Monday, January 18, 2010

A Little Glitz and Glam and Fun for Monday

Good afternoon! Hope you're having far nicer weather than we're having here in Connecticut. It's rainy and grey and muddy from all the snow melting so quickly. Oh, well. We'll make it bright and sparkling here for a while!

If you came to climb over the backs of all the others who are taking a chance on winning my giveaway, just scroll down to yesterday's post ... all the information is there. Or you could just click on this image and it will take you there!
And, speaking of giveaways!, grab your sweetie's hand and head over to...

Shabby Cottage Shops for an amazing giveaway, valued at $350! Now that's a giveaway! Lots of goodies and treasures and gift certificates, oh my! Just click the icon below and it will take you to the spot!
This piece of performance art, entitled "Ghost of Versailles" was discovered via G's exciting and informative blog, Doves Today. As G describes it, "Performance artist Tim Dey has recreated the "Ghost of Versailles" as white-wigged and white-powdered aristocrats of the court of King Louis XVI of France, using bubble-wrap for materials. That's right - their costumes are made of bubble-wrap, plastic hose, water bottles and plastic wrappers."
It just knocks my socks off! Bubble wrap!

And, continuing the note of unusual and breathtaking art ... have you met the marvelous enchanted works of Su Blackwell? I am just awestruck by these exquisite assemblages. Take a stroll through more of her work at her site Su Blackwell. I would so love to see the delicacy and intricacy and detail of this work upclose and in real life!

Okay. We all love our mothers. Really. Is there anything better than a mother? Well...that wonderful creature called "Mother" sometimes just makes me want to take a running leap off a cliff.

My mother follows my blog (though she never comments), and keeps asking why - as I always post gifts and acquisitions with photos - I never mention the Christmas gift she sent me. So, just to keep her happy - and to keep me from jumping off a cliff - here is the wondrous treasure she sent me this year.

It's a Reuge musical automata pocket watch. It is truly exquisite. It is gold (well, LOL, gold plated), and when the alarm goes off it plays "Oh, What a Beautiful Morning." But even better, while the music box plays, the horse raises and lowers his head to drink, his arm (with the bird) waves, the young lady operates the pump, and the gear from the music box appears as the water coming out of the well.

Frankly, I'm terrified to carry it for fear of losing it LOL. But it looks very nice sitting on my bureau ... and I set it almost every day so that at some point the magic will happen.

sigh. Okay. Thanks, Mother!
My bedtime reading right now is Honoré de Balzac's la cousin Bette. I don't know why I've never read it before, but I'm enjoying it immensely. It's a little tough going sometimes - LOL - as novels from the early 19th century can be sometimes ... but well, well, worth the effort. It's a tale of revenge and lust and money and family - think early 19th century Parisienne Dynasty.

Well, imagine my surprise when I found the movie version on Ovation TV yesterday! I didn't know it had been filmed! And, it was filmed with a superb cast, headed by Jessica Lange as the vengeful Cousin Bette. What a fun film! It is performed in a style that makes the tale more amusing than the books seems to be - though after seeing the film, I'm reading the book with a new sensibility.

I recommend this movie as a fun wallow in melodrama - and especially if you love beautiful films. The sets, costumes, accessories, everything, is just a delight. As Cousin Bette works as the head costumer in a little opera company, there are many scenes with her working on marvelous costumes and there were many shots of the delicate embroidery and knotwork she did on the costumes. If you can find a copy, I think you'd enjoy it!

I don't know if you remember. But almost a month ago I wrote here about this delightful ornament that I found a picture of on-line. Well, this weekend, at one of my favorite blogs, Tales From an OC Cottage, she pointed us towards an online shop called Plastic Land. And what was there?!? My wish list Edwardian Christmas ornament!!! I was so excited ... I'm going to own one of my own! I actually had decided to create one for myself, but I couldn't find those do-it-y0urself empty snow globes anywhere. I'm so glad that I found it!
And, if that's not fab enough ... look what else they have! Titanic ice cube trays! I can't WAIT to serve drinks with Titantic ice cubes sinking! Sick? Well, maybe a little. But the uber-fabness of them overrides any inherent bad taste!Well, in my quest to bend over backwards to find you things of sheer beauty ...
I thought a little grand rococo architecture might brighten our day.

The amber room is probably the most famous room in Catherine Palace, St. Petersburg, and it was used as a study. King Frederick William of Prussia gave Peter the Great the original inlaid amber panels after Peter admired them in a room in Frederick's palace. The 16-foot jigsaw-looking panels were constructed of over 100,000 perfectly fitted pieces of amber. The Nazis dismantled the amber panels and shipped them to Germany during World War II, and they have never been found. Much mystery surrounds the fate of the amber room panels, and many Russians believe that they still exist somewhere in Germany. Russian artists began recreating the amber panels using the old techniques in the early 1980's, and the room was opened to the public in 2003.

François de Cuvilliès created the masterpiece which is the Amalienburg11: a hunting lodge that, inside and out, positively bursts with the exuberant frivolity of Rococo. I find it astounding that something so heavily and lavishly ornamented can look so light and airy!
This is the Pilgrimage Church of St. Peter and St. Paul in Germany. I think our church is most lovely, but I have to admit, this one would keep me awake through anything - even an extra long communion line! What fanciful adornments!

Abbot Rupert died while erecting the outrageously rococo building of the Basilica at Ottoeruren, completed by his successor, Anselm Erb, in 1766. In 1803, Ottoeruren became part of Bavaria. I love the way the paintings and ornamentation makes the entire chapel look like a huge piece of Bavarian porcelain!
Naturally, I couldn't discuss rococo without traveling to my favorite city in the world, Paris. Here is the elegant, shimmering Opéra Garnier - or Opéra Paris. What a remarkable example of the French rococo style. If you have never had the opportunity to walk through the Paris Opera House, put it on your bucket list. It just excites the senses!
And, finally, the bedroom of the queen of all this is lavish and extravagant and ornate and magnificent: Marie Antoinette's bed chamber in the Palace of Versailles. Click here to see more of the magical enchantment of Versailles.

Now, I know this is a little off my usual style of posting - but, I saw this and literally chuckled right out loud. So here it is. If you are offended - well - don't be. It's just a joke.

I thought it could never happen - but I actually found a photo of Marilyn Monroe which I have never seen before! This was from a photo shoot later in her career with Bert Stern. There are many other famous photos from this shoot (including the nude-with-chiffon-scarf and the in-bed-with-sheet and the black Balenciago gown) - but this was a new one for me. It's difficult to believe today, when every 22 year old actress' photographs are airbrushed and photoshopped, that once there was a woman of a-certain-age who could be photographed and printed with nothing more than make up and some false eyelashes and still be a rare and celestial beauty.
Thanks for visiting with me today. Hope you found some things that amused or delighted or inspired you.

Now ... go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan


  1. WOW... you post today is filled with brilliant bits & pieces for the senses to take in. Love the first photo! Something about seeing one's hiney in the air while all decked out to the nines that swiftly puts one's feet back on the ground.

    Love the Marilyn photo... she truly was a beauty.

    Your pocket watch.. oh my. I too would fear loosing or scratching it up or goodness forbid to take it out and set it down without thinking... you know a worthy theif would find it enticing for sure.

    I am still a bubble wrap freek. My kids inherited the very same gene. I swear it's an obsession worthy of giving chocolate a run for it's money.

    I often wonder why in these times we no longer celebrate the grandure of the times past. The beauty of the building, the interiors that are second to none, how people dressed even all seems to have fallen so far to the wayside of life.

    The paper art is exquisite.

    Lastly, love the valentine and the titanic ice cube trays!! Brava... for the simple pleasures that make us smile.

    Have a wonderful day.

  2. oh my tristan! your blog gave me mega pleasure today! and i laughed out loud at the titanic ice cubes (am i sick? i didn't think so but...). i LOVE the magic pocket watch your mom gave you (makes me wish i could meet her!!!). and su blackwell's assemblages! WOW! thank you for that eye candy... i love how the bases are big fabulous books! and I want a bubble wrap costume of my own!! i wonder what the cost was to make that fabulous would be so fun to wear that dress and walk down one of those incredible hallways you showed us... mmmmmmm.... i'm dreaming.... thanks, tristan!!

  3. OMG. You are my man. Where do you find those hilarious and outrageous photos of people with such fabulous expressions! I still chuckle when I think of the one of the mime with the mask....I told my husband about it and he told me, "He seems like such a great guy that I would love to meet." Indeed. What can I say....all the photos, the art, Su Blackwell's art, YOUR POCKET WATCH (what a mom!), it is all stunning my friend. Thank you for making us happy with your vision of loveliness, Tristan. You are a joy!!! Bisous, Anita

  4. Whew! That was a lot of amazingness to take in! What a fantastic assortment of stuff. I LOVE those titanic ice cubes. haha! Also very thoroughly enjoy that valentine. Thank you so much for sharing!

  5. The only thing missing from your alarm clock, which by the way is fantastic, is a troupe of drunks ambling past, clinking beer mugs and singing merry ditties.

  6. Love Balzac, glad you're enjoying it. And thanks for sharing that there's a film version. Wow, did not know that.

    I'm totally knocked sideways by the bubble wrap.

  7. Mr. Tristan,

    I love Rococo and wish I lived during those times to do my own contribution to this fabulous art style...but without wearing a corset!
    LOL! I am very happy in my jeans.
    Rococo times were great, all that work done by hand, art...details...
    Can you imagine waking up everyday to a spectacular day?

    ~ Gabriela ~

  8. Those poor models in bubblewrap - they must have been very sweaty.

    Shame on you for not bragging much sooner on that unusual and lovely timepiece from your mother. I've seen that cliff too many times, myself!

  9. I adore all things Paris, must have been a French girl in a previous life, those bubble wrap outfits so wonderful, I can't stand it! LOL
    Your Mom has exquisite taste as do you, thanks for the fab post
    your fairy friend

  10. WOW! Dresses out of bubble wrap and exquisite stuff out of books. Seeing this fabulous artwork just makes me shiver. What talent!
    Beyond that I couldn't focus. You sure cram a lot into one post my friend!

  11. After a very hectic Monday, there is nothing I like better than a bit of glitz, glamour and fun! And Tristan, your post certainly has all three in abundance.

    The grand rococo architecture is
    so utterly fabulous - as is the book cut sculptures by Su Blackwell. Titanic icecubes and
    bubblewrap Versailles costumes? Toooo fun! I am thinking you must take after your mom, as she certainly has great taste in knowing what to gift you with. (definitely not a reindeer-sweater- gift-mom!)

    "Peggy is a whore" hahahaha love it!


  12. My goodness, where do I start? lol
    The watch from your mother is gorgeous!! I don't blame you for not carrying it around with you...
    The costumes made of recycled materials are beautiful and it's unbelievable what they're made from!
    The Valentine made me laugh out loud!! That was just too funny!! :)
    Isn't Ovation TV Great!!!? I didn't even know I got that station until about 2 weeks ago! I love it!!!
    I'm going to pop on over to Shabby Cottage Shops now~



  13. so it all. still taking it all in..don't know where to I'll just end with "thank you for a fabulous visit!!!" Ann

  14. Tristan... What a grand visit I had today. I LOVE your magical pocket watch ~ it is gorgeous (good job, Mom)!!
    On top of all the fun and interesting things you have on this post, I must thank you for the Valentine. It made my day! There is nothing like an unexpected good loud laugh!
    I still think you are going to break a comment record with your give-away!! (:
    ♥ audrey

  15. Tristan! I love the watch your Mother gave you!! I have never seen such a beautiful creation and I, too, would be afraid to carry it around with me for fear I would loose and then have to tell Mother!!

    I try to visit your blog daily, you are a true wonder and a treasure, your Mother must be so proud of you!!

    Thanks so much for adding the banner for our "Sweet Treats" giveaway to your blog post! What a lovely gesture on your part!! It's truly people like you who make this world a wonderful place to live!

    Shabby Cottage Shops

  16. Love the pocket watch from your's beautiful! Love the colors.
    I also enjoyed the rococo architecture! Amazing beauty! Great post!
    Naughty Peggy! lol

  17. Absolutely loved your whole post.... I have read much about the pillaged archecture & treasures in WWII by the Nazis & I get so pi$$ed. I hate theft & this is inexcusable..((Rant))
    As you know I Love Marilyn.... She was a natural beauty. She once said ..In a photo shoot all she had on was a smile & the radio!!

  18. OH! Tristan!!!
    Where did you find the Monroe Pic???? I am blown away.....she was beautiful to the very end.
    I always wnated that but am deciding the younger pics of me are *much better*.
    I am warning you, I absolutely *MUST* snag the Marilyn pic for my collection..... :)
    And I would not carry the watch either for fear of losing, destroying or sitting and crunching it. Just put it somewhere where it can be SEEN.

    Anne...who missed everything else once seeing Marilyn!

  19. Oh my, what a gorgeous post! The Paris Opera House, Versailles....that pocketwatch...just stunning. :)

    And I LOVE the Valentine, haha!!

    Off to make something beautiful right now....

    ♥ Carolee

  20. Oh Tristan, what a plethora of lovlies. That pocket watch is amazing!!! Your mother knows you better than anyone else, (that's what I tell my spawn) so she understands what buttons to push with you when the timing is appropriate in her mother does it to me many times, she's 87 and I'm 57 and she still chaps my hide...sometimes, drives me to drink!! LOL

    My children keep telling me I don't know them anymore...yea right!!! They usually get a eye rolling or a "Paleezz!" I like my grandsons much better than my children...they're very original, but they too will grow up and be a thorn in their mother's side...hahaha, pay back is a bitch...and loving every second of it!!


    As for that photo of Marilyn, was that perhaps taken when she was doing the movie, "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes?" My father kept the infamous pic of her in his desk drawer, the red silk nude pose...wonder what happened to that little postcard??

  21. Thanks for another amazing blogpost, Tristan. And I was lucky enough to see Su Blackwell's work in the flesh in December during an exhibition in Edinburgh and it's every bit as breathtaking and gorgeous as you would guess from the pictures. She also had a cut dress which I simply adored.

  22. How do you find all those wonderful items? I love the Globe with Victorian people inside, the Titanic ice cubes and especially that hilarious Valentine's card!


  23. Bubble wrap! I don't think I will ever look at Bubble wrap the same way again.
    The picture of the people falling over each other and the valentine are priceless.
    My mom is still getting adjusted to e-mail, I have yet to show her my blog. One day, I will. Now, your mom can be happy knowing you showed the wonderful gift she gave.

  24. Hi Tristan,
    I was just in awe at all this eye candy. However, I quite agree with your mom. That gift is just too fabulous not to show us. So, if she is reading your comments, your gift to Tristan is stunning!!!.

  25. Always something magnificent going on over here! My head is swirling just taking it all in...and I must say your Mom is a peach ~ what a gift! Now to run on over and leave a post on your generous giveaway!
    xo Heidi

  26. You have a wonderful blog!
    That watch is fabulous!!
    If I got that for Christmas, I would put a video of it working on my blog! he! he! he!

  27. very good info and the pics are brilliant )))

  28. Happy Wednesday, Tristan!! I just wanted to thank you for the Birthday Balloons!! Loved them.
    ♥ audrey

  29. Oh! its all so much! l visited for a peep an have been here for AGES! is it throwing out time yet! so much to read and blackwell amazing..have you thought about publishing your own mag of lovleyness? l would subscribe! thankyou for all the time you take.x(and where do you find those wonderful pictures!!)

  30. Tristan. Wow! Beautiful post I enjoyed each and every picture. Those rooms are breathtaking, I have always been in awe of that very ornate style. Thank You so much for sharing your wonderful pictures. Your watch from your mom is so gorgeous. Sincerely Jonny

  31. That bubble wrap! Oh my god...I LOVE that! Every thing here is so head is swimming.


  32. That bubble wrap just made my day... .
    as did your gorgeous gift from your Mother. (she's definitely a keeper!)

    Dare I mention that Peggy is a
    dear friend ... .

    Perhaps the best Marilyn I've
    never seen.


  33. The bubble wrap costumes are amazing!! And the Marilyn photo too. Thanks for sharing. Congrats on Versailles Artist!

  34. My hubby wants your watch and I'm with you. I want to see Su Blackwell's art up colse and personal. (Maybe while holding my breath.)
