Friday, February 12, 2010

It's a Winter Blahs and Cabin Fever Sale!

Kick up Your Heels!
And Cha-Cha Your Way Over to

Our 50% Off Everything Sale!

That's right! To chase away the cabin fever and the wintery blahs, everything in the Enchanted Revelry Etsy Shop is 50% off! Now is the time to grab your favorite art quilt or miniature theatre or paper whimsy ... and perhaps stock up for gift giving this year - and save a bundle!

Please do not use the Etsy shopping cart for this sale - it can't deal with a sale. Just email me at tristan (at) manmadequilts (dot) com, and I'll shoot right out a Paypal invoice for you. Easy peasy!

And, of course, after you shop 'til you drop, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Seriously, I'm the first comment? OH NO. That means everyone else is in your shop right now beating me out. I'm off. I don't drop easily. **blows kisses** Deb

  2. What a very cool blog you have! And funny too...going to have to follow you Sir Tristan.
    Thanks for the kindness...

  3. Good Morning Sir Tristan...
    I will cha-cha myself right over and see what you have in store for me today. You are always full of surprises.

    Incase I don't talk to you before hand have a beautiful Happy Valentine's Day. You are such a inspiration to me to create. I so love looking at the beautiful art work that you have.

    Thank you for sharing today. Country hugs...Sherry

  4. Much luck with your sale!!
    Had appt yesterday... thought I'd be FREE of Dr for awhile.... NOPE...more surgery in April...blah!
    Bring on Summer...maybe we all would feel better!!
    Happy Valentine's Day!!

  5. I love a sale - thanks for stopping by this morning. Your name is now in my top hat three times. Now just click your heals and maybe you will win!

  6. Tristan dear, how are you feeling? From the looks of it, MUCH BETTER! That photo of the woman is hilarious! I seem to think you have a GREAT SENSE OF HUMOR! You know exactly what photos to pick. Love it. Have a great Friday evening with your loved ones and a fabulous Valentines! Bisous, Anita

  7. Hi Thats what I thought too..I love the fab old lady undies though...

  8. I'll check it out, and in the mean time pop over to my blog and get a little sunshine award to brighten up the winter blahs
    Happy Valentines Day
    your fairy friend

  9. Mister Fabuloso, HOWDY! Oh I am so sad you were ill, but so happy you are feeling better. And a 50% off sale, wholey guacamole!!! That's a sale alright. How can I contain myself?

    Happy V-day Weekend ~ off to peek in your shop.


  10. Happy Pink Saturday Mr. T. I'm dutifully cha-cha-ing right on over to drool over your stuff.

    Have a magical Valentine's Day. Think of all of us who love and appreciate you when you "open" your tomorrow.


  11. I love this photo, such energy!
    I will check out your sale as well.
    I am having a Valentines Giveaway, you might want to have a peek at that!
    Happy Valentines Day!

  12. Tristan- You are a real hoot and a half! I LOVE your blog. My friend Karen Cox has been telling me all about you. If you get the chance swing by and say hi. I would like to spotlight your blog on my Nanas Picks.
    Let me know. I am adding your blog to my side bar.

  13. Happy Valentine's Day Tristan!!!
    I just wanted to drop by and say thank you for your kind words.
    I will get to feeling better.Although I will not be able to go to Mardi Gras this year.
    I love the season its fantastic.Have you ever been?
    Anywho ...good luck ith your sale.
    Have a wonderful Valentine,
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  14. O.K., Tristan, now this is scarey! as I was just watching the You-Tube HGTV video of you on the quilt segment - I got an email that you had just left a comment on my blog.......(dang I love ESP!!!)

    I headed over to your Etsy shoppe and you have some awesome things for sale - and cheap!

    By the way loved the HGTV interview!!!!


  15. Ah, a sale! I so love a sale! I so hate a sale when I have absolutely no money! *sob*

  16. Who doesn't love a sale? Can't wait to see. A very Happy and Romantic Valentine's Day to you and your sweetheart. (And your little dog too!)


  17. Hello Mr. Tristan,

    I am in awe of your gorgeous theaters. I really must try one of my own some time. (tee hee :)

    Just popping over to send you and your creative muse sparkling pink fairy magic for a happy Valentine's Day!

    ~Kitty Kellie

  18. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, Tristan!!
    ♥ ♥ audrey
