Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Finally! I feel as if I've hit the jackpot!

Finally! I feel as if I've hit the jackpot! ... and I didn't even go to Vegas!

I'm not terrific at html code and building web pages. My mind just doesn't work that way. So, when I realized I really had to update my website, as it was getting particularly tired and dowdy, a friend told me the only way to do it without having a monster of a time, was to get Dreamweaver and just "follow the directions." Harrumph. Follow the directions, indeed. After the entire weekend and almost all of the last three days, I finally got the new site up and running. I'm not exactly sure what constitutes a job being a "monster;" but, if it takes five days, in MY book, that's a monster! Now that I've actually completed it ... please take a look around! I think I have, at long last, linked all the dozens of pages and thumbnails and have it working pretty well - even though it doesn't view well in Explorer, for some reason.

I decided this photo by David Sherry for Paris Vogue was an excellent example of exuberance and happiness to commemorate the day that Vermont joins the rarified - but growing! - group of states that allows marriage equality beginning today!

If I had a hotel - actually, I hope to never have a hotel - but, if I had one, I would definitely want the reception lobby to have this knock-out French art deco sofa that was in the Paris Grand Hotel. Isn't it lush and wonderful?! The literature from the auction stated that it seats 6. Now that's some big sofa! I love that peacock blue color (remember writing in peacock blue fountain pen ink in junior high?), and is anything better than buillion fringe?
At the same auction was this lovely, lovely hand painted 18th century Swiss commode with serpentine front and bun feet. It's not really my style - a bit too country cute for me - but this one is nice that I would very much like to have it. As the price rose to five figures, I decided it was just as well that I'm not really into country hand painted furniture, as I could never buy it anyway!
A friend sent me this wonderful old photograph of two very spiffy gentlemen posing with their beloved Pomeranian. I suppose there was supposed to be a correlation between the photograph and the many photos taken of Jon and I with our devilish beloved Pom, Dusty.In searching and surfing for vintage circus images to use in a current project, I came across this rather remarkable solid perfume container/compact by Estee Lauder. Though not terribly familiar with make-up and toiletries packaging, I'm fairly certain I've ever seen anything like this on my mother's dressing table.

I have absolutely fallen in love with this antique French iron gazebo. Of course, as it's 14' square, and we only have small front-and-back-of-the-condo decks, I'd have to move it indoor and turn it into a bathroom. But the lack of privacy might be worth it to have such a delicious piece of architecture! I don't believe they carry this at our local Home Depot Plant and Garden Center.
One of my new favorite artists! Though these have the look of assemblage altered art, they're actually bronze sculptures by Ron Rogers. I find these absolutely gorgeous - and provocative.

You can see more of his work by clicking here.

Speaking of gorgeous and provocative! The long awaited "The Private World of Yves Saint Laurent & Pierre Berge" by Robert Murphy and Ivan Terestchenko was released yesterday! I've been hearing about this volume for almost a year - and I've been anxious to see it. I've pre-ordered it from Amazon, but it's not here yet - darn it! I can't wait to take a photographed tour of the famous (fabled!) homes of the renowned designer and his partner.

This excerpt from a review of the book has me even more anxious to read (well, look at the pictures!): One of the most talented and influential couturiers of his time, Yves Saint Laurent began his career as Christian Dior’s protégé and went on to become a legendary arbiter of twentieth-century style. Saint Laurent’s extraordinary taste went well beyond the world of fashion, and in this lavish volume, the eight splendid homes he shared with friend and lifelong business partner Pierre Bergé are presented in immaculate detail. Notoriously shy, the designer and Bergé lived in luxury, surrounded by incomparable collections of furniture and art. From the serene interiors of their apartment on the Rue Babylone to the incandescent beauty of the Villa Majorelle in Marrakech, Bergé and Saint Laurent’s sensibilities come alive. Taken after Saint Laurent’s death in 2008, Ivan Terestchenko’s photographs capture these exquisite surroundings in full, showcasing nineteenth-century French décor, important paintings by modern and Romantic artists, and masterpieces of furniture, sculpture, and silver ranging from the Renaissance to the Art Deco era. Though the homes presented here are now empty, The Private World of Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Bergé is a testament to a rare union of passion, elegance, and supreme connoisseurship.
I have a few friends who I think would look spectacular in this Louise Black charmer! Not only is the general silhouette pretty amazing, but that skeleton image on the corset definitely takes this out of the proverbial design box! To see more of her work (or get the link to her Etsy shop) just click on the photo and it will whisk you to the exotic and humorous world of Ms. Black!

This 19th century French jardiniere would look amazing with a glass insert and used as as champagne bucket, wouldn't it! It would be the first time I would be compelled to toast the ice bucket!
I know I should wait until Pink Saturday to post this, but I haven't signed up for Pink Saturday yet - probably I'll get started again next week. But I can't resist sharing this. We used to be so easy to please, weren't we?!

I believe I'm going to take the rest of the day off and shake the html code out of my head. I don't want it there! I have limited space and ability to remember things at this age, and I do not want the space being taken up with computer jargon! I'm rereading "Elmer Gantry" and rewatching "The Reader." Sounds like a nice afternoon for me - while basking in the cool, cool (at last) autumnal breezes!

But, you shouldn't be as lazy as I am! Get in that studio - or kitchen - or garage - or basement - or corner of your bedroom - and make something beautiful!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Your new website is a reflection of you. Lovely. Some of the links did not work for me, I'm using explorer but it could also be a traffic issue. Spectacular scuptures by Ron Rogers. I adore his work. So, go dance and shake the html off. Sea Witch

  2. OMG Tristan!!! I don't know where to start without writing a book!
    Love the new site, my uncle had a slot machine just like the one you pictured, Congrats to Vermont for joining the civilized world!, I will fight you for the sofa and chest of drawers, old pic--yes--you and Jon and the little darling!, and the sculptures are absolutely amazing! I love the woman with the wings---looks like a caduceus!!!
    At that I stop---beautiful website; fascinating blog----amazing person who does both!


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Tristan your website is fantastic! Love the fonts and icons you used :D

    The only link that didn't work for me was the Exhibition History. I'm using Firefox.

    That Estee Lauder item is certainly original! What a spectacular find.

  5. What a great post, Tristan. I'm always amazed at the treasures you find. I've been thinking about learning HTML so this was very interesting. I'm going to check out your website - maybe with a bit of encouragement I can do it too.

  6. So, what's new??????????????????????????
    Just visited your extraordinary website!!
    thanks for the fun, lovely, enchanting images,(again)!!!!!!

  7. Hi Tristan,

    Not sure if you're interested but if you want to remove the blue border around the little crown above "Enter" you just add border=0 to the tag, like so:
    < a href="link">< img src="image" border=0>< /a>

    Again, not sure if you're interested in doing this but thought I'd offer just in case :)

    Looks really great by the way! :)

  8. Returned to tell you that I just checked out your new website and I was flabbergasted! Fabulous. I almost fell out of my chair when I saw your quilts.

    I've been waiting so long to do a website and perhaps Dreamweaver will finally get the job done. I hope I don't lose my marbles. (What's left of them.)


  9. So MUCH incredible Tristaness ... .
    both here and at the new website:

    The quilts / the skeleton
    dress / the R.Rogers sculpture !!
    And , most of all ... . the balls to dive into HTML.


    Now get that stuff out of your
    creative head and make room for
    something far more interesting.


  10. Hello again, Tristan! You did a tremendous job with your website. Bravo! It's very regal looking, which I like a lot. Creating a website can be a daunting task, but you were obviously up for the challenge.

    That little Pom looks just like my babies, Willow and Neo! They're Keeshonds - but Pomeranians are in the same family. At first I thought it was a Kees, but he's way too small. So so cute. :)

    I also love that beautiful Swiss suits me. But even better is that AMAZING French jardiniere! I could find so very many uses for that.

    Thanks for sharing all this delightful eye candy today!

    Best wishes, Theresa PS Hasn't our Connecticut weather been absolutely glorious as of late? :)

  11. Tristan ~ Just a quick note! First, your webste reflects your wonderful and fun personality and second, I love visiting your blog, it makes me smile everytime I do!


  12. Tristan the new website looks grorious! You did a great job and in 5 days yet! I love the Rogers sculptures and that jardinerre makes me think of a crown. My humble littel crown you were asking about was a drawer pull from Hobby Lobby.

  13. What a great slot machine!
    I sympathize with you and your lack of computer know-how. I am a bit retarded when it come to my computer, too. I know how to do most of what I want to, but I get into trouble when I venture past what I know. It's so annoying. It really shouldn't be so difficult. My brain just doesn't seem to work that way either.
    I am now off to check out your 5 days of work!

  14. Don't know where to start my Friend.... So much to look at so much to read!!
    I love the vintage milk drink Ad... reminds me of "better" days w/ Mom & Dad.
    In light of Vermonts move to equalize marriage rights... WTH ever happened to seperation of church & state???
    I am a big fan of the HBO show "Big Love". I think it is amazing not to mention a fabulous plot!!
    Why can't people just live & let live??... Oh well....Enough of my soap box.
    Had Roadrunner & our cable down today for about 5 hrs. E-gads... What is a girl to do without her RR??
    Gotta' Run....
    Both of you have a Wonderful & Peaceful Evening!!
    p.s. Got my new book today....
    "The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe" by Randy Tamborelli.....
    Yep, I just can't read enough about the Kennedy/Monroe Era!!

  15. Hey Tristan .... I haven't had time to check out your new website (but I will, I promise), but hey love some of the photos you've posted on this post ... I just don't know where you get all those images from.

  16. A wonderful job indeed with your website.

    I just can't get my head around pink pudding!! It's not going to happen for me.

    Love the art work!

  17. Tristan dearest! You are back with us! YEAH! Thanks for coming to my silly little play; you are a pro and know the ropes, but I am just amusing myself to no end...I so enjoyed your post. Love that teal blue couch and BRAVO to Vermont....and Ives St. Laurent was so elegant. What a beautiful home he had and what a life he led! JOIE DE VIVRE! Oh, and thank you for the marvelous music. Bette and Edith are some of my favorites. Have you seen La Môme? (La Vie en Rose in Hollywood). The acting is superb. Take care dear one, you are special. Anita

  18. Yes a drawer pull and I wish we had that store closer to me too. It's about a 1 1/2 hour drive...but I'd say worth it. ;-) And btw I added the bling it didn't come that way.

  19. fab post as usual, love all the stuff on my idol YSL, I'll have to pick up the book in Chicago in Oct. The Web site looks great love the color choice and crowns LOL Must be off to sew up a wardrobe for my big city visit YAY

  20. Hello Kiddo!!

    Glad to see that you waded through summer!! I giggled myself silly with the Wedding picture :) I forwarded it to my boys I should start to hear the laughter coming from the northlands soon :)

    I'm off to see the new site before we have to shut down with the electrical storms left over from the hurricane, still swirling around over head.

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  21. You website is beautiful. It totally fits you and your style. I do love that art deco sofa.
    On my Saturday post, I left a treat for you on my blog. Go check it out.

  22. Thank You for the compliment you left on The Chateau of Remnants. Very kind of you.(about the fan)

    Cool blog..I have to check out the your web site...aka the monster

    Have a great week!

  23. Way cool web worth every minute you put into it!!!

  24. Hey Tristan,

    Your site looks great! I love playing with code but 5 days straight of it would make me a mad woman. :0)

    I love that sofa and the sculpture of the woman with wings...

    As far as getting anything done..I think I need to just stand in a corner and ponder what the *&%$# I do next! I seem to be moving in reverse..Tomorrow is Thursday..enough already!

    Great post...and have a lovely evening,

  25. Wonderful update on your site! I loved looking around. Thanks for stopping by my blog and yes, my dog really did eat my mini-kit. I was soooo mad I could hardly speak. Poor puppy didn't know what to think for awhile! LOL! I hope Dusty keeps his jaws to himself!

  26. Hello Tristan,

    Wow! Love your website...I know it's not totally finished yet...but love the theater and reading about what you do.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  27. Thanks for another inspiring blog post with fabulous pictures and fun text!! I'm off to look at your website now and am sure I will enjoy my visit to your quilt world!

  28. You, my talented friend, are a true dream-weaver. Relax knowing that tiny feet are dancing, shrill miniature trumpets are playing in celebration. Whose feet and trumpets I do not know.

  29. Tristan, where to begin? Love the site but agree some things are just hard to do and time consuming. Love deco, love the bronzes, the Estee Lauder box, ummm, pink pudding add, Poms, Vermont, you get the picture. Lot's of wonderful eye candy! Hugs, Pam

  30. Tristan..what a great, mine is Isolde..:)...Wonderful and interesting blog...I will be back to visit..have a lovely weekend..greets from Holland.

  31. This is a brilliant post and like most people dont know where to start.

    Cannot wait to get my hands on the YSL book! Truly an amazing life YSL and Pierre Burge had created for themselves.

    The jardiniere is just wonderful. As an Icebucket it would be perfect!

    Estee Lauder creates different bejewelled compacts every year and there have been whole books about them Packaging and perfume beig one of my passions!

  32. OMG!...So much beautiful eye candy here,Tristan! It is so wonderful to see you back to your usual task of giving us great images and info!

    Your new web site is truly amazing...I am going back in there and just drool a lot! lol!
    The homepage just oooozes with delightful things to come...i
    could hardly wait to see what was inside! usual, you did not disappoint. You are still my inspiration for the fabric collages..such lovely detail and work!

  33. Greetings from Iberia. I'm so glad
    Catherine recommended visiting here, your blog has charm that knocks you down. Like coming upon the crowns of many kinds on a hat rack.
    I really had a good time reading several of your past entries. Congratulations, you have a superb blog!

  34. What a wonderful post Tristan! After a month of 'eating' rather sparsely, I feel like I have just gorged myself on delicious goodies!

    Your new website looks fabulous. I'm on IE and a couple of lines of text did overlap each other, but everything was still readable and the pics look wonderful. It is also very easy to navigate - good job!

    Love the corset dress!! (plus just about everything else you posted about - well, maybe not the pink pudding).

    Sorry that you are having trouble posting on some blogs. I miss your comments!


  35. Good morning precious Tristan! I hope you are enjoying the waning days of summer...back to school for me on Tuesday! Thank you for coming to vote for my silly play! You are priceless. Ciao! Anita

  36. The charmer is gorgeous. Should get one for the missus. Can I get one at Walmart?
