Thursday, May 21, 2009

What Did I Do Today?

After four full days of making art and ... a huge mess ... I spent today going from trash to

better organized trash.

And it only took five hours.
Mom would be so proud.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Looks great! Seems like we both took a few hours today just organize our "mess". Check out my post when you get a chance. Have nice evening! Vanessa

  2. That's not organized trash... it's a coveted stash in my book!

    Thanks for the visit; I hope I didn't leave too much of a mess with those breadcrumbs I left behind! =O

  3. Wow! Looks great! Hey, I almost bought that caddy from Michael's too! ;D

  4. Dang, your mom would be proud Tristan! That's not trash them's fabulous art fixins. Now I am ashamed and will have to do some cleaning of my own. Sigh...

  5. That is pretty organized, looks decorated, very nice, Hey, I'm proud, at least you can see it all! I'm so organized that I forget where I put stuff. I miss polo-roids you could tape a pic on a box, it would help in my old age
    Kaerie Faerie

  6. have one of those cool caddies from Michael's. I'm going to have to check into getting one of those.

  7. Storage in action is a beautiful thing.

  8. Well done you.I spent the day dreaming about YOUR ruby red slippers!
    Love Debs xx

  9. ...lovely! i can straighten mine too...then it the it takes on a life of it's own...and WANTS to be that way...what does it want to HIDE? LOL...good job!

  10. Something I hate to do BUT always feel so-o-o-o-o good after I do!!!!
    Have a Great Weekend!!

  11. I SOOOOOOOOO need you at my studio.......beg, plead..... ;)


    P.S. It just looks too damned fantastic!

  12. Okay - completely envious of your organizational skills!!

    I'm afraid my work space has become most of the house - shipping supplies in the dining room, unfinished wood under the piano, finished and unfinished work literally everywhere. A friend who visited recently said "it looks like Michaels threw up in here!" Haha...

    What can I say - I'm organizationally impaired. ;)

    ~ Carolee

  13. Admirable!
    I could do with a magic wand to get my life in order!It would take a lot longer than five hours I fear.

    Greetings from Michele..from over the pond.

  14. jeez louise even your trash is handsome!!! you know where i live, right???

  15. Boy I know that feeling. It looks great! When I was sick (a couple weeks ago) I organized mine, but by the current looks of it you would never know it.

  16. Not only better organized, but extremely attractive. Great job. Now, what time will you be over to help in my workroom?

  17. You did a great job - so organized and "pretty" looking. Only 5 hours? It takes me twice that long, because I get sidetracked looking through stuff. I really should tackle my room tomorrow.

  18. Your treasure wall sure looks organized, unlike my house at the moment. All the boxes and movers and my hubbys idea of keeping the AC full blast so the movers are comfortable is driving me nuts! ACHOO!

  19. Where's the dust...I don't see any has to be there somewhere....
    I wish my studio looked this pretty. I am very utilitarian in my approach. It it ain't broke, use it...but I WISH just once that I could have that fabulous Elle Decor look!
    Lovely Tristan! Inspiring too!
