Saturday, January 30, 2010

A Pink Saturday Advertisement 1/30

I think it's fascinating the way pink has been used in advertising. There is the obvious of course...cosmetics for women.

Be sure to click on each ad to see a larger image.

I liked this ad - not only was the photography beautiful, but because I was so impressed a woman could actually match her lipstick and fingernails to her exact dress color. Could Mother Nature have planned it so perfectly?
I had to read the fine print - I really thought this was an ad for an underarm depilatory, and I though Pink Fire might not be such a terrific name as it brings up images of blistered arm pits and emergency runs to the hospital. Luckily, it's just a lipstick - presumably, from the photo, for your underarms.
"Do for me; buy for me; lift me; carry me. Or I'll grind your measly little man-fingers under the heels of my soft-as-a-rose pink at-home pumps. Just a warning, my love."

What do you think this advertising was endorsing? A pink Pontiac? Pink bicycle riding jackets? Gorgeous pink sunsets? Hooking while exercising?Even 7-Up got into the pink advertising frenzy. And I must say, it was a pretty good campaign. It still is. This so makes me want to have a cherry 7-Up float! It has that terrific allure of being both refreshingly tasty and disgustingly sweet.
It might be just me. But a pink rain barrel complete with a pink princess telephone and pink hair ribbons, all exhibited against a groovy pink background, still doesn't make me want to put Lustre Creme on my hair. It just sounds like something you would need - oh, say, salt or flour, to get the grease out.

I am totally confused by this one. It's not because it's a drawing of an angst ridden man, cowering under his chenille bedspread. It's not the fact that he seems terrified of a pink unicorn. It's not even the insipid advice that the pink unicorn has given the cowering man. No, it's the fact that this ad was published in Ladies Home Journal. I'm bewildered by what segment of the Ladies Home Journal readership this was supposed to appeal to.This ad is just fantastic. I'm not sure if the ad was for General Electric or Pepto Bismol - but either way, I want that kitchen! Not as much as I want Marilyn's of "Our Victorian Cottage" (Click here to see it.) But, still I want it. Maybe I need two houses so that I might have them both.
Advertising artists are so clever. I mean, really, does anything just scream "BEER!" like a pink coat and a matching pink umbrella and scarf? Oh - and a poodle. This is so obviously a beer drinker - if you offered this chickie a cosmo or champagne cocktail, can't you tell she would never touch it?!
"Mother, don't tell me not to use three lipsticks at once. I can do my lips and both cheeks at the same time. It's a brilliant time-saving technique. Just wait. It is so going to catch on!"
...and, finally, this ad for Ivory Soap might be in black and white - but, really, let's face it. It's the pinkest ad of them all!
There is lots more pink inspiration at Beverly's Pink Saturday. Take the tour and see all the big and small treasures - all in pink! - that folks have found.

Then - go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan

P.S. I put this way down here so that it can easily be skipped. Trust me, if you are a genteel person of refined sensitivities, you do not want to click on this link. However, if you're an adventurous and open-minded person, you might like this ad that was pointed out to me by Ricë of Notes From the Voodoo Lounge. I will give you fair warning, before you click here, swallow your coffee or tea. This is the spew alert. Click Here. And that is - without question - the final word in pink advertising.


  1. Lush, decadent, sensual, luxe, fabulous....and pink! I don't know, this is just plain GORGEOUS! I recognize the first model as being "Marion" from the movie, Funny Face....she played the beautiful but ditzy air-head model! What a gorgeous spread my friend. BISOUS! Anita

  2. Mornin' Tristan!!
    First thing this a.m. I am reading your post!! WOW...better than expresso!! Love all the retro ads.... Thanks for the retro kitchen "plug"!!
    I have always loved the pink & turquoise retro repro appliances but my heart would have to say I want the red ones!!
    Cold here...right now it is -1 Brrrrrr! DH is fixing breakfast....Wish you both were closer...would have ya' stop in for a bite!! Yesterday I made 3 dozen homemade sweet rolls. Mmmmm....
    Gotta' run!! Have a great day & stay warm!!
    Love Ya',
    p.s. Maybe all the pink with the black poodle for the beer ad is in lieu of the pink elephants....LOL!!

  3. lol lol, this was the BEST!All the PINK!!! YaY! And good thing I didn't have a mouth full of coffee is right! haaaaaaaa! xOxO

  4. I think the black and white is my favorite one....super funny post, with such great ads.....I linked your blog to my blog this week, I just found you last week from Beverly's, but I have also heard about you from ANita.
    I love your blog!!!!

  5. ROFLMAO!!!!!! <:D
    Yes, I clicked the last link....who would have thought! I mean REALLY; who comes up with that stuff??? Oh boy.
    I want the pink kitchen, and the pink opera length gloves. They would go so good with the crummy clothes I wear in the studio....well, they'd go good in my glove collection!
    Loved all the ads; lots of memories!


  6. Those would be awesome as prints in pink frames for my all pink bathroom!

    (Pink by design, not by was tiled in the 20s and is a very adorable pink, but a little too pink, if there is such a thing!)

  7. I just love this post, a stroll down memory lane!

    I so remember that 7-up ad!!!!!

    Have a grand day!

  8. LOL!! What a happy ending :) This post was awesome!! Thanks for taking me on the ride :)

  9. Pink advertising...what no twinkies! I grew up in the fifties and I remember lots of these. Your post is pink heaven.

    Happy Pink Saturday,

  10. Tristan, I love this post!! Pink, yummy and fab!!

    I think I might pick up some 7Up and strawberry ice cream when I make my next grocery run...I haven't had an ice cream float in forever!!

  11. Tristan, you really pulled out all the stops. I have a sick passion for vintage advertising and I hadn't seen any of these so it was a real treat.

    p.s. I clicked on the link and I think I've now officially seen everything.

  12. Tristan-You are just bad!!! :) I do love vintage advertising and the peek it gives us into that time period. We tend to think of it as a "simpler, purer time", but I'm not so sure about that. Thanks for a great post!

  13. "for the lucky few who can afford the finest" well, snotty much? I had seen the 'pink' product on Jezebel a few weeks ago so I wasn't completely shocked. just found your blog thru' marketing mindset & I'm really enjoying it, thnx!

  14. Oh Tristan, I learn more about you all the time! YOU RAN A COUNTRY INN and BAKED A LUSCIOUS BREAD that landed in my favorite food mag? Wow. You have a lot to tell us, dearest!!! And I need to click that button you mentioned at the end of your post...I am not drinking anything at the moment, but thank you for the warning...

  15. Pink---it could be my new favorite color--especially after reading your post!
    Thank you for the laughter!

  16. Happy Pink Saturday Tristan...
    Oh my gosh I love this post. I remember some of these adds. That 7-Up one, now it is your fault, we are all going to have to go the store and buy the ingredients to have one. Looks so delish. I love the pink appliances so COOL. I am with you on the barrel gal. I don't think it would make me buy the shampoo at all.

    Now Tristan the lady with the pink umbrella, scarf and poodle is selling "Dry Beer"/ can you imagine. She sure doesn't look the type to drink to me.

    As always kiddo, you have a great post. I love to come and see what you are up to. And the last link. What will they think of next? Can't a woman just age gracefully?

    Have a beautiful day my friend. Country hugs...Sherry

  17. Stunned again.

    A remarkable trip down Pink Advert
    Lane ... .
    and then the final click.

    Guess I've missed out!


  18. Underarm depilatory! Oh Tristan, only you. You make me laugh SO. Regarding the quote under that one, when did you hear me talking with my hubby???? teehee
    **blows kisses** Deb

  19. Happy Pink Saturday Tristan! It's snowing here, wish it was pink too! Love your post and I do remember the pink 7-Up commercial, you always bring back such fond memories!

    Our "Sweet Treats" Valentine's Day giveaways ends tonight at midnight, EST. I wish you all the luck and thanks for as usual,the glorious pink post!

    Happy Pink Saturday to everyone!


  20. Am supposed to be getting stuff ready for my installation but I had to stop by and see what you wrote about pink this week. Amazing how much stuff you can write about pink! I love those old ads from the 1950s and 1960s.

  21. Aren't these great! I love my own collection of 50s/60s mags and waste a lot of my time reading them! Forgot to say in my OWOH comment that your banner is the sweetest I've seen!

  22. I am always astounded at the things you find to post to your blog! Of course I had to click on the final link. Oh my, what will they think of next. Thanks for checking out my blog, Tristan, and becoming a follower. I need to find out how to allow Mac users to comment.

  23. After studying the fourth picture for quite some time, I have determined the girl on the bike is chewing out the guy in the pink Pontiac for driving down the bike path.


  24. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Mr. Tristan...always with a superb presentation...a pink surprise every time...Old cosmetics...was I born when these were published...Probably not...LOL! I love these old commercials...everything was design by hand during those times...I really appreciate that...

    ~ Gabriela ~

  25. Loved the post and the ads are brill...then just had to click on the link!!!hahaha would you be thinking of doing a ginger saturday!! x

  26. Love that era, modeling was truly a elegant business, not like in the 70's when I worked, nobody wore underwear or lipstick, and nobody did their nails
    your fairy friend

  27. Love the Bermudas in the 7-Up ad...wonder why they never took off, so to speak in the rest of the world?
    I dropped by the link a few days ago,wet myself laughing and sent it to all the girls I know.
    The B&W ad has got to be a pink vision of heaven for some of my friends hey?

  28. Boy! did they think Pink alright! Talk about a niche market LOL! thanks again.

  29. Ah Tristan, You would have loved my great grandma's house.... All pink. Very 1950's and just sort of froze there in time. Love the blog!


  30. Ah Tristan, love your Pink Saturdays! Gut-laughed at your commentary on the cowering man and the unicorn, that is one of the most bizarre ads I have seen. Not to mention one of the funniest.

    And yes, have to agree that the 'pink button' is the ultimate in pink advertising.


  31. Curiosity killed the cat! And yes I couldn't resist! LOL!! Love all your old advertising in pink! Times have sure changed!! Have a great Pink Saturday! Sherri : )

  32. Um. Trist-er. I clicked. Wow. And they are sold out of some shades. Yikes. Pink Saturday shall nevah evah be the same again....

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. Tristan
    Caught some of your posts on and off over the last few months. This is the best pink Saturday one! And yes did click on the end, too funny and weird! Do love the pink kitchen and the Ivory Snow, I'll just say hum....When you think of the issues revolving gender in the 50's and 60's some of these ads are really surprising they made print let alone were even conceived. Really fun post, thanks for all the work making it! Lori

  35. what a lovely blog I have stumbled across!! I just LOVE this post :) I wish I had each & every one of these prints, framed & on my wall! hehehe

  36. OMG! You crack me up! This is the funniest pink post I've seen!

    And I clicked...ooh la la! LOL

  37. I love all the Vintage Ads! They are so much fun! I love all the fun colors they use to use in cosmetics! Thank You for sharing your Pinks!

    Have A Great Day!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Livin' With Hoosiers

  38. Ok, I have to fess up, I do remember some of those ads!! Where ever did you find them? I also did click on the last one, just could not help myself. I don't however see what Zen has to do with it, too funny Tristan, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  39. Oh we had a pink kitchen like that growing metal cupboards and pink and gold flecked formica. I want it back!!


  40. Could Mother Nature have planned it so perfectly? Absolutely not, and her nails are painted so perfectly too!

  41. What a great post, I love all those vintage ads. I think I was born in the wrong decade sometimes. I made sure to put down my coffee before opening the ad. Good thing! What will they think of next?

  42. Those vintage ads are the best!! Wish that aesthetic was still in style. Great pinks for Saturday, and sorry for the late comment.

  43. Another Great Pink Saturday..Loved all you pictures except the kitchen..I'm sorry I would throw up if I had to work in that kitchen..hehe
    Thanks for the warning on the Pink Button..I did swallow my soda first..That is to not be believed....

  44. That was fun! I love them all and your comments too! You are fun! The last one was hillarious and I am about to check out the one you warned us of. I have swallowed my coffee. Happy late Pink saturday.

    Mermaid Debbie

  45. That Reingold beer ad is a trip. My grandfather used to drink that when he came home from the steel mill. I bet she never tasted that beer in her life! Ha.

    I had one of those pink kitchens...a toy one. Love it.


  46. Hello My Friend..
    If you will stop by my blog I have an award for you...Have a great evening..


  47. Hi Tristan!

    I now want a pick bubble bath wearing my pink lipstick having my 7-up float!

    I love all the shades of pink!


  48. I find it really interesting That's really Awesome.

  49. lol... I love all the pink... and I LOVE the kitchen.

    xoxo Heather

  50. I want that pink fridge..your blog is delightful!

  51. ooh i just loved reading these!! i love the vintage aspect of these ads, and pink is my favorite color! =)

  52. OM-G! That ad was hysterical Tristan. OMG. I actually laughed outloud. Here is the preface to an email (with complete info and pictures) I sent to all of my "sistahs":

    "As if I didn't have enough to worry about, now I've got this, too? What color are YOU?"

    What hoot!

    The one and only comment on that website is priceless:
    "So, a female esthetician (read: not a doctor) noticed her lady-bits were fading, and invented vxxxxx dye.

    That really, honestly happened.

    I would write more, but this entire concept is so stunningly retarded, I am at a loss for words.

    Does any woman over the age of ten really need to be told not to go merrily daubing her cooter with mystery substances? "Natural" doesn't mean safe (see: hemlock, stonefish, sulfuric acid)."

    'nuf said! Thanks Tristan, great stuff!

  53. Thank you for the link and for the sharing the Ivory Soap ad. Are those sailors being sprayed down?

  54. Ok, I have to fess up, I do remember some of those ads!! Where ever did you find them? I also did click on the last one, just could not help myself. I don't however see what Zen has to do with it, too funny Tristan, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
