Monday, May 11, 2009

Does Anything Change?

I am totally fascinated by these photos. They are taken of a woman's dorm room in 1904. Click on the photos to enlarge and really get a good look at the details in these rooms!

Too many people in one room - music, studying, and writing all going on at the same time .... souvenirs and knick-knacks and photos of friends all over the walls ... dried flowers from long past dates and dances ... extension cords running from the outlets because there are never enough electrical sources ... a mostly-dead fern on the window sill. Has anything really changed? It all seems pretty much the way I remember my years in college!

I also love the hanging remembrances and hand-crafts. So much time and care taken with things that today would probably be bought in a Hallmark store and sent out in the post for a quickie-make-do greeting.

I've seen many beautiful recreations of Victorian rooms in films ... but none have the uniquely personal (and dusty!) appearance of these dorms!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ Tristan ♥


  1. I love the wastebasket and the little mask that hangs in the corner above the bed in the ladies room. It's really neat to see the girl in the dress sitting on the floor jotting away.

  2. My dorm room had a box fan in the window, a trashcan full of iced Miller High Life in the closet, a poster on the wall of Dennis Hopper flipping the bird in Easy Rider and a close up shot of Rod Stewart's ass hanging over the bed. My, my, how times have changed!


  3. Both photos are fascinating Time Capsules ... .
    great finds, Tristan .


  4. oh they are absolutely gorgeous!!

  5. Oooh, I love the bathrobes and kimonos the women are wearing. Where did you find these photos, they're great!

  6. Did you notice one of the gals has her feet perched upon a pillow? Fun!! Where are earth do you find these pics!


  7. Lovely, great iron bed too, but is that a scratch on the photo or a wire? I spent a few seconds thinking it was a scratch on my screen!!

  8. These pics remind me of the hours I would spend when I was little looking through the Stereoscope at my Grandmas. I remember being amazed at all the "stuff" in the rooms!!
    Have a Great Day!!

  9. You post the most unusual photos. Wherever do you find them?
    As you might imagine from the kind of artwork I do, my dorm room was crazy tidy....I look at these photos and want to put stuff away! LOL

  10. Wonderful photos with amazing details! The rooms look a lot like certain relative's homes I remember from years ago and many dorm rooms, too. The kimonos are wonderful. No comment on the clutter because I live in a hundred and one year old tiny house that has this same mood. Thanks for always finding such wonderful images. Have a creative spring day!

  11. In all the Victorian photos I've seen--and it's been a LOT--I don't recall seeing a dorm room. The thing that strikes me is eventhough it's just a dorm, there is a particular opulence in the simplicity. I think I would have preferred a room like this over the one I had......most definitely!

  12. That room might stink with all the yukky water in vases and dead Poor fern. Sorry, thats the first think that came to my mind. I am too ocd about smells I guess. Goes to show though, all that is revelaed in a photo.

  13. You know, nothing does change. Maybe how things look on the outside, but on the inside, everyone has had the same hormones, dreams and pursuits! Vintaging is really a fun history lesson!! Have a great day sweet Tristan, Anita

  14. I'm sure my daughters dorm room would not exsist with out a coffee maker a TV and a fridge, OH! and a lap top. But beleive me the dust and dead plants go with the decor.LOL, Heidi

  15. Great pics Tristan (you know how much I love vintage photos). I particularly like ones like these that you can spend hours studying and
    discovering enchanting little details!

  16. Wonderful photos. Don't you wish time travel was possible? Not to interact really, just to peek into the decor and lifestyles gone by.

  17. I love old photos. If only we could step inside them, even just for a few minutes. Wouldn't that be wonderful! I wonder what they would have looked like in colour too. Thanks for sharing them. Lucyxx

  18. I got completely caught up in these photos....the first one I covet their robes, ha! It's a very personal room indeed and the atmosphere at once felt cozy and homey to look at. So much to look at. The second photo the pennants caught my eye...was this the room of a Wesleyan student. It definitely appears to be a females room so I nosed about to find only a handful of females were admitted to that college between 1872-1912. So was this one of those...and was she class of '04. I also nosed about to see if there was a sorority called Athena...can't find it. I love the tea set and tilting teapot. Oh how I wish I could see the colors of the bedding and all those pillows. I could stare at these photos for hours, I'd use magnifying glass to catch every missing detail as they are both so rich with momentos and photos and things. Wherever do you find the images you do???

  19. Oh man do I love old Victorian photos, especially of their ultra cluttered rooms. What I wouldn't give to step right into one of these pictures and get to play with everything in the room! I have that same Gibson girl picture that's on the wall in the second pic, such a modern girl am I! Thx, Tristorian, for the little look into the past!

    m ^..^
