Friday, May 22, 2009

Morbidity, Faberge, the Gales of Kansas, and a Tease for Pink Saturday

I don't know why, but I can never see enough Fabergé eggs. They just amaze me.

Carl Fabergé and his goldsmiths designed and constructed the first egg in 1885. It was commissioned by Czar Alexander III of Russia as an Easter and 20th anniversary surprise for his wife Czarina Maria Fyodorovna.

On the outside it looked like a simple egg of white enameled gold, but it opened up to reveal a golden yolk. The yolk itself had a golden hen inside it, which in turn had a tiny crown with a ruby hanging inside, reminiscent of the Matryoshka nesting dolls.

Empress Maria was so delighted by this gift that Alexander appointed Fabergé a "Court Supplier" and commissioned an Easter gift each year thereafter, stipulating only that it be unique and contain a surprise. His son, Nicholas II of Russia continued the tradition, annually presenting an egg each spring to his wife Alexandra Fyodorvna as well as his then-widowed mother.

From 1885, the eggs were produced almost every year. Once an initial design was approved, the work was carried out by an entire team of artisans under Peter Carl Fabergé, among them Michael Perkhin, Henrik Wigstrom and Erik August Kollin.

The Imperial eggs enjoyed uttermost fame and Fabergé made some 15 known eggs for just a few selected private clients, such as the Duchess of Marlborough, the Nobels, the Rothschilds and the Yusupovs. Among them is a series of 7 eggs made for the industrialist Alexander Kelch. In addition, 8 eggs were made. They are not as extravagant as the Imperial eggs, and are not as original, often repeating designs that originated with the Imperial eggs.

Of 105 jewled eggs made byPeter Carl Fabergé and his assistants between 1885 and 1917, only sixty-nine are known to survive.

Tell the truth. Seriously. Doesn't this look like the Gales of Kansas reality show? There's Auntie Em and Uncle Henry and Dorothy sitting in front of the three hired hands.

I hope the show makes it long enough for Dorothy to get to Oz.

So what is this strangely bizzare and oddly fascinating photo about? I mean, that's some rather - um - unusual make up and costuming.
Actually, it's a photo that is included in this exhibit. I wish I could be in The Big Easy before June 6th to take in this seems fascinating. And, perhaps, best viewed after two martinis. Click on the image to go to the gallery's site to read/see more about it.

Aren't these wild animal inspired jewels from Cartier pretty spectacular - or spectacularly pretty - or something?!

They are my tease for the day. They have (well, SORT of) something to do with tomorrow's Pink Saturday post and contest! Check in tomorrow to see who won Maude from last week's contest ... and what the contest tomorrow is about. You'll actually have to - gasp! - think a liiiiiittle bit on this one!

Now, go out there and make something beautiful - do it for the Gipper!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. I'm ready for the contest tomorrow! I get the idea after last week's contest. I'm blonde. It takes me awhile! And I'm always ready to go to the Big Easy...I don't need an excuse, but that does exhibit does look fascinating!


  2. Oye Kiddo,

    I'm so behind on visits, I haven't been a very good Bloglandian friend this week :( Sooo I'm combining a couple of comments into one.

    Oh if I had only known you were looking for little ruby slippers!! I had a pair now I have one 5 inch little ruby glittered Mary Jane. I sent the other shoe to a friend who makes pin cushions in baby shoes. You are more then welcome to the one I have and there might even be a chance to retrieve the other one. :)

    Oh you have truly fine tuned your collaging talents!! I'm over the moon with "Belle *" I think you might enjoy a chance to create using your new and improved skills?? How about joining some of us in a round robin-- around the world treasure hunt?? Stop by my blog see what you think.

    Love ya I'm off to create a cup cosy for a challenge that is looming ever closer!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  3. O.K. Tristan... I'm ready for the contest!! I so-o-o-o enjoy these but like the Scarecrow lamented... "If I only had a brain!!"
    Love Ya', Love Ya',
    See Ya' Tomorow!!

  4. Yep...thats what I want for my not just one...aaalll of Well guess I could go without the spooky make-up, doing without that just fine (spooky?).
    Ruby shoes? I do make fairy are welcome to one or two of
    Have a great day and thanks for inspiring and sharing!

  5. Those eggs are simply crazy. I'm just speechless. Crazy I tell you. Would look good on my mantelpiece. A whole row of them.

  6. I always thought Faberge eggs are lovely. Okay, the picture of the woman is unsettling and fascinating like you said.
    All that sparkly jewelery you are showing, it's going to be a Fab Pink Saturday.

  7. Oh, you are a tease, Tristan!...
    first, the gorgeous,
    the Cartier jewelry...
    wooohoo, life is grand!
    and so are you! lol!

  8. For one who loves rust and wrinkles and oddities .. . I must admit to a bit of soft spot for Faberge.

    The brothers at A La Vielle Russie have wonderful trinkets , mostly stashed in their upstairs office.
    I was once invited up to see something "very special." Out came what appeared to be s small jeweled gun -- - which they handed to me and asked that I pull the trigger.
    I pointed it away from the assembled group and pulled.

    Out came a perfumed hankerchief!!

    Sadly , I had to return it to the vault.


  9. Hello Tristan! Wow, you blog so fast! I didn't have a chance to visit your last blog, but this one is so great! I love the little carriage. What "divine" inspiration! Have a great Pink Saturday! Anita

  10. Hi Tristan.

    Loved today's post...those eggs are simply marvelous! I also was amused at the picture of the in Kansas and all!

    Speaking of Kansas...I had to laugh at your post regarding the Ruby Slipper ebay purchase. Has anyone told you that you can get "toddler" size Ruby Slippers at Tar-jay? We are on our 3rd pair of Ruby Slippers in our household...not me, the four-year old.

    Speaking of which, you might actually enjoy an older post of mine about Ruby Slippers. If you have a moment, hop over and look in my archives under March 2009. The post is titled "70 Years of Oz Oh My" and features Mary Catherine's well-worn, but much-loved Ruby Slippers.

    I'd give them to you (I'm sure a little glue and glitter could fix them up), but I can't bear to part with them yet!

    Signing off with Toto,

  11. Ohhh! I'm swooning over that Faberge egg with the lily of the valley! Those eggs have always amazed me.

  12. The Faberge eggs are so exquisite! That was a very interesting history you gave of them. I really never knew anything about them, except for the fact that they're beautiful...and expensive! Great post! ~Lori

  13. I love Faberge eggs too! I think it is more that they are miniatures and so delicately detailed.

    I'm memorized by them, certainly.

  14. I've always been fascinated by the artistry and fabulousness of Fabrerge eggs, however I did not know the full extent of their history - thanks for posting that Tristan!

    I confess, I also have a fascination with morbid
    curiousities and that show looks like it would be super interesting. I did check out the sites and the blog - lots and lots of fascinating pics.

    As to your teaser? Don't have a clue, but the images are sure beautiful.

    Happy Memorial Day weekend to you Tristan!

  15. Re: Morbid Anatomy Cabinet

    Evocative, fascinating and pretty damn scary. The exhbit's probably memorable.

  16. well its almost midnite so all ive done is take a quick peek at pix but omg! THANK YOU FOR THE BEAUTY!!! will come back tomorrow for a closer look, but the faberge eggs especially, how divine!

  17. Somebody please invent a new word for swoon.
    xoxoRhonda Roo

  18. Wow. From Imperial Eggs to corpses and serpents! What a wild ride we're on! I love the lily-of-the-valley egg.

    I'm going to google the exhibit, that sounds fascinating!

  19. What an interesting blog you have! I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  20. Hooray for contests!
    I have always been intrigued by the story behind the Faberge eggs.
