Friday, September 18, 2009

Shall we shop? (dum dum dum) On a bright cloud of music ...

So. What I've been working on the past couple of day is the base for the first circus themed mini-theatre project. My goal is two fold: to keep it colorful and playful while still retaining a vintage look; and, getting a circus feel to it without using a lot of actual circus images. I'm having fun - though I really must get the proverbial nose to the proverbial grindstone and finish this one up - I still have two more to go! However, this one is the piece which is helping me work out the infrastructure glitches. This piece will be approximately 20" x 40"+-, which is large for me! The next two should go more smoothly. I do like the colors.

Speaking of color! Wow - I just love the colors used on this embroidery! It is Bokja. It is an old Turkish description of embellished velvet coverings of treasured items for special occasions, notably the embroidered dowry of a bride. I have seen small scarves created of embroidered velvet - but never anything so large and lavish as these used as upholstery. I think it would be so cheerful to live with one of these - what a seat by a window in a breakfast nook, huh?! I first found these via Agnetta at the Swedish blog wabi & sabi , and then searched for the website for Bokja where there are many other items, including pillows, ottomans and tables.

Isn't this an awesome shot of the Eiffel Tower? The photographer must have crowed when he developed THAT remarkable shot.
Of course, there are no mysterious and enticing little stair cases under the Eiffel Tower - nor shops, beyond the Eiffel Tower souvenir spots. But if there were, I know they'd look just like this!

And once you made your way up the staircase to the beckoning door, it would be this jewel box of a shop! Doesn't everything make you want to want to scream, "charge it!"? So many intriguing and lovely things - and displayed so alluringly!

This wonderful shop is the Saint Ouen Paris Market. I'm not sure which I want more - that fab art deco mannequin/bust - or the huge glass display dome! Oh, well - since I'm not going to own either of them for real, I think I'll just take them both!
I also believe that I could find a space for this early 19th century Baccarat chandelier. I'm thinking it would make a gorgeous and witty statement in the bathroom - perhaps over the jacuzzi. Of course, that would mean that I would have to install a jacuzzi. Of course, that would mean that I would have to enlarge the bathroom. Perhaps I'll just enjoy the fixture here.
Isn't this just the best?! Another early 19th century French piece. A child's miniature marionette theatre. I particularly like the returns (the decorated scenery on either side of the proscenium that keeps the audience from seeing backstage) ... they look as if they're either painted or actually have tapestries applied. And the puppets are just enchanting ... I can envision a marionette play full of Spanish soldiers!

I've always been more of a doorbell than a doorknocker guy. I've never found the clang from a doorknocker satisfying - it always sounds like something's breaking to me. However, I might change my mind if I could have this delightful antique French rooster to have guests clang upon arrival. Who am I kidding? If I had this doorknocker in New Haven, it would last one week before it was ripped off. One of the downsides of city life. The beautiful stuff has to remain INdoors.

Of course, not all the great shops are in Paris. Take a look in the window of this fabulous shop in Zurich! Isn't that Robin's Egg Blue roadster the cat's pegnoir?!
I hope my short little post brightened your day a bit. It's a lovely autumnal day here, and, with luck, you're enjoying the same!

I'm going to leave you with my new favorite line from "True Blood" ...

Now, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Tristan, loving where the circus theme is going! And you've outdone yourself finding cool photos, as usual!
    I particularly love the eiffel tower from above and then the staircase...oh! So New Orleans!


  2. Spectacular eye candy you've given us today, once again! Your circus piece is looking delicious - so many beautiful little details.

    I'm not familiar with Bokja embroidery but that first couch in particular is *stunning*! I think I really love it because it's a black background, but the design is also very well thought out. Gorgeous!!

    Oooooo, that Art Deco bust is beautiful, and looks in great condition! Good thing these types of collectibles and ephemera are out of my budget because I'd have no room to display anything anyway, lol.

  3. Tristan,

    Love the photos, especially the furniture...I would love my house filled with colour like that!! Your comment on my blog about learning how to do that Etsy sidebar was a hoot...some of us have the tech no-how and some of us don't. I just may call my 9 year old grandson and ask him to talk me through it via the phone!!! LOL Also, yes, I'm inundated with Muerto art. Going to paint a small Christmas tree black today...hopefully, the branches won't melt!!! Have a good your blogs.

  4. Tristan Dear....
    I just had to go back & look & look & look at that embroidered furniture!! I don't know why... I guess it appealed to my Bohemian side. I was just wondering what my (cowboy/rodeo) sweet hubby would say the day one of these were delivered. (price aside)
    I would be so-o-o-o-o happy & he would probably "loose his lunch". Oh dear, a good reason not to order it!! ROFLMAO!!
    Again... Wonderful post!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Your circus is a treasure!!!!!
    As for the furniture, you KNOW those are my colors! Probably hard to take a nap though!!!

  6. Those chairs are brilliant, though alas they are a tad too brilliant for me.

    I've never put my nose to a grindstone. I have, however, watched a friend take the skin off his nose with a whisk.

  7. LOL@True Blood....I love that show. However, that Eric Northman and Jason Stackhouse are so hard on the eyes to watch:-) Thanks for the inspiring post.

  8. I love love love it all! The marionette theater is to die for! BTW, many guest have complimented me on the gorgeous M.A. tapestry you gave me :)

  9. More fabulous things to look at. Loving the colors on you circus piece. I will have to remember the "cat's peignoir", I may need to use that one myself. Pam

  10. Tristan,

    Got instructions on how we can list our etsy shop on the sidebar. Go back to my last blog listing where you commented and tracy m gives me instructions!!

  11. Oh, what a great line Good night tiny humans! Where do you find such amazing images. I love that shop in France, and that theater is amazing. All the theaters in this post are amazing. We had wonderful weather today too. Although I don't remember the leaves turning so quickly in years gone by. Tristan, have you ever thought about writing a book. You seem to create such magic on every post.


  12. Beautiful post. But the Eiffel Tower gave me vertigo... really.

  13. Just loved the tiny theater, I'm going to have to make a tiny theater soon, now that my shop is stocked, I have to find something new to do, thank you for sharing all the French goodies, I so must go over soon, while I can still wear Hi-Heels

  14. Your circus piece is all the details and such gorgeous colors!! Wonderful post Tristan, I really enjoyed visiting your blog.
    Thanks so much for entering my giveaway and for placing a link on your sidebar! Three times is a charm! :) Good Luck!

  15. Lovin' the circus piece and WOW! . . . all that eye-candy here! I'll take one of each of the items shown *insert smiles*

    Have a wonderful weekend Tristan! Now get off this computer and get back to the circus *hee hee*

  16. Hello Kiddo!!!

    Oh Gads it's the Art Deco Mannequin hands down!! Doesn't it totally remind of of Joel Grey's character in Cabaret???!!!

    Not just the big city. Have you ever noticed how there is never any decorations except for the ornate bars on the fronts of Mexican houses??? They don't want their houses to be invitations to come see what else there is inside. :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  17. Bonsoir Tristan!
    How I love what you are doing right now; you know that I made my little theatre for my play? I am enchanted by miniatures, especially theatrical themes. Great work and what great color you have displayed! Take care, Anita

  18. Tristan, you cram so much into one post that I hardly know what to comment on. Can I just say that it is all fabulous??!!!!

  19. Oh, Tristan, great minds thing alike!! I have a photograph I took this summer of that very same door knocker - I just hadn't posted it yet! From just up the street near the entry of the Passage de Vero-Dodat - yes?

    Love your photos!!!

  20. I'll take that little blue roadster!
    How totally enchanting to peek through the window and find it waiting .... . for what???

  21. Oh, I would love to go shopping with you in that little shop under the Eiffel tower! We might be fighting each other over the vintage finds, though. But perhaps I should go for one of those sofas first!!

  22. Love the colors of the piece you are working on! And that shot of the Eiffel Tower....oh wow! Look at the little tiny people at the base of it.

  23. Great circus piece will be interesting and will keep an eye on the progress. Love all your photos today especially the embroidered furniture. Have a great weekend.

  24. Hey Tristan,

    Thanks for dropping by for a visit...absolutely,yes, link to my Boue Sister post. I'm not finished posting their marvelous designs...I'm totally inspired by their dreamy, free spirits...don't you know they had to be wonderful company? I would have fit in perfect with their passion to create the extraordinary. I'm sure their designs were shocking to many in that day. :0)

    Have a great day and stop by anytime,

  25. Love the mini theatre Tristan. I am so impressed you knew what a proscenium is, I have never even heard of that. I am working on a Haunted Masquerade Theatre right now so I can use the info :)
    Is the circus piece for the Bankers Suite or for your personal enjoyment? I can't wait to see them.

  26. Oh much to drool over here, Tristan! You find the greatest things for us to dream of!, I believe that Baccarrat chandelier just has my name on it! Woohooo..might have to install that jaccuzi in my living room! lol!

    Can't wait to see your lovely
    circus piece...a great beginning!

  27. Hey, I am loving your "circus" feel!
    Very Ringling Bros! and seriously, it makes me want to squish 30 of my closest friends into a tiny car!

    m ^..^

  28. That sofa completely knocked my socks off! I'm in love love love with that sofa.

    {{sighs a ridiculous sigh of deep furnitureal lust}}}}
