Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do They Still Call Wednesdays Hump Day?

It's been a busy two days - so much to do, so little time! I don't like deadlines. They're necessary evils - but I don't like them. How much nicer to curl up in a window sill and read! ... or, better yet, curl up in a window sill and be read to!
I'm about three quarters along with the first circus project. It's reached that stage which is always scary for me. I can see where it's going - or where it's supposed to go - but it's just not there yet! I know that the final embellishments and finishing touches will make it complete. But for now, I'm just not completely enthusiastic about it yet. But it's too be finished by I'm working up my enthusiasm to - hopefully - make it fabulous! Don't look at the studio mess in which I work ... all that mess is really a figment of your imagination.
Speaking of paper arts - and fabulous! I just bought this wonderful little kit from Ulla, who not only has a marvelous blog (click link), but is also a teacher at Castle in the Air. If you've never been to this amazing website, be sure to grab your credit card and go shopping...wonderful, wonderful supplies! The charming little Halloween mask vendor candy box is available at her Etsy shop via pdf tutorial and image downloads. She has lots of other wonderful little downloadable projects and tutorials. And so reasonable! - my little kit - including all the wonderful vintage images - was only $10!

When my little mask vendor candy box is completed, I hope that I can display it in some place as enchanting as this Parisienne antique shop. It looks like a home, doesn't it?! (Well, not like MY home, but somebody-more-fabulous-than-I-am's home!) From the exquisite doors and wall panels to the lavish tiles to the fantastic chandelier to the romantic benches, I could easily call this vignette home!
Of course, that would mean that I couldn't use these grand Napolean III curule velvet tapestry arm chairs. Maybe I could just store these beauties in a room off the main hallways and only bring them out when I need something to take along when seeing an outside production of a Shakespeare play.

Now this rare 1750 gilded rococo Chippendale mirror would fit right into that lovely blue Parisienne room ... and would reflect it all so that it would seem all the more enchanting!Excuse me for a moment. I have to run off to my dining room and have a little nosh before continuing this post ...
Well that was revitalizing. While I was having a small bite, Sandra called to let me know about a wonderful poem she found. I hope after reading it, you will be dashing off to make something beautiful!


Even in these hostile times,

I sort of prefer those people

others consider


Those who,

during the meeting,

doodle in the margins,

inking out long-stemmed daisies

with words rising up

out of the stamens.

Watch how they're

not really ruffled

when referred to

as loafing.

Their tenacity

at not being

too insistent-

now that's a feat.

A mouse could run off

with their crumbs

and they wouldn't flip out,

call in a search party,

order a fatwa.

I imagine they know already

that plot is simply

what it is

-mostly a distraction-

that what matters

hasn't happened yet,

the realm of the possible,

which sometimes

doesn't occur.

While others strategize,

organize coalitions,

they fiddle with a grass blade,

inspecting its shape.

When they speak up,

it's to ask

some loll-about question

already drifting

right out of the room.

Copyright (c) 2009 Jeff Hardin All rights reserved

from Southern Poetry Review


¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. happy fall Tristan. I so enjoyed your poem. Wishing you much success with your art project.

  2. Wow... Didn't realize we both had the same dining room decorator!!
    Well Tristan... One of us has to redecorate!!
    Love your poem......
    Very warm here... almost 80 & humid!! Wierd.. must be global warming (tongue-in-cheek)... Now can someone explain that to me when we have WC factor this winter of -30?!?!?
    Take Care!!

  3. I had no idea of the size of your circus project!
    Magnificent is a word that comes to mind!!!!!!!!!
    also, holy sh*T!
    I look forward to seeing the finished creation!

  4. What a lovely poem, and your project is going to be splendid I am sure. Such a lovely start! :)


  5. Your circus piece is coming along nicely!

  6. Great post, as usual......such a *small* dining area, how DO you manage? ;) LOL!!!
    That circus piece is just stellar....not at all what I envisioned, which is really a good thing!


  7. The circus piece is looking so delightful! The colours are inspired, Tristan :)

  8. Just love your theater, so creative, wish I could do that! fab post thanks for sharing the poem

  9. I am guilty! I am a doodler! No meeting is too important for me NOT to doodle. I have distracted many! :)


  10. the circus and of course your entire're always so...lightweight!!! Oh well, me too. I got by many school meetings by doodling and putting my thoughts, opinions and questions, which I always answered myself, on paper...wish I had saved some of those notes. Oh yes, my studio mess is also a figment of everyone's imagination, but the last time I cleaned it, couldn't find a thing.

  11. Love the art progress. The poem is perfect, reminds me of my daughter, Sadie. Lightweight, flighty little artistic soul. Eye candy photos once again. Your blog is like visiting a dreamy fantasyland.

  12. I need to pass this poem on to my husband as he said what he wants to learn to do is "drift"

  13. Isn't Ulla just great? I love your photos, like always, they are so elegant and truly convey your eye for beauty, Tristan! Anita

  14. I love Ulla's blog. Inspiration for days. Your circus project is delightful so far. Can't wait to see the final incarnation. It will be fabulous i am sure. I like that poem and I like the "lightweights" myself. I consider myself one of those.

  15. Love how your circus piece is coming! Those embellishments are fabulous! Can't wait to see it completed! Loved the poem to! xo

  16. Tristan, just joined your blog, it is awesome.
    I will be back, Hugs Laura.
    Your circus piece looks great.

  17. You did it again inspired me! I will run along now and write a poem....after I get some nosh. Love that word...I will somehow incorporate that into my poem......


  18. Marvelous poem, your circus is just as lovely!

  19. Cool poem and love the beautiful rooms. You find the most awesome eye candy. I love Ulla's blog but I don't think I ever really checked into the shop. Thanks for sharing that information. Sounds like there's gotta be something I want there, so I'm off.....bye!

  20. Congratulations Tristan - You have won a prize from the EHAG Search for the Wandering Witch! Thank you so much for playing, and being such a good fan of EHAG - email Linda Kennon (the Gourd Queen) at with your particulars and she will send you your prize. Thanks again!

    - Sweet B (EHAG Mod)

  21. Well obviously you've gone bonkers because your circus project is gorgeous!

  22. Hello Tristan,

    I am in love with the blue benches and chandelier...totally awesome!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  23. Tristan dearest,
    Thank you for always coming to peek into my world. Isn't Stillwater a little dream town? You ain't seen nothin' yet. I have more photos and the bed and breakfasts and views are TDF. I think of you, really, when I go into Rose Mille, the shop with the glitter workshop. My husband loves it too and shuffles through all the packs of glitter kits with me! Quite interesting for a political mind with a Ph.D in history...Stillwater does that to you; it transforms you into a dreamer. Come on down sometime and stay at one of the local B and Bs!!! Take care, Anita

  24. Fabulous and fascinating post, as usual~! Love the links, love the poem, love the pix! Can't wait to see the finished circus...

  25. I love your circus project so far.Its going to be pretty big.I love the colors.I can't wait to see it all done.I also love the beads.It reminds me of Mardi Gra.
    The poem is lovely.XXOO Marie Antionette.Come see my newest doll,Its different.XXOO Marie Antionette

  26. I love your circus project so far.Its going to be pretty big.I love the colors.I can't wait to see it all done.I also love the beads.It reminds me of Mardi Gra.
    The poem is lovely.XXOO Marie Antionette.Come see my newest doll,Its different.XXOO Marie Antionette

  27. I love your circus project so far.Its going to be pretty big.I love the colors.I can't wait to see it all done.I also love the beads.It reminds me of Mardi Gra.
    The poem is lovely.XXOO Marie Antionette.Come see my newest doll,Its different.XXOO Marie Antionette

  28. I am immediately going up to my craftroom and get to work. I haven't even started my pieces for Trish although I do have them somewhat designed in my head. Yours looks fabulous. I have two swaps, a baby gift box and party hats for a new cupcake store opening on Halloween to get done today. Oh my it is 1:00pm - I must get to work. Thanks for getting me going this morning/afternoon!

  29. Happy Fall Tristan,
    Thank You for the beautiful, gorgeous card you made for my daughter Amy.
    The envelope was beautiful and then you see the card and it was just stunning. She has a trach, so she cannot talk but her eyes said it all. She is a beautiful mixed media artist herself but is just too ill right now to create. I wish she would have found an artist friend, like yourself, that so enjoy art and she would have been so very happy.
    any hoo from the bottom of my heart....THANK YOU.
    I wish you much success with your circus project. What you have shown thus far is awesome with such detail.
    Angel Hugs

  30. Tristan, I'm just getting caught up on my blogging now (after about a week), talk about a meaty post!! Delightful, but I don't know what part to address. I do want to say that I am intrigued by your circus project and loving what you have created!

  31. I haven't had a chance to stop by your blog for awhile, Tristan, but so glad I had a chance tonight.

    I'm not at all surprised that your circus project is stunning--you have such an amazing eye for detail!


  32. Okay, I confess I love it all. And, I am in love with that chandelier.

    And, I do draw during meetings. I hate meetings.

  33. Tristan, I would imagine every day would be like a holiday in your world. Thanks for another terrific post.

  34. Tristan...I can't wait to see pictures of your candy box...what a wonderful poem. Your talent never ceases to amaze me.
    Have a lovely day.
    xxoo Valarie

  35. just popped back in to take a re-look at your blog. i LOVE how inspiring it all is! and this poem...this is me, absolutely! this is how i survive meetings! there is so much fun and imagination and play waiting outside the door! who can stand to sit on a bored stupor! thanks for sharing! and your circus is pure magic!
