Monday, February 15, 2010

... and the Winner is

Well, the Magic Carpet ride has come to an end. Just like a fabulous hot fudge sundae with extra whipped cream and cashews, eventually one has to finish up. I've enjoyed my travels to the blogs participating so much - meeting so many charming people and seeing so much talent and energy! I'm afraid I didn't make it to every blog - I started out pretty well! - and made it to over 900 of them ... but life intervened and I got behind (damn life!), but I still did pretty well. We'll see later if I won any special treasures!

Okay. Now. Can I have one exquisitely gowned woman, with poise and elegance and the innate knowledge of how to dress appropriately for such an occasion? Ah, here she is, and lovely Linda LaTura will announce our winner. Darn, but that lady is one snappy dresser! So festive, so dignified, so subtle, so right for this momentous event.
Miss LaTura (no "Ms." if you please!) has clicked the random generator and the number who has come up is ...

So number 13 is the winner of my Marie Antoinette mini theatre, inspired by le Petit Trianon at Versailles.
And who is number 13?

None other than
Sherry from Country Wings in Phoenix

Thanks to all who entered ... and for those who have become followers, I look forward to meeting you and learning more about you!

Sherry, if you'll send me your mailing address, I'll ship your prize right out!

Whoa!!! I see that I've reached 500 followers. That's cause for another give-away! I'll have to put on my special glasses to find the perfect thing to celebrate the milestone. Geesh. So many give-aways - they're going to start being boring!
Now, go check out the other blogs and see if you've won a little treasure - and then go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. YOU ARE THE BEST! Look at those photos....Oh Tristan, if I were in Conneticutt, (oh gosh, I can't spell it), I would go over to see you and give you a big squeeze. Your photos are too funny and thank you for coming to my Cinderella ball. I KNEW, I JUST KNEW that your favorite gown would be the silver glittered one!!!! Oh, and Sherry the winner, is such a nice lady. I am so glad that she won.

    Have a happy day dearest! Anita

  2. congratulations to Sherry. What a wonderful way to start a day, winning such a lovely giveaway. enjoy!!

    Glad to hear your feeling better Tristan!!

  3. Congratulations to the lucky winner! Your creation was astounding, and I know that Sherry will love it. :)

  4. Oh my gosh Sherry...a big congratulations to you sweet friend, could not have happened to a sweeter person!! Lovely giveaway, she is one fortunate lady! xOxO Nerina

  5. From one Sherry (whiner)to another Sherry (winner!) . . . CONGRATULATIONS you lucky girl *smiles*

  6. Hi Tristan, congrats to your lucky winner.

    TRISTAN you're one of the lucky OWOH winners that will be receiving one Forbidden Planet Movie Promotional Postcard. I'll need your address. Thanks so much for your kind comment. Don't forget to leave a new comment on my winner's post @

    Oh & I'm going to Follow you & hope you'll Follow me too...

    Forbidden Planet Postcard History ~
    (In case after 900 blogs you don't remember my giveaway)
    This is a beautiful 1967 vintage postally unused oversized 5 3/4" x 4 1/8" divided back postcard. Featuring: Anne Francis as Altaira 'Alta' Morbius in her pretty micro mini gold sequin dress & the beloved Robby The Robot. Published by Postal Oscarcolor, S.A. ~ Hospitalet Barcelona with a wonderful publisher's mistake.

    Anne Francis was a popular & beautiful star in her day, so was Mitzi Gaynor. Anne Francis starred in Forbidden Planet & is on front of this Forbidden Planet promotional postcard, not Mitzi. Yet Mitzi's name is credited on back for the beautiful Altaira on front of this Forbidden Planet postcard. When a celebrity photo card or postcard has the wrong name of the celebrity, this mistake increases the value. Not a miss-spelling, but a real publisher's error by assuming the celebrity is some other celebrity.

    * VINTAGE in postcard collecting means AUTHENTIC & ORIGINAL to a specific date. Vintage sixties movie & TV postcards are VALUED AT $25.00 - $35.00 & greater depending on condition. I love collecting vintage postcards & this is one of my favorite movie postcards. This Forbidden Planet postcard is a beauty!!!

  7. Tristan....well, I am very sad that I didn't win that gorgeous theatre that you created, but your blog still makes me smile.
    Have a wonderful day.
    xxoo Valarie

  8. Tristan, you have taken a very down day for me and made me laugh and rejoice that you BLOG!!!! OMG...the images you find....
    You're better than Prozac!!! :D
    And more addictive---in a good way!


  9. Congratulations to Sherry!! I am so happy for you!!
    Tristan Honey....I completely agree with Anne..... I so needed an uplift today & I just love, love, love the pictures you find!!
    Have a Great Day!!
    p.s. Just realized there is NO MAIL today.....& here I am expecting 2 new books!! aarrrggghhhhh!!

  10. Congrats to Sherry!!! jealous!!

  11. Congratulations to Sherry! Good for you!!!! Awesome! Tristan, what an achievement to have 500 followers too. I would be honored to be included in your newest giveaway. Cool blog. Nan

  12. Oh, Sherry is going to be over the moon!!!!! Congratulations, Sherry, you lucky gal you!!!


  13. That was a great intro, and lucky Sherry! Congratulations! I always knew 13 was a lucky #!!!


  14. Congratulation Sherry! What a lucky lady!

    Your posts always bring a smile to face, hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!!


  15. Oh Tristan My Sweet Friend...
    I am curtsying and bowing to you. I am so thrilled. On to the "Happy Dance". Who would have thought that #13 would be lucky? Me!!

    I will have my own stage of all things. Your work is so beautiful and you have such a gift of the arts. I cannot thank you enough for this wonderful giveaway, and I truly will treasure this forever. I have the perfect place for it.

    Thank you Tristan, thank you. I will email you my addie.

    Country hugs and much love...Sherry

  16. Congrats to Sherry, and I'm looking forward to your next giveaway! I love seeing what photos you have coming up on your posts! You do find something interesting and funny ones!

  17. Wooohooo..congratulations to sweet wonderful for her!
    You do keep us on our toes, Tristan.. with all these fabulous photos ..such a're marvelous!

  18. Tristan amor, Congrats to Sherry, she is one of the sweetest people :) I hope you are feeling much better and had a lovely Valentine's weekend with your loved one. Besos, Rose

  19. First, a big congratulations to Sherry! She is indeed one lucky gal to win your gorgeous creation!

    Um, no Tristan - the lovely Linda LaTura, is NOT a snappy dresser LOL
    and ....giveaways are never boring!!! Bring them on!


  20. Very lucky lady indeed. Congratulations! I love that little theater, it's the cutest.


  21. CONGRATS SHERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!LUCKY YOU!!!

  22. IF I had arrived here this morning I would have been polite...but not being a good loser any more!
    WA WA WA. WHY??? WHY NOT ME???

    Aside from my tantrum, I second everything Anne sad. You are fabulous and a real treat!
    **kisskiss** Deb

  23. If you give away those special glasses I'll be first in line!
    Congratulations to lucky 13.


  24. I am certain she won't be MISS LaTura for long--after having her lovely countenance here :)Your photos give me a much needed smile! Congrats to sweet Sherry!

  25. Sherry is one lucky girl, Tristan! You can bet I'll be first in line for your next giveaway.

    Since you left my blog to "pout and sulk" because you didn't win, I decided we just can't have that! Please send me your address and I'm going to send a bookmark off to you (after all, the winner was #25 and you were #26--that's about as close as you can come to winning, so I'm calling you the "runner-up"!)


  26. OWOH is so much fun ~ I'm a slacker, this year I did not join in...but I'm having fun traveling around viewing all the wonderful blogs ~ and yours is always a delight!

    big hug ~
    xo Heidi

  27. Lucky lucky number 13! What a wonderful confection you have created Tristan! And you went to 900 sights - wow! I have trouble just getting to my own these days...

  28. Congrats to the winner. Tristan, your graphics are always so perfect! And love that Ms. LaTura.

  29. Hi Tristan, Sherry is very lucky this piece is beautiful! of course I also did have a wonderful place to put it too.I do love visiting your site you have the best photos but when you always say now leave and go make something beautiful that makes my day! I love it, your great. My best wishes, Sincerely Jonny
