Tuesday, January 26, 2010

579 blogs later ...

Where-oh-where did yesterday go? Have I truly lost an entire day? Am I mad? Have zombies sucked the last bit of grey matter from my head? Did I drink an entire pitcher of Bombay martinis and pass out?
No. I've been blog-hopping on the incredible One World One Heart event. I have managed to go to 537 blogs in one day. Wow. There is one heckuva lot of talented and generous and funny and inspirational people out there in Bloglandia! I've enjoyed discovering new artists who I will return to again - and, hopefully, get to know.

Oh, yeah. There's prizes involved! A LOT of prizes. And, I'm a greedy, greedy boy!

Isn't this an amazing fĂȘte for something-or-other?! A gorgeous room with beautifully gowned women and a cote of doves circling the room. Of course ... as we all know ...
... it's all fun until something spontaneously combusts.

That's gotta leave a mark.

Okay. I don't have a baby. And I certainly don't see one happening anywhere in the future. But if I did have a baby, this is what he/she would sleep in. I would insist upon it. In fact, if somebody would give me that bed, I might be willing to rent a baby once in a while to sleep in it.
Speaking of beds, like most people I know, I read for a while in bed before going to sleep. Wouldn't it be nice if we were able to read out of these exquisite embossed and carved and gilded leather volumes from the British Museum. How delightful it must feel to hold these worn and textured volumes - no doubt with deckle edge pages (my favorite!).
Do you choose your accessories and match your hat and purse to express your emotions?
Don't you just know she woke up feeling saucy?!
I believe she was a bit scared of the day ahead - and chose a bag with which she could wallop an attacker and a hat which could double as a garotte.
And then, somebody obviously just woke up and felt it was a day to shoplift. But in style.

I love illuminated letters, and have always been fascinated by the myriad ways artists have embellished the alphabet. This is one example by Antonion Basoli (1774-1848) I found at My Pet Arts - check it out for many more.Well, I told you I had been working on a few swaps, so I'll share - though these have to be the worst photographs ever. I don't know what was wrong with me. Yes I do. It's the camera - it's all the fault of the camera.

These ATC's are for the Marie Antoinette Mail Art Valentine swap. Believe it or not, LOL, they're actually pretty, though you'd never know it from this lousy photo (which was the best of 3!) If you click on the image, you can see a LARGE blurry image instead of a small blurry image.

This is another swap at the Marie Antoinette Mail Art group ... this was the Valentine Secret Admirer Swap. We decorate a box Marie-style - and then fill it with art goodies for the recipient. It's fun to create - and fun to receive! This is the top of my box ...
...and this is the inside of the box. I can't show all the things because it hasn't been received yet. But, trust me, it's stuffed with treasure-ettes and fun supplies - all Marie inspired!

My friend, artist Anne Huskey-Lockard of el Milagro Studio and I collaborated on a commission for a "rainbow" stole, which was a gift for a young minister's ordination last Sunday. Actually, though it was commissioned by somebody else, I knew this young man when he was the children's Sunday School teacher in our United Church of Christ. Since then, he's gone off and become a minister. Anyway, I did the bargello patchwork and quilting, and then Anne took the panels and turned them into a stole. I enjoy working with her. She's not only talented but funny. Good combination, I say!
In searching images to use in a few more Valentine Day pieces, I've discovered quite a few vintage valentines which have a disturbing theme of cupids roasting hearts. I'm confused. Is the message supposed to be Eat Your Heart? - or Eat MY Heart? - or I Want to Deep Fat Fry Your Heart? - or what?!?! I find it macabre, frankly. I'm concerned this will keep me awake tonight.
Well, I must get to the studio - I still have some things to finish up. And *blush* I still have about 400 OWOH blogs to visit! OOOOH! Art, crafts, design, furniture, prizes!

Take some time - have a cup of tea - heck, if you have the room, invite a friend ...
and go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. Wow Tristan!!! I think I'm going to have to check some of the blogs out who are participating in the OWOH...

  2. Your humor made my morning. I had no idea what I was in for when I joined in on the One World One Heart extravaganza. I rarely do anything impulsively. My head is in a frenzy. I've been searching for my hat templates all morning so that I can make fresh ones for the giveaway...it will be quicker to make new templates than to tear the place apart. Been years, obviously.

    Love the priests vestment! Bargello!

    Gotta go - There's a squirrel scratching around in the attic above my head. Gonna be one of those days.


  3. 537, goodness gracious me. And nice of you to include a picture of my grandma doing her famous "tea tray" trick.

  4. OMG your posting is hilarious!! I've been laughing here so much, I'll keep reading your blog.
    Greetings from California

  5. You are so funny! I am super glad to have found your blog.
    Have a great day full of laughing :)

  6. Would you like milk with your tea? :) What a funny photo...you know I will borrowing that one! You visited ALL the OWOH blogs yesterday? Oh, I am so envious! That is my goal for today!

  7. You rock, and you can still write a fab blog post, what kind of Vitamins are you on, give me some of that LOL
    Love that pic at the top, still trying to get my open mouth to shut!
    your fairy friend

  8. Hello Trist! Love the ministers stole you colloborated on. Bargello art is one of my passions...likens back to my need for op art clothing in the 60s. love that gal with the teacups. Sea Witch

  9. Oh Tristan ... .
    Your bargello is beyond the beyond!!
    Just remarkable.
    (I used to love doing bargello .. .
    by far my favorite needlepoint)

    Your head must be spinning from all those blog visits - perhaps you should take to your fainting couch -


  10. Dear Mr. T...

    I've read a lot of funny stuff of late but this post takes the cake.

    I was doing OK...(just OK!) UNTIL I got to the last photo where the 'plumpy' lady with the huge boobie-wompas (sorry, that's what I call overly endowed breasts when our ever tiny 7 year old g-daughter is around)holding those teacups!

    Good thing is was the last picture on the post. I fell over from laughing so hard that I knocked off my keyboard and sent it crashing to the floor.

    Now it won't work.

    Can I bill you for a new one?


  11. With all that blog hopping, I don't know how you get anything done in a day. Are you reading and quilting at the same time??? Everywhere I go, you've already commented. I think you might have a clone.
    I LOVE the collaborative piece you made for the minister. Very cool for a minister!

  12. Hi Ya' Tristan!!
    Having morphed nearly completely into 16th Century England I loved your frist couple of photos of the courtly ladies dancing.
    ......btw.... Did you see that Jonathan Ryes Meyers is in a new movie with John Travolta?? Hubba...Hubba..... ((sorry)) Yeah, I know he is younger than my children!! shhhhh...((Our secret!!)) LOL!!
    Great Post!!

  13. The young man in the Tristan/Anne stole looks delighted and delightful. Thanks for sharing with us and you're a better man then me as there is NO WAY I would have attempted to read 500+ blogs, I have enough trouble with the 50+ or so I read on a regular basis, sigh...

    WV is untestle, somehow that amuses me for no particular reason.

  14. WV=Word Verification

    WV for this Comment - expeg

  15. Tristen, how I missed visiting your wonderful blog, I swear you have some of the best posts...thank you for making me not only smile but laugh out loud...good thing I was alone in the room :) Besos, Rose

    ps..forget about renting a bebe, my stars...I would sleep in that gorgeous bed if I could...even if it meant walking funny for a few days :)

  16. You post has really boosted my sluggish mind today...After going through so many Wonderful OWOH blogs yesterday I could hardly see...Of course you had to do 500+..I will get back to them in alittle while..did have to accomplish some other things in the shop today...I hung a sign on my Comp say "Don't Touch..Go to Work"..hehe
    That Stole is beautiful...And of course it was the camera..it always is..We are good with the camera they just aren't good with us...
    I want that bed for me to heck with another kid...

  17. Tristan - you are one of the funniest people I have ever read. Thank you for all the giggles! xo Pam

  18. Oh how I love your humor! You are a firecracker!!! Holy moly that is a LOT of blogs to visit in one day, but I do think you are certain to win something.
    **blows kisses** Deb

  19. Wow I'm impressed. I think my record's about a hundred or so.

    Yes. Love those books and yes. So pettable.

  20. Oh Tristan, you are again, THE BEST! HOW IN THEE SAM HILL DID YOU MANAGE TO GO TO THAT MANY BLOGS? I just got home from work and I am barely getting to everyone's new post! You have the best photo-finding skills around dearest. That last photo is a hoot! Bisous, Anita

  21. LOL...yes I did - several times reading your uber entertaining post today! My Man, you are in fine fettle today (as the ole geezers used to say). Loved the commentary, loved the pics - the
    'ambidextrous' gal in the last image is one highly efficient serving wench! *grin*

    btw....in your visits to over 500 blogs, I think you missed me! *sob*


  22. Hi what fun you had!!!!Love the ATC's I'll swap with you any time.Seriously.

  23. Its always so much fun to visit you.I love your ACEO's and all your wonderful work!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  24. haaahhaaa! Ok I put it back up what is Human Targets a tv show? I could go on! ha haa! Jealous of your Marie A swap Wow! Love the 'boy' Valentine and that scarf gorgeous too bad I cannot sew!

  25. i love your pictures, tristan -and the writing that goes with it! : ) i'm enjoying, lenna

  26. Well well well, what a lovely pair of cups she's carrying!
    Great rainbow stole!

  27. I am SO going to enjoy reading your blog! Thanks for visiting mine yesterday! I don't think I've even hit 50 of the OWOH blogs yet - Hat's off to you!

  28. I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.

    Leather bed

  29. Chic and funny blog.... I believe there was a time when I had my sons that could too balance things upon my bod! Come visit me.... Jennifer

  30. Your work is wonderful Tristan. And of course all the images you include are up to your best standard. I sure hope the baby you rent isn't the one barbecuing hearts on that valentine! Quite unsavory in my opinion. All I can say about the last pic is one lump or two?

  31. It's the zombies tristan, definirely the zombies. LOL!!

  32. Tristan, what is this amazing painting with the doves, ladies and combustion in an 18th century setting? It is beautiful!

  33. Oh, that's great. I love all the pictures! Isn't this fun! And thank you so much for visiting my humble little blog, Texifornia. :-)

  34. I'm with you: I have no idea what a roasted heart could signify. (And I don't think I *want* to know, lol.) Love your blog. I'll be back.

  35. OMGoodness, that "tea" picture is going to be with me for a long time I'm afraid, afraid to sleep that is. Thanks for a fun post. My daughter lives in NY and goes to design school. I'll have her check out the Dorothy shoes.


  36. What a great blog you have! Always enjoy it! I have launched some of the blogs you follow and they have given me inspiration. Love the post and the tea pic.

  37. I know, I know...last year I tried to visit everyone in two days. I get so distracted with creativity, that on many blogs I would fall in love and get lost browsing them besides commenting. It is fun. I love this post as always, especially the doves flying above that chandelier.

  38. Tristan, I wish you were my brother. We'd have so much fun together. You always have me laughing...where do you get your sense of humor? And your most educated verbal skills???
    I leave a dictionary on the side of my computer to look up some of your fascinating (unheard of) words. Your vocabulary is beyond brilliant.
    See...if we were siblings, some of that just might have rubbed off on me too! Oh how I wish....

    everything vintage

  39. Wow! You are so talented and entertaining too!

    My Blogger Dashboard has been extremely quirky lately (okay---read that being a BITCH!) and I have missed posts from a lot of the blogs I regularly comment on. If it wasn't for GypsyLulu, I would never have known the pic of the priest and stole was here! (which I am stealing.....yes, STEALING! ahem!)
    Now I wonder what the heck is going on.....
    I swear I saw parts of this post.
    I am losing my mind and Blogger is helping to hurry the process up!
    And by the way, thank you for the kind words but I'm not funny....just a raving lunatic! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! :)

    The partner in crime..errrrrr...sewing! (anne)

  41. Tristan, i admire your fortitude. Almost 600 blogs. Wow! I wish I could say i have done half that much. It is just too much. And some of them I spend hours on. I don't know when I am going to be done. Hope your cold is better soon. I love the stole you needle pointed. It is amazing. What i really want to know is how you find the time to do it all.
