Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What's the News?

I hope everybody's summer is going swimmingly. (okay, okay, I know, I know, atrocious pun)

We've been out-of-town-in-town-out-of-town and being very busy by doing very little. It's been fun - but it's so hot and muggy everywhere! It's miserable in CT - it's miserable in PA - it's miserable in NYC. How did the world survive before central air conditioning?!

Welcome to all the new followers! I've been very out-of-touch with my blog this month - but I will be getting back in the groove in a few weeks. Thanks for sticking with me.

I've been making and receiving lots of art swap pieces. I'll post pictures when I get my new camera battery. I thought these things were supposed to last forever! But I've received some art work that is gonna knock your socks off!

Okay. I'm off to pick up our sushi take-out dinner. There is no way we're going to heat up the kitchen in this sauna.

Enjoy the summer - and I hope you're making beautiful things!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Hey, it is hot everywhere, I remember the summer in the old house up North, no AC, lots of fans, thank god Lake Mich. is cold LOL. Hope to get up to Chicago this Oct. to cool off!!!
    Looking forward to seeing Vaca Pics, living in FLorida, you don't really take Vacations
    Glad your back

  2. High 80's here in Ohio, very cool for summer. Waiting for August to blast us with heat. Love that dog photo. Keep cool Tristan.

  3. Great to see you, Tristan..Better come to Toronto.. most are complaining its not summer!
    Been lovely in the 70's... quite a bit of rain tho!...began to get humid today tho!
    Rest assured we shall "stick with you" ! There's hope....haha!
    Enjoy your summer!

  4. I'm glad to see you posting again!!!
    It was 104 in Seattle Washington today!!!
    And who say's there's no Global Warming...

    We aren't used to this heat!!

    I called an Indian restaurant and asked if they had air conditioning. And she laughed and said " we came from southern california and we asked about if we needed air conditioning and you said no,it never gets hot here.... you lied to us"


  5. You, my friend, have never left the groove.

  6. Hey Tristan---humidity is part of Indiana Summers; it's humid here even when it's cool! (which makes for miserable allergies....)
    I absolutely LOVE-LOVE-LOVE the dog picture!!!! I either had that on a card or saw it somewhere before, but delighted to see it again and to *hear* from you on here again.
    At least one of us is traveling! LOL!!!
    Take care and chill out under the A/C. the studio is a good place to be at this time of year.


  7. The Cape is horribly hot, too! And everyone is packed onto the beaches like canned sardines. Your take-out sushi sounds soooo good! There's a new sushi place on the Cape; maybe I'll try it out this week!

  8. Good to see you back,'ve been missed. Know what you mean about the heat...I haven't used my oven since July 3rd, was in charge of the dessert for the 4th's family get together. Here it's hot, 3 digits, and dry for now, but our little swamp cooler just can't keep up with the heat...blah!!!

  9. did we survive without A/C??? Looking forward to seeing your swap items! ~Lori

  10. Hey Tristan!!
    You should have come to NE Pa!! We have yet to break 85 degrees & although there is some humidity we have yet to need the AC on yet!! Our nites are in the 50's & 60's & like today it is sunny & in the upper 70's!!
    Wait.... in January I will start to complain about all the snow & cold!!
    Glad to have you back!!

  11. You are lucky to be hot!! It's been a cool and rainy summer up here in Toronto.
    Glad to know that you'll be back!

  12. i hate the heat and loved it when it was rainy and cloudy! I know I'm weird.
    Stay cool!

  13. Hello Kiddo,

    This is the Mexican coast checking in with the weather. It's HOT and HUMID the unbrellas sweat rags, fans and every other device known to man to assist in cooling are all in over drive!!

    Drop by my blog I left a couple of ideas I do to keep the miracle shoe wax from rubbing off. :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  14. Tristan! We miss you so much, but thanks ever so much for coming to visit me a post back. It has been a busy but productive summer. I can't wait to see your lovely creations. Drink lots of water out there in that sauna of yours! We are having mild summer temps out here in the Twin Cities. Bisous, Anita

  15. Hello Tristan, has been cool here in Toronto {thanks God!} and rainy...{I don't mind, it's good for plants and trees}...
    Could you live with 20 to 25 degrees Celsius? I can! Forever!

    Glad you are back!

    P.S. I want to see photos if you took some where you went! :O)

    ~ Gabriela ~

  16. Hi Tristan,

    It's been really hot here too but thank God it is a dry heat....not quite as bad. I like to stay inside all day if I can. We walk the dog about 7:30 in the evening because it is nice and cool by then. I am looking forward to seeing your photos. I think a lot of bloggers neglect their blog a little in the summer...everyone is so busy. Sushi take out....sounds heavenly. We had a place in our mall that delivered sushi but it closed. So sad. Enjoy your summer !!!!

  17. glad you're back. I hear it's in the 100s in Seattle, which blows my mind.

    Don't hate me because it's 70 degrees here in Santa Monica and the sun is shining.

  18. The pic in this blog is priceless! Absolutely love it!

  19. Hey Tristan, enjoy the heat we have long winters. Love your pink. Enjoy your time off.

  20. Hi has been rainy and cold in Colorado. Wednesday it was only 54 degrees out. I am ready for the sun again. I can't wait to see what you are working on. Valarie

  21. we're missing you on Pink Saturdays. ;-)

  22. Haha, that little crazy freckly blonde dog looks like me in the morning! lol

  23. Tristan! Glad you are back with us! I was beginning to wonder if you were just gonna stay on vacation! BEcs

  24. Hello Tristan,Also welcome back.Yes its so hot and muggy,And way down here in South Miss and New Orleans, triple digits arn't unusual.I remember not having air in the early 50's.I guess we are now a nation of softies.Thats sad we cannot do without air cond.
    I do hope you had a wonderful summer, and looking forward to seeing all the treasures you came across.I myself became the owner of an assortment of motley dolls.But I'll do my best by them.I posted them,if you would like to see them.Take care...Keep Cool...Hugs Marie Antionette
    PS Please excuse all spelling and typos...I still have the TIA's effects...LOL

  25. You will just have to come to Scotland to cool off, Tristan! Nature does the job of air conditioning here.
    Love the adorable pair on the pink settee!

  26. Tristan dearest!
    You know I thought of you when I was doing this post and wondered if you had ever seen this movie; but of course, you are well versed in theatre and cinema so it doesn't surprise me that you had already seen it. I am glad to see you and I hope that you are having a blast creating! Don't miss my Pink Saturday post this coming weekend! Bisous, Anita

  27. It's been humid here the past few days too (I'm in PA) but overall, much cooler than previous years!

    Love the photo of the dogs, lol...

    Stay cool,
    ~ Carolee

  28. l o v e l y

    agneta from sweden

  29. Tristan, I've missed your Enchanted Revelry. Thanks for taking the time from your busy, busy schedule to send a summer greeting. I had a lousy month off. Lousy. Broken air-conditioner, jury duty (not chosen, thank god), people needed their pets watched. You should have called me. That darling mutt would not have been on the Pratesi sheets!

  30. Bonjour Tristan! Thanks for popping by! WE ADORE YOU and hope you are enjoying some time off. Thanks for your comments, they do mean a lot to me! Grosses Bises, Anita

  31. Dearest Tristan,
    I am having a really wonderful, quiet morning and it gave me a chance to visit old posts of my favorite bloggers...I went all the way back to January and read all the incredible random things about you!!! You are so amazing! I love the pictures of your mom and dad. You are very special, Tristan. Iwould love to hear more about how you changed the dress and hair code for your school, involving a Greyhound bus and the police! Please give us more! Anita

  32. You always have the absolute BEST photos on your blog! Here in TN I can say with a smile that we've had a really super nice, unusually "cooler" summer. I wish I could send it to all of those having a miserable hot summer. We put the AC window unit in my computer room and I haven't had to turn it on once. it sounds like I'm bragging. lol But I spent 20+ years in FL so I've had my share of miserable hot weather. ;-)

  33. Hope you are enjoying your summer, and keeping cool... I LOVE that picture of the dogs, so cute.

    xo Heather

  34. I'm in MA and we've mostly had rain and cool weather all summer until this last week.
    Those dogs are a little creepy, but I love their chair.
    I hope you'll stop by my book giveaway that is going on all this week.

  35. Such an exciting summer this year for you!

    Have a Great Pink Saturday!

  36. I've been having laptop issues thus I am on our slow PC. Most times it won't load your blog so I can't even read it let alone comment. Today I waited and waited so it would finally come up...I wanted to drop of a hug and hello. Sounds like you've been busy and can't wait to see the art swap stuff.
    I agree, it's been hot everywhere, there is no real respite place but in front of the AC!
    Will check back again and hopefully it will be on the laptop.
    Art on friend,

  37. Hi Tristan! Keep that AC running!
    Enjoy pink Saturday!
    xo Tami

  38. Happy Pink Saturday, and Happy Summer. Today it was really nice here in Massachusetts. Hope our cold patch breezes to where you are.


    P.S. your painting should be to you by Monday.

  39. I love the way you said it, "very busy by doing very little" - thats my goal for August when Diva Tours are closed and I'm suppose to be catching up on proposals and paperwork, but I'd rather take my book and a pile of magazines to the balcony and watch the world go by!

  40. Hi Tristan.

    You know I am always delighted every time I come visit you. I am glad you're busy and enjoying the summer. I've been creating pieces too and not blogging much at all. But I did want to touch base and invite you over.

    My new blog site is up - Yippee! Please come visit. I now have my fabulous finished faerie boxes listed in a post - they are just yummy, go have a look; )

    Next it's back to more tapestries, I have a series in the works, plus a couple others I'm excited about. So much inspiration, so little time!

    Remember, I am now at so please change any links you may have!


  41. Hello Tristan,

    Well, I'm sure you've read that I just recently moved into our home in the Smokies? Yeah, you know that. :0) Well, I'm used to (No, not really) the HOT HUMID climate of the Gulf Coast and deep south.

    Even Memphis, Tennessee is like living on the coast..I guess since it's so close to the Mississippi River..that humidity and heat just HANGS like a veil.

    Here in the Smokies so far I've enjoyed 70's and 80's..the past few days it's gone into the 90's..totally amazing..I've never felt such cool temps in the summer...everyone says that it's NOT the norm though.

    Anyhow, just wanted to drop by to say hello. I look forward to your return and to see your creations.

    Stay cool and creative :0),

  42. It's time to come out and play. ;-)

  43. i seem to be very busy accomplishing little...keep cool...hugs, rebecca

  44. Alright, Mr. Tristan. It's August 16 and time for you to make a new post to your blog. Where else am I suppose to get my culture from?! :O)

  45. Bonjour Tristan! I was just checking up on you...we miss you terribly! Like Bill says up above, where in thee Sam Hill are we supposed to get our weekly dose of culture, couture and whimsy? I hope you are well and happy. Come by my little theatre, I created another silly play. Hey, at least I'm creating, n'est-ce pas? Bisous, Anita

  46. Hi Tristan! I hope you get batteries for your camera soon! Love looking at all of your fun posts! Thanks for popping in to say hello!

    Have a great week!
