Saturday, January 16, 2010

My 300th Follower... 200th Post, ... and 40,000th Hit Giveaway!

I know. I'm gobsmacked, too! That's a lot of followers! That's a lot of posting! That's a lot of hits! That's a lot of new and treasured friends! I'm just stunned.
I am so excited that I have met so many totally cool, talented, generous, kind, and wonderful people as a result of blogging my life away! And I'm doubly grateful and honored to have so many artists and crafts(wo)men as followers. We all know how much recognition from your colleagues means!

I have decided to make this a giveaway a stash-for-the-greedy-artist prize! Face it. We all want to own every art and craft product made - and would appreciate a heads up when new things are going to be available so we can decide what we need to survive before they even exist!

So ... here's my collection of terrific treasures that I just never got around to using. And somebody really SHOULD be using them!
First up is a set of 30 luscious, pigmented Caran d'Arche water-soluble crayons. These are the best blending crayons I've ever used. And the colors are so wonderful I want to just eat them!

Next is a set of 24 Prismacolor Premier colored pencils. These are also highly pigmented with thick heavy cores and very rich ... and they blend like a dream, as well!
For those who just love distressing the heck out of everything, this is a fun distressing kit by Making Memories. I assume it was meant to use for scrapbooking ... but I have several of these, and use them when I'm making ATC's, collages, mini-theatres, etc. It's kind of amazing how old you can make your new stuff appear!
Don't all altered artists need every shade of every color of stamp pad manufactured? This collection of 24 is by Anna Griffin. As silly as it sounds, these are the 'juciest' stamp pads I've ever used - and the colors are especially nice for vintage style work. The shades are muted and dusty, but high quality and give clear, crisp images. I love these.
And, finally, a ten color set of Pebeo Setacolor transparent fabric paints. I have found these to be the most versatile for painting fabric - and the fabric doesn't get hard! I also like the transparent color that allows original colors and patterns to show through.

And, of course, I'll add in some papers and ribbons and little surprises - and some sparkles and glitters because ... well, because it's me! - to get you inspired to make something beautiful!

To enter, if you're a follower, just leave a comment on this posting. If you're not a follower, become one and join!

If you'd like to double (oooooooooooooh!) your chances, write about this giveaway on your blog, and then comeback and leave the link here in a second message.

I hate to be stern LOL, but, as I want to use the automatic number generator, please only leave one post if you're not going to mention this giveaway on your blog. I'd have to delete the second message to make it fair for everybody. And I don't want to do that. Because this is a happy giveaway!

Good luck! I wish I could make each and every one of you the winner. But, well, we all know how that goes!

Again, I can't begin to tell you how much your visits and comments and emails brighten and enrich my day!

Enjoy your day, stay warm if you're living in the cold zone, and pray for the survivors of the Haiti earthquake ... and, you know what you have to do now ...

... go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan

Edited to add: Ooops! Forgot to post an ending date! As "One World, One Heart" begins on January 24th, I think I should end this on Friday, the 22nd. (Thanks for pointing that out Gypsy Lulu!)


  1. OOOOOOOOOOOOO, some of those prizes would sure challenge me to step out of my creative box! I will try to get my brain to remember to mention this on my blog too! What a great give-a-way Tristan! hugs

  2. wow, this is a happy give away. makes me happy to read about it.
    all this from a biker on law and order- ah-mazing :)

  3. Oh, YES! YES! YEEEEEES! (sigh! gasp!)
    Enter me Baby!!!
    I will do a blog post; but it may be on Monday. You know where I am....please check after the weekend. if I can get it posted before, well, you'll know that too!
    And above all else---


  4. As my good friend Judy would say...
    oooh, oooh, oooh! At least that is what I hear from an aisle away whenever we go shopping. Your giveaway is amazing. And now I know just what my P.S. will be on my Pink Saturday post.

    I love your blog and you always make me laugh and ooh and aah about your eye candy. I found a blog this morning, and thought Tristan would love this one. A Gift Wrapped Life, and she really outdid herself on this post...

    She is an eye candy extraordinaire.

    Congratulations on your 200th post and your 300th follower.


  5. Congrats of the milestone Tristan! I love your blog! You really hit the ground running with it and it is always so entertaining and beautiful! Lots of love!

  6. OF COURE you're popular and famous - you keep posting those hunky pics of yourself about town what do you expect? ;)

    Anyway - those neocolor crayons are fabu for face painting... adults (I am not sure about any toxic event that could follow, but I've personally used them for years *twitch* without any ill *twitch* effect) ... really - try it ...

    blueyeduckstudios everywhere

  7. Kewlio, congrats on the milestones and boy would I want EVERYTHING!

  8. Gad-Zooks...Tristan.... I do believe Sir...I am getting the vapors!! ((fanning myself with a vintage hankie))....
    You Sir, are appealing to the artist in me!!
    ((please stop me cause' if I call you Sir one more time!!))LOL!!
    Good Luck to Us All!!
    Love Ya'!!

  9. You seduce me with your wares:) Have been a follower for a while, and do enjoy your blog. Always a treat!

    Please enter my name in give away....WOW what a give a way!!

  10. Congrats Tristan, not only do you inspire but you bring smiles to peoples lives with your ever whimsical, magical creations and postings. One more thing. I want it ALL!

  11. OMG I must cross my fingers and toes to win! But wait, I was a lucky winner TWICE on your blog and how much fun was that!!! Great give-aways dear are so cute. Let's find a huge box of rhinestones and jewels and glitter and jump in head first and swim in it!!! I love, love your humor darlin'. Yes, isn't that mannequin on my post with the leafs just cool? Thank you for your fun and happy comments Tristan. God bless you ALWAYS! Bisous, Anita

  12. Oh Tristan, What a generous giveaway. You are such an inspioration to me, to all of us (your followers). Congrats on having such a successful and treasured blog. Treasured by many,. myself included. I love your sense of humor and your art. And oh my I do not have a single item listed in your giveaway so when I win it will be just like Christmas all over again.

  13. You are such a generous man! But what do you have planned for all the space you free up? You must have something up your sleeve!

    :-D eirdre

  14. What a generous giveaway! Congratulations on all your milestones.

  15. Tristan,
    Wo this is some kind of giveawy you have going here. I owuld love to be in the drawing. THANK YOU.
    Had fun looking at your site, no wonder you have so many coming to visit.
    Nancy Jo

  16. Hi Tristan, I posted about your giveaway on my blog.

  17. Congratulations on the fabulous numbers! And what a great giveaway to celebrate YOUR fabulousness!!!

  18. Felicitations! And love the giveaway, it is fabulous - I have everything crossed :-)

    Have a fabulous weekend,


  19. Tristan, congratulations! I'm not in the least surprised that you have so many followers! Your work is divine. I always enjoy your posts and seeing all the fun stuff you find for Pink Saturdays, and all the other goodies as well. You always inspire me! Keep up the good work!

  20. First of all, lots of congratulations, Tristan and next a HUGE thank you for all the wonderful posts and specially the delightful pictures you've treated us to. And I just can't believe you've not used those delicious crayons, pencils etc. How could you resist!!

  21. Oh Tristan!! I NEEEEEEEED those things. Especially the distressing kit, so I can be distressed. Or rather, so I can ditress others. Or other THINGS anyway!

    You ROCK honey!

  22. Posted on my blog.

    Can I cheat and post on my FB as well?

  23. And of course, I am convinced I need all those goodies so here is the link to the post on my blog mentioning your give-away:

  24. Hi Tristan
    Karen at Scarpbook of Inspiration sent me here and oh how I would love to win your giveaway. There are several products there I've never tried. Congratulations!

  25. Oh Tristan, my love, please enter me too. That is just down right COOL stuff!!! And I'll write about it on my blog today.


  26. OH MY GOODNESS! Now that is one divine Give Away package! You're not really surprised you have that many followers? What will you do when it reaches 1000?

  27. Your blog is a gift in itself and now you are offering more? You are such a treasure! Thanks Tristan for sharing your talents and thoughts. Always look forward to your posts. Cant wait for the next 200. Tammy

  28. Hi Tristen I'm a follower and on facebook too... does that count twice? LOL!
    Please enter me in this wonderful giveaway!

  29. Congratulations Tristan! As a Mav, you so know I'm a follower of yours. My Krissy is sitting here freaking out because of the colors and prisma pencils. She keeps hollering "Mom, what exactly is the matter with him giving those away!" LOL Needless to say, noone, not even me, is allowed to touch her prismas. I told her to get a blog started and enter too! She just shakes her head at me and says "it must be the Mav in the two of you!" LOL Keep the posts coming, yours is one I check as soon as it pops up on Google Reader!

  30. i remember first meeting you on Blue Monday. I was wondering why a "man" was posting with all the "women". Well you sure are a big hit. Congratulations Tristan. Haven't we all grown in the past year?
    I'm scrolling that wheel chair is over the top! My dad was in a wheel chair at age 21. He lost his legs in the war. He would think this chair was WoW.
    Your Wizard of Ox ornies are beautiful.
    I ADORE the embroidered pillowcases from Marilyn... love those.
    Your FABULOUS Box from Debi OMGOSH Tristan. How fun is that?
    Ok enough again congrat's.
    I will leave your wonderful giveaway to some other lucky winner.
    Very generous indeed.
    Love Claudie

  31. You have been an inspiration to me for more years than either of us would care to admit!! Thank you for this wonderful, creative, and fanciful break in our day - we all love you!!

  32. Ann Shaver is Anonymous....this thing is giving me fits!!!

  33. Oh wow! Oh wow! I am shamelessly asking you to add my name to your drawing! That is a wonderful giveaway! I would love to be the recipient of your 40,001rst!! ;o)

  34. Ok, are mentioned on my blog,


  35. Me Me I want it all. I will send you my address. What a wonderful giveaway! I will be back for a second chance. You know I am already following (stalking) you.

  36. What generous prizes, although sometimes I think that when someone writes 200 posts, they should win a prize!!

    Congratulations, Tristan!!


  37. Oh wow...if someone couldn't create something beautiful with all that there would be something very wrong. What a wonderful assortment of 'stuff' to covet! Congrats on your milestone!!

  38. Oh wow - what a chance to really open up new crafting avenues - my fingers are firmly crossed.

  39. oh wow!! what wonderful milestones :)) congratulations!! your blog is fabulous ... i reckon 400 followers will come very soon :)) you r so right ... hahaha!! aren't we all "greeedy artists"?? i know this'll probably be a one in a million chance and adding my luck ... probably one in 2 million chance ... but i wish i wish i wish!!!

    thank you for being so generous :)) HUGS!!

  40. What a generous Giveaway..I have already added your link to my blog and would just love to be added to your list.Thank you!!Warmest Regards,Cat

  41. Congratulations Tristan!! I don't need any art supplies so don't enter me in the giveaway but I just wanted to say kudos. You've reached out and touched many people with your enchanting posts!! Best wishes for a happy weekend!!!

  42. Tristan,

    You don't need to include me in the drawing - but, I did want to thank you for always being so encouraging ... ever since we met on that Yahoo group ages ago - I have found inspiration from your website and your blog. And, I love your sign off on your blog - many a day - I've finished reading blogs and gone "and made something beautiful!"

    I so appreciate your friendship and inspiration!

  43. And I put up a post about the giveaway here: Thanks for giving me something to post about as I don't have much going on in the studio except decluttering and mending. Not very photogenic activities. I also left a link to your etsy and borrowed an image from there to give folks a taste of your work. If that isn't okay with you, just let me know and I'll take the image down.

  44. I just can't believe what voonderbar prizes, all for being a follower of your spectacular blog OMG you are toooo cool
    your speechless fairy friend

  45. I always love visiting your blog just because!'s so fun, entertaining, enspiring, visually stimulating & I could go on & on. Really one of the best things is that I always come away with the feeling of having had a wonderful visit with a friend. Your giveaway is wonderful! I've been a follower for awhile now...Thanks so much!

  46. Tristan, you are amazing! And I want to thank you for blogging your life away, as you so aptly put it...You're funny!!
    I wish I had a prize for you for coming up with the most creative answer to my chair dilemna-I wish you lived next door. We'd have so much fun!!! lol

    Good day my freind and here's to many more posts!!!

  47. Oh my DOG, Tristan! That's some mighty fine stuff you are giving away! I can see much fabulousness happening with all of them! Congratulations on such a HUGE number!

  48. So Tristan YOU are Father Christmas!l just knew l hadn't opened all the presents that you left,a couple of weeks ago.l just knew there was a special present with so many wonderful and exciting arty things in it l so wanted!hidden for me..l have already blogged about you!please enter me in your celebration happy draw! what better way to spend a very rainy weekend in London than to read your blog way back to the beggin here at
    you have a beautiful blog, l'll be back..Donna

  49. I dropped by here from lovely Anne's place. She really adores you! What a fantastic giveaway. Whoever wins will be truly blessed by your generosity. :)

    Now, I'm off to check out more of your blog. I hear it's amazing!

  50. Well, I've followed your blog for a while now, but it was never "official." I just made it official! I'm the cute little guy with the white and black shirt and no legs. I have no idea what happened to my legs, but it must have been awfully traumatic! Have a great Saturday.


  51. Am drooling over the prizes, as most of them are not available here in Iceland! Dont have a blog to spread the word, so will just leave it with this one note. Congrats also. Been fun following your progress over the years as a fellow Mav. Keep on stitching.
    Joan b.

  52. Tristan, you amaze me with your talent and generosity - and how you manage to find all those incredible photographs!!! I'm in - I'm still getting followers - slowly but somewhat steadily - I am SO not in your category!!

    Love your blog - always brightens my day, and I miss you when you don't post - and you're responsible for the Netflix increase of classic movies to our house....

  53. Wow!!! what a fun give-a-way!!!

    This would kickstart my 2010!!
    I am a follower:)

  54. I've added your draw to my blog
    Hope it garners you a couple more followers!

  55. AAAAHHHH! I cannot stand these Scott Brown ads...Mass may be going Rep.can u believe it??! I am going to throw my TV out the windo!Whoa ...I remember having those crayons..they are expensive now! You are so generous!
    Check out my post! xxoo

  56. Congrats on achieving all these milestones. Wow, you are giving away beautiful items.
    Hugs to you Tristan and your fabulous blog.

  57. I am follower 323........I LOVE finding great blogs. Found you through Anne H-L.,she is such a sweetheart.
    This is a incredibly fabulous giveaway, don't we all lust for these art supplies?
    Careful you may be doing another giveaway very soon....500 followers?

  58. I must have it all. Every Sea Witch demands color and artist tools in her hands. You must pick me...Dusty would insist. Okay, I'm a follower, I will also mention this fabulous giveaway and report back with a link. But again, I have it on the best authority that "Dust" would insist that you pick me. Sea Witch

  59. Hello Trist and Dust! Here is my link to your giveaway. What fun this is. Sea Witch

  60. Congrats, Tristan!! I'm one of your followers, your blog is always full of terrific posts and inspiration. I'm so excited about your giveaway. Wonderful goodies, and I have that set of Anna Griffin's ink pads. They're awesome! I'd love the rest of the stuff though. Thanks for your generosity!

  61. Hi

    I became a follower after reading about you on MaryAnne of Magpies Mumblings blog. Your giveaway makes a gals heart aflutter. Imagine winning all these great things, I am always looking for another good blog to follow and I think yours will be great.

    Congratulations on your achievement and may I add that you are being very generous with this.

  62. I would be thrilled and honored to enter your giveaway!! A smashing one it is.

    Congratulations on your milestones. So many all at once but then it is no surprise to me what so ever.


  63. Tristan I just went on my blog and left a word about your wonderful giveaway. My blog is:



  64. OMG!...and i only have half a set of 10 of the the Caran D'arches crayons!...split them with another newbie in our art classes!
    I thought i would faint when i saw these!..and the color pencils...wooohooo! You're the greatest, your talents,your generosity and your friendship! wonderful that you came along to inspire me!...
    Congratulations to you...and to us..for knowing you!

    Haha, i want it all too! gypsy

  65. Congrats on your accomplishments (and only a month into 2010! ;-)).

    Some great stuff you're giving away. Whoever wins will be super lucky to get it.

  66. Just another great tip from Anne ( a cool site you have!! And what a cool sight you are!! Now if I could stop blogging and looking at blogs I might get some art work done!! thanks much! and I'm now a follower!

  67. Glad my friend Laume pointed me this way. My middle son's name is Tristan, too :D

  68. Wow, Tristan. You are spoiling many treats in one give-away!! But you are right ~ one just can't have enough art supplies!! Someone is going to be thrilled to win this one!
    I've told you before that your Blog is outstanding ~ it just keeps getting better.
    I send sincere congratulations, Tristan, on your many posts and followers!
    ♥ audrey

  69. dying and going to Heaven!!!

  70. Congtaulations on all your milestones and please enter me in the melee!!

  71. WOWSERS that's one great give-away! Happy 200th post! I don't know why I wasn't following you- even though I read all of your posts! Anyway I'm following you now!


  72. Wooohooo...i now have your giveaway on my blog, Tristan!...

    hmmmm...when is the draw taking place?..i must have missed that?..

  73. Tristan....CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is quite a milestone. You should be very proud. I have so enjoyed reading your makes my day. I will be happy to blog about you!!! Have a lovely day.
    xxoo Valarie

  74. Hummmm, I thought I commented before, but I guess I didn't! Shame on me, CONGRATS!!

  75. My first time here! Georgina sent me over and I'm loving EVERYTHING,
    I love anything French and I love your taste! I've just read a few posts and thought I had better stop and leave a comment and say Congrats and please enter me in the giveaway! Now I'm off to read some more...Great Blog! (and of course I'm now a follower!)

  76. Hey Tristan! I just posted your Give-away on my Blog!
    You just might break a record with entries!! (:
    ♥ audrey

  77. Congratulations on your post, followers, and hits..Your Giveaways is just fantastic but how could it not be because you are a Fantastic person...I follow you as you already know and wouldn't miss one of your post..You always uplift my spirit...Stay as Wonderful and Special as you are...Hugs

  78. Congratulations on all those milestones, Tristan! I have become a follower, for sure, and would love to have all those goodies to color with!

  79. The other comment was from my evil twin, Skippy (but it still counts, right?). I blogged about your fabulous milestones and the awesome giveaway here:

    P.S. Sea Witch sent me.

  80. Great giveaway !
    I love art
    Iam a follower

  81. Tristan you are a very generous soul and this giveaway is absolutely mesmerizing...I am adding you to my blog at

    this is more exciting than Christmas with very best art supplies I have always dreamed of experiencing. Imagine and live in Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  82. I post about it here

  83. I tweet about it here also

  84. Hi, I came over from Magpie's Mumblings and I just became a follower. I love all the goodies you've got in your giveaway. Good luck to all those who enter.

  85. Wonderful giveaway. I am following you. As a fellow artist it is good to share ideas and I can vouch for the prisma coloured pencils. They're my favourites.

  86. Glad I found your blog :) I am a follower now, and if someone from the UK can enter,please put me in the draw!

  87. I am now a follower! Please enter me for you amazing giveaway =^~^=

  88. For an extra, I blogged about your giveaway here:

    Thanks soooo much!!!!

  89. Congratulations on your milestone!
    I would like to enter your giveaway AND I'm a follower!

  90. Wow! What an awesome giveaway! Just discovered your blog from Sea Witch...glad I did. I'm now a follower & will be back often...your creativity could just be contagious!! *elaine*

  91. ..oh, I forgot to ask.. is this giveaway, worldwide? I wish to add it into my blog and for second entry, I have posted about it on my blog. Congratulations again! :)

  92. What amazing prizes! Please count me in!

  93. Tristan....Wow! Congratulations on your blog! I found you through Kathy from catnipstudios. She blogged about your gracious giveaway! I could not resist to stop by! Love it all and will be a follower now! I would love a chance at this giveaway!

  94. Tristan I love your website. Great prizes.

  95. First let me congratulate you on your work and your wonderful giveaway. Well of course your many blog followers and your many posts. I love your work and would be delighted to be entered in your most generous giveaway.

  96. I'm so glad I found your blog! I have quite a bit of reading to do now. Please include me!

  97. Hi Tristan

    I have you as a friend on facebook but have become a follower on your blog here and what a wonderful give you away you have shesh very generous. I would love to be the winner of your generous offer.
    Dangling by a Thread

  98. Congratulations, Tristan! I have loved reading your blog ever since I discovered it. There is always a surprise, great images, and a fun way to start the day (or end the evening.) Here's to 300 more!

  99. I posted your blog celebration link on my blog:

    Good luck all, and congratulations.

  100. This would be a wonderful freebie for me - just getting back into the artistic mode. Your generosity is amazing.

    PS Used to live in Norwich CT area - moved down to Florida because I just couldn't face one more day of snow :) This winter would have driven me over the edge.

  101. Hi again I have added your giveaway to my blog. Oh I hope I win I would love to have any of your wonderful gifts thanks for offering very generous of you. Good luck to all and if I don't win I hope my friend Gypsy wins;)

  102. You're one very happy person! I love your blog. Congratulations.

  103. Oh! Me! Me! I am greedy! Tristan...your blog is beautiful and people love your sense of fun and tongue in cheek postings. Keep 'em coming man, keep 'em coming! Congrats on so much interest!

  104. I posted on my blog too...yay...another chance...My link works and everything!

  105. Congratulations that's quite an accomplishment !!!!
    Have a great week!

  106. I'd read your blog anyway. BUT, a prize! Wheeee!!!

  107. Thank goodness you didn't eat those crayons because I need them, and dear daughter wants the pencils and I distress everything plus I could really use those fabric paints right now and well I am so crossing my fingers, toes and eyes!!! Plus posting!

  108. Hi Tristan,

    Congratulations on all of your fabulous followers. There's nothing better than the feeling of knowing people appreciate what you do. You are an amazing artist and we all adore your stunning eye candy creations. Thank you for the opportunity of joining in such a wonderful give-away. Have a great Sunday.


  109. Congrats on your followers!!!!
    And thanks for this fantastic giveaway. Wow! Great prizes!

  110. I did a blurb for you on this most wonderful Give Away and forgot to come back and let you know. But I did and here's the link. I am just so excited for you and for me to win this piece of Heaven!

  111. Always FUN to see what you have cooking here Tristan! Love those earrings your lady is wearing on top! Congrats on so many posts, and may you continue to be prolific!
    p.s. those toothy dolls below sure are a riot!

  112. Goodness, this is like Christmas at Tristan's!! Congrats on not only the huge numbers, but really for truly a blog that is delightful to visit. I learn, laugh, and just sincerely enjoy each visit.

    xox Rella

  113. MKay Tristan, I also just published a post in honor of you and your give away. I think you'll like the photos I chose. Like I said crossing all digits and eye too. Maybe even arms and legs but then it makes it hard to blog.

  114. woo hoo
    congrats doll
    this is so cool
    wowzers now thats a great giveaway!!!
    happy new year

  115. Congratulations on your 300th follower and 200th post and 40,000th hit giveaway! That is quit an achievement! Thank you for the chance at such an awesome giveaway too!

  116. Congratulations on all those big numbers! This blogging world is so much fun, isn't it? Thanks for offering such a generous give away....
    I am happy to meet you....and will follow along what looks to be a fun and creative place!
    :) Laura

  117. I follow! Please enter me and thanks for the chance!
    Jennifer M, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

  118. I will become a follower - I can't believe I hadn't discovered you before this! But what a great time to do it - what a fantastic giveaway!!!!

  119. *gasp*
    This is my first visit to your blog and you can be sure I'll be back for many more visits! WOW!
    Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful collection of goodies.

  120. Great giveaway! Congrats on your accomplishments!

  121. Look at all these comments! Wow, you are going to be one busy boy! :)

    By the way, I love the vintage photo of Princess Leia's grandmother! :)

    I am going to run post on my post about your post with post haste!

    Congratulations on your BIG numbers!

  122. Tristan,
    What a wonderful set of art materials- You are going to make someone very happy when you draw their name.
    I am off to become one of your followers.
    Warmest regards from a Western Canadian Quilter,

  123. Excuse me while I dream of what I could do with all of these luscious giveaway goodies . . . okay, congrats on all the milestones! Unbeliveable! Please enter me! I am a follower! #365!

  124. Just put your pic on my sidebar! Hope it helps to up those followers numbers!

  125. Hey, Tristan! Just wanted you to know that my Sunday, Jan 17th post is about your give away!


  126. Congrats on the milestone! Also, what a wonderful and thoughtful giveaway!

  127. Congratulations on your impressive numbers! Thanks for offering such goodies. ; )

  128. Fabulous, fabulous. What fun I could have!

  129. with this weather my creative juices are flowing. count me in

  130. Hi Tristan ~ Okay it took me a long time to scroll down, so I could leave a comment! Love your blog, think you are a fabulous guy and thanks for creating such happiness in my life! Tell all your lovely admirers to stop by our blog and enter our "Sweet Treats" Valentine's Day giveaway will ya?

    Happy Sunday, and again, thanks for sharing! Someone is going to be a very lucky person!

    Shabby Cottage Shops!

  131. Oh my Tristan!!! WOW!!!
    Congrats Hon...I'm so happy for you and such a lovely give away.
    I hope you have many more post and make many new friends.I sure am glad I got to know you better,
    Hugs and kisses,
    Marie Antionette

  132. well you are quickly becoming my favorite new bestest blog friend...LOL, thx for the extra happy today!!

  133. Hi Trisan, I mentioned your blog and your give away on my blog today. I also added you to my blogroll as I find your blog so creative and inspiring. So glad I found you!


  134. I hope I did you justice Tristan...congrats on the big personal achievement...luv to you, juner

  135. Congratulations Tristan! Wholly you have been busy. I would love to be entered in your drawing for that awesome prize..WOW...That is the whole kit and

  136. Congratulations for your success and accomplishments! Great stuff you are giving away! I hope the lucky winner will use it right away. I will!!

  137. Congratulations on all those milestones!! I agree blogging is an amazing way of meeting new online friends. Your giveaway is so very generous, and I would really love to play with the water soluble crayons and all those other fabulous art supplies.
    I'm sending vibes to the universe :)

    Thanks xo

  138. Tristan,

    Congrats dear fellow!
    Your blog is fabulous, as you are!
    I don't know how it is that you are not on my Creative Places list on my blog roll, but now you are for sure!
    Thanks for lots of gorgeous "taste" and photos!
    Sandra Evertson

  139. Warm congratulations, but your blog is one of the most beautiful in cyberspace.

    Every time I have received a comment from you, I have jumping up and down for joy .... but it's long since last time o;))


    Lots of love

    Agneta, the Swedish one

  140. oh oh oh, please enter me!! What a generous giveaway and please enter mine if you havent already!!!

  141. Hi Tristan,
    I your blog on my blogs "Blogs that make me go ohhhhhhh" I don't often leave comments but I do come around for a visit every week. Please enter me in your draw. I would love to win the artist supplies.

  142. Hi Tristan.
    I have just posted about your giveaway on my blog.
    I also forgot to say thank you for giving us all a chance (or two) in your giveaway.
    You are very generous.
    Thanks again.

  143. I am following your blog as wendy wallach..great bundle of items!

    madamerkf at aol dot com

  144. Lucky you! Congratulations! Thanx for being so generous in your giveaway.

  145. I wanna join your give away too!
    I am going to become a follower!

    Hugz, Dolly

    P.S. love your blog back ground n sir rabbit!!!!

  146. omg, i just discovered your blog this evening and i am blown away! great eye candy and inspiration and your giveaway is way generous. pick me, please-i am totally inspired! :)

  147. ohhhhhhhhh..please enter my name! makes me happy just to see all the lovlies!
    Congratulations...fabulous blog..I've admired your art for some time now.

  148. I'm a follower-Thanks for the chance to win --a fabulous batch of prizes you're very generous!!! Hope you have a fabulous 2010!!

  149. Hey Tristan, I thought for sure I was a follower, but I was not....well now I am!!! What awesome goodies in your giveaway....I would LOVE to win those...ANd Congrats on your followers, posts and hits.....Woo Hoo!!! Becs

  150. WHoa !! So generous your goodself. The Caran d'Arche water-soluble crayons, distressing kits, 24 Prismacolor Premier colored pencil and Pebeo Setacolor transparent fabric paints are absolutely my top wish list.
    Hope I'm lucky enough and thank you so much for the chance.

  151. HI There Tristan
    What a giveaway.. fantastic!! I just came over from Tamerie's blog and so pleased i did... Your blog looks fascinating... I will of course follow and will have a good browse through soon...

    Your great giveaway.. and more the way you describe these items so enthusiastically, remind me of my coloured pencils I craved and coveted as a child.. They were Derwents and I had to hide them from my brother who would nick them and carve his own name down the side... big brothers... what can you do? Thanks for the opportunity.. Julie

  152. Wow.

    Excuse me while I sit in stunned silence for a while, that is, I believe, the best giveaway I have EVER seen in blogland.

    Congratulations on that alone!

    So many posts, so many followers, what an exciting time for you! Hurray for reaching some amazing milestones, & here's to many more.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I do believe I have a facinating new blog to explore, all the while with crossed fingers & toes (I'd cross my eyes too but that would make it hard to read...) in the hope of winning such art-tastic goodies!!

    **fingers crossed!**

  153. Tristan, love your blog....the pics you post are always fun, thoughtful and creative. Thank you!

  154. This is way cool. I am a new follower

  155. Whoa, Nelly! How have I just found your blog. So good! Congrats!!!

  156. wow, that's alot of followers! Congrats! Found you threw Frippery, I'll be back. Cross my fingers. ;o)
    Hugz, Z

  157. I just started following your blog... :) ~Amy (Heathen's Hearth)

  158. Oh, and I haven't blogged about it (maybe for wordy wednesday) but I did post a link to the give away in the give-away section of my blog...

  159. What a wonderful giveaway. Count me in...I'll be keeping my fingers crossed!

  160. please enter me in this lovely drawing

  161. Congratulations Tristan! What a fantastic milestone. I have been following your blog for quite a while now, and it's always a delight to me! Thanks for having such a fun giveaway. I posted in my blog about it here for you :)
    Have a grand and glorious day!

  162. *** puts hand up for a lovely hand out ***

    Congrats, by the way. I'm gre-e-e-e-e-n with envy. ;-)

  163. Congrats to you Tristan, I don't know of a more deserving blogger to have so many followers!

    Was going to read your most recent post, but first will scurry back to mine to make mention of your
    very generous and awesome giveaway!

    (and yes, I would love to be entered!)


  164. Oh I would love to win any one of those delish goodies! And congrats on the followers, hits, and posts! I am already a follower and I will definitely go blog about this lovely giveaway! I'll be back with the link!

    {{{warm hugs}}} & :::bunny kisses:::

  165. How on Earth did I miss your little blog? Fantastic! An an awesome giveaway to boot! Please add my name to the hat!

  166. Congrats!! I just recently found your blog and became a follower! Please enter me in your giveaway! Thank you for the opportunity to win these Awesome Supplies!

    Happy New Year & Artful Blessings,

  167. I didn't actually WRITE a blog post, but I did make a button and post it to my side bar....does that count?

    Thanks again!

  168. oh, Tristan! WOW, what an accomplishment, congratulations. You should be so proud of all those followers, hits and posts here, yikes! And what a generous, artistic give-away, PLEASE add my name to the drawing!! waving from Florida : ) lenna

  169. Well blogger sure took long enough to cooperate with me about posting it! I was starting to get worried! LOL!

  170. Oooo! Art supplies! Count me in, please!

  171. I'm loving the bunny children at the top of your blog and loving all the great prizes you are giving away. I'm now a follower..can't wait to see your future posts!

  172. just discovered ur blog...what a beautifull world u have here. i will be happy to follow along and hang out. and be in for the prize..:)

  173. Well shoot, I thought I was already a follower! Well, I am now! lol Congrats on the followers, hits and posts, that is an awesome accomplishment!

    Such a fabulous giveaway, very generous!

  174. I never win anything maybe because I never enter, but these art supplies are too enticing. I am new to your blog, but it is wonderful and I will be back.

  175. I love reading your posts, this is a fabulous blog, a big favourite, it's no wonder you have reached such a milestone. What generous gifts you are offering too!

  176. This is simply amazing and so generous. Congrats on such a huge accomplishment.

  177. Now that I have found your blog I'll add my name as a follower! I would be happy with one of those items, so many wonderful things you are offering! Throw my name into the hat please!

  178. Found your blog through "Barton Originals", and can always count on Sue to lead me to treasure! Congratulations on your wealth of followers (I am at magic number 46!! Whoo hoo!) and all of the "sisters" here have their fingers crossed that we win the grand prize!!

  179. Greetings.

    I am new to your blog, but I can tell I'm going to like it here. And a bunch of new toys....well, that would just be too cool. Thanks for doing this. Joani

  180. I, too, popped over from Sue Barton's blog.... and seeing as I love Prismacolours....I thought I would leave a comment.

    I feel almost guilty entering to win something when I haven't been a regular...but, that I see your blog.... I am a regular ....

  181. I just want to thank you for the visual feast that is your blog. You take me to places that I might not ever get to visit and show me things I might not have ever seen. Informative, funny, creative, you're all that and more. Congrats! Nancy Kallman

  182. Wonderful blog, a friend sent me here and I am glad she did...
    I became a follower....
    the prizes are amazing and I will be hoping to win...

  183. Those are some awsome prizes! I realy love the picture of the girl you used. Ya gotta wonder what the story is on that costume :)

  184. fashionably late as usual I've only discovered the joys of your wonderful blog a week ago and now you have this fab giveaway !
    no wonder you have so many followers, theres just so much to inspire here , including the gorgeous background, my handmade verion of the white rabbit in heart regalia is my avatar :0)
    julie xx

  185. hi Tristan,
    wow it's beautiful!!!!! sorry for my english helped me google
    I would love to win because I started hours
    This is really some wonderful candy.. Thanks for a chance to win..
    un saluto dall'Italia bye bye rosa

  186. Congrats on all your merry followers ~ very well deserved (and growing I'm sure!) What a generous giveaway offering ~ I'd love a chance to win! Reminds me, I've been thinking I need to doodle more!
    xo Heidi

  187. Hi Tristan!I just signed up as a follower of yours and wanted to wish you good luck. my blog I'm putting a link to your blog candy on my sidebar.
    Greetings from Russia,

  188. What a generous giveaway! Congratulations on all your milestones.
    Do you really plan to send this amount of things to a winner& I hope this ))))
    I linked it on sidebar.

  189. a) yes, i wanna hang out and chat and shop and see some fun stuff, as mentioned in your previous post. alas, you live kind of far away.

    b) you have a FANTABULATIOUS blog, Tristan! i have been scrolling through pages and pages of gorgeousness, and you have impeccable taste!

    c) i'm following, and it's possible i may be obsessed (just slightly).

    d) this candy is wonderful. i AM the greedy crafter (and don't have ANY of those items, though i've coveted at least 3 of them for well over a year).

  190. e) i have posted a picture/link to your candy in my SIDEBAR, and a little posty-o about your blog and candy here.

    f) so glad i happened across your lovely blog!

  191. Congratulations on your achievement
    I am follower # 400
    Thank you for the chance to win.

  192. It is my blogpost

  193. Okay, so I just totally found you from Leah's blog and WOW! Love this place! Congratulations on your milestones!

  194. I found your blog last night and we had to eat cold cts cause I was over her forever!! Thanks ok I needed a night off from cooking!! I love your candy!!! Thanks for this generous offer!!

  195. What a wonderful candy!
    I follow you now, if you want to visit my cooking blog you are welcome
    Have a nice day!

  196. Congratulations, Tristan. I'm definitely one of your league of devoted followers.

    Thank you for this glorious opportunity to win.

  197. good gracious lady! you're one amazing blogger there!!!

  198. I just found your blog today,became a follower, and am looking forward to reading all of your posts and looking at the pictures. I feel like a kid in a candy store! Isn't serendipity amazing?

    I'd love to be entered into the drawing, and am happy to be part of the fun here.
