Friday, September 11, 2009

Has it really been a whole week?!

Indeed, it has been almost a week since I've posted ... where does the time go? So many things to share this time ... hope you don't wear out on me before I'm through! Why don't you get yourself a nice cup of tea (or coffee) and linger awhile, do a little reading, and follow some links!

First - and most importantly - I have to show you the exquisite new piece of art I acquired from Ingrid Mida of Fashion Is My Muse!!!! I love it so much! It's almost impossible to see in a photo - but it's a superimposed image over a lovely toile print which has been embroidered and beaded. It is so delicate and charming and the handwork is nothing short of remarkable. Please visit Ingrid's website here - and be prepared to ooh and aah!
Want to go shopping? These photos of the Paris shop, Maison Objet, were posted on Paris Apartment - and I've already placed this on my list of places to visit when in Paris. Wouldn't this be a delicious way to spend an hour ... or two(!)? If you're a fan of all things Parisienne, you owe it to yourself to check out this wonderful - and informative! - blog.

The Paris Apartment blog is also where I discovered this awesome needlepoint whimsy. Yes - I wrote needlepoint! I think it's so witty and beautiful - and even though I'm not at all a fan of dead animals on the wall, I would so love to own it!I have received two lovely awards from lovely bloggers! The first is Circle of Friends from Shell at Swan of Dreamers. Shell has the most charming blog, which is always filled with inspirational words and words of kindness and respect. She stated that so many people gave awards that specifically targeted women, she was going to pass this on to three of her male blogger friends. I'm going to continue that tradition by passing it on to three of my favorite male bloggers. And they are ...

YSL Guy at Let Them Eat Cupcakes
Mo Mad Dog at Mo Mad Dog Stoneskin
Rupert Alistair at Classic Movies Digest

Guys, please take the award below and pass it on!

The next award is the Premio Meme Award - isn't it pretty?! I was awarded this by Michele of Michele Lynch Art.
Michelle creates fabulous steam punk jewelry ... check out her Youtube clip below - and when you see that wonderful Paris piece at around :33, remember my birthday is May LOL.

Okay, this award requires that I write seven things about myself that you probably don't know. So, here goes...
1. I was born in Alaska.
2. My mother was a Las Vegas showgirl before she became a wife and mother and Republican.
3. I had planned on being a dancer, but when my left foot was almost cut off by a lawn mower when was 13, I had to change career goals.
4. Seeing "Hair" on Broadway when I was in 7th grade changed my life forever.
5. My first appearance Off-Broadway in 1971 was in the nude.
6. I am very very active politically.
7. When I'm angry I swear, curse and cuss like a drunken sailor on leave.

And now I have to pass it on to seven others ... so, I'm awarding the Premio Meme Award to
Elena Maria Vidal of Tea at Trianon
Sandy of Sandy's Creepy Creations
gypsylulu of Gypsylulu Delights
David Toms of Savoir Faire
Marilyn of As Seen Through My Eyes
Catherine of A Thousand Clapping Hands
Tales From an OC Cottage
Please grab the above Premio Award and pass it on! And, folks, if you aren't familiar with these diverse and enchanting blogs, you should take some time and visit. They run the gamut of interests - from history to artists to interior design - but all are terrific people with much to share.

I have no idea why I love this photo - it's not as if haircuts (*making the sign of the cross to ward off evil*) interest me. But this photo just makes me smile. The barbers are so intent - and the customers so cheerful.

I mentioned my year-off birthday a few photos back ... well, if anybody has the inclination, I would just love to own this rare 1905 Mills Brothers of Chicago Double Dewey Slot Machine. Isn't it magical!? I'm not even interested in gambling - but I'm very interested in designing a room around this enormous machine!

Jon found this photo and said if we ever get married again (not in this lifetime, say I!), this is the wedding cake we should have. I must admit that the white chocolate frosting looks like a sheet of white silk tossed over a cake! And I do love those roses just scattered over it. But another wedding. Um. I don't think so.
I have always loved Daniel Merriam's work ... and just recently ran across his website - which is as bewitching as his work. If you're not familiar with his view of the world, please take a long and lingering visit there!

Speaking of art that invites opening your mind, while blog hopping, I came across this little jewel of a piece of art. It's an ATC (Artist Trading Card / 2 1/2" x 3 1/2") titled "Wound." It is by artist Jillian Schneider of Bohemiart. This piece just really spoke to me. You can see more of her work in her Etsy shop here and at her blog.

I finally figured out my nonstop problems with electrical appliances this summer. I am quite positive that I've been cursed by the one and only original Cobra Woman, Maria Montez. Since May we have had break down: air conditioner, refrigerator, dishwasher, oven, vacuum cleaner, computer, Bose sound system, and security code box for the front door. Damn you, Maria! What did I ever do to you?! And, as we just remodeled and replaced everything about three years ago, everything is juuuuuuuust past warranty. Can you hear me growl, Maria, can you?!

This charming 19th century French pique asiette jewel box is a real treasure, isn' it?! I love that, just as altered art and mixed media artists do today, 19th century folk artists found ways to use their broken and damaged bits and bobs of china. I also find it interesting, even though the antique dealer swore it was 19th century French, there is a piece on the front with "Home Sweet Home" written in English!
I'm leaving you today with this lovely Paris apartment ... I'm not absolutely wild about everything in the room - but, oh!, those gorgeous architectural features! Wouldn't you love to live with that fabulous moulding and raised panel doors and crown mouldings and ... and ... ? I would just adore having that painting over the doorway! What a surprise detail! Sigh. I bet that darned Maria Montez hasn't cursed all their appliances!
Okay, I'm off to do arty things ... mostly background work. I have to gesso some canvases to prep for collages, and put the second layer of paper on the backing of the first circus project, and do the final embellishments on three mixed media fabric collages. So, more grunt work than making art ... but it has to be done!

Now - YOU go make something beautiful! ... and show me the results!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Ohh, aahh, Cantona!

    Hey, I never gave you permission to raid my apartment in Paris - I hope you left my wine stash alone.

    Thanks for awarding me.

  2. Once again Tristan, I am overwhelmed by your images. Wonderful art, fabulous shop and some blogs and site to visit! If you ever get to Cincinnati you would die for the Deco. I know it ain't Manhattan but we have some doozies! Enjoy your weekend, Pam

  3. Thank you, Tristan, for the award! I am honored! You have a blog of utter enchantment. I want to add you to my blogroll!

  4. Oh my! I always find such glorious inspiration here! :)

    I adore looking through your old posts. Thank you for posting so many beautiful pictures and introducing me to some terrific new blogs!!

    I took your "go make something beautiful!" to heart. I'd been dithering over a couple of WIP's but yesterday I just got down to it and I'm so glad I did :)

  5. This post was like a magazine today! Fabulous as always.(Anna would be proud.) Thank you so much, Tristan. I never quite know what to say, but shall I just say that I'm glad I didn't end up on your editing room floor.

    Happy Weekend,


  6. Tristan! What can I say??? Thanks for the award!! Such high praise to be mentioned on your site! It is a lot to live up to! Again a fabulous posting, Now I want to go to Paris and do some needlepoint!

  7. Tristan, what a fabulous post!!! It was worth waiting a week for it, and I don't even know where to begin! Marvelous, wonderful treasures, for the eye and soul!!!
    Will write more later---working like a madwoman to catch up.
    And I love that ATC......


  8. Oh My, Tristan!! I so enjoyed your post from the personal disclosures to the beautiful art!! The Paris Apartment??? Not so much....
    Know what my dream apartment would be??? Penthouse on Park Avenue in NYC... museums, broadway & fine restaurants... book shop nooks & Tiffany's. My husband loves Rodeos, westerns & all that is Stetson & horses. Now how do we stay together all these years??
    Opposites Attract.... :-)
    You both have a Wonderful Weekend!!

  9. Hi Tristan - is that barbershop photo a copyright free image???

  10. Glad your sending the love on with the awards. I enjoyed reading the seven things about you. I have never performed in the nude. Maybe one day, I'll take the plunge!
    Ah, the cake looks divine. Have a beautiful weekend.

  11. Dearest Tristan, There is such a wealth of beauty and interesting things on this post!! I just love that jewel box! Take care dearest! Anita

  12. Hey Kiddo, Thanks for another smorgasbord of inspirations and beauty. What a great pick me up for a gal a bit under the weather!!!

    Oh but I must agree with Jon, that is the most beautiful cake I have ever seen!!! It has to be worth at least a reaffirmation of vows so that you could have the cake. Oye but then it's way to beautiful to cut soooooo Oh I know Lulu could make one it a faux cake!!!! Perfect Idea thanks!! You're the best :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  13. OMG!....I do believe i've saved the best post for last tonight!...
    I am late checking the blogs!
    What a delightful array of wonderful things here...
    And, of course...the surprising lovely honor!..I am thrilled and humbled. I thank you so much, Tristan! You have inspired me to get back into my art ..its time!
    thanks for the great links to some amazing blog sites...I so love the Merriam pieces..such fantasy! again, thanks for making my day!

  14. Hello,
    Even though I am not participating (as I missed the deadline yet again), I am doing an organic visit to wish my friends old and new, Happy Pink Saturday! If you aren't participating, well, just happy Saturday to you; )

    What's an organic visit'? It's one that takes a natural course through an almost viral form. I'm visiting people YOU have had visit, and then visiting people they have had visit, and so on! Great way to reach out and talk to people.

    Your post was delightful, Tristan, so rich and "round". You are an amazing human! HPS -


  15. I know I've already thanked you for the Circle of Friends Award in one venue Tristan but I wanted to again on your home turf. I would be proud to be in your circle of friends and am inspired, as I can see so many others are as well, by your passion and creativity. Rupert

  16. Congratulations on your awards! I think you may be the only blogger I 'know' that is not a woman. I will definitely go and check out the three bloggers you passed the award on to.

  17. I just love this post, that tree house is so fairy land, love all things Paris. Some interesting tidbits on you, your a interesting man, no doubt! Yes, I love the theater, sets, and costumes, don't get to hang out there as much anymore, but it is my favorite place in town

  18. You are much too kind, sir! Thank you so much!! Yet, I find myself wondering why...with such a fascinating "list"..I have never seen your life story on A & E??? Boy, do you have tales to tell! ;)

    m ^..^

  19. Yes, it has definitely been a week and some of us have been counting the minutes! We need our Tristan fix of beauty and fun! And this post is a particular good example of why I love your blog!

  20. Alaska-Vegas Showgirl-Nude Off Broadway??!!!

    But, of course - for you to become the ONeAndOnlyTristan ... .
    you could never have had a mundane history.


  21. ... . LOVE your glorious new
    Ingrid Masterpiece!

  22. Hello Mr. Tristan,

    Always a wonderful post to see and read...Love your piece from Ingrid, they are fabulous...

    So you are a Taurus? :O)
    Oh darn, now you have to wait until next May! LOL!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  23. WOW!! Tristan, I can't believe you didn't post for a week. I have been a very bad blogger lately, just do not have the time, but you. Your post was well worth the wait.

  24. Tristan mon cher,
    You and Jon looked wonderful at the theatre last night!!!! Thanks for coming and leaving such sweet comments. I appreciate your visits, you theatre pro, you!!! Anita

  25. Hey Tristan, It would be Fabulous to meet up with you in Paris! We will be there on the 14th and leaving the 18th for home. marilyn radzat will have her laptop to you could e-mail her to make arrangements to meet. We are hoping to also meet up with Leatitia(sp) Aude Berger who wrote the french book on my blog and maybe Virginie Ropers! It would be a blast!

  26. Oh much eye candy....per always have great links to follow and lovely works to view. I love that wedding cake and the artwork. I guess your memory is getting as bad as've added your Bella Sinclair award..but *blush* it was from me "Queen of Dreamsz"...not Gypsy LuLu...she's the one that passed it to me. :0)

    I actually got my light fixtures hung in the studio this weekend and a lot shelves put together in the lower level to hold fabric.

    Hope your weekend has been great,

  27. Tristan that cake is calling to me. I could just gobble it all up right now. What a work of art. The pique assiete box is also very lovely and inspiring.Did you buy it? I am now thinking of making something very similar myself with all the china and porcelain pieces that have survived for decades yet instantly fall apart when I put my hands on them.
    Have a good week.

  28. I am a big fan of Daniel Merriams work.

    Michele's work is amazing too, isn't it? I have a pair of her earrings and they are just so beautiful.

    Hope you are well and have a great week.


  29. Tristan, I loved everything you included in this post, and I didn't need sustenance in order to finish.

    You always have the most interesting things to share - and I even saw some pink.

    That cake is gorgeous, and I would say we all deserve a slice - wedding or no wedding.

  30. Too much temptation for a tuesday morning Tristan. I adore Ingrid's work - that is a very beautiful piece you have. Thank you for the gorgeous pics and links, xv.

  31. Hello Dear,
    I'm going to try and coment on most of this so hang with me,I had a mini stroke in May so my spelling and typing is a thing in the pass...LOL.I love the photo,the print on toile.I would love to own that myself.
    I'm going to check out Paris Apartment.I've already checked out Shell ofSwan of Dreams.Since I raise peacocks and I'm going to get me a pair of Swans as soon as our pond is doug,The nmae of her blog drew me in. Its a wonderful blog.I love it.
    Congrats on all your awards.You also have a wonderful blog and you deserve them.
    I also loved Hair,but I really love Treat Williams.I'm so happy that he is in alot more shows now. I'm sure you were quite good in your show,(nude)...
    You should never ever marry anyone twice.Most times it turns out worst than the first.
    The wedding cake though is devine.
    I think everyone has times when everything goes wrong.
    Anyway I think I covered almost everything.
    If you get the time,I am having a give away.Its my one yr anniversary.You take care.
    XXOO Marie Antionette

  32. You always have such wonderful things to share!! That cake - fantastic. Then I scroll and it goes out of my head, because something else more fantastic appears!!!

  33. your blog is just so fun Tritan! I bet you are a blast to hang out with. Very cool store to visit in Paris. I would want to go there too.
    Loved the cake and I think a faux one might be really cool for ya. Loved reading a bit about you too.

  34. How is it you manage to find the most amazing things??? I am now so entranced in the art of Daniel Merriam- it is AMAZING! It brings to life things we all dream of creating! WOW!!!
    thank you for always sharing so many wonderful things!
