Monday, January 25, 2010

One World One Heart 2010

Welcome to Enchanted Revelry

My name is Tristan and I'm an artist, actor and director. I used to be a schoolteacher, but after 20 years I threw in the towel, cried 'uncle!,' and chose to follow my muse into the visual arts.

My mantra: Sparkle! Shimmer! Glimmer! Gleam!

I love vintage images and antique books. I love to find enchanting items from turn-of-the-century Paris and funky trash from mid-century Hollywood. I love vintage papers and ephemera and I love making art paper of my own using a variety of antiques and products and techniques. But most of all, I love taking these items and assembling them together to create work which speaks to the heart and to the eye. I hope it speaks to you, too - and that you enjoy browsing!

Please take some time and peruse through various posts and enjoy some of the things I love - and love to share with my friends in Bloglandia.

For One World One Heart 2010, I am offering one of my mini-theatres. This piece features Marie Antoinette, and the display stage was inspired by Le Petit Trianon, the queen's refuge on the huge Versailles estate where she enjoyed the royal country life and all it had to offer.
If you would like to enter the giveaway, please leave a comment below. If your i.d. doesn't lead back to a blog or email address, please leave a way to contact you if you should win. I would love to get to know you, so it would be nice if you became a follower and left your blog address for me to visit you - but there's no requirement.

Thanks for visiting ... hope to see you again!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. I love every mini-theatre of yours I've seen. I've only seen pictures, of course, but their beauty radiates from the pictures. I definitely have to enter the giveaway, because who knows when I'll have the money to buy one. Hmm. Is there a way to "fix" that number generator? :O)


  2. Oh dear one, put me in! I make little theatres too, but one from your gifted hands would be such a prize! Bisous, Anita

  3. Another giveaway? That is too cool! Ah, throw my name in the hat again, it's fun to see who wins such amazing work!!!

  4. Tristan, i loved reading this post! So fun to learn more about you. Please enter me in this generous give-away. You know you: Sparkle! Shimmer! Glimmer! Gleam! : ) lenna

  5. I see you have jumped on your Magic Carpet, lovely give-away please sign me up, I'm so glad that I read your fab blog and that I consider you a wonderful artist friend
    your fairy friend

  6. Yes please and thank you very much in advance!!!!!!!
    : )

  7. Oye KIddo,

    Please tell me you are getting an early start this yearand I'm not already behind!!

    To think it's already been a year ago durning OWOH that you gave me such a frieght ((G)) on some one's blog huh can't remember where,damn that darn PMMLS (post memopause memory loss syndrom) Well anyway it's already a year we've been Bloglandian neighbors! Who knew?? I'm looking forward to another year of quirky posts and frirolity!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  8. Oh my goodnes, such a wonderful, whimisical mini theatre...your talent is beyond exquisite! I am always in awe of your creativity with each visit! Thank you so much for sharing yourself with us!
    Enjoy your Magic Carpet ride and I hope you win some lovely treasures for yourself!!
    Happy Friday! xOxO Nerina

  9. Wonderful mini theatre, and YES...definitely count me in!! Fingers, legs, eyes, etc., everything crossed! (makes typing hard - I want you to appreciate that!)


  10. Hi Tristan, I just became a follower last week, your mini theatre is beautiful. Good for you for following your dreams. Take care.

  11. Your theatre is gorgeous Tristan and I love everything vintage as well. Love your blog!
    Take care,

  12. I love the mini theater! AND.. all of the eye candy on your blog! Thanks so much for sharing.

  13. Good Morning Tristan...
    I am so thrilled that you stopped by and loved my cobalt blue for Blue Monday. You asked about the quilt, sadly no silk, it is cotton, but the nice part is, I can wash it and put it right back on the table. I found that the crib size quilts make such a nice topper for the table, and they are just the right amount of quilt. I couldn't believe me eyes when I saw this in the baby section, it was marked 3.99 but was a half off day so I got it for 1.99, and the catcher was when I flipped it over and saw the maker was Pottery Barn. Imagine my delight. I was doing the Happy Dance with my little feet.

    Tristan my friend, you have so outdone yourself on this beautiful giveaway. I so love Marie Antoinette and please, please enter me into your drawing. This staging is gorgeous. What a beautiful creation. I love the colors that you have chosen. So bright and beautiful. Any of us would be so lucky to receive this wonderful gift of love from your heart. Thank you for the opportunity.

    Country hugs from Country Wings in Phoenix, Sherry

  14. HI Tristan ! That is GORGEOUS !!! I WANT it !!! :)

    Come for a visit on my blog to see my giveaway for this extravaganza .... but later (much) today since , as usual, mine isn't quite finished yet .... I'll be skidding in as the clock chimes midnight , right under the wire !

  15. OMG, this is amazing! Great giveaway, please count me in and thank you for your visit to mine!
    Greetings from bonny Scotland. Great to see at least one guy here!!!

  16. Hi, I stumbled upon you from OWOH. Your art is gorgeous! Please enter me. Your Marie Antoinette piece totally entranced me. My MIL is French and lived part of her childhood in Versailles, often having family picnics on the grounds there back in the late 40's, early 50's. Can you imagine? What a picnic paradise!

  17. Tristan, Tristan, Tristan, can you say Malisa, Malisa, Malisa to your random generator? :) Of course, I want my name in the drawing for your loverly creation! I need an original Tristan in my home! This will be fun!

  18. Your blog is such fun Tristan. I'm particularly loving all those pink birdcages. Me has to get one somewhere... somehow...

  19. Put me in please! This is amazing! Great giveaway))))) Thanks

  20. Wow, I didn't realize you had a blog. You're shop is one of my Etsy favourites. I love looking at your creations!

  21. Tristan, I love your theaters, and this one is lovely. Please enter me in your giveaway. Happy One World One Heart, stay tuned. Last year I had over 700 comments Yikes. Lisa will be up for two nights entering all the ticket holders.

  22. I've never seen a little theater lovely! I'd love to win!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  23. I am just starting out as a school teacher, and I am already very nearly ready to throw in the towel - and I haven't even gotten a permanent position yet!

    Your mantra sounds fabulous and I think I may steal it for my own. ^-^ I would love to win one of your theaters!

    Now I am off to post my own giveaway!

  24. Ohhhhh . . . . What an enchanting giveaway! I'm soooo happy the magic carpet brought me here today! Hugs, Terri

  25. Please add my name! I want my name in the drawing for your lovely creation!

  26. WOW WOW WOW , your giving it away??? I can see why there are so many before me!!!! PLEASE add me to the list!!!!

  27. How lovely, Tristan! Very elegant and beautiful, just like yourself. :) Have a lovely and creative day~Theresa

  28. Totally stunning...truly your work is breathtaking. Do come by for a visit.

    xox Rella

  29. Thanks for stopping by. Fantastic theaters. Look great fun and colourful.

  30. Love the name of your blog and that bunny photo! Fabulous!!
    Outrageous joy, Kathy over at Everyday Bliss

  31. I am so in love with this theatre! It's amazing! So beautiful! Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  32. Oh wow stunning giveaway. Fantastic. Pease throw my name in the hat. Thanks.

  33. Ooops, I almost forgot to enter! Count me in. I can see it now.....


  34. That is beautiful! Thanks for offering this great gift and Thanks so much for a chance to win!

  35. Hi Tristan!

    Ohhhh.....I would love to win one of your fantastic theaters!!!!!


  36. Wow, fabulous piece! Love it!! :o)

  37. How completely mesmerizing. I've not seen anything like these (I visited Etsy). Please count me in.

  38. Beautiful, as is everything you do! I have a wee little give away on my blog if you would like to stop by!
    **happy smiles** Deborah

  39. fantastic!!! please count me in!!

  40. Hi Tristan, Very nice meeting you! Your mini-theatre is beautiful and would look gorgeous in my studio! I would love to win, so please count me in!

  41. Ooo, I love your art...we're in several classes together, and I see that you're also in KC's marketing group! So good to see you there! Thank you for the chance to win one of your art pieces! Hugs!

  42. What a beautiful piece. Thank you so much for the chance to win

  43. Love it! Please enter me and thanks for visiting my blog!

  44. What a lovely website you have - and I found your blog from there. Thanks for visiting my blog, I really like your giveaway.

  45. GREAT!
    Tristan this is a wonderful blog here! And yes! - I love Marie Antoniette!
    I now stamp with my new bought plate from Oxford Expression like I´d been crazy!
    Thank´s for giving the chance to win!
    I browsed yor blog and saw many pretty things!Please count me in and vist my little space too!


    Susi from Vienna, Austria

  46. Hi Tristan! Nice to meet a male blogger and artist! Fab work and love that mini theatre. Never seen anything like it and would love to actually see it in person. Great giveaway. I'm in Canada, a polymer clay artist and teacher, #31 on the magic carpet...

  47. Great giveaway! Thanks so much for having this, and entering at my blog, too! :)

  48. Fabulous mini-theater, Tristan. Would be thrilled to win this! Have enjoyed your blog from time to time and now I follow. Thanks blogger friend!


  49. Oh to win my own little Trianon, this sounds like a dream or does it? Now you have to pick carefully!!!
    Have fun meeting old and new friends the next couple of days!

  50. OMG Tristan I Love your Theater...It has to be mine..HOPE HOPE HOPE..count me in please...

  51. Fab giveaway :) pop me in the hat please!!


  52. Wow Tristan, 53 entries already! No wonder - your work is amazing. Please add my name to the hat.

  53. Oh yum, just yum! I mean just YUM !
    Are you still on the puter,,I think everyone is today with OWOH High frenzie, it "is" fun, this is my first time....I think it will reach in the thousands!! Yea!
    Remember to strech!

  54. So pretty!!

    Hope you are having a fabulous day.
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    =) melanie
    melanieadey at hotmail dot com

  55. Hello Tristan, this an absolutely stellar giveaway! Any of us should be so lucky to win--I just hope I'm so lucky! :)

    So nice to meet you!

    Zan ~

    You can also visit my giveaways on:

  56. Fabulous!!

    please put my name in your sparkly hat!

  57. Tristan, what a beautiful theater!! I love your delicate details, and design features!! Please enter me in your drawing...of course I'd probably faint if I won!! (smiles)

  58. Tristan, what a beautiful theater!! I love your delicate details, and design features!! Please enter me in your drawing...of course I'd probably faint if I won!! (smiles)

  59. I would love to hold your mini-teater in my hands to see all his beauty.

  60. What an original piece. I'd love to win it!
    Check out my post if you have time. It is number 33 on the magic carpet.

  61. Oooo what an intriguing giveaway! I would so love to win!
    Please drop by my blog and enter to win one of my gourds, even tho you have won one in the past!!!

  62. What a lovely Give away you are offering,yes yes yes ,me please!thankyou for the opportunity to win it!Please visit my blog too!
    Greetings from Australia

  63. wow! your work is fab, and this little theatre looks like such a treat! your pink bird cages rocked my socks, so much fun visiting you here. thanks for entering me in your OWOH drawing!

  64. Tristan, this is beyond fabulous! You are quite talented, I am glad you threw in the towel and found your true calling☺ Actually, I've found that so many teachers, myself included, are really artists underneath it all.

  65. Tristan -

    I already entered this morning. Came back to make sure...and there I am. Don't forget me! LOL.


  66. Hi Tristan, love your giveaway and I spy with my little eye some other eye candy on your blog. Since the follwer button is not working for me I have added you to my fav's. Happy OWOH...Thanks for stopping by my blog..

  67. Oh, Tristan- your little theater is fantastic! I would love to win. After visiting Versailles, I could so have been friends with Marie. Besides, if I won I could use it for Pink Saturday. How would that be for advertisement? Stop by and see me #403.

  68. Having visited Versailles, of course I love this! Thank you for entering me--I'm a longtime lurker on your blog, and you do fantastic work!

    I'm participating for the first time, so stop by my blog to enter my giveaway, too!

  69. Absolutely wonderful...thank you for visiting mine...please enter my name

  70. Now that is fantastic! Love your blog

  71. It's absolutely beautiful! Please enter me in your giveaway Tristan

  72. Whew, made it..Oh my gosh,Tristan this is so awesome. I would love to be entered in your giveaway.

  73. Tristan.. this is a work of art! Please enter me in your fantastic giveaway!
    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog too!!

  74. I adore it Tristan and would love to be entered (and WIN!) *wink!*

  75. I am totally in love with this theater. It is beyond words. The detail on this piece is amazing. I love your blog, beginning with your blog banner!

  76. OMG Tristen, why oh why have I never been to your blog?? I don't spend much time in bloglandia and that is one reason I love love this event! Your stuff is amazing! We share the same love of vintage stuff and this piece is beautiful. I would love for you to add my name to the hat! Thanks so much

  77. Count me in double (pretty please !!). Isn't this fun?

  78. i am so thrilled that you have visited me. i love love love your work. and
    perhaps you will come back and read about my shrine project. how i would love a tristen theater in the spring cigar box shrine auction!!!

  79. Hi Tristan! it's nice to meet you :) What an intriguing wonderful blog you have! I'm so glad I stumbled on it, I'll be back I'm sure. Please count me in your giveaway, thanks for the chance! I'm # 266, When you have a moment please pop over for a visit :)


  80. this is magnificent, tristan! it would be an honour to be entered to win -- how very generous of you!

    thank you so much for stopping by my blog too. it's nice to "meet" you.


  81. Wow- talk about the height of frill and femininity- you featured Marie A. so beautifully!

    Hope you can drop by my blog as well where I'm giving away paper banners/bunting:



  82. Oh Tristan...I love it! Definitely a piece for me! Please enter me in your give away..."cough" "cough" back at yah! Smiles...Lovey

  83. hi Tristan, please count me in , Trace x

  84. how enchanting!!!!! i am new to this blog and have never seen your work. who ever should win, will be so lucky. terrific work!!!!! you could gaze at that piece forever and dream up so many little fables. Bestest,Denie

  85. What a fun piece. Thank you for a chance to win.

  86. Tristan, as always your work is stunningly beautiful. It touches the romantic, and dreamer side of me :) Definitely count me in! I need some sparkle around here!

  87. Tristan, I love your blog but really love your giveaway. I would be so happy to win this. Thanks for the chance.

    Please visit my blog as well #350 on the magic carpet

  88. Tristan how wonderful, whimsical and magical! Please put my name in the hat and stop by to enter my giveaway too. ( I am #507)

  89. That piece is amazing, and I'd love to have it....anyone would, I'm sure.
    Count me in!
    Visit me too, I'm #156
    Oh, and I'll be out of the country from the 14th-20th, so if I should be lucky enough to win your prize, PLEASE wait for me to return to claim it! PRETTY PLEASE!!! LOL! Thank you!

  90. What a pretty piece Tristan. Please drop my name in the hat and pop in to see me too.

  91. It's so beautiful and your very talented. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  92. Hi Tristan~
    It's a delight to me and I so enjoyed roaming around some old posts! I would love to be in your drawing.
    I hope you stop by and sign up for mine, too. #243
    The Decorated House

  93. I love the little theater! please include me in your giveaway!

  94. Hi Tristan! So glad you found me. This OWOH thing is working already! Love your giveaway. I'm a Francophile and The Husband is an old west buff so I've definitely put you on my favorites list!

  95. What a wonderful giveaway item, fantastic. Please include me in your drawing.

  96. OH MY! Your giveaway has blown me away... I know you would love my vintage papers... I really know I would LOVE MAIRE... WOW what a beautiful piece of art! I know I am going to have to follow your blog. That is once that part of blogger is back up! Thanks for sharing. and thanks for stopping by. OWOH I am #177

  97. Wow this is very intriguing -please include me and come see my giveaway - I am #75

  98. this is fun! super giveaway! would love to win! please enter my name in your drawing.

  99. First of all, your comment on my blog MADE MY DAY about the crown votive holders! lol thank you!! And might i say i may also need your giveaway as well! I just got back from living in Paris and FELL IN LOVE with anything marie antoinette!! and of course ITS PINK and thats my color! ;) Thanks for stopping by- can't wait to keep reading your blog!

  100. Hey Tristan, I would love to enter your giveaway! I love all your theatres and someday I will save up enough to own one...(unless of course I win!!!)

  101. I love this. What a great idea.

  102. Hi Tristan...what a lovely giveaway!!! Have seen you around Blogland and thought I'd pay you a visit...Dzintra♥x

  103. Hallo Tristan, it´s nice to meet a male blogger. I love your theater, I´m also create theaters look on my blog

    Wienermaedl from Vienna/Austria

  104. Woow what a great giveaway, love it. Please count me in. Feel free to visit my blog as well #153 on the magic carpet.

  105. Really fantastic give away. I love to win this! Please enter my name. G. Alexandra

  106. If I hadn;t found you a few days ago by accident I would have discovered you through OWOH :-D
    It must be fate.
    Enter me Please (In the draw darling)

  107. Hello Tristan,
    I have been enjoying your are so talented!! I am looking forward to visiting again;)

  108. Wow! and a whole lot more. Wonderful piece of work. I am absolutely wowed! Such great energy on your blog as well. It is a fun read.

  109. What a wonderful giveaway you're offering! I'd love to enter and you can enter on my blog as well. #227 on the list.

  110. Such a gorgeous, exquisite piece!! (As is every piece you do!!) Please count me in! :)

  111. Hello Tristan -

    Just when I think I've used up all of my words writing angry letters, I come over to say "thank you" for your comments and what do I find?

    Splendor and inspiration to expound. And as usual just reading your welcome, your descriptions and so on, bouys me.

    What is it about you? Maybe I just love the way you assemble words, items, posts... Perhaps it's the way you think or something, I don't know.

    I'll bet it is because everything is not all about you - you have such varied interests and such a broad knowledge base with which to amuse and delight us. I am so grateful you give us the gift of your research, time, talent and put it all together and then present it in such an (ahem), enchanting package; ) I think everyone is.

    AFA your theatre - it is exquisite. If it were cake I wouldn't eat it, even though it would be delicious. Eye-cake, that's it! LOL.

    You know you're amazing, right? ♥J

  112. I love your selections of art and your blog, they are both very beautiful! Please take a moment to "ride the carpet with me" ticket number 194- Dragonfly Design Studios.

  113. Oh Tristan..that is delightful and stunning!! Wow!! Please add me to the list for your sweet treat!!
    Please pop by mine and add your name to my hat also!! Sarah @ Cottage Garden Studios #158

  114. Now you KNOW I have to sign up for this one! Ooooooo....Thank you for generously offering this beautiful giveaway Tristan!

  115. What an exquisite piece! I would love to win it, please enter me in your giveaway. Thank you.

  116. Well where have I been? I am so happy to have found your blog. Great happy sparkly stuff and energy! Good Stuff Tristan. Count me in and come visit my giveaway #287.
    I will be back to your blog on a regular basis :) I like it!

  117. Wonderful give away!
    please count me in.

    I'm #130 onthe magic carpet.

  118. I always enjoy you, your art & your blog...BRAVO!...I've been visiting you for awhile now.

  119. How Fabulous Tristan and wonderfully different!! Count me in!

  120. What a beautiful gift! i hope I win!! :oD
    COunt me in please! And maybe visit mine?
    I'm #317 in the OWOH list

  121. Happy OWOH Tristan - still lovin that name!

    Your giveaway is Total YUM! Hope I'm lucky enough to win it!

    Enter at my blog if you like.


  122. How wonderful,I love to eat cake, but would prefer to win your giveaway.. Linda:) Please enter me into your draw, and do visit us if you get time...

  123. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.

    Win, that is. And, I want to win. I want to win. I want to win.

  124. Oh my dear yes please enter me along with everyone else! How wonderful...but then your art always is.


  125. Even though I feel like I won a prize just reading your blog (always so much eye candy!!), please do enter my name for that wonderful theatre, Tristan!

    Stop by to enter my drawing!

  126. Hi Tristan! Your work is just wonderful!! I would count myself a lucky girl if I were to win. Please throw my name in the hat, and when you have time come by and check out my giveway. Gotta fly now!

    My Desert Cottage

  127. That mini theatre is grand in style! So many amazing details.
    Thanks for hopping aboard the magic carpet ride. I hope you have time to pop by my blog #258 on your journey.
    hugs from ON, Canada

  128. Love your crazy pictures! Always get such a kick reading your blog! And this giveaway has it all - glitz, glam, sparkle. Thanks for the chance to win!

  129. Great work and Blog! Please count me in for your great give away! I have one on my Blog also;o)

  130. Oh!!!!!, I love your mini.cute theatre, please enter me in the drawing!!!!!, thank you sooooooooooooooo much :)!!!

  131. Hi Tristan!! Man, I wish I could hop on whatever carper you are riding because I see you everywhere before me... I'm like a sloth compared. Thank you so much for entering my giveaway (I think you might be the only one getting it's "prayer paper", major points on that!!) and I had to step away from the list and follow you back. Oh, Hollywood trash, Paris, a mini theater with Marie... let's say I am so bookmarking your blog. Wishing you much peace & I'll be sure to be back! M

  132. I've never seen a mini theatre before and am quite intrigued! So lovely!

  133. Sweet! I've never seen a mini theater before and I'm intrigued. Crossing my fingers that I am a winner!

  134. Oh Tristen! How beautiful!!Please enter me in your giveaway..and I am flattered that you'd be interested in winning my humble little offering! ;-)
    Thanks for stopping by...over 500? WOW!

  135. That's beautiful !!
    I wish to win one piece of your art.

  136. Wow Tristan, this is gorgeous eye candy. Please toss my name into the OWOH hat.
    I love the stole you collaborated on for the young minister. It's spectacular.

  137. Tristen amor, you make such beautiful creations...such I would love to have one for my very own, please enter me in your giveaway and I think I am already a follower, if not, I will be! Besos, Rose

    ps...I LOVE your mantra!

  138. Your creations are always a delight! Please do enter my name!

    And thank you for entering over at my place :)

  139. Tristen amor, I am now a follower..I honestly thought I already was...dio wonder I was missing so many of your posts :) I also added you to my list of beautiful places to visit & dream..I hope you visit my blog sometime too :) Besos, Rose

  140. Tristan thank you for visiting my site, I followed you back here and I have been reading and reading and reading some more. You are so funny, I love your work and your blog, thank you for a lovely time.

  141. YOU are a riot! This is the reason I love meet crazy artists and their blogs. ..hahah. Your's is so dam ncool. The mini theater is the neatest thing ever, Thanks and enter my OWOH too!

  142. super giveaway!so pretty. thanks so much for the opportunity to enter your drawing. this is such a fun way to meet other folks. I hope you'll stop by my blog and enter my giveaway as well. So nice to meet you.

  143. How fun! I'm hosting a giveaway as well, come stop by!
    I would love to be included in your giveaway!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  144. Hey Tristan,
    Thanks for the sweet comments about my broadway baby! Your piece is amahzing!!!I would love to win it!
    Big hugs,

  145. Oh, I'm following your blog-- I wish I could transmit the delighted shout I made when I saw your "theater", it's like a shrine to luxury! Wonderful!

    Glad to have you along for the Ride!:D
    OWOH Ticket Holder #21!

  146. Awesome! Sign me up please! I just got your message. I'm playing too, please visit my blog here:


  147. Hi Tristan -- Your mini theatres are brilliant! I would love to have a chance to win one! Please enter me into your draw -- thank you!!

  148. Gorgeous gift, please count me in.

    This a wonderful and exciting event, with so many participants to keep track of, I hope you get a chance to visit my blog too (if you haven't already).

    How on earth have you managed to visit so many already, I'm up to nearly 175 and I thought I was doing okay. LOL!!!

    Have fun and enjoy the ride!!!


  149. How beautiful! Please enter my name and visit my blog to enter my giveaway! ♥

  150. What a pleasure to visit such a magical place. Love the theater. Had to become a follower. :)

  151. Oh, Tristan - I'm such a fan. Your blog is always guaranteed to make me smile -- thanks for sharing your humor!

  152. Thank you for the opportunity to win this amazing giveaway! Please enter my drawing. I'm #387 on the magic carpet!

  153. I have seen your blog before and I love, love, love your toy theatres. I too work in the business as a stage manager and director. I love your blog, I'll stop by again. Put my name in the giveaway hat and I will pray.....:)


  154. It is so delightful to find new blogs on this Magic Carpet Ride. I hope you are having as much fun as I am in my travels. Please enter my name in your giveaway and stop by (#52) to enter my beaded bracelet giveaway.
    Enjoy your ride,

  155. Your giveaway is stunning! Thank you so much for the chance to win!

  156. Beautiful!
    Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  157. What a lovely giveaway and such a treat to visit your blog. Be sure to come visit (#663) and enter my drawing.

  158. First, let me say...I can't believe how many sites you've visited! I keep seeing this dear little face appear every time, I make a comment, REALLY - we've gotta stop meeting this way. I hear in the back of my mind "Who is this Guy?"
    I am so glad to meet you, and I WILL BE BACK!
    aka Lucys Baby #622

  159. Just awesome! Love the detail! Please add me to the growing list for a chance!

  160. I'd love to win your excellent theatre ! (Or the MarieBox if you would have given that one away, cause that was ah, so amazingly stunning!) Please count me in :-)
    Think I might have something of interest to you; take a look around in my blog before you check the OWOH post; my giveaway would be just perfect for you, I think..

  161. Your little theater is amazing! Thank you for the chance to enter your giveaway.

  162. Please count me in!! I LOVE the post above with the baby carraige in, you're quite mad! lol
    your artwork is fab, I hope I win!!! xox

  163. Love love it! Count me in please Tristan!

  164. Your piece is lovely! Thanks for stopping by our blog as well.

  165. This is a fabulously generous gift that you offer, of course I would love to be the very lucky recipient. Thank you for the chance.

    I am stopover # 70 on the Magic Carpet Ride, please stop on by and visit and enter into my draw.

    Enjoy the ride.

  166. Hi Tristan...I'm gemma in az. Love your theatre...My dolls will love it too.I will make a good home for it!!!
    Stop by and see my offering.

  167. Your mini-theater is absolutely magnificent!!! I'm sure it would love to come live here with me! Sooo beautiful and unique! I would love to be the winner!!!

  168. Hey Tristan!! So glad you visited my blog to enter the OWOH giveaway!

    I would be so psyched if I won this mini theatre!! It is gorgeous -- as is all your work! Got my fingers AND toes crossed on this one!

    OWOH #656

  169. Greetings & Salutations,
    Fabulous Marie Antoinette Mini-Theatres OWOH Giveaway! Just Beautiful...
    Fly by my blog when you get a chance...
    Forbidden Planet Giveaway #242 On The List @:

    Cosmic Blessings, Lyndy Ward

    P.S. Love your Mantra & I agree so Sparkle, Shimmer, Glimmer & Gleam right back at you...

  170. WOW !!!What a great artwork, Tristan!
    I`m happy to have a chance of winning you wonderful giveaway.
    Please visit mine as well (I´m number 17 !!!)
    Thanks and best wishes
    MARTINA from Stuttgart/Germany

  171. It is SO exciting to even have a ghost of a chance of winning this spectacular piece. Thank you.

  172. WOW please enter me and visit #631 to see my giveway

  173. Tristan,
    Stunning, just stunning! And so much fun! Thank you!

  174. Wonderful!!! Yes please...add my name for your Giveaway..
    So Nice to Meet You

  175. What a beautiful piece- and what a lovely blog. I will have to visit more often:-) thank you.

  176. Hi Tristan! Your blog is fantastic and I absolutely adore your giveaway art piece!
    keep on shimmering!
    Greetings from ohio, USA
    OWOH #322

  177. Love your art! Please count me in :) Your blog is wonderful!

  178. Hi Tristan, Beautiful theatre glad to have a chance to maybe win. Have a beautiful day! If you get a chance please stop by I posted my giveaway. Nice visiting, Jonny

  179. Jumping up and down, pick me, pick me!! hehe Please add my name for your giveaway, I'd so love to win your gorgeous mini theatre:-) Make sure you come over to enter mine, I'm #116. Thank you! xox

  180. Hi Tristan....

    DELISH! I love it.....please throw me into the hat too!

    Warm blessings,

  181. this is so special i'd love to give it a good home and admire it from close up

  182. Hi Tristan! I love your banner! The bunny kids are so cute. And your wonderful creation! Please include me in your giveway. #276

  183. How beautiful! Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway. It's so fun to travel the 'Magic Carpet Ride' visiting such wonderful and talented people. If you have time, pop on over. I'm #395 on the list.

  184. What a fun love all those red shoes. Especially love the stole that you helped create for that young minister. Thanks for the chance to visit your blog.

  185. Thank you so much for participating in this year’s event. It’s having all of you involved that makes our global blogging circle that much smaller.
    I would be honored to enter your giveaway.
    Your blog is my continual eye candy!
    Lisa Swifks

  186. Thanks for the chance of winning your delightful giveaway.

    I hope you can come see mine at

    Sherry from England, UK

  187. Dear Tristan,
    It is always a joy to see your comments on other blogs. You are a positive and fun person. Please enter my name in your fabulous top hat!
    And enjoy the rest of the magic carpet ride!

  188. wow, what a wonderful giveaway. this is the first time I have had the chance to visit your blog, it is wonderful!
    monster wishes, Nicole

  189. OH My...what a treasure you are offering! I too am a theater lover. I have a couple of them on my blog if your interested :)Put my name in the magic hat and I will cross my fingers that the good luck fairies are with me :)
    Please stop by my blog and enter my little OWOH give away (magic carpet ride ticket #428)

  190. This is total eye candy! I would be thrilled to win it! thanks for entering me in your giveaway. Fabulous blog, I am now following so will be back later to enjoy. Lots of glittery loveliness here :-)

    I am #650 if you get a chance to drop by

    xoxo pink

  191. hi Tristan, it's june...the rock artist..I was excited to sign into your give away...looking forward to winning...ha ha...anyway, this is my first year and having a good time of it...your posts come to me daily I'm already a fan...thx for playing ..june

  192. I have been perusing your blog. How elegant. I have enjoyed my visit. Please join me for a cup of tea at


  193. Oooooooh Tristan, you're giving away one of your mini theaters????!!! Oh yes, please PLEASE add my name to the list of hopeful candidates!

    Thanks for stopping by and entering my give-away as well! Come back by any time you'd like *smiles*

  194. This is fantastic. I love it.

  195. So girly and pretty just what I need in my house! you do beautiful work!

  196. WOW youve got some AMAZING skils! this is gorgeous!! Thank you for this amazing giveaway! count me in, xo mendy

  197. What a wonderful gift! Please count me in your giveaway....and do pop in my blog to see what I put on my magic carpet :)

  198. you have the most AMAZING blog!

    and your work is FANTASTIC!

    from a fellow guy (there are few of us) at OHOW!

    cheers from the Philippines!


  199. Hi Tristan,
    Your blog and artwork along with your images are awesome! Love all the red shoes. Grins! I would love to win your art. It is truely enchanting!

    My magic carpet ride ticket is #708at One World, One Heart ByLightOfMoon blog!

    Smiles, Cyndi
