Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pink Saturday, January 23 ...

Sometimes a theme for a Pink Saturday post shows up out of the blue ... or is that out of the pink? ... anyway ... I was traveling around some of my fun junk store websites that carry bizarre and unusual merchandise. And, at Wake Up Frankie, I found this pink birdcage with a singing bird ... on sale, no less! I decided it would be a fun Christmas tree ornament for next year. But, then, I got to wondering, are pink birdcages usual? So, off I go to do a little research...
and, what do I find?

The world abounds with pink birdcages!
Some people wear their pink birdcages around their necks as jewelry ...
but, then, some wear them as birdcage veils on special occasions.
And, while some hang them from a chain around their neck, some hang them from a feather boa next to their beds. Perhaps to entice dreams of pink birdcages?
Many years ago, people hung them from the Christmas tree, with little whirligigs that would heat from the light of the Christmas bulbs and spin and throw light around around the room. Quite clever of them, eh?

Even those whose tastes run to the primitive seem to have a penchant for pink bird cages! Who knew?!Some pink cages are very spare and allow ample viewing of whatever is inside the cage.
While others have hundreds and hundreds of pink wire bars that almost make the interior invisible.Some have elegant pink birdcage wallpaper ... even though this is the "reverse" colorway available!
Some, like ArtAngel from Manchester, England, draws pink birdcages on her ATC's...
Some people use their pink birdcages for storing other items ...
While others turn them into chandelier whimseys.

Whether you have an elegant pink birdcage to use as a centerpiece or display ...

or you use your pink birdcage with a plethora of tinsel and ribbon and vintage ephemera to create fun pieces of nostalgia for the home...
... it seems the world is full of pink birdcages. Do you have one of your own?

Please go to Beverly's Pink Saturday to see who else is posting this week and roll around in all the pinkalicious shenanigans!

Thanks for visiting. I hope you've enjoyed yourself.

Now go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Love all the pink birdcages. You are right it is an unusual color for a bird cage but color can transform even the most prosaic example into something beautiful. I say one of those modern ones recently in a kind of limy green. It made it into something truly wonderful.
    Happy Pink Saturday.

  2. I love birdcages. These are all beautiful - real eye candy. And who knew there were so many pink ones!

    Thanks so much for showing my little birdcage ACEO!

  3. I ALWAYS ENJOY MYSELF CHEZ TOI, Tristan! That was a wonderful pink post! How is Sir Dusty doing now? The chill is on here; we are having howling winds and rain!!! Bisous my friend, Anita

  4. oh the last pic is definitely my little peep-meisters....NOT!!! (they'd kill each other in the same cage!)
    I thoroughly enjoyed this, as I am always on the look out for cool cages, though I think my male birds might not like the pink....I love it though!
    and no, I really did not know there were functioning pink cages.
    The things I learn here.... :)

  5. I don't have any pink birdcages, but every time I see an antique birdcage, my hands reach for my wallet. I don't know what I would do with it, but there is something so appealing. Have a beautiful day!

  6. Oh!! From one Francophile to another....have a splendid and sparkly weekend my dear!

  7. How pretty birdies would look in there pink cages!! Love them, Tristan.....but I love anything pink!

  8. So love this post Tristan..... I have a "thing" for birdcages & have so many I even have them in the gardens!! I have white ones... cages on tables made just for them! I have 1/12th scale birdcages & birdcages that are part of my California Pottery plant hangers.... & on & on & on!!
    So-o-o-o, as to your post I can say I literally Love all of your cages!!

  9. Happy Pink Saturday Tristan...
    I do not know how I have missed your blog so many times. I found you today, and I am thrilled.

    This is just the most precious pink post. (I love bird cages. I even had one as an element of surprise in my Christmas tree this year.)

    I believe the last one is my most favorite of all. So cute. The little banner is just awesome and I love their little hats. Just precious Tristan. Just precious.

    I have signed up to follow your blog. I want to keep up with you. Your blog is so interesting. I will have to come back and browse some more. You are a wonderful writer. Please stop by and say hi. I would so love to have you visit, and would be so honored to have you follow my blog as well.

    A big hug from Country Wings in Phoenix...Sherry

  10. I don't have a pink birdcage, every color but pink, thanks for all the ideas, must paint one pink for my doll house
    Happy Pink Sat.
    your fairy friend

  11. Who knew there were so many Pink Birdcages in this world. I love them well because they are PINK! Enjoyed my visit to your blog.

    Linda @ A La Carte

  12. What a wonderful Pink Saturday post! I just ♥ the fact that each of us shares such a variety of items - that's one reason why this event is never boring. Always something fun, new, lovely or interesting around the corner.

    I ♥ those cages. I have to use them in my house for my plants otherwise my kitty eats them!

    Thanks for sharing a part of yourself today☺ Cold, gloomy day today but, as always, bright and sunny on the Pink Saturday blogs.

    ♫Wishing you sunshine and happiness this weekend!♫

  13. Tristan my dear, only you could find an entire blog to do on pink birdcages. I LOVE it!! You never fail to make me smile.
    xxoo Valarie

  14. Tristan, I DO have a pink birdcage of my own and, surprisingly, nothing like any you have posted here -- which is quite a cross-section. I will have to post it one PS . . . it is mostly chrome, but has pink-painted aluminum trim -- the whole cage is shaped like a mid-century style house. I love it! And I look at it every day as it sits at the end of my kitchen table, yet I never thought of posting it on PS. (I can't believe myself sometimes.) Thanks for a fun post and a great idea. Happy Saturday!

  15. WOW I just love them! What adorable pink bird cages. I don't even have birds, but that makes me want one lol. Don't think the cat would like that though . . . although maybe he would :O Cassandra

  16. I never knew I loved pink birdcages but now I feel a distinct need to have one!

  17. Loved that next to last bird cage with the flowers inside! Bea-u-ti-mous! How come no one else keeps their bird dogs in cages? I noticed that one photo showed a bunny in the birdcage!:)

  18. I love the images in this post; my favorite is the metal birdcage lantern near the top.

  19. Hi Tristan, I have seen your comments and photo on a lot of posts but was intimidated by your art skills and too shy to visit. I saw your work with Anne and got such pleasure from hearing about your working on that piece for the ordination I had to visit. I am an old lady just learning to paint, have sewn and crocheted for years, but just slowly moving into the art world. I told Anne I don't even know what bargello is, but would love to know you better. Blessings

  20. Thanks for your help you are such a sweetie! Love the birdcage on the head never quite looked at it that way :) Your shop is filled with some amazing treasures what a talent you are!
    luvs and glitter~jen

  21. Wow! Who knew. So many creative pink birdcages. Love pink and love birdcages so your post was a delight. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you visit again soon! Tammy

  22. I love pink birdcages too!! Thank you for sharing all these today.

    Hope you're having a fabulous Pink Saturday!!

    Sheri ~~ Prim Rose Hill Studio

  23. Ohhhh - I like the second to the last, pink and maybe it's a bit of turquoise? Very Bohemian!
    I'm so glad that Georgina blogged about your giveaway and I was able to find YOUR blog. It's such a treat to visit here!

  24. Happy Pink Saturday Tristan,

    These birdcages are fabulous!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  25. What a great post! Pink,fun and fabulous!Love the one you got for an ornament! Great find!

  26. I remember pink birdcages at my grandmother's house! Happy Pink Saturday!

  27. Happy Pink Saturday !!! I have enjoyed visiting your blog and viewing your lovely photos - what an informed post , the bird cages are beautiful. Please a wonderful new week.

  28. Wow, for all of the pink birdcages! Too cool!

  29. Wow I didn't know there were so many pink bird cages out there~thanks for that...

    If you'd like to come over to my blog I'm having a wonderful, delightful gypsy caravan dinner under the stars~

  30. I think you have captured every pink Bird Cage out there....I don't have a pink Bird Cage but I have two Pink Cat Carriers...Whatelse would you put two fussy Female Cats in...Pink of course...

  31. I have a pink bird cage!! I love mine!!

  32. I had no, really, no, idea there were so many pink birdcages to be found. I like birdcages, but have no pink ones. I'll be on the hunt now, especially for tree ornaments. Love those.

  33. Bird cages have come a long way :-) My fave is the pendant. It's so cute!

    happy Pink Saturday!


  34. Hi Tristan,

    Thank you for such a fun post. Alas, I do not yet have a pink birdcage of my own but I do love birdcages. Perhaps I shall create one made of paper of course make it pink!

    .•*˙˙*•.HaPPy PiNk SaTuRdaY!.•*˙˙*•.

    Cheers! =D
    ~Kitty Kellie

  35. LOVE BIRD CAGES!!!! And PINK makes it all the better! Happy Pink Saturday! Charlene

  36. I love seeing different birdcages and never would have thought there were so many pink ones out there!

    Thanks for a chirpy-pink Saturday post Tristan!


  37. Now I want to paint my birdcage pink! And that spare lookign cage withthe pointed die for. What I wouldn't give to have that one!

  38. OMG! I love the pink tutu hanging above the bed!! I want...I want...I want it!!!!

  39. Oh, I just love this post! Love the birdcages...and of course, LOVE the pink!

  40. i am just getting caught up from the pink saturday party - what wonderful comments for my first time participating! i am so glad you stopped in or i might never have found your wonderful blog -- i can't seem to get away from your blog! it's awesome!

  41. What lovely sweet birdcages..they're all beautiful. Happy belated Pink Saturday, have a lovely week.
