Sunday, January 24, 2010

A Week of Love, Gratitude...and Goodies! What a Mail Week!

Isn't it nice to receive surprises?! I have had so many this week. I truly don't deserve so many lovely treasures - I don't really deserve any of them.

On the other hand, I'm so glad to receive them! Whether it is an off-hand email or a special surprise, it's wonderful to know that your friends are thinking of you as often as you think of them!

This week I got a terrific surprise - my upstairs neighbor "thanked" me for something or other (I don't even remember what I did) with a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath. There is nothing like red roses to brighten a cold dreary grey New England afternoon!

This surprise brought tears to my eyes. My friend, artist JoAnna of Moss Hill Studio, sent me this exquisite piece of work entitled "Strength." JoAnna creates these marvelous characters from vintage dolls and fabrics (often antique clothing and linens) and assorted findings and embellishments. Trust me, this photo does NOT do it justice. You probably know her, but if you aren't familiar with her work, you owe yourself a visit to her blog and see all the splendid things she creates. She works in various mediums - but her signature look is on everything. This beauty is hanging next to my bed - and I see her first thing every morning. I truly treasure her. And my friend! Both bring me strength.
You can't imagine the fun packaging job that arrived this week - constructed of paper tower rolls and about five pounds of shipping tape. It was something! But inside - ooh la la! My friend and artist Marie Antoinette - yes! that's her name! - has peacocks. And she sent me I-don-know-how-many-but dozens of peacock feathers! Long ones! - they're almost four feet high! The colors in the sunlight are amazing and in the evening they glisten and look mysterious. Right now I have them in a huge vase - but I have every intention of using them in some art pieces. She also makes lavish and extravagant dolls - with a heavy leaning towards (guess who!?) Marie Antoinette inspired pieces. Please visit her blog at Creations by Marie Antoinette.
Yet another gift that blurred my eyes with a little moisture. Friends at the Fiber Pirates group banded together and made me this quilt. It's bright and cheerful and large enough for both of us to snuggle under while watching "Criminal Minds" or "Nip/Tuck" - heh heh - and you thought I was a classy guy, right? Everybody made one block and Deb assembled the various sized and colored blocks into a terrific composition, and the whole thing was quilted by Frank. Apparently, this was started as a wedding gift for us ... but as several years have gone by, LOL, it's become a treasured anniversary gift. We are so thankful for such amazing friends.
Okay, the friend who sent me this swore she'd "get me back" if I blogged about her on here. The poor shy thing. (pfffffftttt!) But, nonetheless, it's yet ANOTHER incredible arrival in my mailbox this week. It should be no surprise to anybody that, as a fanatical Francophile, I love the Eiffel Tower. It would seem that this was on sale somewhere, my-not-to-be-revealed-shy-friend thought of me immediately - and voila! It's mine! Isn't she a doll?! An anonymous doll - but a doll, anyway.
Knowing that I'm a huge fan of all things cowboy, (hmmm. an obsession with cowboys, Marie Antoinette and all things French, and vintage films. What an odd conglomeration. I'm so darned weird.) I received this adorable wall hanging 'pocket' from Ricë at Notes From the Voodoo Café. I just love the image - and the copper plate reads: a cowboy's work is never done. And the whole thing is studded with gold beads. It's so fun! I have it hanging in my studio; nothing is in the pocket yet, but when I get around to it, I think I'll store all my cowboy and cowgirl charms and findings in it. Perfect, huh?

This, also came in the mail this week! It wasn't a gift. A dear friend and collaborator (in art, not the French Resistance, silly!), Anne Huskey-Lockard of el Milagro Studio, has put her painting on a few products at Zazzle. I couldn't resist it - I love the image! I actually got too large a mug - I got the 15 oz. one and it's too big for me. The coffee gets cold before I finish it. So I think I'll have to order another in the 110z size to drink out of and use this to store Splenda in. She also has stickers and other goodies. If you are a Java-Love-sorta-person, as I am, click on the image below and go get yourself some!

And, last - but certainly not least - I received my (personally autographed!) copy Gabriela Delworth's new book, Paper Headdresses. If you haven't discovered Gabriela yet, you must click here and find all the beautiful things she does and creates! She's a lady who follows my eternal mantra: Sparkle! Shimmer! Glimmer! Gleam! She makes the most scrumptuous crowns and hats and headdresses - and she has shared so many of her secrets and tips (and templates!) in this gorgeously photographed book. If you would like one of your very own, you can click on the image below and it will take you to the magical spot to get it!

Well, that's my tale of a fantastic mail week! Aren't I just the luckiest guy ever?! I have the best friends ... and, I salute them!
Well, off to get some work done in the studio. Making some fun stuff that I'll share later this week.

Thank you for visiting with me today, and allowing me to crow about my friends and treasures.

I hope you're having a fabulous day.

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. What wonderful are a lucky guy.

  2. Sometimes, most times I am floored by the love & caring that comes from people who I have never meet. When I started blogging I was so hesitant cause' I NEVER would in a million years have thought that many people would follow me from around the world.
    Follow me??? Who knew????
    Kinda' makes me feel special!! LOL!!
    Love Unlimited Orchestra with Barry White??? Mmmmmm.... I just gotta' have some 70's music... Yep, I also LOVE Disco & Barry Manilow!!
    Enjoy your goodies!!
    Love Ya',

  3. Wow what a FANtastic goody week you've had you lucky guy you! I loved it all, every single thing. Now I have to go check out your Pink Saturday. Glad you liked the chairs! :-)

  4. Lucky you how nice that you were showered with wonderful gifts. Now you had better go buy a lottery ticket :). Enjoy your wonderful gifts love the doll it is gorgeous. Quilt is a work of love and I love Anne's coffee mug.

  5. Tristan, What thoughtful friends you have! Gorgeous stuff. I am off to check out that book!!!

  6. What lovely treasures! ) You are a lucky guy! Theresa

  7. You are having a wonderful week aren't you???
    I gave you props in my new post.


  8. Oh Tristan dearest, you deserve every bit of it and then some! You are such a great person and so lucky to have colleagues and friends that share so much with you! BRAVO TO TRISTAN!!!!! Anita

  9. I am so happy (dance) to have found your blog. I found it thru Theatre of Dreams and your picture showed your soul immediately to me and I had to check out your blogs and website and the ones that you follow. So glad I did! I can surely see why you received so many gifts of love!

  10. Well, you know that I am going to comment on the quilt! OMG it is beautiful!!!

    How fortunate we all are to have friends that we have maybe or maybe not ever met - and the sharing that comes from the community of bloggers is awesome!!!

    Verry happy for you - your lovely gifts are awesome...

  11. ooh, just discovered your blog and spent a long time enjoying your photography and interesting posts. you are obviously a well loved friend!

  12. What a sweet haul of treasures you took in this week!

  13. Good to know about the size mug to order and yes, yes you are a lucky guy!

  14. You are loved! Isn't that just the best know that people you have probably never met in real life, love you enough to send you their creative works! Special!

  15. What wonderful goodies to receive! I guess you realize that you are one special guy with all those friends that think about you.
    They sent you some very special pieces!

  16. Wonderful gifts and surprises!As to not deserving them, why? Course you do, we all deserve the best don't we? xx

  17. Did you have to tip the delivery person this week or what?? So many packages! What wonderful treasures. I just found your blog. Come visit me but mine blog is not as fun as yours. I could learn a thing or two but I'm an old dog.


  18. People are SO amazing and wonderful! Tristan you certainly were gifted this week, however your joie de vivre is so evident in every post you make here that it is infectious. And what is more
    enjoyable than surprising someone special?

    You do deserve it! Wonderful surprises!

  19. Oye Kiddo!!!

    Was it not Shakespeare who said "Ah Luck thy name is Tristan"??? Yeah I'm just sure I read that in one of those sonnets! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  20. Tristan, you deserve it all! So kind you are. Thanks for sharing & crowing!! i enjoyed. : ) lenna

  21. Wow Tristan you are a lucky man...
    And yes you do to deserve them. You're a good friend to have~

  22. I visited your friend JoAnnas site. what a delight, her things are wonderful, truly an inspiration. thank you for letting us know about her. as for your red roses, you are too modest, you must be a wonderful neighbor!!! good things come to good people!

  23. Wow, Tristan! This truly was your week full of blessings! :) I'm happy for you. Everyone deserves them in their life.

  24. You lucky guy! That's alot of beauty and fun in one post. LOVE the red roses!

  25. Hey Tristan,

    You certainly had a GREAT week of goodies!!!
    Thanks for the plug on the mugs, and yes, that IS a big honker! If I order one, it will be the smaller size.
    Nice to actually *see* a finished product--heard good things.
    The Pirates quilt rocks! I did not have a block in that due to some horrid project I was working on at the time....but you have a piece of my art so I hope it evens out! :)


  26. WOW!!! That was some week, you are a very lucky guy. You deserve all the beautiful goodies you get. Loved reading this post.

  27. Tristan,

    How lucky you are to have a group of fab friends!!! Congratulations on your goodies and being a good guy...we need more people like you in this world.

    I couldn't help but laugh at your comment about my mother being, Judy Gumm's mommy!!! LOL Yes, she's obsessed with weight and still complains about her "pouch." After a certain age, everything starts turning south, including her pouch!!! She's very judgmental and can be hard, but I just let her know I will lose the weight not to be gorgeous, but because I want to continue being healthy...she then throws in the "gorgeous" word..oey vey...she just can't be appeased and I'm not even going to try...just sigh and keep telling her I love her no matter how big a pain in the arse she can be!! LOL

    Have a wonderful week and keep creating all those "pretties."


  28. What a wonderful week of wonders!! Love the quilt, as you might have guessed. Great colours, so bright and cheerful. A great wedding/anniversary gift!

  29. It's amazing the love that arrives in your mailbox! Those vitrines must be overflowing. It's a wonderland!


  30. Wow, Tristan, the postman has to be jealous of all the love that oozes out of your mailbox on a regular basis. What a special week you had!! Everything is wonderful. I especially think the quilt is awesome. What a treasure.
    You are a fortunate man, Tristan ~ friendship is golden!
    ♥ audrey

  31. OMG! If I got all that in one week they'd have to lock me up I'd be so giddy! Good for you! I know that you'll treasure, adore, and enjoy every piece!

  32. You, my friend, are not weird. Just, um, quirky. And I love it!

  33. tristan my darling,
    so as NOT to comment TWICE on your one world, FORGIVE me! a typo on your lovely name. please do go in and edit that miss of the finger.

    thank you dear.

  34. people send you surprises because they love you. they love you beause you're fabulous.

    no mystery there.

    (my word: sympl. for those too simple to spell or for those tweeting and trying to save a letter.)

  35. To have a friend, you must be a friend! (Emerson, I believe) must be a friend!

  36. I just found your blog and I love it. Just can't wait to to through and visit all your posts.
