon or after dinner. At least that way I get something done!

    Oh la la, Mr. December!

  10. I declare that Dusty be allowed to be a different month each year. What are they thinking???term limits WOOF & POOF!!! The Oyster Walnut is very beautiful. Your finds are the best and keep me enchanted. Time does get away and bloglandia is definitely an addiction. I wouldn't trade it as I love this artistic community so much with all of it's quirkiness.

  11. that is men sweetie, has to be--not even drag because most drag look good as women, thats just ugly-not pretty at all--scary actually!

  12. I've never thought of you in a gypsy headdress. Probably a good thing. How many do you have?

  13. wanted to tell you about the bakery bags, i got them from the bakery and I'm sure you probably have a walmart nearby they have some awrsome bakery bags by where the donuts are . I just grab a handful whenever i go !

  14. Drag queens, definitly drag queens. Now, Dusty, he is definitly the playdog of the year. Kiss his warm belly and give him a treat.

    Love the chandlier made from kicky pumps. Very clever. Sea Witch

  15. Well, Tristan, I'd say you made up for lost time! My favorite is the chicken sitting on the puppy! Adorable!
    Now about OC. I knew what it stood for, being it's just up the road from me. What I don't get, though, is why it's called THE OC? That means, if you don't shorten it, it's called THE Orange County. How dumb is that? At least i think it is. It's not The LA; it's just plain LA. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I just don't get it!

    Good luck on all your entries. And speaking of that, I'm having one as well that you might want to enter. Since Dusty can't be in this year's calendar, I see him on a pillow!


  16. Funny, and a great long post! love the birdcage. Well, and the chicken/puppy photo.

  17. Hey Tristan,
    Thanks for stopping by...I've been out of blogging so long I feel like I've been in a coma. Your blog is so inspirational! Thanks for sharing!!
    Big Huggies, Gail

  18. Greetings Kiddo!

    The only answer I have tonight is...they are niether really homely women or drag queens. They are a group of freternity brothers preforming a skit for the all campus talent show of 1951 :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  19. Definitely drag queens me thinks. Lordy what great giveaway. I'm havine one over at my blog as well! And Dusty well you must put in a protest! Of course he must be eligible for other years...they want the best in their calender don't they?! I'm sure we don't have that candy over here...well I've never seen it if we do. The packaging is fabulous and scrumdiddlyumtious I bet it is...have you eaten them yet?

  20. What!@# The bracelet's already been drawn and guess who the winner is! 'Oh all right' she says head down and foot turning 'Congratulations Tristan!'!!

  21. in case i haven't mentioned this before...i LOVE your blog. and i see you won that bracelet! good for you! the pic of the chicken sitting on the puppy is too funny!

  22. Good morning my dearest most incredible blogger pal!

    Thank you for mentionning me! Yikes, I feel honored! And what a delicious post, with all these favorites of mine from the canine capers, the furniture, the jewelry, Oh, you shine. In fact not this week, but the following week, will be a post on YOU. May I? I will ask you ahead of time for permission to use some images from your delightful blog...let me know.


  23. Ha! You always end with a funny!!! Those photos are gorgeous, the bird cage really, really nice, the buffet was it?, divine, and the Irish are they not famous for glass? beautiful. I can understand busy. I have spent this whole morning getting caught up on blog reading as I am so far behind. I guess I better start on my weekly house cleaning especially since it is raining. If that sun is showing its face I'd want to be outside!

  24. Well Mr.'ve done it again. You've provided me with a much needed SMILE this morning! I can always depend on you to make me laugh.

    I loved your comments about the Oscars... I got almost all of them WRONG. :( Does that mean I get the boobie prize?


  25. The picture of Dusty fair took my breath away. He looks so totally gorgeous and adorable. And I know what you mean about blog reading. I'm still on dial-up and it's so frustrating as I love to visit as many blogs as I can and love whiling away an evening doing so, but like you I should be dedicating myself to the slave art labour!

  26. that is a birdfeeder which right now is filled with pottery cardinals!

  27. Oh my! That chandelier is just so over the top~

    The young fellow you have there looks like a young televangelist. lol

    Great post~I need to get back to blogging too...just as soon as my creative juices get flowing again. ;(

  28. I know what you mean about reading all the posts and then trying to leave a comment on them. There's just not always enough time!
    BUT - I had to comment on how absolutely adorable Dusty is! and I think he should be allowed to do anything he wants to do! How dare they have a term limit!
    Oh! I bought flower seeds today AND the stuff to plant them in! Wish me luck! LOL!

  29. Whoop!!! You have made up for your missing days on blogging. What a fun and wonderful post. I am telling you that I can't keep up. Look at how sweet Dusty is, oh...Thanks for sharing with us.

  30. Dusty is so cute!! I love him!

    And I want that French pastry table. I don't know why, it doesn't match mid-century modern, but I like it.

    They're drag queens. Is it perhaps some kind of matey sailor masquerade?

    Working in the art mines - damn, I know that feeling.

  31. Tristan I have to go back and actually read this post instead of skimming...LOVE DUSTY!!! what a cutie :)

    and as someone who has always had chickens...I simply adore that picture also.

    anyway...ramble over to my blog, I have something for you. :)


  32. Well, you are kicking my ass on vintage photos! :) Those last two are priceless! I also loved the Martha Rae (or Ray?) photo! Now about Dusty...if Dubya was allowed to serve a second term...anybody or anything should be allowed to do the same! Let's picket!

    I am SO with you on the blog reading! I follow about the same amount as you and it takes SO much time...but I am afraid I will miss something! :)


  33. Hi Tristan, the above pics are amazing, especially that oyster walnut secretary, there are some stunning pieces from that era.

    I'll spend some more time on here tomorrow, you have so much great stuff to look at. Thanks.

  34. Oh my goodness ! What an awesome post Tristan.

    THanks so much for stopping by and posting on our FFB -- You really should join us -- there has NEVER been a time when i have read you that your post isnt fantastic and beautiful! please join us some time...

    In the mean time i am in love with your shoe chandelier and those Beauties... well hmm I am thinking they are just some women that stumbled upon some testosterone cookies LOL

    big hugs!

  35. Tristan, Tristan, Tristan,
    You can pack so much wonderful in one post! I love all the giveaways, and that chocolate bar would make my daughter Sarah squeal with delight. She is a Willie Wonka fan. I love that Cabinet of Curiousities. You and Anita always lead me to magic.

    Have a wonderful day, and thank you for taking time out of your crazy schedule to share the wealth of your finds.

  36. Tristan,

    I'm so glad I stopped by to read your post. I, too, always thought that O.C. Cottage was "Obsessive Compulsive" until my husband said to me one day ~ that means "Orange County"! lol

    I love the shoe chandelier, the wonderful miniature theatre, and the awesome birdcage.

    BTW, I think those are men in drag, I think the ship and the muscles give it away!

    Have a great day.


  37. Another jam-packed post Tristan.... Love it all, but especially the bird-cage. I recently bought an antique one - not sure why as I don't have a bird - but I thought it might be good to use in an installation. Have a great weekend!

  38. Beautifil pictures I love the expensive table and the oyster walnut table. I know how you feel its so hard to visit everyone but so much fun, and I think your own theatres are just as beautiful as the one you showed.Sincerely Jonny

  39. Hi Tristan,
    I've been reading your blog for a few weeks now, and certainly enjoy your photos and comments.

    I agree with you, it is hard to live a real life and check in on all of your fave blogs! There aren't enough hours in the day!

    Just a quick note...from the calendar photo of your Dusty, I see that he is almost identical in appearance to my Star. I'll post a photo of her on my new blog very soon. You'll have to take a look!

  40. Been a busy Marine weekend, and it is alligator mating season, not that you need to know!
    But any who thanks for the you-tube video I really enjoyed it with my tea this morning, also your fabulous post that theater is to die for
    I want to make one this summer
    Happy Weekend
    your fairy friend

  41. OOOO! I just love that chandelier and I'm heading right over after leaving a comment! Dusty is adorable and maybe it's time he branches out and does his own calendar : ) Hope you are having a great weekend! Sherri : )

  42. OMG I just LOVE your posts! :)

    Dusty is absolutely adorable, and that birdcage is to die for (although I'd have to disagree about the ferret - they kind of freak me out, hehe)....

    Too funny about your Oscar party! And here I was picturing you in a tux, sipping Perrier-Jouet from crystal flutes....

    Wishing you a wonderful, creative week! :)

    ~ Carolee

  43. hi! you are so kind for letting us know where the good givaways are!
    thanks alot! and thanks of course about your nice words about the new edition of alice by papillon bleu that i have participated with my art journal page!!!

  44. Love your blog, those are some mighty buxom ...entertainers...

  45. What a pleasure you are to read! Cracked up at your Oscars comment - I too ended up in my finest - er, sweats! Oh well, at least we're fabulous in our heads! Great blog, Kristin xo
