Thursday, February 4, 2010

Stayin' Groovy in the Time of the Flu

It's been a rough week. I've spent most of the time under quilts and blankets and throws. It's so weird shivering with cold, even though you're sweating.

While I'm out of commission, please use the following to keep up with the latest hip? - hep? - hip? terms.

Now, I hope you've been making something beautiful - because I sure haven't been, and somebody has to do it!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Oh No!! I wondered where you had been. I am surprised you had the inclination to do the "Happy Dance" for me......
    Am goin' to bed early tonight! I am wiped out!!
    Love Ya',

  2. Sorry to hear your ill. I finally caught what big and little Daniel's had in Paris but it hit me as we were on the flight back home. Needless to say, my return back was painful and seemed endless. I hope you get well soon.


  3. Sorry to hear you are under the weather. Have Dusty take good care of you!


  4. Oh Tristan Sweetie...
    I so wondered where you have been. You have been sorely missed. I will be adding you to my prayer list. Please get well soon. It is no fun being sick, and even worse when you are so sick you can't blog. Oh my...

    I am sure you were the "Teacher's Pet" when you were in school. And maybe the "Good Dancer". Did I hit either one of them?

    Love it. Please get well soon. You are missed. Have a beautiful evening. I hope to see you soon. Country hugs...Sherry

  5. hot water
    1/4 lemon juice

    I'd send chicken soup if I could!!!

  6. oh Tristan! rest up and feel better soon. Here is a hug - i wish i could give you some soup!!

  7. Tristan amor, I hope you feel better real soon, I am just getting over a bad cold/flu myself, and yes having the chills and then feeling like your burning up at the same time was no fun, even worse were the body aches and nausea, even my toes hurt :( I hope your having some hot chicken soup and good tea, take care and feel better! Besos, Rose

  8. Tristan, sending fast recovery wishes your way!

    Where did you get those slang terms? They are hilarious. I'm saving them. Hee, never know when one of them may come in handy.

    Feel better soon!

    (was going to say "hugs" but don't want your bug - envision arms outstretched, at least 2 feet between bodies and fingers doing the typing dance on shoulders - that'll work!)


  9. I have a good one :
    Lemon Juice,
    honey and Tequila!
    Hope you feel better soon!

  10. Hope you are feeling better soon!

  11. just get better and will be back creating. who knows maybe this is just a break and you will be formulating something grand in your mind. then look out. Bestest,Denise

  12. Oh Tristan dearest, I had this flu several years ago and to have a fever and be delirious was not a good thing...I hope you get better NOW! And those terms are too much! How language changes! Rest up dear one...

  13. Oh no! I'm sorry to hear that you're under the weather. I hope you're feeling better soon...and back to your ol' creating self!

  14. Not creating. Coping with sickish daughter. Again. Feel better soon.

  15. awww..i had wondered, Tristan...
    Please take care of yourself...
    hope you're better real soon...
    we miss ya!...thanks for letting us know...
    big hugs to make you well!

  16. Tristan, so sorry to hear you've been ill. I am sending many a get well wish to you! Me and my faerie helpers HAVE been busy creating~we truly have! I'll be updating my blog tomorrow, so you can see a few new things. :)
    Take care and feel better...Theresa

  17. Oh, I hope you feel better. I had a touch of fever last weekend, and it is icky indeed!

    Where did you find that amazing chart? It's hilarious!

  18. Me too Tristen...I finally had to get prescription anti-nausea meds to just make it through a night.. and then that medication totally put me to sleep for days...

    I'm so sorry you have bitten by the bug... I just know there is a ray of light at the end of the tunnel even if it seems not so...

    Take care my friend~

  19. Aw, Tristan. I hope you feel better soon.

  20. So sorry you've been sick. It's been a bad week for me too, but nothing like the flu. Get well soon. The blog world can't do without you. Maybe should try a cup of 'Constant Comment' tea - Every time I open up a package I think to myself - 'Ya know, this ought to be the official tea of bloggers!'

    Get well soon,

    I hope that

  21. Me again. I don't know what that - 'I hope that' - is at the bottom of my comment. I rewrite stuff. I've probably left some really weird messages out there in cyberspace. It's just me being me.


  22. Hope youre feeling better soon Tristan,definitely chicken soup time !
    Loved those "hip" terms LOL I think I'll drop a few of those in the converation this weekend and embarrass the heck outofmy teenagers !
    julie xxx

  23. I hate being defrosted, it really hurts. Especially as it is so cramped in the microwave.

  24. So sorry you are under the weather Tristan. I had that flu bug last year around Valentines too. Yucky stuff. Chicken soup, elderberry liquid, lots of fluid, hot lemon juice with a dash of something extra to help you sleep!
    Loved all the hip phrases, I'll use one in particular on my hubby!!
    Get well soon!

  25. Glad you are feeling better!!! Interesting post~

    For some reason I kept picturing Marcia Brady swooning over the "flavor of the week" and saying..."he's sooo groovy"!! :)

  26. Oh Tristan, so sorry you were under the weather....hope my drivel yesterday made your day a bit brighter....*wink!*
    I found the boy/girl manual hilarious. They don't even have a description of ME there....I am offended! LOL!!!
    Take good care!!!


  27. Oh Tristan, take care of yourself. Hope someone brought you some homemade chicken soup and brewed you a pot of chamomile tea. Also, what ever you have give a strong dose of contempt...that helps move it on!! LOL

    Take care and thanks for the funny little booklet. I wonder if my mother ever owned a copy!! LOL


  28. So sorry to hear you've had the flu, Tristan. Hope you'll recover soon and will be back to creating beautiful art yourself, all this from a very witch wacky!!

  29. Get better Tristen the world needs your beautiful creations!!!

  30. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Let Dust keep you warm and enjoy all of the lovely things around you. Looks like you have a lot of friends offering home remedies, so I will say, swim on over to my blog and enter my A Sea Witch in Paris giveaway. It couldn't hurt. Sea Witch

  31. Tristan....I am sorry that you are feeling under the weather. Just hunker down under one of your beautiful quilts, and let people wait on you. Feel better soon.
    xxoo Valarie

  32. I hope you are back to being a "hunk of heartbreak" soon.

  33. Oh Hep Cat, feel better!
    Ginger tea made with fresh ginger, that's my advice.

  34. Hey Mr. Tristan,

    Not happy to hear you are not feeling well...I have missed your visit....

    Get well!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  35. Hope you feel better soon Tristan! Boo!
    The flu is a super bummer!

  36. Good. Now I know what other names to use for girls who neck with everyone. Thank you.
    I hope you feel better my friend :)
