Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Better than ever ...

No, I had not planned on redesigning the kitchen and starting over (besides, knowing that Marilyn of Our Victorian Cottage has the best retro kitchen ever, what's the point?)

... and, no, I'm not trying to find a new family and really start everything over again

... and I have no intention of starting over with an all-new headboard decór

... nor do I plan to start over and begin wearing the new French jockey shorts

...and, though I wouldn't mind starting over in the bathroom with a fountain, wainscotting, stained glass, Empire tin ceiling, live orchids next to the granite and onyx pedestal sink, fixtures carved from black Italian marble and - what else? - gold, air fragrant with 80,000 fresh violets used per month, and a rocking chair placed at the changing nook. No, not even that is where I'm starting over.

Photo of Shoji Tabuchi Theatre in Branston, Missouri courtesy of Bathroom Diaries.
No, I am simply sharing a moment with Candace Bergen from the movie "Starting Over," which I remember from (high school?) well, a long time ago. I remember laughing so hard I started crying. I hope you enjoy it, too!

watching that always makes me weak

I have to show you an amazing creation.
This absolutely astounding 32"doll by artist/genius William Bezek.
The face - the clothes - the attention to every detail imaginable - is perfection. I am so in love with this piece! I would enjoy seeing him every morning greeting me into the studio! To see more - and you really should! - click on the image below which will take your to Monsieur Bezek's site. And click on the image above to get a much larger version and look at those clothes!

Be sure to visit Christine's Dollybelle's Peepshow, where yours truly has been chosen as Sir. March! I'm always happy getting a new royal headdress! She creates some of the most delightful whimsies and treasures - you'll enjoy the blog. And tell her Sir March sent you over!
The mother of this kid should be smacked. Really, now, does he even have a fighting chance?!When it comes to art, the classics are always my favorite...

So this supposed to be romantic? It my day, she was called a tart!

We have a winner folks!

JulietK of JulietK was the first person to recognize these gams
as the belongings of the always enchanting Juliet Prowse! She even knew the photo was taken for the cover of Life Magazine in 1962!
It was during the filming of "Can-Can" in 1959 that she captured the international spotlight. Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev visited the set of the film and after Prowse performed a rather saucy can-can for the Russian leader, he proclaimed her dance "immoral." Little did Khrushchev know that he was a great press agent, because the publicity brought Prowse considerable attention in the United States. From there, her career took off.

Juliet, email me your address and I'll get your prize out in the mail to you!

Do I have smart readers, or what?!

Well, I guess that's enough Revelry today ... Dusty seems to be antsy to go out for our afternoon walk. Ugh. It's raining and sleeting and I don't want to do it. He's darned lucky I love him - because a cat would be one heckuva lot easier!

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Fabulous pictures!!! You crack me up! Grace

  2. As it was a movie quiz do I get to make a speach Oscar style? I'd like to thank my mother ........
    no seriously she was a mega film buff and it's her fault I knew :-D
    Can't wait to see what comes in the post, Thankyou Sir March

  3. Congrats, Juliet!

    Well, I courtesy to you, Sir March!

    Boy when I saw William's post this morning at first I thought the doll was a REAL person!! What a work of art!!!

    Have a fab day!


  4. Dear Sir March, You are very thoughtful to feature me on your fantastic blog experience. I appreciate it so much I would like to send you a little gift of thanks, please send me a mailing address so I can stalk you forever.
    P.S. When can we see Sir March's centerfold shot?

  5. Dear SM... :) :) :)

    You are better than EVVVV-A!


  6. Congratulations Sir March. You are a wealth of trivia and very entertaining. The Mad Hatter creation is beyond amazing. Is it hot in here?!! Thank you for sharing and brightening my day. Keep inspiring...

  7. I always knew you were royalty Sweetie!!
    I am always amazed with William's art....I only wish that maybe someday I could afford one of his character dolls. They really aren't even classified as dolls... They are exquisite...they breathe...
    Hey, maybe you & I can each go halvsies & we could share custody of one???
    Still snowing here...have had another 3" just since last night...Adding insult to injury!!
    Stay Warm....Hug Dusty for me!!

  8. Congratulations to the winner! That Mad Hatter doll is A-mazing with a capital A! What a talent. :) Enjoy your walk with little Dusty. Oh, and how I love that photo of you. Digging the crown!!! Theresa

  9. Congratulations for being crowned Sir March!!
    I love her blog!! it's great!!!

    Is that your mom in that picture? I love that high hair!!! ;)

  10. Oh, I LOVE your March centerfold! Now I have a few questions: Do you have a staple in your bellybutton? Do you like long walks on the beach? Was your mother shocked that you were a centerfold?

    Okay...take Dusty on that walk now!


  11. I may not be a smart reader, but I sure am a happy reader here!!!!!

  12. Sigh, the Mad Hatter doll is magnificent. Just about fell out of my chair at work as I viewed the poor little sap in a dress. Oh what we do to our children. Somewhere I have a photo of my youngest son dressed like a Russian refugee from the turn of the century complete with a babuska on his head and sucking a lollypop. He couldn't be much older then 6 and my sister is the one who dressed him like that. He is now 6 feet, a rock climber that looks like a cross between a biker and a bouncer at the same time. Hilarious. Sea Witch

  13. And so clever of you to include the photo of one of Sir Elt's bathrooms!

  14. Tristan/aka Sir March/aka Fuzzy and Adorable.....a fantasy of mine would be to someday have a ticket for a tour of your brain. A true visit to Wonderland it would be (had to get Alice in there somewhere!). In the meantime, your fab blog entries will have to suffice.

    The pic of that family cracked me up, the incredible bathroom made me gasp, the snippet of Better Than Evah made me laugh, the Mad Hatter by William Bezek made me swoon... I am now exhausted and need a nap.


  15. Oh you think a cat would be easier? Yesterday, while I was at work, my two little cats decided to not only go through the bags of stuff I'd gotten at the craft store the night before, but also find the choicest items and tear them up and scatter the remains all over the house, making them completely unusable...I'd choose walking in sleet with the dog!

  16. Very much lovin' the top hat.
    I'm afraid of wathching the new version of Alice and liking it more than the Disney flick or book. I'm such a purist.

  17. fabulous photo of you, Sir March! I simply love it to pieces. WoW! so much fun reading your blog, Tristan. Thank you! xo lenna

  18. GULP!!! The MAd Hatter is awesome! I love the SIr MArch..hehehe..what a fun post and yes, mommy should be smacked...

  19. Will is an amazing arteest. Not sure if I could sleep in the same room with that figure however. LOL!!

  20. Tristan,
    You always make me laugh out loud. I was newly divorced, living in Manhattan when this movie was out. I lived on 72nd Street between first and second. My window overlooked the movie house across the street. I must have watched this movie dozens and dozens of times.

    You are so right, that mother should be smacked! Where oh where do you find this amazing and fun images?

    I love that Sir March photo!


  21. Your blog just made my day, Sir March! ;) My blog took a little hiccup in blogland... I think I've been here to your log before under the name WhisperingPoppies (I live on Cape Cod and we have a cookware shop I posted about -- I think you commented on my blog at the time). I pulled the plug on that blog thinking I wouldn't return, but I'm back. =O
    Speaking of movies... if you love artsy/foreign films (the Cape Cinema is my fav place)... you must see "Kitchen Stories" (a Norwegian film from 2003). We watched the dvd last night and loved it (despite its rather slow beginning).
    Why did I ramble! lol

  22. My aunt used to back tease and Aquanet her hair into a beehive like that. Memories (and gratitude!). Trish

  23. Are you sure you don't want to treat us to you in French jockey shorts, Sir March???

  24. Dearest Tristan,

    IS THAT YOU AS MR. MARCH? IT LOOKS LIKE YOU! YOU ARE HANDSOME!!! Great post as always!! Anita

  25. Congrats to Juliet!!! Mr. Bezek's art is out of this world wonderful!! Congrats on becoming Sir March!!!!!!!
    Your Blog is fantastic!!!!!

    Many Hugs,

  26. YOU ARE SO hilarious Mister Fabuloso, err I mean Senor Marzo!!

    OH gooodness, I am laughing so hard, I am still slapping my knee ove the "Makes me weak" image!!!

    If I had 10 million pennies, I would buy you that mad hatter doll ;)

    SO good catching up with you, I have been in an abyss of real world work - PLay time is always the bestest in the westest!

    Warmest ~ V

  27. OMG Kiddo,

    That little family is the one the US Government used in their safety campain for underground testing of nucular arms!!! No really look at them it's them I just know it is. And see how perfectly normal the average American family is living within the fall out area??!!!

    So does this mean we have to curtsy and call you your superbness??? Cuz if we do, I'm going to have trouble not giggling :) :)

    Pattie :)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  28. You look quite handsome here, Sir March.
    The Mad Hatter is amazing. The picture of the boy in a dress is hilarious.

  29. I am a frequent lurker, but wanted to pop up to the surface and tell you how much I enjoy your blog. You always make me smile! :) Pam

  30. Oh Tristan, AGAIN sooooo much here! It must be so busy in your mind. You find the most fabulous old photos. So enjoyable. You are The Most Clever person ever. How you make me laugh. Love Candace and Juliet Prowse. OMG the second photo with the couple and that lady's hair! I think it scared the kids to death...look at their faces. Sir March, you look fabulous in a crown. **blows sunshine your way** Deb

  31. Tristan...congratulations on being Mr. March....what an honor. I love the picture of the poor boy in the dress. I do have to admit that when my second son was born, my friend and I put her daughters pink velvet dress on him. He was about 6 months old, he had on no diaper, and his private showed out the bottom of the dress. We laughed our heads off, and man was he an ugly girl. God knew he was meant to be a girl.
    Have a fab weekend.
    xxoo Valarie

  32. Beautiful post!That bathroom is unreal, The doll is magnificant truly talented. Thanks for sharing,Have a great weekend, Jonny

  33. You always find the BEST pictures ;-)
