Monday, May 11, 2009

It's the Perfect Glorious Spring Morning! It's Good to be Alive!

The weekend is over and the festivities of Mother's Day have come to a close. I enjoyed reading so many of your blogs and your lovely tributes to both your mothers and your own children. I laughed a little and teared up a little a few times. But, on to my less-than-touching tribute to my mother ...
Thanks to Peggy at Peggy's Mixed Up Art, I got the link to send my Mom this little tribute from CNN. Just click's worth the 30 seconds, I think.

Maude Always Dresses for Spring When in Paris
Okay. Here's my entry in the monthly challenge at Mind Wide Open Fragments of Inspiration. Every month, Gail supplies an image and the challenge is to use it in a piece of artwork of some genre or style. This month was a lovely little poster of a showgirl with the Eiffel Tower in the center. Please click on the image above to see all the entries - there are some real beauts! And - if you think you like mine - please leave a vote for me! The winner of this little challenge receives a gift certificate from Gail's shop - and we can all use some goodies to play with, right?! Clicking on the little mini-theatre image above will take you to the contest ... and some really nice art work.

In searching out images to use on my work being produced for the Collage Camp, I found this cabinet card. Now, is it just me, or does this woman look as if she's forty years early to play the Bride of Frankenstein? I know that they didn't have the same access to hairdressers as women do today - but, did anybody think this looked good? ... or that it should be memorialized on film?! I remember girls who stayed home from high school because they had bad perms that weren't as bad as this!

Isn't this photo adorable? A long-lost-and-newly-refound friend, Sue, took this on her lovely upstate New York property. The mother had popped the baby in there to keep him safe from a crow!

Today, I'm going to work on finishing up these two collages that I started over the weekend. The first one here is a cowgirl (whose name escapes me at the moment) who is known as being the first woman to ever wear trousers in a rodeo. I have no idea why the images that are printed on the canvas are so difficult to photograph, but I've given up trying. This still needs some writing and some embellishments and some focal interest. But I like the composition thus far.
Of course, even working with stained and torn fabrics and rusted findings and clumps of lint and threads, I can't stay completely away from sparkle and shimmer! I've used some German glass glitter on this one - as well as putting some gold leaf and copper leaf flakes on the image of the circus girl and her horse. I also think the piece of beaded chiffon (torn from an old dress) adds a nice touch of faded vintage show-biz glamour. Nothing has been actually sew down yet (except the image on top of the cardboards and art papers. I may have to wait to finish this one until my order of red stripe mattress ticking arrives. This one needs a lot of stuff yet! But it's start.
Here's my overnight results of using the instant rusting products! I'm really impressed with how much it looks like rust! Well, I guess it is rust - but it doesn't looks like "instant" rust! I'm particularly fond of the rusted photo corners, which are really pieces of balsa wood architectural details for doll houses! Don't they look like rusted metal now?!

I found this wonderful late 19th century circus toy at an online auction yesterday. I was determined to get it. But, I had to drop out at a couple hundred dollars - too rich for my blood! But, then, this morning I see what a joke it was that I even tried - it sold for $1275. Oh, well. In another life 0r another time 0r another auction. But, I can still enjoy the photo! Isn't it just a magical toy?! I'm sure some child spent hours being enchanted with it ... I know I would have been! Be sure to click on the photo to enlarge and see how beautifully made it is!

Well, I suppose while I'm feeling artsy and gritty and vaguely deluded and artistically challenged, I should go make some art.I'm going to try to make something beautiful ... how about you? Are you up to creating some beauty in the world today? Take the challenge....
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. Tristan:

    I need you! The sewing machine I ordered just came in and my creativity is being killed by the thought of trying to figure this sucker out! I love the work you have been doing for Camp! I especially like the cowgirl who was the first to wear pants! Yes, that circus toy is too too cool! Wouldn't it be nice to be rich? Sigh. If I ever get my sewing machine figured out, I will be so excited!


  2. Mr. Sparkle Goes Rusty!
    A perfect contradiction to keep things interesting.

    Love your collage camp pieces ... .
    and the darling dancing Maude -

    You've had quite the creative week!


  3. As always I Love, Love, Love your post!! Am glad Mother's Day is over... always kinda' tough day.
    Any Way... I remember a rusting agent that I used on metal things when I had my Miniature Business. It was called "Bug Juice". I don't remember what company made it but it did work quick!!
    Have a Good One!

  4. And your mum blew those balloons up all by herself?


    And what a cute little squirrel. Of course in his den in the tree are probably evil plots of world domination.

  5. Okay, details, details. What rusting product did you use???? Inquiring minds want to know.....
    As to the one woman, was she related in any way to Don King? That hair is beyond comment. I mean, I have had EXTREMELY bad hair days, especially after bleach, color, bleach and color mistakes (yes, same time)....but thank heavens I never turned out like that.....!
    It does beg for you to do something with it!


  6. Well, you know you have my vote! I always love your work! And I too would love to know what you used to rust those beauties.

    Hope you are doing well! Thank you so much for always leaving me comments on my blog. It means SO MUCH to me!



  7. Beautiful artwork. Love what you are doing with the cowgirl (first to wear pants). I also think the photo of the "I think I saw a ghost" girl in the photo is really, really sad! Her mother should have known better than to place a flower in that hair!!

    As usual, I find your post utterly charming and full of life. Love the last photo...think he may be a little "touched in the head". HAHA


  8. Hello Tristan,

    Love the baby squirrel! Adorable!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  9. Hello Tristan,

    Love the baby squirrel! Adorable!

    ~ Gabriela ~

  10. I love your mind. I love your art. I love your blog!!!! You give me such joy, Tristan! Ciao, Anita

  11. Your western inspired art is coming out just dandy. I specially loved that Mother's Day link you put up :)

  12. Now you know why your mum always warned you about sticking your tongue on the wall socket :)

    So are you rusting non metal stuff with your magic rust juice??

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  13. Your piece is awesome; so much gorgeous detail. That lady's hair is wild! Love your rusted pieces. What did you use for the effect?

  14. Hey Tristan, another great post! You got my vote, love what you created. I am loving your collage camp work, and the rusty pieces are fab! Squirrel is pretty darned cute too.

  15. Ok..I can see I'm going to be hooked on reading your posts....I want to pop balloons...rust things...hold baby suirrels...give that poor woman a comb and see that circus in person!
    And tell you I love your MWO entry...grin

  16. Great post.......whew, that gal's hair is realllllllllly scary!

    Blessings and smiles,

  17. I love your theaters. So beautiful!

  18. Tristan, my sis sent me the same CNN video as a Mom's Day greeting - thought it was a terrific idea!

    Your posts are always so all the tidbits you include - always a joy to read (and digest? LOL)

  19. Love your entry piece!! Beautiful! Thanks for commenting on mine too!!

  20. You didn't use the photo of the lady with the "HAIR" ??lol. I love your rusted photo corners!!! I'm going to get some of that rusty stuff today! Laurie

  21. Why hello there! Love all those fabulous vintage images! And those are the most wellbehaved dorm girls ever ;)
    Are you in KC's collage camp? I am too...trying to get my first one together :)

  22. That "Bride of Frankenstein" photo is absolutely fascinating to me. I think its beautiful, but indeed it is a wonder. When and how was that.. "hairstyle" (term used loosely..) ever considered.. a hairstyle? Was she some sort of bohemian?


    You come up with the greatest photos. Where do you find them?


  23. And I thought I have had some bad hair days! The baby squirrel is SOOOO adorable!!! ~Lori
