Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Belle and Maude and Ulla and Regentka ...

I finished up Belle Starr yesterday. Actually, the quote is about Belle Starr...I'm not sure who the photo is. I've had this photo for a long time and always knew I wanted to use her in a wallhanging.

Here are a few detail shots of the embellishments.
The quote is the carving on Belle Starr's headstone:
"Shed not for her the bitter tear
Nor give the heart to vain regret
Tis but the casket that lies here
The gem that fills it sparkles yet."

I ran across this collage, which is a poster for a retrospective film exhibition of the Spanish screenwriter and director, Gonzalo Suárez Morilla. I thought the use of black and white images contrasted with the colour use in a few of the images was very striking and effective. Movie posters don't usually do much for me - they always seem to be about the same movie...or, at the least, about the same type of movie being advertised. This collaged cinema poster was not only beautifully made, but intrigues me and and makes me wish I could attend the festival. If only I could make it over to Madrid for the week.

This gorgeous Victorian Folly was posted yesterday by Ulla at Ullabenulla. Be sure to click on the image so it will grow and you can examine the details.
In architecture, a folly is a building constructed strictly as decoration, having none of the usual purposes of housing or sheltering associated with a conventional structure. In the 18th century, English gardens and French landscape gardens, they often represented Roman temples, and symbolized classical virtues or ideals. Other 18th century garden follies represented Chinese temples, Egyptian pyramids, ruined abbeys, or Tartar tents, to represent different continents or historical eras. Sometimes they represented rustic villages, mills and cottages, to symbolize rural virtue. "Folly" is used in the sense of fun or light heartedness, not in the sense of something ill-advised.

Ulla wrote, "Victorians loved to create elaborate 'tableaux' for holidays and other special occasions. Often these tableaux mimicked architectural follies popular at the time, which were miniature, nonfunctional buildings designed to enhance the natural landscape." She is giving a workshop at Castle in the Air, where she will help her students create their own Victorian Folly. This is a photo of her class sample. I think it's just lovely.

Be sure to check her website for all the information about the class (Ullabenulla). I wish I
could be there! Unfortunately, I live on the other ocean! Or check out the fabulous store where she gives classes - Castle in the Air. it's one of my shopping goals in life to go there with an all new fresh clean credit card and abuse it until it hemorrhages. This website store has the most terrific opening splash page ever!

Just a reminder ... only 36 more hours until I announce the winner of Maude Always Dresses for Spring When in Paris. If you haven't entered yet, click on the image and leave a message on last Sundays posting! Winner will be announced on Beverly's Pink Saturday post.

By the way - a new contest coming up for this week's Pink Saturday! Be there or be - well - not pink.

Today, I am completely revising, reorganizing, restoring and regrouping my studio. I've let things get way too out of hand ... and for a compulsive neatnik like me, it's impossible to be productive in this post-war Dresden environment. I always like to think that I'm going to get something beautiful made during the day - but I fear the only thing beautiful I'll be creating is an empty work table to sit at!

Have a wonderful day! I hope you make something beautiful today - take the pressure off me!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥

Did you notice that I almost made it out of here without mentioning Adam not winning American Idol? Phooey. End of subject.


  1. I am enchanted by your artwork! I'm a lurker who can't stand being a lurker here any longer! =O

  2. My studio needs SERIOUS work, and I don't feel like all the stretching and bending and just plain DECISIONS! What to keep, what to go. ACK. MAybe I should just hire you; you'd have a lot of fun going through all the once you were over the shock of the MESS!!!
    I have sympathy for you, but you'll get yours done and I'll still be whining!!!!


  3. Belle Starr is stunning! So many beautiful things to find in this piece. I am laughing about the studio clean-up, good luck...LOL..

  4. Gorgeous work Tristan. I so want to go to Castles in the Air one day too. I looks like an enchanted and enchanting place to shop.

  5. so glad to of found your delightful blog... I too could use a studio clean up!

  6. I like the saying from Belle's headstone, and I really love how you incorporated it into this piece.

    That cinema poster is SO cool!

  7. Oh yeah...I almost forgot to add that ADAM SO SHOULD HAVE WON!!! He has some crazy awesome vocals! ~Lori

  8. ...been a bit...with moving...i'm living in a sea of boxes! ah june 1st can't come fast enough! although i will then have a studio in the LIGHT OF DAY..(as opposed to the basement...) YOUR ART IT STUNNINGLY SPLENDID! eyecandy extraordinaire! I too...KNOW that ADAM WAS ROBBED...but alas...history shows that most of the WINNERS...are currently nonexistant today...and if you rewatch the moments right after the announcement...even kris said...adam deserved it...

    hugz and love!

  9. As always, a delight to the eyes and the senses even if vicariously. Thanks again, Tristan for sharing a bit of your world.

  10. Tristan! I'm loving your collages! Belle is a beauty! and your studio is looking fantastic - love your variety of containers, and is that chartreuse I see on the walls??? Wow!
    Thank you for the class plug - another one I need to put on PDF now!
    p.s. there was a lot of angry yelling in this house too when Adam didn't win...

  11. Your collage turned out perfectly. I think it is 1 of your best, so much to see, but balance and harmony too!

  12. Belle Star is amazing. I always love your pieces.

  13. Tristan, your collage work is soooooooooo cool! The slight primitive edginess of them mixed with the tiny bit of glitz is fabulous. You do it in such a way that it really works!

    Argh, I've been busy with some private commission work and my studio (which was organized less than a month ago) is again a disaster.

  14. Always in awe by your creations...
