Monday, August 17, 2009

Art Treats In the Good Old Summertime

I hope everybody is having a wonderful summer, frolicking out in nature, and moving with the rhythms of the breezes ... and wearing lots of sun screen, of course!

As promised about a bazillion years ago, I'm posting a few photos of the art swaps I've been involved in during the past couple months...I've received such wonderful little treasures!!!

First, in the Mad Tea Party Hat swap, at Mad Tea Party Mail Art, I was gifted this outrageous Tower of Pisa hat by Rebecca of Sugar and Spice Art Confections. Isn't it fun?! There are layers and layers of ruffled crepe paper and ball fringe and paper embellishments and ... LOL. It's loaded with goodies!

...and take a look at the top! A complete Alice in Wonderland court scene! I just love it.

This was my contribution, which was sent off to Deborah of The Painted Nest. I got a little carried away, and I think it's way too heavy to wear in the Halloween parade! But I couldn't resist putting the entire tea set on the hat!

This beauty was a private swap with K.C.Willis of Lipstick Ranch. Be sure to click on the photo to see a larger image (as with all photos here!), and look at all the delightful details. This is such a beautiful piece ... it's hanging in my studio now, and I always get inspired when I stop to examine it!
Now, take a look at this absolutely exquisite and lavish masquerade diadem, which was part of a swap at Marie Antoinette Mail Art group. This beauty was created by Cassandra, and I'm just enchanted with it! Feathers and sequins and gold, oh my! It really is extravagant, and the photo just does not do it justice. You can see more of Cassandra's creations by clicking here.
Several months ago, I participated in a 'tag,' in which we were to offer to give a piece of art to three people, who would then gift you with a piece of their art. How lucky was I to have my friend Anne Huskey-Lockard of el Milagro Studios take up the challenge!? I received this evocative piece from Anne. It's a two-sided canvas - with the 'back' of the canvas serving as a shadowbox. It is wonderful wonderful wonderful! I wanted to hang it in my studio, but there was a bit of a tussle over it here, so we have it sitting in our bedroom. I'm not going to hang it, because I was the freedom to turn it from front to back and then reverse it again as the whim grabs me. If you haven't been to Anne's blog, be sure to pay her a visit. Not only is she a fine artist, she's a delightful writer who always can bring a smile ... and be sure to check out her religious vestments - ooh la la! Quite proper, yet oh-so-glam!

This is the piece I sent to Anne. The little saying under the photo is "I know I missed the boat called perfection; but my errors are portals of discovery; and there are times; when a little madness sets me free."

Well, that's it for the art show today! Aren't I the luckiest of boys?! ... so many talented and generous friends!

OH! I have to share with you a recent sale I made!
This came out of the blue - no previous discussion about the work or even a query as to shipping costs! I was quite pleasantly surprised (to say the least) - for a minute. Then, I remembered the old saying, 'if it's too good to be true, it probably is.' When I took it to the bank, I asked the teller if there was a way of verifying it before I deposited it into my account. She called the bank manager over, who told me that there was no way to actually verify it, as it was a computer generated check without an original signature. Then she informed me if it were fraudulent, Bank of America would close my(?!) account for depositing forged checks. I chose to get in touch with the "buyer" and explain the problem. I have never heard from them since. Four-thousand-dollars-easy-come-four-thousand-dollars-easy-go!

Before I head to the studio, and leave you to your own summertime devices, I'm sharing one of the most exquisite pieces of work I've seen in some time. Just look at the detail and workmanship! Astounding...and to be worn UNDER clothing! Nobody would ever see it! I can't imagine the sleeve pouf big enough to cover those shoulder embellishments!

Now, stay cool - and go make something beautiful today!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. I love your pics! Especially the corset - OMG that is gorgeous!! (of course, you knew I'd like that one!)

  2. So much eye candy in this post! Thanks for sharing all of this goodness. Pam

  3. So much to look at in this post!! That corset makes me want to cringe....
    Hot here today... AC running madly!! My fault... I whined too much about such a cold summer!! The Gods are getting even! LOL!!
    Take Care & Stay Cool!

  4. Geez Tristan, I can't believe the check thing!!!!
    I am going to post the piece I received from you; have just had it hung and staring lovingly at it. (okay, I have to take it down and bring it to the studio and *LAZY* comes to mind, but seriously, it is amazing what I see new each time I go by---photos do NOT do it justice!)
    And I want the corset! Yes, I would wear that in a sec, heat or no heat!!! At least if I passed out I would have the figure I did years ago! LOL!!!!!
    And isn't that box canvas a BITCH to photograph????
    Hugs to ya---stay cool!



  5. 1st picture : ))))))))))
    Your pin is fabu! You have received some awesome art gifts. I find artists to be very generous friends!!!!
    As for the check, why would someone do that???? I think there is a special place outside heaven where these people wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Enjoy what's left of summer!!!!!!!!!

  6. You received (and sent) some gorgeous art!

    I know you've got more humidity down there than we do... if you're only one mile from the beach, I'd say GO FOR THAT SWIM!!!!

  7. What remarkable pieces have been flying in AND out of your mailbox!!

    I must say that check is a
    Real Beauty... . congratulations!!!!


  8. I love your exchange pieces you made. The madhatter tea party hat is amazing. I hope your summer is going wonderfully. Have a lovely day. xxoo Valarie

  9. I was starting to wonder whether there was ever going to be another ER post! Now my day seems complete! LOL!
    I adore that corset - where did you find the image?

  10. That hat is simply crazy. As crazy as can be. I would worry about breaking it, or someone else breaking it, if I, say, wore it out on a Saturday night...

  11. I've heard you should never look a gift horse in the mouth. However, a $4000 gift horse would send up red flags for me, too! Good for you for following up! One can't be too careful these days!

    I just got a property tax "reassessment" notification in the mail last week. Good thing I can still read the fine print! It was a piece of hooey! There was a $189 fee attached! Come to find out, it was a scam!

    Now where did I put those reading glasses??!! LOL!!!

    Love the KC collage you got. I traded my Prairie Doves book for one of her collages. It was the perfect piece for my great room! Color and everything! Love it!


  12. Wow, have you had a busy summer, just when I thought August was dragging, there you are with all this wonderful art, thanks for sharing, I would wear that corset "no problem" beautiful piece of couture, nice to see your blog pop up, I'm having a quiet summer
    Kaerie Faerie

  13. Tristan, you are the giver and receiver of so many beautiful creations. And, I love them all.

  14. Tristan, i love all that you shared, especially the piece you made for Anne. mmmm!
    xo lenna

  15. You are indeed lucky to recieve all this beautiful art. I love the mask!! It is an exquisite piece...

  16. LOVE the Mad Hatter hats! Very cool! (Did you see my Mad Hatter party posting last month?)

    Sorry to hear about the "bad" bummer. :(

    I will give moving to New Haven some thought :)

  17. I am so very happy I found your wonderful blog! What beautiful, inspiring and amazing pictures! Thank you for sharing and have a beautiful evening!

  18. TRISTAN!!!! I am so glad you are back! I have missed your wonderful photos and speak...I check here everyday and today..BINGO! Love all your goodies! Nice to have you home..Becs

  19. Hello Tristan,

    That corset is *to die for*...if you have plenty of vapors to keep you from fainting. :0) And...boowhooo on that $4,000 check!

    I wanted you to know that I have extended an award to's the Bella Sinclair award for Art Inspiration…please drop by for a visit when you have a moment to pick it up! :0)

    Have a lovely day,

  20. Dearest Tristan,
    YOU ARE BACK! Thank you for the lovely post of art! I love the diadem and the corset, but of course everything else is magnificent! Oh we missed you so. And thank you for hopping over to le petit théâtre de chimères to visit M. Balzac...the curtain will be going up this coming Saturday for act 2. We would enjoy your presence; bring a loved one and stay a while for hors d'oeuvres! Bisous, Anita

  21. Hello Tristan,

    I am glad you are back!
    Love all these photos...
    Thanks so much for your visit.

    ~ Gabriela ~

  22. I don't care how much your tea party hat weighs, it is fabulous, I'd wear it!

  23. LOVE all the swap goodies! Congrats on your huge sale! Enjoy the rest of your summer!

    Sandy xox

  24. I love the swap creations. That is awful about that $4,000. check. There are some really sad souls out there. How smart of you to check it out first before depositing the check. Never mind, your work is priceless anyway!!!


  25. Tristan, I've missed you. The blog world is just not as much fun when you are away. And I see that everyone agrees....I mean, look at the gifts! Your place must be a real wonderland. Are you happy to see summer go? I am. Later -

  26. Wow, that is totally creepy about the check. why would anyone send that to someone, knowing how it would ruin their financial credibility? What a horrible Trojan Horse!

    You were smart to doubt it.

    But --- It is wonderful to see you blogging again - you must have had a fun and relaxing vacay.

    Love the hats and other pieces you display. The piece you sent your friend Anne is wonderful!

  27. Wow Tristan, sounds like you are having a summer like mine! Good to see you posting again!

    That corset is to die-for!!! Oh my!! Love the goodies that you have exchanged/swapped and also the one you made. They were all a treat to see!
