Saturday, February 6, 2010

Pink Saturday, February 6

Well, I'm still under the weather, but I signed up for Pink Saturday, so I have to fulfill my commitment.

I know this isn't very amusing or clever - I'm just not feeling amusing or clever. Sorry! But it's some pretty pink pictures which, if I were more true to form, I'm sure I would make some snarky comments about. But, you'll have to enjoy them as is!

Now, be sure to check out Beverly's Pink Saturday and see who else is participating this week. I've consumed so much Pepto Bismol this week, I'm not sure I could stand much more pink. But, for everybody else, the veritable world of pink is a mere click away!

Make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Tristan, sure are sorry you are not feeling well!!! Your photos were great, but you are right they are missing your funny writing to go along!
    Hope you are back to normal soon!!!

  2. Tristan, my sypmathies are with you......I hope you are feeling all better SOON!!!!
    And what a trooper you are to do the blog post anyway......geez...


  3. Dearest Tristan, how about a cup of peppermint tea, no milk, no sugar...that always does the trick for me when the stomach is not behaving! Your pinks are sweet and calm. You need some calm in your life. I was going to invite you to come to my blog and dance with me, but maybe "shakin it" isn't too good of an idea for you at the moment, but come by anyway and see Gene, Fred and the lovely Cyd. Bisous, Anita

  4. I wondered about the condition of your Pepto Tummy when I saw you posted for PINK Saturday!!
    Take it easy & hope to see you fit-as-a-fiddle soon!!
    p.s. I can't stand Pepto Bismol... a hold-over from childhood....ich!!

  5. Sending you some desert sunshine and hoping you feel better soon. Just the thought of Pepto Bismol makes me queezy. **kisskiss**
    (I have antiviral software) Deb

  6. Tristan,
    I feel your pain~I had the flu back in Nov., I think it was. It was horrible!!!!!

    I hope you get to feeling better soon~

  7. I do hope you feel better soon Tristan. Your pink saturday posts never disappoint. I love all the pink ladies.

  8. I hope that you feel much better very soon!

  9. Tristan, sorry that you are still feeling pukey and considering how you must be feeling - your Pink Saturday post is Aces! Gorgeous pics!



  10. this was cute. Love your Pinks. Happy Pink Saturday. Don't forget to visit me. It is your only chance to enter my giveaway.
    ps feel better soon!

  11. You might not be feeling quite "in the pink" yet yourself, Tristan but I absolute love all these vintage pink ladies. Thanks for showing them to us and now go back to bed and indulge yourself!!

  12. Hi Tristan

    I,too, have been a bit under the weather this last week. It pretty much sucks, and I don't even feel that bad! Anyway, I just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten to send you your surprise yet. I just haven't gotten to the post office. Hopefully early next week I'll get there.

    Feel better soon!


  13. You did a great job with your pinks! I love them all! Hope you are beginning to feel better! It's just so no fun being sick!! Bye Sherri : )

  14. Quick IV of chicken Soup STAT
    Hope you feel better soon
    thanks for the Pink Sat Pics
    your fairy friend

  15. Hi Tristan!

    Get better!

    O.K. how many different costume changes did you go through to get these? You look fab as a brunette!

    Smiling yet? Hope it helps.... HPS!!!!!

    love, kelee

  16. Hi Triatan,
    I was wondering where you were, sorry to hear you are not feeling well and hope you are as good as new soon.

  17. Hope you're better soon,if I could post you some of last night's pink sunset to cheer you I would.

  18. Tristan amor, Sorry your still feeling not quite yourself, it took me 2 weeks to not get completely winded everytime I did something around the house. But I must say, your pinks are lovely :) That lady in the first picture reminds me of Drew Barrymore..I think it is my favorite. Feel better, stay warm and just rest till you feel better :) Besos, Rose

  19. You should have put up a picture of yourself and phtoshopped it pink. Perfect for pink Saturday. I am so sorry you are under the weather. Get well soon my frend.
    Hugs Amada

    P.S. Sending this in blogger because Gremlins have hijacked my typepad account ;)

  20. Tristan I am so sorry you are still not feeling well..You pictures were great and of course missed your wit and humor..But it's really hard to be witty when you are doing Shots of Pepto Bismol..Get well my friend...Now go crawl back in bed with your Blanky and stay warm...


  21. Pretty pics...though not quite as fun without the 'snarky comments'. hehe!

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  22. You find the best pics, Tristan...
    even when you are under the weather.....
    interesting too..that Pepto Bismol
    is pink.. lol!
    Hope you're well soon!
    xoxo, gypsy

  23. Have an award for you if you would like to stop by....

  24. Wishing you the
    without the

  25. Tristan, I hope you get to feeling better very soon. It's never any fun to be ill for any reason. I love the old outfits the women in the by gone days wore. I so love the style! Today wardrobes leave too much to be desired in my opinion. I'm still mentally stuck in the jane austen era. :) Feel better. Tammy

  26. I was wondering what happened to you. So sorry to hear that you've been unwell. Hopefully you will soon feel better. Best wishes for a speedy recovery my friend.

  27. Tristan dearest,
    Don't you just love Cyd Charisse and what can I say about Audrey...everything about the woman was classic and what a hoofer! Thank you precious one for coming to visit even though you have been so sick. I hope our dancin' didn't shake up things too much for ya! And yes, that sea foam green room...I am not one for too much pastels. I love muted colors, but that room just shouted out "the hope of spring", 'cause out here, it is COLD!

    Bisous to you and bon rétablissement! Anita

  28. I reckon you should go down the pharmacy and ask for an amusing or clever pill.


  29. Tristan, next time please bring the amusing and clever. ;o)

    LOVE those vintage postcards. Just gorgeous.

  30. I ♥ pink and I ♥ Saturdays! Beautiful photographs.
    I hope you will be feeling well soon!
    xoxo, B

  31. awesome images. thanks for sharing!

  32. You are BACK!! Thank goodness. The world doesn't seem right without your unique voice to add shimmer and sparkle to my day.
    I'll take those two painted Italian chairs please.
