Monday, September 21, 2009

A Short Excursion Around Bloglandia

Today I thought I would take you on a little tour of blogs that always have something wonderful to see - sometimes it's historical, sometimes it's art, sometimes it's fashion and/or design. But, no matter what it is, it's entertaining.

I thought this collection of handmade paper shoes, found at Rebecca Rose Designs, were delightful. Made for a tea and luncheon, I thought this kind of dedication to favors deserved a nod of recognition! It sounds like something as ridiculous as I would do! Visit her blog and read about the day that inspired these slippers.

Isn't this delicate ribbon embroidery work exquisite! The Queen of Dreamsz at Dream Kingdom found these awesome examples of fine handwork from the 1920's by the Boué Soeurs. This is a two part post - be sure to click the link and see more of these vintage treasures, and learn all about the Sisters Boué

There is always something fabulous at Beaux Mondes Designs. I just loved his "Age of Aquariums" post. And I fell in love with this huge freestanding looks like an enormous faery tale under water to me. Not to mention, look at that remarkable ceiling! Be sure to visit to see a plethora of fanastic aquariums.
Also at Beaux Mondes Designs, you will find a post about the Venice Carnivale with many many photos of the outrageous and fabulous costumes and masks. Be sure to visit!

I'm sorry that I can't remember where I found this wonderful creation. If it was on your blog, please let me know so that I can credit you! I thought this sculpture was quite the groovy piece of work. It looked like a sculpture created in the late 1960's, probably now ensconced in some museum of contemporary art. I think it looks like an amazing vision of a 23rd century city.
So, I quite enjoyed finding out that it was constructed from a toy which we were somehow deprived as children. Why didn't I know about Astrolite?! This was made in 1969, and though I was just a tad too old at the time, I bet I would have played with this in secret without letting my friends know that I was being totally uncool by playing with toys!

And, now for a complete change of pace! There is a wonderful collection of white and black Halloween accessories over at Owl Sorts.
These are just two of the lovely creations that owner Jenny B. Harris has assembled ... I love the way black and white make Halloween decorations, not only eerie, but surprisingly glamorous!

One of my favorite stops is always at author Elena Maria Vidal's Tea at Trianon. She always has fascinating tales and tidbits about everybody's favorite queen. Well, my favorite, anyway! This week she created another post about the customs involved in court dress and the etiquette involved. I thought this gown was nothing short of magnificent.
Then, through a link in her post, I discovered Catherine Delors at Versailles and more. There I found even more facts and trivia about dressing at court of Versailles. And these pictures just amazed me! Look at the length of that train! Even more exciting was this male court costume ... there never seems to be as much in the way of the men's clothing as women's at exhibits, even though at the time the men dressed every bit as fancifully. If you're an aficionado of all things Versailles and Marie Antoinette, you'll want to go to both sites and read these fascinating posts.

I thought that Lisa Kettel at Faerie Enchantment really out did her recycling self with this elegant royal cuff - created from a used baseball! If you're familiar with Lisa work, or her book Altered Art Circus, you know that she always has something creative and adorable up her talented sleeve! Visit her and get your day's dose of magical pretend for the day!Well, I'm off to make more rounds. I hope you visit some of my favorite spots in blogland - be sure to leave an hello! You know how we all appreciate hearing from readers!

I'm going to leave you with this photo, courtesy of Susi.A. Her blog always has something that is vintage and bizarre and fabulous. My Spanish isn't that great, so I don't always know what she's saying - but I can still relate to the photos! It's not as if I need a caption to tell what's going on in this image!
I hope you enjoyed our little tour together today! ... and that you traveled to a few new blogs and got inspired by what you saw.

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Thanks for sharing these, Tristan. There's some great stuff here. :)


  2. WOW...That aquarium is mind boggling,Tristan! Can you imagine sitting there for hours..being mesmerized by the beauty?...
    thanks for the links to these wonderful sites...looks like i'll be cruising the web today!

  3. WOW Tristan...what absolutlely beautiful creations! I can't for one moment imagine trying to walk/maneuver in a court dress, let alone getting the structure ON.
    Loved it all---you find the most unique things and yes, I love the tattoo pic! The guys faces say it all! LOL!


  4. Wow Tristan! You really perked me up today...this weekend I was being a misery guts...but now I will be inspired by that aquarium room with the ceiling that looks like the whole room is under water!

    Thanks for the emotional lift.


  5. Love your wonderful blog, as usual. I remember my little brother played with Astrolite...he made all kinds of wonderful things. I'm almost 11 years older than he and I would drive him to the only toy store in El Paso at the time, Toys by Roy, and we would get new sets of these little magical pieces of plastic. I don't know who enjoyed them more, him or his crazy teenage sister!!! LOL Have a great week!

  6. Love your blog, Tristan. Thank you for the link!

  7. Love the Beautiful gowns. I wonder how much they weighed??? I am so glad I can wear lightweight cotton & flannel!! Corsets & constricting foundations to fit into these creations?!?!?!? OMG... I am so grateful for modern fashion!! I especially love my 'jamies!!
    Have a wonderful week!
    p.s. I found the crows at Michael's under a shelf... Reg price $16.95... on sale $9.99. Saturday special $4.95!!!!
    WOO HOO!!!!!!

  8. I always find such incredible links to other blogs here, thanks so much for sharing!!

    I don't remember Astrolite looking like that, I guess there were multiple types. I had one where the lights were slotted into a flat peg board to create a picture. That sculpture looks amazing!

  9. Tabitha is so cute; no wonder ladies used to swoon with all the heavy weight and material.

  10. As always, fantastic images. The gowns I love, though they are not manly enough for me I fear, and the paper shoes are intriguing, are they *ahem* 'dry weather' shoes?

  11. Love all the eye candy. You always have the best stuff. Thanks for sharing it. I'm going to check some of these sites.

  12. Layer Upon Layer
    Frouf and Pouf and
    Shimmer & Sparkle!

    Those little paper shoes
    are especially special ... .

  13. Well, thank you for the eye candy, spectacular, my fav the French Gown, wish I had been born in that era, the clothing was amazing

  14. Your fabulous finds make me always want to read your blog! What a great eye you have, and how kind of you to share these delicious finds with the rest of us : )

  15. Dare I say it?

    I just now met you and it is LOVE at first sight. What a remarkable joyful magical blog! I am so happy to make your acquaintance!!

    Greetings from Casa Hice in Jacksonville, Florida. I followed you over from A Fanciful Twist and noticed you have also signed up for her Halloween Event. This is my first time, so I am utterly clueless. Any tips for a newbie?

    LOVE your blog and am looking forward to getting to know you better.

    PS: Please stop by Casa Hice any time and leave your foot prints on my welcome mat. It's always out!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Hey Tristan!
    Again, wonderful recommendations; these blogs are several steps up from most wonderful blogs...they are exceptional and so chic! Take care, Anita

  20. You always find the BESTEST of images my friend!
    I'm looking for an Astrolite kit on Ebay ASAP. :)

  21. That aquarium is fabulous as well as the rest of the room! Oh my those gowns are gorgeous! I'll bet they weighed a ton though! I wonder if sitting was out of the question? Wonderful blogs, thank you for sharing them! xo

  22. SUPERBE ! Thank you for the marvelous photos. Visiting your blog is like a "wonderlicious" treat to me. Merci encore, Cher Tristan. Catherine.

  23. Tristan,
    Other than Lisa's bog, there are all new places to visit. I love finding new places. Your comment made me laugh out loud. You are always so clever and speaking of wonderful places in the land of Blog, yours would be at the top of my list!


  24. the royal cuff is amazing!!!! Love that


  25. Hi Tristan!

    Thank you for the kind comments and the acknowledgment. It's a big honor coming from one of my favorite bloggers. I love love the dresses! Catherine Delors blog is a terrific source for facts and stories and images about 18th century Europe. Great post.

  26. Tristan, thank you for posting these blog links! I'm looking forward to checking them out - they all look delicious!

  27. Tristan, thanks so much for giving me the honor to be posted on your blog. It means alot coming from a pro like you! I love allyour findings and posts and I am happy that you thought mine was interesting! Becs

  28. Thank you so much for the link, Tristan. Your comment allowed me to discover your site, which I will add to my blogroll.

