Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It's Wednesday, So It Must Be 97 Degrees Outdoors...

Last night, as I was getting into bed to read a while before falling asleep (which seems to take a much shorter time than it did twenty years ago!), I realized that my stack of bedtime reading was getting out of hand. So this morning I gritted my teeth, girded my loins (what does that mean exactly?), and started to shelve the bedside leaning tower of light reading.
But where? I realized that every shelf on my bookshelves were not only completely filled ...
...but that books were piled in front of the shelved books ... so I went searching for another place to store my store ...
however, all the limited space on my art supply shelves was already taken up with books, ....
... and even the drawers in all the chests were stacked with books. What's a boy supposed to do?

Then I saw this fabulous photo on Leslie Austin's charming blog, The Bower. I was so excited to find somebody whose bedside reading pile far surpassed my own! All of a sudden, I was no longer alone in the world with more books than shelving!

She also quoted Sydney Smith: "There is no furniture so charming as books ... even if you never open them, or read a single word." I breathed another sigh of relief that Mr. Smith, the noted clergyman and writer understood. What better permission to come than from a man who can actually make poetry from salad dressing ingredients!

Two boiled potatoes strained through a kitchen sieve,
Softness and smoothness to the salad give;
Of mordant mustard take a single spoon,
Distrust the condiment that bites too soon!
Yet deem it not, thou man of taste, a fault
To add a double quantity of salt.
Four times the spoon with oil of Lucca crown,
And twice with vinegar procured from town;
True taste requires it and your poet begs
The pounded yellow of two well-boiled eggs.
Let onion's atoms lurk within the bowl
And, scarce suspected, animate the whole,
And lastly in the flavoured compound toss
A magic spoonful of anchovy sauce.
Oh, great and glorious! Oh, herbaceous meat!
'Twould tempt the dying Anchorite to eat,
Back to the world he'd turn his weary soul
And plunge his fingers in the salad bowl.

So I have decided that, until I am blessed with an 18th century mahogany bookcase to house my written sleeping aids, I shall simply enjoy the stacks of books that are starting to find their way into every room in the place!
Oh! Before I forget - I found this remarkable treasure at 1st Dibs antique center. Isn't it WONDERFUL?! I would love to have room for it (and an extra fifty thousand to buy it!). I think if anybody deserves an art deco ticket booth (easily converted to a mini-bar or sauna!), it would be me! Not to be selfish or self serving you understand - simply because it's only fair.
Speaking of fair. Somebody else actually owns these exquisite painted and silk upholstered Louis XVI Beechwood Fauteuils. If there was fairness, I'd have them in my bedroom - with books stacked under and beside them, of course!
I have known many weavers and spinners in my time. I am so admiring of their work - and patience! I've tried doing both - not my cup of tea. I've also known several people who have raised their own sheep for their wool.

However, I have yet to see a wedding gown made with the luscious strands from a Lincoln Longwool! This spinner/weaver/shepherdess in Lincolnshire had her gown created from her beloved wool ... and I think it's a stunner! Click on the photo to get a really good look-see! (Whoever came up with that expression?)

Well, I must get my day moving along. Since I didn't accomplish shelving my books, I must go on and see what else I can not get accomplished. Perhaps I'll just lay in my plain simple down home everyman bed and ... read one of those books!

Actually, I'm going to finish some art projects ... why don't you go make something beautiful, too!

...Did you notice I got through this entire post without whining like a third grade girl about the heat and humidity and mugginess and unpleasant weather we're having?

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. There are a few moments in life when I am genuinely sad that I don't have
    VERRRY DEEP Pockets .. .
    and this is one of them.

    You so deserve that art deco ticket
    booth and it would give me such a
    grand giggle to have it delivered
    to your front doorstep!


  2. Food is edible poetry!
    The never ending book storage!!!!!! I have often thought it would be wonderful to have a library room, the kind with ladders that roll along the wall!!!! And a big down oversized chair with good light, reading glasses available, cashmere throw(robins egg blue),and sky light.
    I want that ticket booth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wonder if it's similar to the one that St. Peter sits in at the gates of heaven????
    One please!
    I'll save you a place!

  3. O.K., I am gonna' whine like a little girl about the heat & humidity!! Actually, I am sequestered inside with my beloved AC.... I even have the heavy drapes pulled to my sunroom windows!!
    My post today was also about books... Great minds!?!?
    My bedside also right now consists of 2 Richard Russo books, Nelson Demille, James Patterson & a few more I can't remember without actually going upstairs to see & that ain't gonna' happen.
    One of my favorite saying is this " A Room without Books is like a Body without a Soul"!!
    So true, at least for me!!
    Hugs & Smiles,

  4. Oh, I love the pics of all those books and of course I was bending my head in all kinds of directions to see what you're reading!

  5. How wonderful! I too decided just to let mine stack up regardless...and I agree, they are wonderful pieces of furniture, so let the book buying and reading continue!

  6. You can never have too many books, though I really would like to store the masses I own in that INCREDIBLE bookcase---of course, that will be in another lifetime when I am rich and famous......NOT this one! LOL!!!
    I have book piles everywhere, and the house feels naked without them. I don't know what to do without something to pick up and read or at least look at the pics......
    Maybe we should all start a new trend; furniture made from books. ;)
    And I have accomplished nothing today.......feels like there is a storm coming in so I'm in slug-mode. Oh well.

  7. OMG, somebody else who has book cases that resemble mine! Thank you! I love it!!! Not only that - but we have a lot of the same books on those shelves!

    Oh, and just so you know - when you hit your 60s you'll have more reading time in bed - especially on hot, muggy seems you don't need much sleep when you get this old!

  8. I was just going through the books I have picked up lately and not read yet There are 25 not counting my stack of library books. I have finally gotten into the habit of sending my previously read books to Good Will (except art and dec books of course) because we just plain ran out of room. Unfortunately each time I go I take a "peak" at the bookshelves there and come home with more than I drop off. LOL.
    I agree that ticket booth should totally be yours. What a wonderful bar it would make! It is hot and muggy here too, but since it rained the first half of the summer I ain't gonna complain.

  9. We have the book issue in common. My stack of books waiting to be read is probably taller than I am.

    That wedding dress is gorgeous, and just look at the groom's vest and ascot.

  10. THat dress is vondarbar!!! I would wear that, and it has been 97 everyday for 2 months, so I'll whine for you LOL

  11. Hey Tristan,

    Yes, I'd love to have that mahogany bookcase too. I think I'd need more than one of them though. :0) I am a hopeless book junkie...well...actually, paper in general. :0)


    PS: Your award is waiting for you at my may have missed my comment to you the other day?

  12. Ooooh that's a lot of books! LOVE those chairs!!!!

  13. Your book shelves look like my books shelves...all double parked. My sister and I kid each other about being a satellite warehouse for Barnes and Nobel as between the two of us we hae enough books to open our own library. Sea Witch

  14. Hello Kiddo,
    "Girding one's loins" Proverbs: 31:17 Biblical Expression meaning to tuck up the traditional long robe into a girdle (belt) so as not to impede physical action. I love the internet you can research anything on it!!!!

    We actually have solved some of our book stashing habits. Because they are a bit scarce here we tend to read and pass along. When the books reach the last one in the group they are donated to our English language library. They just build more shelves for them:) Also any paperback left out for very long ages FAST!! Books that were published 3 years ago look like they are 30-40 years old. The salty, humid, hot air really does a number on paper!!:(

    OMG Are those dreadlocks I spy on that wedding dress??? Brings to mind the saying "beauty is in the eye of the beholder"!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  15. LOL Tristan, you kill me! I do love those Louie XVI chairs, they are beautiful! I can so see you sitting in one with books stacked asll around you! So nice to have you back home and in the blogging world again! BTW, I finally got one of your swap cards! I LOVE IT!!! Becs

  16. I too have stacks and stacks of books everywhere! I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one!

  17. Good morning dearest Tristan!
    Oh we had a tornado touch down yesterday in Minneapolis, downtown! No one was hurt but this weather is non-stop! So glad to see your marvelous wit and style back on a regular basis. We need Tristan!!!! Love that bookcase! We are adding two rooms in our home, perhaps we shall build one of these......Have fun creating! Anita

  18. Hello Tristan,

    Well...I also have lots of books and magazines...but I have then organized by sections...

    I love your post with all these interesting photos.
    But your posts are always awesome!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  19. WONDERFUL post, Tristan. Your artwork is, as always, beautiful in its detail. In college we made bookcases out of books and boards!

  20. Yikes! A HAIR DRESS? No thanks, what a sadistic thing to do to a bride. I enjoyed the rest of your ramblings of books and beds and booths and recipes as incantation.

  21. Glad to have yu back from all your travels but sorry about the heat, blah!
    Had a chance to see your quilt and collage pieces at Trish Brights house. They are gorgeous :) REALLY!
    Kind Regadrs,

  22. YOu sure have lots of books. Stacked books look nice. Each bounded differently, with different colors - Each has it's own personality.

    Ok, this may not be your style but just take a look at these shelves :-)

    Home Stuff


  23. A house without book is not a home!!

  24. I love that you have books stacked everywhere like me - I love them, they become my friends and I cannot bear to be parted from them! So what a great idea to use them as part of the furniture....

    the poem, well it was delicious, loved it, never heard it before so THANKS for that, i do like to get edu-macated.
    and as for that bridal dress when I saw it in the national papers over here i thought WOW!!! FABULOUS

  25. Tristan, what lyrical ramblings filled with endless tangents that make perfect sense to me. Of course I am now an enthralled follower. Can't wait for more.

  26. Hey - I have that Liz Goldwyn book, too! Actually, I wrote a post about it. A Pink Saturday one, too.

    Your book collection looks like mine! I've just been thinking about going to IKEA for another Billy bookcase, although that would only put a small dent in it.

    That wedding dress makes me feel itchy!

  27. It's nice to know that I'm not alone with the book problem. I wrote a short piece about it for my writing class last winter. It started like this, "I am the architect of a small city of books on the floor next to my bed." Something to that effect. I'd have to go find it to be accurate - it's somewhere in one of those towering book buildings and it could take me too long.

  28. i have bookcases all over my house and yet still have piles of books. that wedding gown is soooo fabulous. i just bought wool and am going to attempt to spin my own yarn. are you decorating for fall yet?
