Saturday, September 5, 2009

Please, May I Whine ... Just a Little?

I know I don't whine very much - well, at least not in Blogland. But I really do try to keep complaining down in my life. However, Blogland is really starting to annoy me. Some of my absolute favorite blogs have a drop-down i.d. box in their comment section. For the past month - or longer - I am not able to make comments on those blogs. Now, I know that everybody can live without my (usually inane) comments. But I enjoy posting comments on blogs that I find entertaining and/or thought provoking. I have no idea why - out of the blue - I am no longer able to comment on those specific style blogs. I don't know - maybe it's a mac thing. But whatever it is, it's ticking me off!!!

Okay, I am off to journey through Beverly's Pink Saturday tour of blogs (most of which I won't be able to leave comments on, grrrrrr).

But I did find this (apparently) sure fire way to lose weight. I haven't tried it yet. If you do, please let me know how it worked for you! I like to get a recommendation before starting a new diet.

Have a lovely day! ... and, as always, go make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. YEs you may whine since you do it so seldom. Can you explain further what you mean by the pull down.... I am not following although, that is not as big of a surprise to me as it may be to some.


  2. Love your pink today. I would love you to visit my blog LOL come anytime. Not sure what blogs you are having trouble with. Hope it works itself out for you. I hope to be a little creative today. Happy PS By the way love your work

  3. Hmmmmmmmm that just doesn't seem right.....:(

    Happy Saturday to you!!

  4. I haven't been able to post a comment on your blog either. It just now took me three tries! I think it must be a Blogger problem and I wish they would get it fixed! It has been going on for months! By the way, I love the look of your new website. I spent hours looking at all your theatrical productions! We must share stories over a drink one of these days!


  5. I agree, I have stopped reading the blogs where they are Ka-fetching all the time, give me a break, if I want to listen to that I'll just call my Mother LOL
    I think I'm one of the happiest seniors I know!!!
    Be Happy and Play with Dolls

  6. Ok. I like that a lot "always make something beautiful" and of course it is ok to want to make comments . I love to read the comments on my blog and I have to admit I have used my blog to do some whining lately but hey I am not at all perfect and neither is my life .At times in all lives a little rain must fall .

  7. Don't know why some blogs are different. Maybe the difference is Blogger... typepad etc!! I am not too bright about computers....
    If you can't leave me a comment... email me!!
    Beautiful day here.... Hubby's car broke down today. Transmission line spewed fluid all over driveway & all the way to mechanic's garage... Gr-r-r-r-r!! That ought to be cheap Gr-r-r-r!!
    Have a great long weekend!!

  8. I'm wondering if the individual templates in Blogger have something to do with it. On the rare occasion, I have had to try three times to get something to post---for no apparent reason.
    Could the Mac and Blogger template HTML not *talk* to each other? Or maybe security upgrades?
    Another thing I can't figure--some blogs I get short security words, some are almost the whole alphabet!!!
    I'm going to have to go take a look at my settings to see if there are differences......
    Whine all ya want---done a fair share myself and I absolutely WANT that opening pic!!!! LOL!!!!


  9. Hey darlin', don't know what you mean by drop down boxes...guess I haven't encountered it yet. As for diets, let me know what you've learned...I need to drop a load. Went shopping yesterday for an outfit for a wedding in Oct. What's with the fat broad's section...prints and bright that just scream..."Hey, look at me, the beluga whale's coming your way!!" Damn menopause and diabetes for this lard hanging around!!

  10. Perfect intro picture!!!! Which leads me to an interesting observation. WHEN I was YOUNGER I did whine and moan more and I was bitchy sometimes. Now that I am older I am less annoyed! Age has it's good side, I guess.
    I also have been having sign in issues at random blogs I go visit all the time! I think it is a google glich. After 2 trys, I usually give up!
    Your diet tip is grossly hysterical!!!!!!

  11. Hi Tristan, you might be able to sort this out by deleting your browsing history. On Internet Explorer you can do this by clicking on Safety in the top bar and the first option is Delete Browsing History. It might be different for other browsers. Just make sure not to delete your cooking at the same time as this is a real bore as you have to remember all your passwords to re-enter familiar site. Good luck!

  12. Hi Tristan, you might be able to sort this out by deleting your browsing history. On Internet Explorer you can do this by clicking on Safety in the top bar and the first option is Delete Browsing History. It might be different for other browsers. Just make sure not to delete your cooking at the same time as this is a real bore as you have to remember all your passwords to re-enter familiar site. Good luck!

  13. That should have read cookies, of course, not cooking. I'm sure you won't have time for that!

  14. I know I have a mac too. Maybe that's why. I have to check mine. That's some kind of wacky diet. Although I do have a few friends who might try it. Me, pass the cheesecake!

    Happy Pink Saturday Tristan.


  15. Nothing wrong with whining every now and then. And I'm whining right along with you because I am tired of thinking of what I want to say and then not having it post. Anoying!

    Oh my, tape worms for loosing those pounds. Lord knows I still have some major baby weight to loose and my youngest is now five! Have you seen the show "A Thousand Ways To Die"? They have one story about a gal who used a tape worm for weight loss. She just didn't realize that the little bugger kept reproducing inside of her. I'm sure she look fabulous at her funeral after loosing all of that weight.

  16. In the past month I've had trouble with blogs that have "google" - and I have to hit the post twice sometimes more - then it will give me some letters to type in...and then it will usually go.

  17. "sanitizied tapeworms"?!?! OK, I'll try with you but you get to take the first bite. LOL!

  18. I'm having trouble commenting too, and also use a mac. I have to place the cursor into the comment box twice to get it to go though. Love your diet plan!
    Take care,

  19. Geeze, Tristan..i do miss your comments on my blog! Glad this explains it tho! Hope it gets resolved, as you used to be able to..
    Love the Whining pic!...looks like it helps! lol!

  20. Sorry to hear about your "comment" problem. It has to be the "Mac" thing. I hear they are great computers for artists. Hmm! Guess I will never know! Don't want to switch this late in life and be frustrated til I die! LOL!

    I hope you get it resolved soon! Computers can be frustrating at times, to say the least!!

  21. When I was a child, my dad used to say "do you have a tape worm in there or somethin?!" He was referring to me eating and not gaining any weight.

    I'm 56 now, and if I HAD a tape worm, it has left! LOL

    Love that advertisement! *smiles*

    Have a great holiday weekend.

  22. Hmm. My doctor told me to lose 30 pounds. There has to be an easier way than swallowing a tapeworm, though!

  23. Tristan, I do really miss your comments! Not sure why you can't leave them any longer. Blogger is weird sometimes, in that I have to 'do the dropdown' id box several times before I can actually post a message. You are on a mac? Have you checked out the Help section of blogger yet? Whatever the glitch is I hope it is fixed soon.......I need my Tristan comments again! LOL

    Oh yum! sanitized tapeworms are the best! Much better than the grotty, grungy bog worms.

    Hope your day tomorrow sparkles!

  24. Thank you but I think I will pass on the tapeworms...ewwwwwwww

    And you are wrong I look forward to you posts on my really make day...It always brightens my day when you commment...And yes when I the Chaorite and DragonFly pendant I thought of you...I always do...
    And anytime you want to Whine go right ahead..I will bring the cheese and would like a good fragant White Wine please sir.....

  25. I use a Mac but have had no trouble commenting on other people's blogs ... well at least it comes up that it needs to be approved first. Maybe it's that side that's not working properly. I don't know if you've tried to comment on my blog (as I haven't had any for awhile yet ... but that could be because they haven't been that interesting!LOL). Email me if you have tried and I'll check if something has been not set properly on my Mac.

  26. Good morning darlin'! Yes! I is very frustrating to be cut off from "COMMUNICATING" a thought to someone....I thank you for always leaving a cheery note on my mine, you are very kind. I LOVE THAT WEIGHT LOSS AD! Wow, how we have come up in the world, however, in 100 years, someone will look back on our archives and laugh at Atkins, Weight Watchers and the plethora of other diets! Take care sweet friend, Anita

  27. Paula - yes! yours is one that has the dreaded drop down i.d. menu! I actually did try to email you, but I can't find an address anywhere on either of your sites. :(

    ...the new Marie sets are just delightful!!

  28. You do find the most delightful things on the web to share with us. Thank you! I have been looking into ways to eat and be healthier. I do not think that this would fit the bill though.
    I love the peacock blue sofa below. Can't believe you let it go (at whatever exorbitant price it eventually went for) .. :)

  29. Lol Why didn't I think of that TAPEWORMS! Of course everytime I go to Mexico I lose weight also : )

    Whine ~ I too am having the same problem you are... Plus....

    I follow many blogs and sometimes when I go and visit, it says I'm not following anymore soooo I have to do it all over again and again... like yours I'll need to do the following thing again!

    How's your brain and the HTML's

  30. Hey Tristan, Blogger has updated the comment form and I had mine on the old one. If you try my site again, see if it works. Also put my email addy back up (just was trying to avoid all the SPAM I get from Russian ladies!!)

  31. I have the same problem! It is so frustrating and I dont even have a mac! Whine away... I totally relate! karen....

  32. Hey Mr. Tristan,

    Love your Pink Post...absolutely hilarious...sorry I am late and lazy this long weekend.
    Too busy working on stuff and looking at the sky for metal birds...

    And you make sure you leave comments on my blog. :O)
    Comments are always moderated on blogs and I always get them.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  33. Eeeuuuwww tapeworms!!!

    I hope my blog doesn't do that - I've set preferences to make it as easy as possible to comment.

    Have you tried using Firefox instead of Explorer? Sometimes that makes a difference for me.

  34. I agree, I stay away from the blogs that have the drop down thingy. It's way too time consuming having to include all your info- then your forget what you were going to write!

  35. Hi Tristan!

    Yeah, that pisses me off about the "non-availability" for comment. Sometimes I write a whole paragraph and find I can't save it as it is asking me for another password different from my Google Account, or some such shenanigans.

    I have plenty to complain about during the day and so my blog is the "toned" down version of what happens in my life!


  36. Nice to hear from you again Tristan. Is my blog one of the annoying ones? If so PLEASE tell computer crashed about a month ago and I had to get a new hard drive. I had a friend tell me I needed to change my comment section so I did, but that was before the crash. And yes it is very frustrating to have that stupid window pop up! It's okay to vent...

  37. I must banish my fat, and still desire the ability to eat, eat, eat! You are a life saver...thank you, Tristan!

  38. Wish I could help you with the comment problem, but I'm as lost as you with that stuff! I think I need to try that diet!!

  39. your still funny - I love it :)
    sanitized tape worms - hey I think that might work. That is a wonderful vintage image. . . . . . . . .YOU can still leave comments on my blogs - that would be fab with me . Why do you think blogs are starting to do that? In a way I think it is interesting .I don't worry much about comments, I get so few it's p-p- p-pitiful.

  40. I'm leaving you an award on my blog if you get a chance swing by and pick it up!

  41. Oh My God the week is almost over and I'm still trying to work my way playing bloglandia catch up!! I'm going to be one happy mom when this wedding becomes beautiful memories!!

    The tape worm diet has been around for a few hundred years. The practiced started with the European aristocrats in the countries that found rubenesque women decidedly not sexy:)But what was a woman to do she had to be young and willowy but eat 12-14 course meals of very rich fatty food. Why you just swallowed a tape worm! :) In fact this little diet has been a practice of the rich up to the first world war.
    Hummmmmm care for a bit fettunici pasta??

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.
