Friday, August 21, 2009

Absolutely, Positively, 100%, Complete and Total Truth

... about a few of our rural neighbors.

I have a feeling they have not stolen my vision for the perfect bathroom...

I know this is the shortest post in Enchanted Revelry history; but, I'm off to be semi-productive - you go and make something beautiful - NOW!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Hi Tristan....I'm your first comment....woohoo. I wanted to let you know that you won something in my giveaway. Just send me your address, and I will send it to you. I hope you have a lovely day. xxoo valarie

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. LOL...Tristan, You don't have to go to the Ozarks.That happens right here in good ole Mississippi.
    When i first moved here in the early 60's,I thought I was moving to a strange land.If you weren't married by 16,you were considered an old maid.This is also true.Coming from New Orleans.I was in shock.
    Anywho...I love your perfect bathroom. Its gordeous.XXOO Marie Antionette

  4. Hi Ya' Tristan!!
    As a fellow New Englander I will say this.... "Not all red-necks live in the south!" I have un-earthed a few here in good ole' NE PA. Gad-Zooks...... some are even related (thru hubby's side, of course)!! ROFLMAO!!
    Are you ready for all the rain with Hurricane/Himicane Bill!! We just had a Tornado Warning for part of our county!! Holy Cow!!
    Hot.. Humid... Steamy... Sultry!!

  5. Okay need to come to Indiana, because a LOT of them migrated HERE!!!!
    So that movie could have been made right in the good ol' Hoosier State!!! (which really, this is NOT funny!)
    But you are priceless to find these images!
    Good luck with the productivity......mine has disappeared, sadly. I keep pushing to find it again! HA!



  6. Tristan, I just love the poster...I'm still laughing!! I went thru AR a few times, and there were little towns that were a bit too scary for even me!! I was especially scared when they told me at this one store that lots of "mesicans" were moving in and "they didn't like it one bit" old guy said he was going to "skin some of those mesicans" and feed the meat to his hogs. So this Beaner got the hell of out of Dodge as fast as my minivan could go!!!

    We need to get our Anne's groove back...whatcha say!!???

  7. Thanks as always for the laughter. Awesome poster, even more awesome bath...

  8. I am smack dab in the middle of the heartland and let me tell you, there is not shortage here in indiana. Oyvey.

    Being from NewEngland as I am, it's quite the cultural shock to the system and I have been out here for 18 years.

  9. OK to get in "hot water" if you have that WC!

  10. Now if I had a bathroom like this I would LIVE in the bath!!!! my bath is like that but the rest of it is not, this is so decadent x

  11. Dearest Tristan, it may be a short post, but that bathroom is TDF! And that poster! You are a hoot and I just adore you. I am making something beautiful....I was a dancer a while back and I am working on a tutu that I will be displaying with some point shoes. Now I just need to find a dress form! Have a great weekend, Anita

  12. The sad truth is things like that still happen, even in this day and time. And I have a feeling that one of those child brides would never have such a beautiful bathroom. Way too fancy!
    I am supposed to be creating beautiful slipcovers and, instead, I am blog surfing.

    Happy Creating and being semi-productive...

  13. Nuthin' like a little lovin' in the Ozarks! :) You renovate your bathroom to look like that and I am coming to see you! That's a promise...or a threat...not sure which one!


  14. the opening of this post! I also LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the bathroom!

  15. ...and yet in such a short post, you've inspired such creativity.

  16. Great poster, sparkling bathroom and great fun as ever to read your post!

  17. Tristan ~ Love this post, it's as sparkly as your wonderful personality!

  18. Well, it's not for nothing we Southern Californians call some of our inland neighborhoods things like "River-tucky" (Riverside) -

    I can just see Daisy Mae taking a bath in that there washtub.

  19. Hi Tristan, I'm new to your blog...happy to find another blogger from CT (I used to live in New Haven). I love your blog - and this post in particular was rather funny! It so cracked me up - reminded me of posters for Ed Wood films!!! The bathroom is to die for, by the way. I might never wish to leave it!

  20. Oh, I would love that chandelier in a smaller size for my Daughters bedroom. Can you imagine a chandelier in your bathroom, love it.

  21. Hi Tristan,
    I have just found your blog. Its wonderful. Great post!
    I like the poster and the grand bathroom. Perfect how it is designed like a living room. A good place to relax and read a novel or two!:)
    Anyway if you have a moment come and visit me... Joanne May Illustration Blogspot.
    See you again soon.:)

    Best wishes Jo.
    P.S. I like the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland!

  22. Nothing beats the steel legged bath. Apart from a cold beer in the sun. But why not have both?

  23. Hi Again,
    Thank you Tristan for visiting and leaving a kind comment about my work.:)
    It is always good to meet new creative people like yourself!:)
    I hope you don't mind but I have added your blog to my list of creative sites. I am now following you!:)

    Jo May.

  24. Love that bathroom. I am pretty sure an outhouse and a washtub are all you'd get in that particular area of the south! Why didn't they cover this seamy side in Petticoat Junction? Hmmm...

  25. Hello Mr. Tristan,

    I have to say that this luxurious bathroom is rather to live in than to use...don't you agree?


    ~ Gabriela ~

  26. Maybe the brides were promised a bathroom like the one pictured....NOT!!!! FAB!...the tub, not the brides!
    Thank you for your lovely visit!

  27. Hey there Tristan,

    I have been researching my comments issue over at the blogger forum...I've made a few setting changes at my blog and so far the ones that couldn't leave me a comment are now able to!! YAY

    So please try again to leave me a comment..we'll see what happens. :0)

    Have a great day,

  28. It worked!!! I'm so glad you can "talk" again at my blog.:0)

    Geesh, only took me 3 months or better to solve this. :0/

    See ya,


    Oh and Tristan, um, Mister Fabuloso - I asked you not to put a photo of my private bath on your blog, remember???

    Tee Heee ;) ;) ;)

  30. Whose bathroom is that Tristan? It is simply gorgeous. Wonder what the rest of the house looks like? Happy creating!

  31. Oh Lordy, I'm probably related to some of those brides!


  32. LOL! This post is great! Too funny!

  33. Popping in for a Friday smile!! Thanks for providing it:)

    Happy Weekend to you!!

  34. Stopped back to let you know....
    I just posted a HUGE Give Away on my Blog! Come on over & leave a comment to enter!!

  35. JUst blog-hopping over here... That bathroom *swoon* - I want it!

    See you around Tristan...

  36. I need that bath too!! I totally (lol.. yes..I am from CA) loved reading your blog today!! Thanks for stopping by mine too!!


  37. Yes, I could become accustomed to a bath just like that. Too bad that it won't be happening for me.

    Okay, Tristan. It's September now. It's time to come out and play. Maybe I'll see you this Pink Saturday. ;-)

  38. Oh Tristan, that is the most gorgeous bathroom ever. I want it. Perhaps I'll paint my clawfoot silver!!

    I have not been able to post comments on many blogs for weeks either; it must be some blogger glich that hopefully they're working on. I have to copy my comment, (just in case), and try to do it twice. It will usually go through the second time. VERY annoying indeed.

  39. Child brides? I live in Kentucky, so this is not a shocking concept to me...hahaha!
