Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Back to the Land of the Blogging ...

Well, there is no question about it, last week I was almost too weak to eat. Please note the qualification "almost." Trust me - though I went through a nasty patch of the flu (thanks for all your help, flu shot!), my arms are still not the size of dried pasta.

But, today, I'm back in the pink and dressed for whatever adventure the day might bring!
While I was out of commission, I received three very sweet awards from several of my favorite blog - gers!

From Marilyn at Our Victorian Cottage I received this fun award ...
But, I'm not completely sure why she chose me for this award. Over the top? Moi?! Surely not! Thank you, Marilyn!

Next, from Lovey at Fabric Photo Memories , I received this loverly award...
I feel as if I should be singing "I'm so pretty, I'm so pretty, I'm so pretty, and witty, and wise!" But, fear not, I'll refrain. Thank you, Lovey!

And, lastly, but certainly not leastly, from Baroness Bijoutery at Baroness Bijoutery, I was gifted ...
A very attractive award, isn't it? I appreciate it - and I do strive to be a blogger who deserves such an award ... though I certainly hope I'm a better speller. Thank you, Baroness!

These bloggers each have terrific blogs - and very different in style and content - please visit them - I'm sure you'll become a fan, as I have!

On a more fashionable note...
If this was in your living room, and guests dropped by, would you sweep it under the rug or beat it to death with your broom?

As I was searching around for interesting Valentine's gifts - really more for what I'd like to receive than for what I'm buying for the significant other - I ran across this little handmade fabric and beaded heart. I like the shimmery quality of it ... and though I know I could make one for myself, I also know I never will. I think this definitely will go on the wish list. (Is it greedy to have a Valentine's Day list the way children have Christmas lists?) If you would like to have a similar little piece, it's available here.
Okay, I really, truly, sincerely, genuinely want this photo explained to me.
Do you suppose this is some 1950's space age vision of the Easter Resurrection? Or, is it supposed to be Jesus returning to pick up a new angel, and that kid in his Sunday best is going to crawl in that rocket with the Child and get lifted off to Heaven?
I'm just so confused.

Okay. Jump on behind and we're off to do a little shopping. Oh - could you bring along an empty bag of some sort, please? These new-fangled transportation contraptions don't have litter bags. Where's a boy to keep his credit cards for the shopping trip?!

First off, I'm quite enamored of this 19th century English cut crystal and velvet armchair. Not only is it absolutely gorgeous - and quite the conversation piece! - I like the idea of being able to dust ALL my furniture with Windex, rather than switching products and rags from Windex to Pledge to Old English. How easy! And I must admit, I quite enjoy the idea of sitting in this chair for a photograph wearing one of my ersatz crowns! Then let somebody say I'm not the king when I tell them what to do!This tromp l'oeil painted Italian two part secretary desk, has a slant front desk in the bottom section with three drawers and open compartments above three drawers. The upper section with double arched top and having two cabinet doors opening to reveal painted interior with drawers and shelves. I think this is a really fine example of tromp l'oeil furniture - though, frankly, I don't know why I would need somebody to paint jumbled shelves and a disorganized desk top permanently on my furniture. I seem to make it happen quite easily on my own.
Okay, climb down off that ostrich and have a seat. Aren't these two 18th century painted Italian armchairs just exquisite? So fresh and bright and spring-like. Be sure to click on the photo to get a larger image and check out the amazingly detailed carving on the legs ... and, of course, that wonderful hand-painted silk upholstery next to the parcel gilt trim.Let's take a break from antique shopping and make a stop at Restoration Hardware Company. I am really hoping when The Portal comes back to earth to pick me up and rocket me up to heaven, that this will be the bathroom awaiting me. No question about it - I'd be in heaven. Doesn't this just make you want to brush your teeth and spit in it?!

WOWZA. Look at that!It almost looks like our ostrich transportation!
I find this sculpture by Jessica Joslin intriguing and provocative. She has many examples of both her striking sculptures and her lovely paintings on her website. Take a moment to browse...very unusual - lovely, and macabre at the same time.

Perhaps the winter is really getting to me. I am usually not - most definitely not - a fan of sea-foam green or lavender (and most definitely not when combined with pink). But this room I found at Trouvais - all sea-foamy and lavender-y and pink just seems so welcoming and fresh and cozy and beautiful. Perhaps it's the addition of the huge french doors and the rococo-styled wallpaper and the dark wood floors. But, it really calls out and sings "Spring!" to me. And I want it.
"Yo. What are you lookin' at?"
Ah, I've got it. I've over-typed my welcome. Well, forgive me. I haven't posted in quite a few days, and, frankly, I was jonesing. Do people still use that expression? I hate using archaic hip phrases and terms. Perhaps I'm showing my years, just like these charmers.I'm off to the studio - which has been totally abandoned for a week. I wonder if I'll even remember what I had in mind when I see whatever I was working on!

Thank you for spending some time with me today, and please come back and visit again soon!

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Hi Tristan,

    I didn't know you had an etsy shop~I'm on my way to check it out~

  2. This was a delightful read with my morning coffee. Never mind that it's 12:23 - this is morning to me. So glad you're feeling better. It's good to have the old Tristan back. (Old = jonesing? I know that word too.)Congratulations on your well-deserved awards.


  3. I'm so glad you are feeling better Tristan...blog land is not the same without you!!!!
    everything vintage

  4. You are definitively back...to your witty/funny/charming self! What a wonderful post! Glad you are feeling better. We are expecting a big storm tomorrow in CT. Please don't shovel after the storm ...take care of yourself, okay?! Stay well...so you can continue making amazing posts and beautiful things! (BTW, I am with you on the seafoam green but that photo is WOW! Those tall ceilings!)

  5. Looks like you took those pills I recommended...

    I'd beat it, then stuff it under the rug and then beat the rug. Then I'd wear the rug and get caught in a terrifying circle of death as someone beat me and stuffed me under a rug. And so on.

  6. Hi sweet Tristan (hack-hack), sorry to hear you were sick. ♥ It certainly didn't affect your posting, lol. Love the ostrich quips and images.

    I better go make something beautiful as commanded. xJ

    http://MaidenShade.net (TY for visiting, if I ever actually make any truffles I'll send you some; )

  7. Good thing you surfaced cause' I was about to bring you a little Keg o' Brandy to perk you up!! Isn't that what was under the search dogs necks?? AnyWho......
    I hope you read my post yesterday.... I am Cancer Free!! Thank God!! This has been going on now since late October & do you know how I am celebrating today?????
    DH left for a 2 day run this a.m. & I am in my jammies ALL DAY LONG & I have been on my azz all day watching Movies!! Then tonight after a not-so-exhausting-day I am going to bed with my new book I just got from Amazon.... "Worst Case" by James Patterson......
    So glad you are back on your feet!!
    Love Ya',
    p.s. You are Over-The-Top darling.....LOL!!

  8. so glad you are better and blogging, I miss your posts, must have been jonesin for some fab stuff, and you never fail to disappoint. Love that sea foam green room, looks so Florida
    take care
    your fairy friend

  9. So pleased you're well again and it's great to have you back.Life wasn't the same without a dose of your blog each day.

  10. Tristan...I am so glad that you are feeling better. If you figure out why baby Jesus is going to the moon, be sure and let me know. haha
    Have a wonderful day.
    xxoo Valarie

  11. Hey Kiddo,

    I so glad to hear you are in the "pink" again, in fine fettle, right as rain!!! Get back in the groove slowly cuz the flu can, knock you off your feet,take the wind out of your sails, set you off your pins. I pleased as punch, happy as a larck, simply over joyed to know that you are back in the magical land of Bloglandia!!! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  12. Glad to see you're almost back to snuff! Missed your amazing posts but you made up for it with this one.
    Love the sculptures, and I'm with you, what's up with "buckaroo baby jesus"?

  13. You were missed, glad to see you back.

  14. Good grief, how can you be so funny after being so sick? Or is it the other way around? Thanks for the giggles and those great photos, and congrats on getting better and on the awards! Richly deserved!

  15. Tristan, I am soooo glad to see you back in the saddle, and with vim and vigor!!!! Humor in check...creativity in check...sincerity, all there. Thank you for giving us such joy! Bisous, Anita

  16. You are BACK!!!!!!!!!!
    I think I have to say that the rocket with baby jesus is my fav. Do you suppose it was an early science fair at a catholic school???? Maybe he is a rocket scientist ? I am going to have to think about this!!!! At any rate, I bet Sister Mary Margaret gave him holy He**!
    Fyi, the verification word for this post is
    "resting", which I hope you are doing!

  17. Tristan dearest,
    Can you email me when you get a chance?

    I need to give you a heads up on something.....

  18. Tristan..you are hilarious! Please go ahead and break into song...I feel pretty...loving you man...smiles...Lovey

  19. I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better...and that you're back to yourself again!

  20. So much to comment on...so little time!

    First of all, I think that is Pee Wee Herman in the second photo you posted! :)

    Second, WTF is with the furry body suit that woman is wearing in the produce department? Rats? Yuk!

    Third, the Russian boy and baby Jesus and space ship photo is just too bizarre! What WAS the thought process there?

    Fourth, I LOVE Restoration Hardware...just wish I could afford them!

    Fifth, how cool are those photos of the "shady ladies"?

    So glad you are feeling better! Just think how bad the flu would have been if you hadn't had your shot!

  21. Tristan, I hope you spent the day making something beautiful (after creating this very cool blog entry!). Glad you are feeling almost back to normal.

    LOVE your first pic. I've just snagged it for my reference files. Gorgeous! As for the rocket/little boy/Baby Jesus? That is just too bizarre - think your explanation is as good as any, I also think the photographer may have been into some rather funny 'stuff' when he composed the pic.

    Once again Tristan, a great blog - so much fun to read! Oh, I love Jessica Joslin's work. Fabulous!

    and... hahaha on your comment on my blog!


  22. Tristan, so glad you are on the mend and back to your usual photo hi-jinks. The trompe l'oeil secretary is wonderful as are all the wild pics you included. The Space Shot/Nativity/Resurrection was a bit disturbing though. I really wish we had a back story on that one!

  23. Glad to hear you're back. It seems that one gets a more vicious flu even with the flu shot...you just got one of the cousins that didn't get caught during the flu season in Asia!!'

    Love the pics and yes, I'm confused about that '50's photo. I grew up in Catholic schools and I never remember being taught to take Jesus to the Moon!!! Wasn't that the "Honey Mooners?" LOL.."To the moon, Alice!"

    Anyway, happy to hear your back on your feet and heading into the studio to make something lovely.


  24. Hi Tristan, I'm happy to hear that you are feeling better now and back to your usual self. Congrats on your lovely awards~they are truly well deserved. That heart pendant is absolutely divine. Thanks for posting the pink. I love the colors and the sweet little dragonfly.
    Have a lovely day...Theresa

  25. I am delighted you are back among the living!!!!
    I was sans internet for A DAY and losing my mind....leaning out the upstairs windows with a duster to clean off the broadband receiver!
    OH YEAH........
    Now to the million e-mails....oy.
    Welcome back! :D


  26. Sorry to hear you were ill! I don't get a flu shot because I discovered years ago that those who do, get the flu. Just an observation from working in a large law firm.

    Take care of yourself!!

  27. Hi Tristan ~ Stumbled upon your blog ~ really there are no accidents ~ so much fun and a visual feast for the eyes. I have a son named Tristan, I can only hope he grows up to be half as creative. Thank you for the laughs -

  28. First of all, I hope you are totally better!!! I always get the flu - and usually about a week after I get the damn shot! DUH!

    I want that room - oh, what a pleasure that would be - it would be like having spring everyday...

  29. Oh my Lawdy, you are so funny! I love all the photos you find! Thanks for making me laugh! Glad you're feeling better!

  30. Loved this post - All your posts are fab, but I particularly loved this one because you included my friend Jessica Joslin. One correction needs to be made, though. She makes those wonderful sculptures but her husband, Jared Joslin, is the artist behind those stunning paintings you mentioned. I agree, their website is quite an eye treat, but nothing beats seeing their art work in person. Both Joslins are truly amazing!

  31. You've certainly come back with a vengeance! Congrats on your rewards and thanks for another inspirational lot of pictures and I so know what you mean about that heart. My first thought was: could make that in time for the big day and my next one was: No Way!

  32. So glad you are feeling better! Love this post, but then again, I enjoy reading all your posts. You have a way to make people smile, thanks for being such a great person with a fabulous personality!


  33. I'm glad I found your blog... a couple of posts back. I have had some laugh out loud moments here, (a very good thing!). Enjoyed this post lots...all the photos & whimsy, charm and sauce. About the rocket boy? He is on the cover of a David Bowie CD...JC was a space cadet?

  34. Glad your better love the photo parade made me laugh!
