Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pet Parade Party

Today is the Pet Parade Party, sponsored by Katillac Shack. Dusty thinks this is a grand idea ... but he has absolutely no - as in none, zero, zilch, nada, zip, NO - interest in wearing any kind of clothing whatsoever. He won't even stand for a scarf. I suppose I should be glad - I would probably be one of those people who have different coats for every day of the week for the dog! Frankly, I just think he's convinced that any type of attire whatsoever would detract from his matinee idol profile!

If he did wear clothing, I suppose it would have to be a safari jacket and a pith helmet ... he does love exploring - especially the first snowfall of the year, which he considers quite the grand adventure. When the snow gets over a foot deep, and he can no longer traverse it, he gets a little less enamored with the whole thing. I understand the feeling completely.
Dusty also loves to chase squirrels ... and would happily yap at the bottom of a tree for hours, trying to coax one down to play. Though some dogs love to eat squirrels, I'm quite sure that Dusty would have no idea what to do with a squirrel if he actually captured one...probably the same as happened when he finally cornered a cat: a quick sit down and whining because he was completely confused by the change of scenario! However, when my sister sent him a squashed squirrel furry toy, he loved it! He still won't really "play" with it. But, he enjoys laying next to it and licking it. I'm not sure, but I think he believes it's his baby. Silly boy! How could he have delivered a baby?! We had him fixed.

But mostly, he just enjoys sprawling out on pillows and cushions and playing the Lord of the Manor. Which, admittedly, he is. He completely rules this roost!
This video of "Design Gives Back: Pet Scarf Project" has raised several thousand dollars for the Northland Pet Pantry. Enjoy the video - and then visit The Katillac Shack and find the many people who are taking their pets for a stroll down the Red Carpet for the Pet Parade Party!

And, of course, as always, after you've made your round and become inspired, go make something beautiful!

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Dusty is very handsome. No wonder he prefers to be without clothes! His magnificence would be greatly reduced with a jacket, let alone a scarf. He is perfect just as he is!

    P.S. Did you try your slipcover yet?

  2. With such a distinguished Fluffy Fur like that ... .
    who needs anything else?

    He's a living Doll!


  3. What a handsome boy!!!

    This post is yet another bit of proof as to why I have awarded you the Superior Scribbler award.


  4. If he licks a toy squirrel I'd hate to think of how terrified a real squirrel would be. A real squirrel, cowering high in a tree, would be thinking 'yeah right, I'm gonna come down and lie next to you so you can lick me?'

  5. Well, Dusty is just completely KING, so he can do whatever he wants...lick the toy squirrel, lay on the pillows, expect to be pampered....I mean,he just needs a crown. That's the only apparel.
    Well, maybe a nice plush purple velvet robe to take naps on too! ;)


  6. Dusty is soo cute! I love the picture with him in the snow. He sort of looks like a miniature version of my Chow Chow, Cocco. She also loves chasing and barking at squirrels. I'm convinced they enjoy teasing her as well. On my way to check out the red carpet before it gets stained.

  7. How beautiful your little boy is! We own two Keeshonds, which is a relative to the Pomeranian. We have a girl, Willow, and a boy, Neo. They have an abundance of gray-black-white fur and are, essentially eternal 2 year olds. But I love them so! I did not know about the Pet Parade. My baby boy loves our kitty, Jazz. He especially loves to lick her ears! Willow is quite demure and does everything with precision...she's a crafty dog and highly intelligent. Neo has an amazing lust for life and loves everyone he meets. He enjoys sleeping atop my head and showering me with kisses each morning when I wake. Wish I could plug in some photos of my babies here for you to see! Sincerely, Theresa

  8. Dusty is gorgeous! Too bad he doesn't like clothes, he'd look so cute in a scarf :)

    I immediately noticed your cushions - love those!! Beautiful fabrics. He's certainly a spoiled boy :)

  9. Dusty is so sweet...maybe if you got him some Formal Wear that would work..I can see him in a little white collar and black bow tie...And yes our pets become the ruler of the house so quickly...I have two female cats and one lets my hubby know when she wants her cat box cleaned...She will sit and stare at it until he takes notice...Now of course he could have cleaned and hour before but that means nothing..What Prissy wants she gets...You just got to love our little pets...

  10. Oh my gosh, what a sweet little guy!
    Dogs are just the best, I have 4 of them (Yes, I am crazy)
    Take Care,
    Tracy M.

  11. Loved seeing your little Pom boy!!! I have a little red pom girl ;o) She's getting up there now, 12. But she is totally a princess so I can relate!! xo

  12. Dust is a handsome boy! He looks wonderful in his silky coat. Sea Witch

  13. Hi Tristan!

    Thank-you for being a part of this!

    Dusty is so cute with his baby!

    You have a great heart for animals and we appreciate you sharing it with us.....I am so happy to know you and your wonderful blog! Thank-you for helping the cause!

    love, kelee and oliver

  14. Dusty is beautiful. He just makes my heart melt.

  15. Dusty is certainly the King of the Castle!! He is an absolutely beautiful pooch.... I love his coloring!!
    Don't ya' love em'?????
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  16. Oh! I wish I had a pet! I can't join in, but I do enjoy everyone's little loved ones so much. Tristan, you are great. You are going to be my October Angel. I'll let you know when I post. Have fun!! Anita

  17. Oh! I wish I had a pet! I can't join in, but I do enjoy everyone's little loved ones so much. Tristan, you are great. You are going to be my October Angel. I'll let you know when I post. Have fun!! Anita

  18. Hello,

    This message is for Mr.Dusty, Mr. Tristan's son.

    Dusty: Boys do not make babies...and squirrels would be out of the question!
    You look just fine without any accessories. :O)

    What a cutie! How old is this dude?

    ~ Gabriela ~

  19. He's like his daddy - OLD.

    Dusty is 13 ... which in dog years is almost as old as I am! LOL

  20. That is the cutest little lap accessory I've ever seen, almost like a cat, rules the roost and sleeps all day, now I want a dog too!

  21. Dusty's cute for sure ... he reminds me of my ragdoll cat (should I be saying that?!) -- just his coloring.

  22. You are soooooo lucky to have Dusty. Our little dogs hate the snow and act like we are walking them to the guillotine when we take them out in it (even bundled in sweaters and coats)!

  23. Dusty is quite sweet!! What a clever little guy.

    We are going to "interview" a candidate for House Dog this weekend. He's a golden lab. I'm not quite sure how we can turn him down once we meet him....

  24. Well, no wonder Dusty resists further adornments. He is so totally gorgeous just as he is. Give him a big hug from me!

  25. Well, no wonder Dusty resists further adornments. He is so totally gorgeous just as he is. Give him a big hug from me!

  26. Well, no wonder Dusty resists further adornments. He is so totally gorgeous just as he is. Give him a big hug from me!

  27. Hell Tristan,
    I found your Blog through Georgina.
    She passed her to me and I just wanted to know who the other 6 award- winners are.
    So I really had a ball scrolling through your blog.
    It´s so colourfull, magical and fabulous.
    I can´t help it, I will have to sign up as a follower.
    I wish you a wonderful sunday
    Regards from Germany

  28. I'll puppysit for you anyday!

  29. Why would you cover up any part of that adorable Dusty with clothing?! He is just too darn cute!!


  30. I wish I could be free of clothing too..hee,hee! It's wonderful what The Katillac Shack is doing!

    Sandy xox
